September 16, 2019

Forced Labour

International Labour Organization

Topic: Forced Labour

Forced Labour, as defined by the International Labour Organization (ILO) Convention No.29, is “all work or service which is exacted from any person under the threat of a penalty and for which the person has not offered himself or herself voluntarily.” It is currently estimated that 25 million people are currently directly experiencing forced labour, with the practice widespread across the globe, oftentimes taking the form of indentured servitude, human trafficking, child labour, as well as wage and chattel slavery. a major contributor to widespread human rights abuses, the use of forced labour is also a contributing to damage to the global economy, as well as stifling development of at risk groups. While major strides have been obtained in outlawing and delegitimizing the practices that compose forced labour, much more work and regulation is necessary before true change can become possible.


In the past four years there has been an increase in the number of people in forced labour. A driving factor in this increase was the Covid-19 pandemic. The pandemic disrupted income and led to an increase in debt bondage for workers without access to formal credit channels. Most instances of forced labour occur in the private economy. The private economy sectors that make up most forced labour are services, manufacturing, construction, agriculture, and domestic work. There are many means of coercion. The most common is the withholding of wages, making up 36% of the total. Next is the threat of dismissal against those most vulnerable. Finally, the most criminal means, deprivation of basic needs, violence, and forced confinement round out the last means of coercion.


A major issue in reducing forced labour is detection. How can a government authority recognize the signs of forced labour without extensive investigation? The sector that arguably offers the biggest challenge to detection is forced labour at sea. At sea workers are placed in remote conditions with little means to communicate to the outside world. Part of forced labour is involuntariness, which could mean being forced to take a job or being forced to perform activities they do not want to, or endure conditions that they do not agree to. How can a crewman communicate an unwillingness to participate on a vessel hundreds of miles from shore? Additionally, the legalities of enforcement are complicated by the waters the vessel may be operating in. On land, many of the issues are the same, although jurisdiction is simplified.


This committee is a means to continue the debate surrounding forced labour in the international community, to expand on what has already been discussed and enacted in the past, and what more can be done in the present and future. While a number of initiatives are currently in effect, more can be done to enact powerful change in how the system of forced labour is conducted, from the economic to the educational, as well as support individual nations and their projects to reduce forced labour in all its forms.


The committee’s focus will be on providing possible solutions to this issue, as well as finding realistic common ground amongst all nations against this practice. Finding areas of agreement will be a strong focus, as well as specific areas of concern for each group involved in this committee.


  1. What are the factors in nations that allow for the abuse of forced labour to occur?
  2. What systems, motivators, laws, or agreements would assist in disincentivizing such practices?
  3. How can instances of forced labour be better identified?

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FHPSDelegates 02/16/2024 20:26:06

Topic: 2024-Forced Labour
Country: Qatar
Delegate Name: Calvin Cater

International Labor Organization
Forced Labour
Calvin Cater
Forest Hills Eastern

Forced labor is an issue that has only grown in recent years. This issue encompasses the mistreatment of laborers. Especially while under oppressive and hazardous conditions. The prevalence of forced labor has particularly been observed in the context of migrant workers, where factors such as debt bondage, restricted movements, and unsafe working environments contribute to a cycle of exploitation. Unfortunately, economic shocks and a lack of education often lead laborers to be exploited. While reforms have been made in the past, weak enforcement of labor standards and loopholes have allowed this issue to persist.

Qatar has faced widespread criticism for its use of forced labor, particularly in the construction industry. In response to the criticism and pressure, Qatar has taken steps to address the issue of forced labor. Qatar has also introduced new legislation to protect the rights of workers and has pledged to enforce stricter penalties for employers who violate labor regulations. Qatar has also implemented a series of labor reforms since 2017. These include a law regulating working conditions for live-in domestic workers, the establishment of labor tribunals to facilitate access to justice for workers, the creation of a fund to support the payment of unpaid wages, and the introduction of a minimum wage. One of the most notable reforms was the abolition of restrictions on job changes for migrant workers. In 2020, the Emir of Qatar enacted a law that allows migrant workers to change jobs without needing their employer’s permission. In addition to this, Qatar introduced a monthly minimum wage of 1,000 Qatari riyals. This ensured that workers received a fair wage for their labor. The minimum wage policy also included provisions for basic living allowances for some workers, further enhancing their financial security. These measures collectively aim to create a more equitable and just labor environment. The country has been working closely with the International Labour Organization (ILO) to implement measures to address these issues.

