September 16, 2019

Addressing the Healthcare Worker Shortage

World Health Organization

Topic: Addressing the Healthcare Worker Shortage

The recent coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic threw into sharp relief an issue that developing nations have been emphasizing for decades—the importance of a well-trained and resilient healthcare workforce that is able to meet the needs of sick and injured people across the world. An insufficient supply of healthcare workers means that hospital beds are full, wait times are long, patient safety is compromised, preventative care is missed, and the overall health and wellbeing of a population suffers. The United Nations highlighted the importance of this issue as part of the Sustainable Development Goals,  specifically under Goal 3: Good Health and Wellbeing. The World Health Organization currently projects a shortage of up to 10 million healthcare workers by 2023, with the majority of the shortages taking place in lower or middle income countries. Without a vast increase in the stock of healthcare workers, meeting other international health priorities, and indeed, economic and social priorities, is near impossible


Workforce shortages in the healthcare workforce are unique among labor shortages in that healthcare workers require high intensity and costly training, often for long periods of time, and their training opportunities are limited by the resources of their national, regional, and local healthcare systems. Education in nursing and medicine takes many years of study, so there is no “quick fix” to the healthcare workforce shortage, especially when shortages are exacerbated by disease outbreaks, natural disasters, or human conflict. Education opportunities also rely on the healthcare infrastructure around the workers For example, hospitals can offer a higher acuity and higher quantity of training opportunities than a small local healthcare center. In addition, healthcare worker training is reliant on training by other healthcare workers. In effect, a shortage of nurses, midwives, or physicians begets shortages in the next generation of workers because training opportunities are even more limited. Many high income countries are currently contending with huge swaths of their healthcare workforces retiring as the Baby Boomer generation exits the workforce.


Cost to both the individual worker, the training site, and the broader regional or national healthcare infrastructure are also a limit on addressing the healthcare workforce shortage. Training as a healthcare worker is an opportunity cost; families may be reliant on a young person’s labor or income to run a family farm or business, and may not be able to afford to pay for healthcare education or afford to not have a family member stay home and work. In general, paying the tuition for healthcare education programs can be extremely prohibitive, even in high income countries, and many willing trainees are kept out of pipelines by the cost. Healthcare facilities and regional or national governments often take on some of the cost of training healthcare workers, but their capacity is limited by revenue and other budget priorities.


While there is an overall shortage of healthcare workers, it is also important to consider the distribution of healthcare workers and how to ensure effective dispersal of workers across low-income or rural regions. Training as a healthcare worker offers a higher degree or economic mobility, and there has long been a problem of “brain drain,” wherein workers who maybe from rural areas will congregate in urban settings, or even leave low income countries altogether to secure a higher quality of life elsewhere. The strategy to address the workforce shortage may need to consider how to incentivize workers to stay and work in rural and low income areas that may have the highest needs.


This committee is tasked with evaluating the current state of the global healthcare workforce shortage and assessing which strategies would best sustainably address the problem. The UN High-Level Commission on Health Employment and Economic Growth has previously issued ten recommendations that can serve as helpful guideposts for the committee, but may not be all encompassing. When preparing for this topic, delegates should consider the following questions:

  1. How can the distribution of healthcare workers be changed to improve global health coverage?
  2. By what means can healthcare workers be trained in developing nations?
  3. How can working conditions for healthcare workers be improved?

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Submitted Position Papers

FHPSDelegates 02/16/2024 23:38:02

Country: Iran
Delegate Name: Allison Edwards

Iran has faced many issues regarding the number of healthcare workers present in the country. After COVID-19 many countries have reported a shortage of healthcare workers along with Iran. Iran has experienced this, but also many healthcare professionals are emigrating to countries with higher pay. Iran is seeing a 300 percent increase in requests to leave Iran from healthcare professionals. This was caused, in part, by the pandemic. Additionally, working conditions for medical professionals in Iran were not ideal at the time. These conditions include a shortage of nurses. The ratio of nurses to patients should be at 2.5 according to international standards, but in Iran, it is 0.7

To remedy the shortage of healthcare workers, the nation of Iran has worked to increase the salaries of nurses, support nursing organizations, and provide education regarding careers in healthcare and the benefits of it.

In Iran, there is a lot more to do regarding the shortage of healthcare workers. One of the proposed solutions is to hire international doctors and nurses to combat the shortage of healthcare workers in Iran. Due to COVID, Iran has been struggling with the retention of nursing staff and other healthcare workers. The best route of action for Iran and other countries is improving the environment of healthcare workers which will aid in the retention of staff. In conclusion, Iran would look favorably upon resources to help healthcare workers stay in the country at this time.

Bizaer, Maysam. “A Gaping Wound: Iran Faces an Exodus of Healthcare Workers.” Https://, 15 Oct. 2021, Accessed 17 Feb. 2024.Doshmangir, Leila, et al.
“The Future of Iran’s Health Workforce.” The Lancet, vol. 400, no. 10356, Sept. 2022, p. 883,

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GreenhillsDelegates 02/16/2024 23:05:18

Topic: 2024-Addressing Healthcare Worker Shortage
Country: UAE (UNSC)
Delegate Name: Miraya Latchamsetty

The United Arab Emirates (UAE) acknowledges the critical importance of healthcare workers in ensuring the well-being and prosperity of our nation. However, the global shortage of healthcare workers poses significant challenges to our healthcare system, impacting our ability to provide quality care to our citizens and residents. As a nation committed to excellence in healthcare delivery, the UAE recognizes the urgent need to address this shortage through strategic initiatives and partnerships.

The UAE faces a growing shortage of healthcare workers across various sectors, including physicians, nurses, allied health professionals, and support staff. This shortage is exacerbated by population growth, increased demand for healthcare services, and competition for talent on a global stage. Despite efforts to attract and retain healthcare professionals, the gap between supply and demand widens, leading to increased workload and strain on existing healthcare personnel.

Several challenges contribute to the healthcare worker shortage in the UAE, including limited domestic workforce capacity, high turnover rates, and reliance on foreign healthcare professionals who may face barriers to entry, such as licensing requirements and cultural adaptation. Additionally, the COVID-19 pandemic has further strained our healthcare workforce, highlighting the need for long-term solutions to strengthen resilience and capacity in the face of future challenges.

To address the healthcare workers shortage the UAE aims to enhance domestic capacity by investing in medical education, nursing schools, and allied health training programs. Provide scholarships, grants, and incentives to attract Emirati youth to pursue careers in healthcare professions. The process of getting the proper licensing and credentials is very extensive and time-consuming, this is a prominent repellent factor for people thinking about the professional. Simplifying the process and implementing recognition mechanisms for international qualifications to ensure standards of competency and quality of care. Healthcare professionals are often seen working extremely long hours and that offsets their work-life balance increases burnout and reduces job satisfaction, with reduced job satisfaction there is reduced professional development. The UAE moves to provide opportunities for continuous professional development, mentorship, and career development to retain talent and enhance retention rates.

The UAE reaffirms its commitment to addressing the healthcare worker shortage as a priority in our national agenda. By implementing strategic initiatives and fostering partnerships, we aim to build a resilient and sustainable healthcare workforce capable of meeting the evolving needs of our diverse population. Together, we can ensure equitable access to quality healthcare services and uphold the highest standards of patient care and safety in the United Arab Emirates.

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FHPSDelegates 02/16/2024 19:17:45

Topic: 2024-Addressing Healthcare Worker Shortage
Country: Qatar
Delegate Name: Jasmine Mand

World Health Organization
Addressing the Health Care Worker Shortage
State of Qatar
Jasmine Mand
Forest Hills Eastern

The State of Qatar recognizes the increase in demand for healthcare workers as everyone should receive equal opportunity to access healthcare facilities. It is a severe problem to see that by 2035, there will be a global deficit of 12.9 million healthcare workers. Many diseases and natural disasters are occurring that require a large amount of doctors and nurses. This also puts an extreme amount of pressure and burnout on physicians. Qatar believes that greater education and training should be accessible in developing nations, as many people cannot afford to pay. This overall shortage has concerned many countries, as citizens are facing direct issues with treatment.

To address this issue, Qatar suggests hosting a few foreign volunteer doctors and nurses to help train healthcare providers. It is important to expand medical training to facilitate adequate and greater healthcare providers. In education, there should be more clinical studies to help citizens faster. Recently, Qatar has implemented virtual healthcare as a safer and more manageable option to help with distribution. Many non-communicable diseases are spreading throughout nations which can inhibit doctors and nurses. Also, if people need medical attention urgently, hotlines are available to help them access healthcare services quickly. Qatar is willing to donate to NGOs like Qatar Charity or Project HOPE to increase healthcare workers and training in all nations.

After COVID-19, Qatar faced a lot of worker burnout specifically among migrants. About 60% of people in the workforce are non-residents. This results in long waiting times and greater shortages. To address this issue, The State of Qatar invested a lot of money in AI support. Software systems are designed to aid with diagnostic tools and machines to develop a faster mechanism. This can help surgeries and medical check-ups be easier for doctors and nurses. The State of Qatar seeks to fund other nations with technological advancements. These issues in healthcare should be addressed as soon as possible to receive adequate results.

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RoyalOakDelegate 02/16/2024 20:32:51

Topic: 2024-Addressing Healthcare Worker Shortage
Country: Denmark
Delegate Name: Lucy VanHaerents

Submitted To : World Health Organization
From : Denmark
Subject : Global Healthcare Worker Shortage

The nation of Denmark realizes the concerns regarding the growing labor shortage in the medical field that have affected Denmark and the world and is dedicated to changing its internal healthcare system and supporting struggling nations in acknowledging and addressing the urgency of the situation. An estimated 10 million absences in workers will exist in 2024 alone, and the shortage continues to grow. It is imperative for nations across the globe to cooperate in addressing this concern.
While Denmark has the second highest nurse/doctor to citizen ratio in the world, even well-equipped, first-world countries have begun to feel the stress of the labor shortage. While Denmark pays healthcare workers some of the highest salaries globally, getting certified in the medical field, if you received training internationally, is complicated.
Domestically, Denmark needs to loosen unnecessary regulations so it is easier for international workers to get hired in the Danish medical system. While university and medical school is free for Danish citizens, international students have to pay very costly fees, and removing these barriers could increase the number of students and therefore the amount of future medical practitioners.
On the international scale, incentivizing medical positions in middle-lower income countries is crucial to keeping medical professionals from emigrating to other nations for better career opportunities. Lack of socioeconomic opportunities has pushed trained medical professionals out of their homes and into other nations’ healthcare systems, at the expense of their home countries. The World Health Organization needs to address the fact that healthcare workers across the globe are struggling to remain in their profession and it is crucial that countries support their medical staff.
The further into the collective global labor deficit we get, the more difficult it will be to dig ourselves out in the future, which is why Denmark is urging the World Health Organization to provide global aid and incentives to struggling healthcare systems.
Hamilton, Ben. “Strict Work Permit Access Hindering Hospitals Seeking to Address Nurse Shortages.” The Copenhagen Post, 15 May 2023,
“Opinion: How Can the World Solve Its Shortage of Health Workers?” CNN, 7 Dec. 2023, Accessed 15 Feb. 2024.
Ritzau/The Local. “‘Almost One in Eight’ Nurses Leave Danish Health Service.” The Local, 20 June 2023, Accessed 15 Feb. 2024.

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DetroitCatholicCentralDelegates 02/16/2024 17:44:17

Topic: 2024-Addressing Healthcare Worker Shortage
Country: Yemen
Delegate Name: Jacob Marabanian

Yemen is grappling with a severe healthcare shortage, exacerbated by years of conflict, economic instability, and political turmoil. The country’s healthcare system is in a state of collapse, with hospitals and clinics facing critical shortages of medical supplies, equipment, and personnel. The shortage of healthcare workers, including doctors, nurses, and other essential staff, is particularly acute, leading to overcrowded facilities, long wait times, and inadequate care for patients. This crisis is further compounded by the lack of access to clean water, sanitation, and hygiene, which increases the risk of disease outbreaks and complicates efforts to provide basic healthcare services. The impact of the healthcare shortage in Yemen is devastating, with many people unable to access essential medical care, leading to preventable deaths and unnecessary suffering. Urgent action is needed to address this crisis, including increased funding for healthcare infrastructure, recruitment and training of healthcare workers, and support for organizations working to provide medical assistance to those in need.

Ways to fix the problem of the healthcare shortage are to Train more healthcare workers, including doctors, nurses, and community health workers, and deploy them to underserved areas in Yemen. Yemen should also offer better Incentives such as higher salaries, housing, and educational opportunities to healthcare workers who are willing to work in remote or conflict-affected areas. Also, establishing or expanding traditional training programs for healthcare workers, such as medical schools, nursing schools, and allied health programs, to provide formal education and training. Working conditions can be improved by ensuring a safe and secure working environment for healthcare workers, particularly in conflict-affected areas, by implementing security measures and providing adequate protection. Yemen should also have competitive salaries and benefits that provide competitive salaries and benefits to healthcare workers to attract and retain qualified professionals.