To further improve the situation, a comprehensive solution is needed. This could involve increased international oversight, collaboration with human rights organizations, and implementing transparent monitoring systems. Transparency is key to ensuring fair labor practices. Implementing transparent monitoring systems can help keep track of labor conditions and ensure compliance with labor laws. These systems could include regular reporting requirements for employers, as well as mechanisms for workers to report abuses without fear of retaliation. Emphasizing education and awareness about workers’ rights and providing support for whistleblowers could also contribute to creating a more equitable and just working environment for all migrant workers. Especially since many migrant workers are not fully aware of their rights, making them more vulnerable to exploitation. Creating a safe environment for all migrant workers requires a comprehensive and multifaceted approach. However, these measures need to be continually evaluated and adapted to ensure they are effectively addressing the evolving challenges faced by migrant workers.

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DetroitCatholicCentralDelegates 02/16/2024 23:37:20

Topic: 2024-Forced Labour
Country: Switzerland (UNSC)
Delegate Name: Stone Chaney

Switzerland, with a steadfast commitment to human rights and ethical labor practices, confronts the pressing issue of forced labor within the International Labor Organization (ILO) with a determination to contribute to its global eradication. Recognizing that nearly 25 million people worldwide endure forced labor, Switzerland stands firm against this violation, which is defined as labor exacted through force or penalty. While Switzerland has successfully eliminated forced labor within its borders, the nation acknowledges the persisting challenge in various regions, especially in Africa and Asia, where this deplorable practice remains prevalent in industries such as mining, agriculture, and fishing. The ILO must spearhead collaborative efforts among nations to alleviate the suffering of individuals subjected to forced labor, especially considering the heightened instances resulting from economic hardships and debt bondage exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Reflecting on its historical journey, Switzerland understands the significance of continuous efforts to eliminate forced labor. Despite abolishing slavery and gaining independence, coerced labor practices persist in some nations. Switzerland commends initiatives like the Ghanaian government’s enhanced investigations and training for law enforcement, as well as the Ministry of Employment and Labor Relations’ 5-year plan to achieve SDG target 8.7. Switzerland urges the ILO to prioritize the global elimination of forced labor, emphasizing the need for Eastern countries to strengthen legal frameworks and prosecute those involved in human trafficking and forced labor. Recognizing the challenge of citizens in affected countries to identify forced labor, Switzerland advocates for heightened international awareness and education on the signs of potential human trafficking.

Switzerland also applauds proactive measures taken by certain EU and Western hemisphere countries, such as legislation requiring companies to publish slavery and trafficking statements. Transparency is crucial in combating forced labor, and Switzerland encourages other nations, particularly those grappling with the issue, to adopt similar practices. In conclusion, Switzerland is committed to collaborating with the ILO to find sustainable solutions to the global issue of forced labor. By advocating for strengthened legal frameworks, international awareness, and transparency, Switzerland aims to contribute to the broader mission of eliminating forced labor and upholding the principles of human dignity worldwide.

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FHPSDelegates 02/16/2024 17:02:27

Topic: 2024-Forced Labour
Country: Ghana
Delegate Name: Andrew Dylenski

International Labor Organization
Forced Labour
Andrew Dylenski
Forest Hills Eastern

The topic of forced labour is one still in use today with nearly 25 million people experiencing this across the globe. By definition, forced labour is when someone is being exacted to do labor by force or under a penalty. In nearly all of the Western hemisphere, the act has been eliminated by the country’s governments. But, it is a different story in the East where various countries still exercise the practice. Various regions in Africa and Asia exercise forced labour upon their citizens, mainly in industries such as mining, agriculture, and fishing. With the introduction of COVID-19 in the past years, the number of people in forced labour has increased due to the economic hardships and debt bondage that has arisen due to the pandemic. The ILO must find a way to work with the various nations most affected by the problem and decrease forced labour for all the humans affected by it.

In around 1870, Ghana finally abolished the practice of slavery after nearly three centuries of the practice rooting back to the transatlantic slave trade. Even though the country officially abolished slavery and fully became independent from Britain in 1957, various uses of coerced labor still linger in the country. Trafficking, a serious problem in the country, involves the kidnapping of countless girls and boys across the country to work in forced labour, especially in the cocoa and fishing sector, where they are prone to violence by traffickers. The main form of forced labor in Ghana is through the use of child labor, which has been a prevailing problem in the country. The government in Ghana has recently introduced various measures to prevent human trafficking including increased investigations and training to police officers and other authorities for spotting out and handling human trafficking. Recently, the Ministry of Employment and Labor Relations launched a new 5-year plan that would work to reach SDG target 8.7 by enhancing social protection systems and providing employment options for those able to.