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DetroitCatholicCentralDelegates 02/16/2024 17:13:16

Topic: 2024-Addressing Healthcare Worker Shortage
Country: Switzerland
Delegate Name: Chase Richards

Committee: World Health Organization (WHO)
Topic: Addressing the Healthcare Worker Shortage
Country: Switzerland

Tackling the healthcare worker shortage is a critical global challenge, affecting the delivery of healthcare services worldwide. This shortage undermines healthcare systems’ capacity to provide adequate care, particularly in underserved regions. Switzerland acknowledges the urgency of addressing this issue to ensure universal access to quality healthcare and achieve health equity for all.

Past International Action
The international community has recognized the importance of addressing the healthcare worker shortage through various initiatives and collaborations. Efforts such as the WHO Global Code of Practice on the International Recruitment of Health Personnel and the Global Health Workforce Alliance aim to address workforce challenges and strengthen healthcare systems. Switzerland supports these initiatives and emphasizes the importance of sustainable solutions to enhance healthcare workforce capacity globally.

Past Country Policies
Switzerland has implemented policies to address the healthcare worker shortage within its borders, focusing on education, training, and retention strategies. Efforts include investing in healthcare education and training programs, providing incentives for healthcare professionals to work in underserved areas, and promoting work-life balance to retain skilled workers. Switzerland also supports international initiatives to strengthen healthcare workforce capacity and address global health workforce challenges.

Possible Solutions
To address the healthcare worker shortage effectively, Switzerland proposes a comprehensive approach including the following strategies:
Education and Training: Enhancing education and training programs to increase the number of healthcare professionals, particularly in critical areas such as primary care and public health.
International Collaboration: Strengthening international collaboration to address workforce challenges, including promoting ethical recruitment practices, facilitating knowledge exchange, and supporting capacity-building efforts in low-resource settings.

In conclusion, Switzerland is committed to working collaboratively with the international community to address the healthcare worker shortage and strengthen healthcare systems worldwide. By implementing sustainable solutions that prioritize education, training, retention, and international collaboration, significant progress can be made towards ensuring universal access to quality healthcare and achieving health for all.

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FHPSDelegates 02/16/2024 14:33:38

Topic: 2024-Addressing Healthcare Worker Shortage
Country: Albania
Delegate Name: Eva Gavin

Committee: World Health Organization
Topic: Addressing Healthcare Worker Shortage
Country: Kingdom of Albania
Delegate: Eva Gavin, Forest Hills Northern High School

Albania understands the crucial role that medical professionals play in guaranteeing patients’ access to high-quality care and attaining positive health results. But Albania, like many other nations, has serious problems with a lack of healthcare workers, which makes it difficult to provide basic medical care and affects attempts to get universal health coverage. Albania recognizes the pressing need to address the shortage of healthcare workers by concentrated efforts and ongoing investment in the healthcare workforce and is dedicated to improving global health equity.
Albania is facing a scarcity of healthcare professionals in multiple domains, such as medicine, nursing, midwifery, and allied health. The shortage is caused by a number of factors, such as the loss of qualified healthcare professionals, insufficient training resources, low rates of employee retention, and an uneven distribution of healthcare professionals across urban and rural areas. These issues have been made worse by the COVID-19 epidemic, which has raised workloads, attrition, and burnout among healthcare professionals.
Albania has taken a number of initiatives to improve the workforce and solve the issue of having a lack of healthcare professionals. In order to improve healthcare delivery, these initiatives include growing healthcare professional training programs, enhancing working conditions and benefits to attract and retain qualified personnel, and making investments in technology. In line with the Sustainable Development Goals, Albania is also actively participating in regional partnerships and collaboration to exchange best practices and build the capacity of the healthcare staff.
Albania focuses heavily on the value of funding educational and training initiatives to increase the number of competent healthcare workers in the country. In order to meet changing healthcare needs, this involves increasing the number of students enrolled in medical and nursing programs, improving the relevance of the curriculum, and offering scholarships and other incentives to draw and keep students in the healthcare industry. Albania is in favor of retention techniques in order to reduce labor loss and employee attrition in the healthcare industry. This involves improving working conditions, giving competitive pay and benefits, presenting chances for professional growth, and creating a positive work atmosphere that puts the needs of its employees and their career fulfillment first. In order to address the shortfall of healthcare workers in areas where services are scarce, especially in rural and remote locations, Albania supports focused recruitment and deployment initiatives. Offering cash rewards, housing subsidies, and chances for career growth are a few ways to encourage medical professionals to practice in places where there is the most need. Albania is aware of the potential for improving healthcare delivery and reducing physician workload pressure by assigning tasks and duties to healthcare professionals who are not physicians, such as nurses, midwives, and community health workers. To guarantee that quality and safety standards are maintained, appropriate monitoring, training, and regulatory frameworks are needed. In order to achieve universal health coverage and advance global health fairness, Albania reiterates its commitment to addressing the shortage of healthcare workers. Albania seeks to boost health outcomes for all of its residents by strengthening healthcare systems, expanding access to high-quality healthcare services, and investing in the healthcare workforce through targeted initiatives. We can overcome the difficulties caused by the lack of healthcare workers and create solid healthcare systems that can adapt to the changing requirements of our populations by working together at the national, regional, and global levels.
Works Cited:
“Year of Health and Care Workers 2021.”, Accessed 16 Feb. 2024.
—. “Health Workforce.”, World Health Organization: WHO, 7 Aug. 2019,

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FHPSDelegates 02/16/2024 12:13:56

Topic: 2024-Addressing Healthcare Worker Shortage
Country: Pakistan
Delegate Name: Anastasia Placanica

Pakistan acknowledges the critical shortage of healthcare workers, particularly nurses, as a significant challenge to its health system. The country is aware of the widening gap between the number of physicians and nurses, with the current trend showing an increase in the production of doctors over nurses. Pakistan recognizes that only about 5% of nurses have an education of Bachelor science or above. The country is committed to addressing this issue and improving the healthcare worker situation.

Pakistan is directly affected by the healthcare worker shortage. The country faces a critical shortage of different groups of healthcare workers, which will escalate further because of the high population growth rate, inequitable distribution, and out-migration of the healthcare workforce. The shortage is clearly shown in the nursing profession, with the country facing a significant amount of shortage of nurses and healthcare professionals. This shortage was distinguished during COVID-19, where nurses played a vital role on the front.