The ILO’s main priority has to be the long-term elimination of forced labor internationally. Governments in Eastern countries have to strengthen the legal framework regarding the punishment and prosecution of human traffickers and groups that exercise forced labour. In many countries, citizens are not able to recognize forced labour, therefore not being able to report it. If the ILO works to increase awareness internationally of the problem and signs of potential human trafficking, then citizens will be better utilized to help with the problem. Various organizations, such as Advocates for Freedom(AFF), work to promote victims’ rights and help end the problem of forced labour and human trafficking. Various countries in the EU and Western hemisphere have worked to pass legislation having various workforces publish slavery and trafficking statements which makes the company be transparent about the problem, phasing it out. These countries urge and have reached out to countries with the problem prevailing to follow these steps to decrease the number of people in forced labor.

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SASADelegates 02/16/2024 13:20:36

Topic: 2024-Forced Labour
Country: Mozambique
Delegate Name: Ricardo Pastor

In Mozambique, the problem of forced labor, particularly affecting children, persists despite some efforts by the government to address it. The prevalence of the worst forms of child labor, such as forced domestic work and hazardous tasks in industries like tobacco production, highlights systemic issues within the country. Moreover, the discrepancy between Mozambique’s minimum age for work and international labor standards leaves a gap where children can be exploited in informal employment. Insufficient social programs further compound the problem by failing to adequately tackle the root causes of child labor and provide support to vulnerable populations.

To address these challenges, Mozambique must prioritize several solutions. Strengthening enforcement of existing labor laws, particularly those about child labor, is essential to deter perpetrators and protect children from exploitation. Investing in education and vocational training programs can provide alternative pathways for children and families vulnerable to forced labor, empowering them with skills and opportunities for sustainable livelihoods. Collaborating with international organizations and neighboring countries can also enhance Mozambique’s capacity to combat cross-border trafficking and forced labor networks. By implementing these measures comprehensively and sustainably, Mozambique can make significant strides towards eradicating forced labor and ensuring the well-being and rights of all its citizens, particularly its children.

Works Cited
“Findings on the Worst Forms of Child Labor – Mozambique.” U.S. Department of Labor, 20221.
“Improving School Education and Vocational Training in Mozambique.”
“MOZAMBIQUE – NEW LABOUR LAW.” Legal MCA, 13 Oct. 2023.
“Mozambique – Technical and Vocational Education and Training Project.” World Bank, 2022.
“Mozambique – United States Department of State.” U.S. Department of State, 2021.
“Our impact, their voices: Mozambique commits to fight modern slavery.” International Labour Organization, 26 July 2018.
“The Challenge of Technical and Vocational Education and Training Reform.” Association for the Development of Education in Africa, 19 Jan. 2014.
“The Vocational Training System in Mozambique.” Friedrich Hospitality Foundation, 20 Dec. 2019.

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GreenhillsDelegates 02/16/2024 10:54:40

Topic: 2024-Forced Labour
Country: United States of America
Delegate Name: Caterina DaSilva