To address the healthcare worker shortage, Pakistan proposes several policies. First, the country suggests increasing the budget for health as a percentage of GDP4. Second, it proposes improving the readiness of the health system, especially in the public sector, in terms of human resources and the availability of essential services. Third, it recommends continuing safety nets for health regardless of changes in political regimes. Fourth, it suggests decreasing reliance on donors’ funding. Lastly, it advocates for ensuring accountability across the board for service providers, managers, administrators, and policymakers in the health system.

Works Cited:
The Health Workforce Crisis in Pakistan: A Critical Review And …, Accessed 16 Feb. 2024.
Pakistan Continues to Face Acute Shortage of Nurses: Seminar | …, Accessed 16 Feb. 2024.
“Pakistan Crisis.” World Health Organization, World Health Organization, Accessed 15 Feb. 2024.
Pakistan Facing Acute Shortage of Nurses, Healthcare Professionals, Accessed 16 Feb. 2024.
Prioritising the Health and Care Workforce Shortage, Accessed 16 Feb. 2024.
Shaikh, Babar Tasneem, and Nabeela Ali. “Universal Health Coverage in Pakistan: Is the Health System Geared up to Take on the Challenge? – Globalization and Health.” BioMed Central, BioMed Central, 12 Jan. 2023,

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FHPSDelegates 02/16/2024 10:54:08

Topic: 2024-Addressing Healthcare Worker Shortage
Country: Ghana
Delegate Name: Tejasvi Annadurai

Ghana, like many developing countries, is facing a severe shortage of healthcare workers, which poses significant challenges to the delivery of quality healthcare services. By examining the underlying causes and consequences, as well as implementing comprehensive strategies, Ghana can pave the way for an improved healthcare system that ensures the well-being of its citizens.

The scarcity of healthcare workers in Ghana is a multifaceted issue caused by various factors. The inadequate production of healthcare professionals, brain drain, and insufficient resource allocation all contribute to the existing crisis. As a result, the burden falls heavily on the already overwhelmed healthcare workforce, resulting in long waiting times, compromised patient care, and reduced health outcomes. Furthermore, rural areas suffer more significantly due to the concentration of healthcare workers in urban centers.

The shortage of healthcare workers in Ghana has dire consequences for the entire healthcare system. The lack of skilled professionals compromises the delivery of essential services such as maternal care, preventive measures, and disease management. This, in turn, leads to higher mortality rates, increased healthcare costs, and diminished public trust in the system. Moreover, the healthcare worker shortage undermines the country’s efforts to achieve universal health coverage, as accessibility and quality of care remain major challenges across the nation.

Addressing the healthcare worker shortage requires a comprehensive approach that incorporates both short-term and long-term solutions. First and foremost, increasing the production of well-trained healthcare professionals, especially in rural areas, is crucial. This can be achieved by investing in the expansion of medical schools, nursing programs, and allied health training institutions. In addition to an increased production, incentivizing healthcare professionals to stay in the country through competitive compensation packages, career development opportunities, and improved working conditions is vital in reducing the brain drain rate.

Collaboration between the government, educational institutions, and international partners can play a pivotal role in achieving these objectives. Implementing targeted scholarship programs and exchange opportunities will enhance the skills and knowledge of healthcare workers, leading to improved healthcare outcomes. Furthermore, fostering a culture of research and innovation within the healthcare workforce will contribute to a sustainable and resilient healthcare system that can adapt to future challenges.

The healthcare worker shortage in Ghana represents a critical obstacle that jeopardizes the well-being of its population. By acknowledging the various causes and consequences, Ghana can develop a holistic approach to overcome this crisis. It requires an investment in the expansion of training programs, improving working conditions and compensation, and fostering collaboration with national and international partners. By doing so, Ghana can pave the path towards a robust healthcare system with sufficient and skilled healthcare workers, ensuring the delivery of high-quality services to all citizens, irrespective of their geographic location.

Works Cited:

“Africa’s Healthworker Brain Drain.” Wilson Center, Accessed 16 Feb. 2024.

Asamani, James Avoka, et al. “The Cost of Health Workforce Gaps and Inequitable Distribution in the Ghana Health Service: An Analysis towards Evidence-Based Health Workforce Planning and Management – Human Resources for Health.” BioMed Central, BioMed Central, 31 Mar. 2021,

“Chronic Staff Shortfalls Stifle Africa’s Health Systems: Who Study.” World Health Organization, World Health Organization, Accessed 16 Feb. 2024.

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FHPSDelegates 02/16/2024 11:36:20

Topic: 2024-Addressing Healthcare Worker Shortage
Country: Germany
Delegate Name: Kenna Charbauski

Recently, the global healthcare worker shortage became far more apparent with the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic. Many nations lacked the facilities and staff to treat an increased number of patients. Shortages were most apparent in middle to low income nations. In order to meet the UN Sustainable Development Goals, nations need to continue to prioritize increasing healthcare staff.

Current estimates state that Germany will lack 1.8 million healthcare workers by 2035. To combat this, Germany is recruiting foreign trained healthcare professionals. To do this Germany is lowering some of the requirements previously needed to obtain an EU Blue Card. EU Blue Cards allow skilled workers from outside of European Union (EU) member states to work in the EU. Germany is implementing the directions from Directive (EU) 2021/1883 to widen the number of people that can access the card. The new requirements lower salary thresholds, applicants are only required to have a university degree or vocational training, and wider groups of bottleneck professions including Veterinarians, Dentists, Pharmacists, and Nursing or midwifery professionals. To establish a precedent for recognizing foreign nursing degrees in Germany, the German Agency for International Cooperation is carrying out bilateral agreements like Triple Win. The agreement facilitates the recruitment of nurses from third world countries and their employment in Germany. In many of Germany;s partner countries, there is a surplus of nurses who are unemployed because they cannot find work in their countries. The Triple Win plan benefits these nurses because there is less labor pressure on their countries of origin, nurses will be better trained when they return to their countries of origin, and the nurse shortage in Germany will be alleviated. The program began in 2013, and since that point over 3,500 foreign born nurses have started working in Germany.

Germany understands that recruitment of nurses from foreign countries does not alleviate all of the stress on the healthcare industry. University and vocational training need to be made more accessible to increase the number of workers in the field. Nations need to continue working to meet the recommendations set forth by the UN High-Level Commission on Health Employment and Economic Growth. The healthcare worker shortage is an imperative issue that needs to be solved.

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FHPSDelegates 02/16/2024 11:16:31

Topic: 2024-Addressing Healthcare Worker Shortage
Country: United Kingdom
Delegate Name: David Liu

World Health Organization
Addressing The Healthcare Worker Shortage
The United Kingdom
David Liu, Forest Hills Northern High School

Recognizing the critical importance of addressing the global healthcare worker shortage, the United Kingdom aims to provide quality healthcare services and achieve the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goal of Good Health and Wellbeing. Recent events have underscored an urgent need for a more resilient and well-trained workforce – one capable of not just meeting, but adapting to evolving worldwide population health needs, particularly in light COVID-19 pandemic.

The National Health Service (NHS), a titan of the healthcare sector and among the globe’s largest employers, wields pivotal influence over UK healthcare. Yet, it grapples with daunting challenges in staff retention and recruitment; reports, for instance, indicate more than 126,000 vacancies (including over 43,000 nurse positions) within its ranks during just Q1 2023/2024. Factors like inadequate staffing levels have amplified these shortages which consequently stoke concerns about patient safety along with care quality: an issue demanding immediate attention.

The UK acknowledges the importance of investing in the education, training, and retention of healthcare workers to address workforce shortages. The exorbitant cost associated with healthcare education, particularly prevalent in low-income countries, often acts as a deterrent for prospective workers seeking entry into the healthcare field. Moreover, the UK actively bolsters endeavors that enhance job satisfaction and retention by improving working conditions for healthcare professionals. The UK calls for investments into initiatives aimed at cultivating a positive workplace culture, nurturing staff well-being, and fostering avenues for professional growth.

The UK, in addition to its domestic efforts, acknowledges the significance of global collaboration for mitigating the healthcare worker shortage. The WHO projects a potential deficit of up to 10 million healthcare workers by 2030. The UK supports initiatives such as the Global Strategy on Human Resources for Health: Workforce 2030, which aims to promote individuals’ rights towards achieving their highest attainable standard of health. The UK underscores the necessity for targeted incentives to encourage healthcare workers’ service in underserved areas, aiming to ensure their effective dispersal across low-income or rural regions. This may include financial incentives, career development opportunities, and support for infrastructure development in rural healthcare facilities.

In conclusion, the UK remains actively committed to addressing the global healthcare worker shortage. It calls, with a sense of urgency, for sustained investment and collaboration. Through our collective efforts, we will not only guarantee access to quality healthcare services for all but also ensure that healthcare workers worldwide see an improvement in their working conditions and available resources.

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GreenhillsDelegates 02/16/2024 10:59:58

Topic: 2024-Addressing Healthcare Worker Shortage
Country: Venezuela
Delegate Name: Diego Picazo Erb-Downward

The country of Venezuela is committed to creating collaborative solutions for the problem that is presented by the lack of healthcare workers. Venezuela is committed to the sustainable development plan of the UN, and our nation recognizes that a shortage of healthcare workers impedes progress towards our sustainable development goals. The lack of healthcare is predicted to exceed 10 million worldwide by 2023. This will obstruct preventative health care and drastically increase the chances of disease outbreaks similar to Covid 19. Meeting our goals without an increase in healthcare workers is expected to be a nearly impossible challenge.
We urgently need more healthcare professionals in developing countries, however, the task of training healthcare workers is a slow task that requires intensive training. To counterbalance that, Venezuela proposes a five year plan to increase the number of healthcare workers. The first step is to increase the availability of healthcare training programs worldwide, with a focus on developing nations. Increasing the amount of training programs will drastically help increase the amount of healthcare workers in the long run, however, in the short term the amount of healthcare workers still needs to increase drastically. Venezuela proposes that the WHO allow for and increase the number of programs that allow healthcare professionals to be sent to developing countries where their assistance is needed most. To facilitate distribution, Venezuela recommends that we create a centralized program run by WHO that can coordinate worldwide with other nonprofit organizations that already do similar things, such as doctors without borders. Venezuela believes that when coordinated globally, the various organizations will be far more effective with the healthcare they provide.
The last problem is how to increase the living conditions for healthcare workers in developing countries. Venezuela believes that to solve this problem requires a long term solution to improve the conditions in the countries themselves. The WHO has already outlined a plan to do this under their sustainable development goals. Venezuela believes that there isn’t much more that we can do except encourage additional emphasis on sustainable development goal 3: Good health and Wellbeing.

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FHPSDelegates 02/16/2024 11:25:45

Topic: 2024-Addressing Healthcare Worker Shortage
Country: Philippines
Delegate Name: Ella Zhou

Healthcare workers are essential in all areas of the world, but now, shortages have been getting more and more frequent, which leads to more patients filling up hospitals and an overall decrease in the population’s health. Many workers leave the healthcare workforce due to burnout and a general lack of motivation, which is a tricky situation to navigate. The Philippines has been affected by this shortage, and without a committed workforce, the Philippines is struggling to address this problem.
The Philippines has always been known for having an abundance of nurses, but an increasing amount has been feeling burnt out due to low wages, a decline in mental health, heavy workloads, delayed benefit reimbursement, and many other challenges. Many nurses also get deployed outside of the country, which helps support the Philippines economy, but becomes a problem when nearly 40% of nurses have left or retired. To help combat this, the Philippines has been recruiting newer and less experienced nurses, but it’s still not enough. Higher-income countries have a history of recruiting healthcare workers internationally, however, countries such as the Philippines are struggling to keep up since healthcare systems in these countries are becoming more and more fragile.
To help combat this issue, the Philippine Department of Health introduced The Doctors to Barrios program in 1992, which provides areas with little to no healthcare workers with dedicated doctors. To keep these doctors motivated and eager to keep this program running, they serve for three years and receive pay and benefits, along with a scholarship for a master’s degree in public health. The Philippines also has The Doktor Para sa Bayan Act, which provides medical scholarships at state schools for students who want to be physicians, with the agreement of serving in these disadvantaged areas for at least three years. Other programs such as the Medical Pool Placement and Utilization Program and the Registered Nurses for Health Enhancement and Local Service have similar clauses, although for shorter deployments. The Universal Health Care Act also commits permanent employment and competitive salaries for healthcare workers and offers scholarship programs.
To additionally address the healthcare worker shortage, the Philippines proposes an approach that increases investment towards healthcare infrastructure, better work conditions, and enhancing compensation for healthcare workers. This approach wouldn’t be able to work without global cooperation, so the Philippine government would like to stress the need for all nations to help with this issue. Through this type of cooperation, the Philippines envisions a future in which there is a creation of a sustainable healthcare workforce. This can ensure that all citizens can be taken care of, and the improvement of a global health system.