Forced Labour is a violation of human rights that undermines the dignity and well-being of individuals, perpetuates exploitation, and undermines global efforts to promote sustainable development and shared prosperity. As a staunch advocate for human rights and a leader in the international community, the United States is committed to combating forced labor in all its forms, both domestically and globally. In recent years, the United States has made significant strides in addressing forced labor within its borders and around the world. Domestically, robust legal frameworks, including the Trafficking Victims Protection Act (TVPA) and the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), provide important tools for prosecuting perpetrators and protecting victims of forced labor. Additionally, the U.S. Department of Labor conducts extensive research and monitoring through initiatives such as the List of Goods Produced by Child Labor or Forced Labor and the annual Trafficking in Persons Report, which assesses efforts to combat human trafficking and forced labor worldwide. Despite these efforts, forced labor remains a persistent challenge both domestically and internationally. In the United States, vulnerable populations such as undocumented immigrants, migrant workers, and individuals in industries such as agriculture, construction, and domestic work are particularly at risk of exploitation. Moreover, global supply chains present complex challenges in monitoring and addressing forced labor, necessitating concerted international cooperation and coordination.
To combat Forced Labor as a whole, the USA seeks to enhance penalties for perpetrators while expanding protections for victims. The U.S. government will also work with businesses to promote supply chain transparency and accountability, including through initiatives such as the Department of Labor’s Sweat & Toil app, which provides information on goods produced by child labor or forced labor. Increasing public awareness about the prevalence and consequences of forced labor is essential for fostering a culture of zero tolerance towards exploitation. The U.S. government should support education campaigns and initiatives to raise awareness among consumers, businesses, and vulnerable populations. Identifying forced labor will be done through inspections of workplaces and audits, hotline and enhancing reporting mechanisms, as well as analysis of data trends and patterns.
Diplomacy and international cooperation are critical in addressing forced labor on a global scale. The United States should continue to engage with international partners, including through multilateral forums such as the International Labour Organization (ILO) and the United Nations, to strengthen cooperation, share best practices, and advocate for stronger action against forced labor. Combatting forced labor requires a comprehensive and coordinated approach that involves governments, businesses, civil society organizations, and individuals working together towards a common goal. The United States remains committed to leading the fight against forced labor, both domestically and internationally, and will continue to work tirelessly to eradicate this violation of human rights. Together, we can build a future where every individual can live and work free from exploitation and coercion.

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FHPSDelegates 02/16/2024 11:22:54

Topic: 2024-Forced Labour
Country: Pakistan
Delegate Name: Matthew Chan

Pakistan, like many other countries, recognizes the importance of combating forced labor and has implemented various laws and regulations to protect workers’ rights and address this issue. Even though Pakistan has acknowledged this human rights violation, it is still being commonly practiced in Pakistan because of legal enforcement, financial conditions, and lack of awareness.

With recent actions, the Bonded Labour System (Abolition) Act, 1992, which prohibits bonded labor, a form of forced labor where individuals are forced to work in exchange for a loan or advance. This law aims to protect workers from exploitation and ensure that they are not trapped in a cycle. Furthermore, the Trafficking in Persons (Prevention, Protection and Rehabilitation) Act, 2018, prohibits human trafficking, which is a form of forced labor where individuals are recruited, transported, transferred, harbored, or received through force, fraud, or coercion for the purpose of exploitation. However, despite these laws and regulations, forced labor continues to exist in various areas in Pakistan. For example, bonded labor is found in more rural areas where they are less educated about their rights. Workers are forced to work long hours for little or no pay in order to repay their debt. Child labor is also common in hazardous occupations such as brick kilns, carpet weaving, and agriculture, where children are forced to work long hours and are subjected to poor working conditions.

Pakistan has now taken many steps to combat the problem of forced labor. Laws like the Bonded Labour System (Abolition) Act, 1992, and the Trafficking in Persons (Prevention, Protection and rehabilitation) Act, 2018, have been created to protect innocent civilians who are taken advantage of and to ensure that people will not be exploited for financial gain any longer. Pakistan will move forward in eliminating forced labor through educating their civilians and implementing stricter policies.

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Kaycee Duffey 02/16/2024 09:25:09

Topic: 2024-Forced Labour
Country: Iran
Delegate Name: Harriet Ogilvie

Iran recognizes the importance of combating forced labor as a fundamental violation of human rights Iran is aware that the issue of forced labor is still prevalent due to economic conditions, legal enforcement, migration, discrimination, and marginalization. Iran is dedicated to finding an effective solution to protect migrant workers more susceptible to coercion. Iran acknowledges the concerns regarding forced labor frequently targeted in agriculture, construction, and domestic work.

With the intention of reforming the legal framework, raising awareness, and protecting migrant workers, Iran actively engages with civil society organizations and international partners. Iran has additionally implicated the 2004 law criminalizing human trafficking. Furthermore, Iran also put in place the 2002 Law to Protect Children and Adolescents to protect children from being sold and exploited. To supervise and ensure that labor-related policies are abided, Iran’s Ministry of Cooperatives, Labour, and Social Welfare conducts inspections.

Iran proposes to review and revise existing legislation to increase the protection of those susceptible to forced labor, as well as implicating more severe penalties. Additionally, Iran calls for the initiation of proper training and awareness given to authorities. This training will allow inspectors to have the skills and knowledge necessary to effectively enforce labor laws and protect vulnerable workers. Iran is aware of the importance of communication with local communities to raise awareness about the hazards of forced labor and urge individuals to report abuses. Iran strongly suggests collaboration with civil society organizations to identify and address instances of forced labor as well as provide aid to those who are victims of forced labor. Iran is committed to combating forced labor and protecting the rights within its borders. Iran looks forward to implementing constructive solutions and addressing the causes of forced labor.