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Kaycee Duffey 02/16/2024 07:44:49

Topic: 2024-Addressing Healthcare Worker Shortage
Country: Poland
Delegate Name: Simon Rothstein

The Republic of Poland is dedicated to addressing the global healthcare workforce shortage, recognizing its critical importance in achieving universal health coverage and promoting sustainable development. In evaluating the current state of the healthcare workforce and exploring strategies for sustainable solutions, Poland emphasizes the need for comprehensive and collaborative action.
The distribution of healthcare workers is a key factor in improving global health coverage. Poland recognizes the importance of redistributing healthcare personnel to underserved areas, particularly in rural and remote regions and low-income countries. To achieve this, Poland supports initiatives such as incentive programs, scholarships, and targeted recruitment efforts to attract and retain healthcare workers in underserved areas. Additionally, Poland advocates for strengthening primary healthcare systems to ensure equitable access to essential health services for all populations.
Training healthcare workers in developing nations is essential for building a skilled and resilient workforce. Poland acknowledges the need for investment in education and training programs, including medical schools, nursing schools, and vocational training institutes. To support capacity building in developing countries, Poland proposes partnerships between academic institutions, governments, non-governmental organizations, and international stakeholders to provide technical assistance, curriculum development, and faculty training. Furthermore, Poland emphasizes the importance of promoting professional education to enhance teamwork and collaboration among healthcare professionals.
Improving working conditions for healthcare workers is paramount to ensuring their well-being and productivity. Poland recognizes that healthcare workers often face challenges such as long hours, inadequate resources, and unsafe working environments, which can contribute to burnout and attrition. To address this, Poland advocates for measures to improve working conditions, including ensuring fair wages, providing access to continuing education and professional development opportunities, and implementing workplace safety protocols. Additionally, Poland supports initiatives to enhance support systems for healthcare workers, such as mental health services, peer support networks, and work-life balance programs.
In conclusion, the Republic of Poland reaffirms its commitment to working collaboratively to address the global healthcare workforce shortage. By implementing interventions to improve the distribution of healthcare workers, expand training opportunities in developing nations, and enhance working conditions, Poland hopes to build a sustainable healthcare workforce that can effectively meet the healthcare needs of all populations.

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GreenhillsDelegates 02/15/2024 23:23:54

Topic: 2024-Addressing Healthcare Worker Shortage
Country: Ecuador
Delegate Name: Michael Nakashima

Ecuador recognizes the critical importance of addressing the global healthcare workforce shortage to ensure equitable access to healthcare services and achieve sustainable development goals. As a nation committed to advancing healthcare access and quality, Ecuador acknowledges the significance of the guiding efforts to address this issue. While these recommendations provide valuable insights, Ecuador emphasizes the need for comprehensive and context-specific strategies tailored to the unique challenges faced by different regions and populations.
Ecuador supports initiatives to incentivize healthcare workers to practice in rural and underserved areas through financial incentives, professional development opportunities, and improved infrastructure. Ecuador also advocates for increased investment in training programs for healthcare workers in developing nations, including medical schools, nursing programs, and vocational training institutes, to build a skilled and sustainable workforce. Providing a safe working environment, including measures to prevent workplace violence, infectious disease exposure, and occupational hazards, is essential to protecting the well-being of healthcare workers and ensuring their continued commitment to service delivery. By implementing policies and practices that support work-life balance, including flexible working arrangements, childcare support, and mental health services, can help reduce burnout and improve the overall well-being of healthcare workers.
Ecuador reaffirms its commitment to addressing the global healthcare workforce shortage and advancing efforts to achieve universal health coverage and sustainable development. By implementing targeted strategies to improve the distribution of healthcare workers, enhance training programs in developing nations, and improve working conditions for healthcare workers, we can build a resilient and sustainable healthcare workforce that meets the evolving needs of populations worldwide. Ecuador looks forward to collaborating with the international community to implement these strategies and ensure access to quality healthcare for all.

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GreenhillsDelegates 02/15/2024 19:05:59

Topic: 2024-Addressing Healthcare Worker Shortage
Country: Indonesia
Delegate Name: Sahana Patel

The Republic of Indonesia views the current shortfall and inequitable distribution of skilled healthcare workers as a crisis jeopardizing progress towards universal health coverage and sustainable development. As the world’s fourth most populous nation with over 270 million citizens, Indonesia has just 4.25 physicians and nurses per 1000 population, falling short of the UN SDG threshold of 4.45 per 1000. More alarmingly, Indonesia has only 0.4 doctors for every 1000 people, while over 70% of doctors cluster in urban centers on Java, leaving remote rural community health facilities frequently devoid of any doctor at all. This lack of access to basic healthcare poses a grave threat to the well-being of millions and the future prosperity of the nation.

To comprehensively tackle this emergency, Indonesia believes immediate large-scale investments must be made to rapidly expand and decentralize medical and nursing education and training. We aim to mobilize greater domestic resources, as well as increase international development assistance, to upgrade school facilities nationwide, hire qualified teaching staff, provide full scholarships for economically disadvantaged students, improve curricula, and enable localized training hubs in rural and peripheral areas. Concurrently, Indonesia pledges to enact evidence-based policies to powerfully incentivize the recruitment and retention of healthcare workers in isolated and disadvantaged regions. Such initiatives will include hardship allowances, supplying adequate medical equipment and provisions, improving remote infrastructure and living conditions, and ensuring clear pathways for career development linked to rural postings. Ongoing task-shifting to well-trained community health workers will also be accelerated.

Additionally, Indonesia is granting permits for foreign doctors, streamlining cumbersome licensing procedures, and easing rules for patients filing criminal charges against demonstrably negligent healthcare workers, to rapidly supplement workforce numbers while also improving accountability and quality of care. Moreover, Indonesia stresses the urgent need to dismantle persisting gender stereotypes and discriminatory cultural norms that deter women from entering and advancing in the health workforce. Empowering women as healthcare professionals and implementing family-friendly policies like childcare, flexible schedules, and paid parental leave are critical to overcoming shortages. Finally, strengthened collaboration and intersectoral action are essential to address underlying socioeconomic determinants, like lack of transportation, electricity, housing, and education access in rural areas, that perpetuate health worker scarcity. With powerful domestic reforms and strong global partnerships, Indonesia is confident of building the robust health workforce required to deliver quality, equitable care to all citizens.

Works Cited

“Adequate Number of Medical and Dentist Specialists: The Struggle Continues.” Journal of Health Research, vol. 35, no. 2, 2021, pp. 121-124.,and%20dentist%20specialists%20are%205%2C201.Accessed 12 Feb. 2024.

Anwar, Bahtiar, et al. “The Impact of Doctor and Dentist Shortages on Healthcare in Indonesia.” International Journal of Health Sciences, vol. 5, no. 3, 2016, pp. 124-132. Accessed 12 Feb. 2024.

Djamil, Raymond, et al. “Strategies to Alleviate the Shortage of Medical Professionals in Indonesia.” Journal of Public Health, vol. 20, no. 4, 2022, pp. 321-335. Accessed 10 Feb. 2024.

Suryanto, Yulius, et al. “Addressing the Challenges of Recruiting Foreign Doctors in Indonesia.” Indonesian Journal of Medical Ethics, vol. 8, no. 2, 2023, pp. 87-95. Accessed 13 Feb. 2024.

Yusuf, Rully, et al. “Medical Education Reforms to Tackle Workforce Shortages: Lessons from Indonesia.” Journal of Medical Education, vol. 10, no. 1, 2021, pp. 45-52. 14 Feb. 2024.

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GreenhillsDelegates 02/15/2024 13:50:10

Topic: 2024-Addressing Healthcare Worker Shortage
Country: Mexico
Delegate Name: Alexander Stillman

Since the Covid-19 pandemic, the issue of healthcare worker shortages has become prevalent with many hospitals becoming full of patients who need medical attention without the necessary staff to do so. Many developed nations suffer from this issue; lower and middle income countries also are primarily affected by this issue. Workers from older generations are rapidly leaving the workforce as they slowly approach the age of retirement. Healthcare workers also feel disvalued as their wages often do not keep up with inflation, especially when their profession requires years of learning and training.

Families of possible workers often cannot afford to send their children to medical school due to nominal costs; workers also will be unable to help their families as they will be busy with training. The average life expectancy of people has increased substantially over the past eighty years, causing people to be seeking healthcare longer in older age putting even more strain on the healthcare system. The size of hospitals or other healthcare facilities also majorly affects whether people can go into healthcare work, as small hospitals often only have limited facilities in which they can train workers. Medical students often tend to specify their training in a specific field, causing a lack of general doctors. Additionally, trained medical professionals often go to higher-income nations or regions to get a higher paying job than from where they are from, leaving the area with less or no medical professionals.

Mexico is faced with this harrowing issue; in Mexico, there are 1.95 doctors per 100,000 people while the OECD (Organization for Economic-cooperation and Development) recommends at least 3.2 doctors per 100,000 people. Mexico recommends that nations should work together to establish a basis for which the global medical community can become connected, allowing a more equal distribution of healthcare workers and incentivizing them to not leave their home nations, leaving their countries with not enough healthcare workers.

Works Cited:

Mexico Business. (n.d.). Causes and consequences of doctor shortages. Mexico Business.

World Health Organization. (n.d.-a). Health workforce. World Health Organization.

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FitzDelegates 02/15/2024 11:18:12

Topic: 2024-Addressing Healthcare Worker Shortage
Country: Australia
Delegate Name: Stanija Combs

From the start of Covid-19, to present day, Australia has been at the forefront of a severe shortage of healthcare workers. Although not in specific territories, certain Australian territory borders remain closed, unless the people arriving have vaccinations. Throughout 2021, people were only permitted visiting relatives that were suffering from Covid-19. Due to the closed borders, in-land healthcare workers struggled with entering new territories to treat patients. In relation, international healthcare workers became unsuccessful with the closed border, resulting in a healthcare worker shortage. Understanding that Australia isn’t alone in this crisis strengthens the significance of this problem.

The complexity of global educational systems, and the lack of a method to standardize healthcare schooling, has us concerned about the next generation of healthcare workers. How do we combat a shortage when there are some countries providing educational opportunities while others leave students with massive debt? Australia also battles the concern of safety – specifically the healthcare worker shortage within Covid-19: How do we guarantee the protection of people if there aren’t enough staff to treat them?

To address the conversation of resolving the current situation, Australia is advocating for a global standardization of a healthy work environment. A workplace that promotes health and well-being is beneficial to maintain and grow the healthcare worker system. Although institutions may disagree, affordable or free educational programs for students wanting to go into healthcare can be achieved. By introducing specialized international institutions that would allow students to have the ability to learn without the limit of cost issues or border regulations, future generations will feel more confident in pursuing a degree in all types of healthcare. Australia looks forward to working with other nations to determine the best route of solving the issue of the global healthcare worker shortage.

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RoyalOakDelegate 02/15/2024 07:56:11

Topic: 2024-Addressing Healthcare Worker Shortage
Country: India
Delegate Name: Katie Macey

Access to medical care is an essential human right. Quality healthcare can only be provided with a sufficient amount of healthcare workers. The global shortage of healthcare workers must be addressed. Barriers to education and training, the aging population, the lack of hospitals in rural areas, and increasing workloads on existing workers resulting from the worker shortage are all factors that contribute to the insufficient number of healthcare workers today. Although wealthier countries also face shortcomings in an adequate number of workers in the medical field, the lack of healthcare workers is especially prevalent in lower-income countries and rural areas.

Considering the high population of India, the shortage of healthcare workers is especially prevalent. India has a population of approximately 1.3 billion people. India’s active health worker density of 6.0 per 10,000 people is significantly lower than the number recommended by the World Health Organization of 44.5. Since 2005, India’s government has made policy changes in an attempt to align with the National Health Mission. However, as of 2021, only 37% of the population had health insurance. The private healthcare sector is the primary means of healthcare provision in India. The Republic of India is prepared to take dramatic measures to fulfill the constitution’s commitment to ensure the right to health for all.

In India and other nations suffering from healthcare shortages, it is not a lack of people with the talent to be healthcare workers. It is about creating systems that harness that talent and incentivize people to enter the healthcare field. It will take real investment, but common-sense programs can provide substantial improvement. For instance, barriers to education must be diminished. We should create funds to aid countries with the highest need to provide wider access to education is imperative. This increased funding should not just be directed at highly skilled doctors and nurses. Funding can also provide incentives for more general healthcare workers to be trained. Funding also needs to be put towards raising the pay of medical staff in lower-income countries in order to incentivize them to stay working in the country. Investing in medical technology as well as data analysis technology will allow areas of need to be identified and aided more effectively.

By reducing education barriers, incentivizing healthcare workers through increased pay, and investing in technology, countries can enhance their healthcare workforce. The commitment of governments worldwide is essential. These measures are vital in order to resolve the healthcare worker shortage.

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RoyalOakDelegate 02/14/2024 22:44:35

Topic: 2024-Addressing Healthcare Worker Shortage
Country: Gabon
Delegate Name: Prisha Thakker

As a nation deeply committed to ensuring the well-being and prosperity of its citizens, Gabon recognizes the critical importance of addressing the global healthcare worker shortage. With a firm belief in the fundamental right to quality healthcare for all, Gabon is steadfast in its dedication to implementing comprehensive strategies to mitigate this shortage. Recognizing the profound impact of healthcare professionals on the overall health system and the delivery of essential services, Gabon stands ready to collaborate with the international community to foster sustainable solutions that not only bolster the healthcare workforce but also ensure equitable access to healthcare services for all its citizens. Gabon acknowledges the urgency of this issue and is eager to engage in constructive dialogue and collaborative efforts within the framework of international cooperation to effectively tackle this pressing challenge.
Gabon recognizes the crucial need for equitable distribution of healthcare workers to enhance global health coverage. To address this, Gabon advocates for comprehensive strategies that prioritize both recruitment and retention of healthcare professionals, particularly in underserved areas. This involves implementing incentives such as financial support, professional development opportunities, and improved working conditions to attract healthcare workers to regions with limited access to medical services. Furthermore, Gabon emphasizes the importance of investing in education and training programs tailored to the specific needs of these regions, ensuring a steady supply of skilled healthcare professionals who are culturally competent and dedicated to serving diverse communities. Additionally, Gabon supports international cooperation and partnerships to facilitate the exchange of expertise, resources, and best practices among nations, promoting a collaborative approach to strengthening healthcare systems worldwide. By improving the distribution of well trained healthcare workers through these multifaceted measures, Gabon believes that global health coverage can be significantly improved, leading to better health systems for populations in need.
In order to achieve these goals Gabon would see a number of measures implemented. Firstly, Gabon advocates for the establishment and expansion of medical education programs within developing nations, emphasizing hands-on training and practical experiences in local healthcare settings. This includes the development of partnerships with medical schools and institutions in developed countries to facilitate knowledge exchange and capacity building. Additionally, Gabon supports initiatives to enhance the skills of existing healthcare workers through continuous professional development programs, workshops, and seminars. Leveraging technology, such as online learning platforms and telemedicine, can also play a vital role in providing accessible and cost-effective training opportunities for healthcare workers in remote areas. Moreover, Gabon encourages the deployment of international medical missions and volunteer programs to supplement local healthcare workforce training efforts and address immediate healthcare needs. Improving working conditions for healthcare workers is essential for enhancing their well-being and ensuring the delivery of quality healthcare services.
In order to provide a better working environment for critical healthcare workers Gabon proposes the following standards be adopted.. Firstly, Gabon supports the implementation of fair and competitive compensation packages for healthcare workers, including salary increases, bonuses, and benefits commensurate with their skills and responsibilities. Additionally, Gabon emphasizes the importance of providing adequate staffing levels to mitigate work overload and burnout among healthcare professionals. This involves increasing recruitment efforts and investing in workforce planning to ensure sufficient manpower in healthcare facilities. Furthermore, Gabon prioritizes creating safe and supportive work environments by implementing measures to address workplace violence, harassment, and infectious disease control. Moreover, Gabon encourages the provision of ongoing training and professional development opportunities to empower healthcare workers and enhance their job satisfaction and performance. By adopting these holistic approaches, Gabon believes that working conditions for healthcare workers can be significantly improved, leading to better outcomes for both healthcare providers and the populations they serve.
In conclusion, Gabon staunchly advocates for a collaborative, multi-faceted approach to addressing the global healthcare worker shortage. Recognizing the fundamental right to quality healthcare for all, Gabon emphasizes equitable distribution of healthcare workers, tailored training initiatives in developing nations, and improved working conditions. By fostering international cooperation, implementing incentives, investing in education and training, and prioritizing worker well-being, Gabon believes that sustainable solutions can be achieved, leading to enhanced global health coverage and improved health outcomes for all. Gabon stands ready to engage in constructive dialogue and collaborative efforts to tackle this pressing challenge and ensure the well-being and prosperity of its citizens and those around the world.

Works Cited
World Health Organization (WHO), Accessed 14 February 2024.
United Nations Development Programme: Home, Accessed 14 February 2024.
“Health Care Resources – Gabon.” Statista, Accessed 14 February 2024.

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DetroitCatholicCentralDelegates 02/13/2024 15:07:58

Topic: 2024-Addressing Healthcare Worker Shortage
Country: Japan
Delegate Name: Brady Mason

Improving global health coverage through the use of healthcare workers requires a complex approach. Ways to get healthcare professionals to underserved regions could involve providing financial incentives, career advancement opportunities, and improved living conditions. Additionally, investing in targeted education and training programs tailored to the needs of developing nations is crucial. These programs should focus on community-based healthcare delivery, preventive medicine, and primary care services, empowering local healthcare workers with the skills needed to address their communities’ unique health challenges.
Training healthcare workers in developing nations can be achieved through comprehensive capacity-building efforts. Japan advocates for the implementation of education and training programs specifically designed to equip healthcare professionals in these regions with the necessary knowledge and skills. These programs should emphasize community-based healthcare delivery, preventive medicine, and primary care services to address the specific health needs of each community effectively. By investing in such initiatives, developing nations can strengthen their healthcare systems and improve access to quality healthcare for all.
Enhancing working conditions for healthcare workers is crucial for ensuring their well-being and productivity. Japan emphasizes the importance of implementing measures to address factors contributing to poor working conditions, such as inadequate staffing levels, long working hours, limited access to essential resources, and occupational hazards. This includes promoting policies that prioritize occupational health and safety, providing supportive supervision and mentorship, and fostering a productive and healthy work environment that values the contributions of healthcare professionals. By prioritizing these efforts, Japan aims to improve healthcare workers’ working conditions and ultimately strengthen healthcare systems globally.

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BayCityDelegates 02/12/2024 13:30:47

Topic: 2024-Addressing Healthcare Worker Shortage
Country: Cuba
Delegate Name: Storm Reinbolt

Since the COVID–19 pandemic, there has been a decline in the number of healthcare workers. Whilst Cuba’s healthcare is free, there are poor conditions for its healthcare workers; salaries, facilities, equipment provisions, and presence of essential drugs are all poor in Cuba.

To train healthcare workers, Cuba will continue to provide a free training program. However, in order to encourage medical education, Cuba will decrease the amount of schooling required for the program. The six years of training and rotations will be decreased to four years, matching the U.S. and Canada.

To change the distribution of healthcare workers, Cuba will send its well-trained healthcare professionals across the world, ensuring everyone is able to receive the healthcare and attention they require. This may not lower the shortage of healthcare workers, but should prove to be a viable option to staff hospitals and other medical buildings.

To improve working conditions for healthcare workers, Cuba requires funds from NGOs, such as the Red Cross Organization, in order to increase workers’ salaries, invest in modern equipment, and afford the essential drugs required by sick and injured citizens across the world, and hopes the UN will do its best to fuel these investments.

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