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FHPSDelegates 02/16/2024 09:47:39

Topic: 2024-Forced Labour
Country: Germany
Delegate Name: Aanya Dogra

Committee: International Labor Organization
Topic: Forced Labour
Country: Germany
Delegate: Aanya Dogra, Forest Hills Northern High School

Forced Labor is a violation of human rights and is a significant impediment to reaching equitable prosperity. Germany has extreme familiarity with forced labor. Many countries around the world do as well, with an estimated 25 million people currently experiencing forced labor. The definition provided for Forced Labor by the International Labor Organization (ILO) states that “all work or service which is exacted from any person under the threat of a penalty and for which the person has not offered himself or herself voluntarily.” However, Germany especially has majorly faced this when previously under Nazi rule.
Nazi Germany had about 12 million forced laborers. These people were put to work mainly in concentration camps, supplied with inadequate rations for food and constant violence. Many women also experienced additional harassment. Though this treatement was inexplicably horrifying, it made up over one fourth and in some factories up to 60% of the workforce in some departments. They created the supplies and arms that the population needed during this time in World War 2. Currently, more than 25 million people live in modern slavery, with 167,000 of them in Germany. Much of labor exploitation takes place in low wage sectors- specifically the meat processing industry, agricultural sector, and many more. In the meat processing industry during COVID-19, 2,000 workers were infected due to poor working conditions. Most workers exploited are migrants due to the jobs needing minimal to no qualifications.
To mitigate the harmful effects of forced labor and to stop it as well, Germany has taken multiple steps. The Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs has prepared a law that regulates work contracts and temporary employment of migrant workers in Germany, while also not restricting people to migrate to Germany. To attempt to correct past wrongs, in the 1990s, the German Parliament passed the German Foundation Act which established the German Foundation “Remembrance, Responsibility and Future,” striving to establish compensation for slave and forced laborers of the National Socialist regime. In January 2023, the Human Rights Due Diligence in Supply Chains Act became effective and required companies with 3,000+ employees to exercise due diligence to ensure they did not use forced labor. Methods used included risk analysis, risk management, and a complaints mechanism. The Federal body overseeing this has the power to conduct inspections, document retrieval, and fines for noncompliance.
Germany believes that this issue needs to be combated to ensure human rights are not violated. One thing that must be kept in mind, is higher power corruption seeing as law enforcement authorities tend to regard victims as offenders of the residence and labour law. Protection must be acquired for our people, and people all around the world. Germany looks forward to collaborating with all countries on this topic.

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FHPSDelegates 02/16/2024 08:25:42

Topic: 2024-Forced Labour
Country: Poland
Delegate Name: Elena Petros

Forced labor represents an appalling violation of human rights that persists globally despite widespread awareness and condemnation. Poland maintains the steadfast opinion that forced labor, particularly regarding human trafficking, is an issue that needs to be addressed urgently. Forced labor, as stated by the UN, is any or all work or service that is exacted from any person under the threat of a penalty and for which the person has not offered himself or herself voluntarily. Being an acute ongoing matter affecting countless people worldwide, Poland pushes to take immediate action against this immorality.
Recently, as Poland has taken measures to minimize forced labor, we have seen indications that refugees fleeing the Ukraine war are being targeted by traffickers. Forced labor and trafficking is a worldwide crime that requires cooperation and collaboration. Partnering with other countries to share information would help to thoroughly eliminate forced labor and trafficking that crosses borders. For example, joint task forces composed of law enforcement agencies from different countries could significantly strengthen the fight against forced labor.
Awareness and detection continue to be the most pressing concern when it comes to the prevention of forced labor. Labor trafficking is the predominant form of trafficking in Poland, traffickers have begun to use coercion and fraudulence in place of brutality and threats. By educating the public, a proactive, essential approach, the prevention of individuals falling victim to forced labor and human trafficking would decrease as an effective preventive measure. Enhancing recognition devices and advancing law enforcement to combat forced labor and human trafficking specifically, would streamline efforts to annul trafficking networks. Using these preventative measures, Poland hopes to increase the identification and liberation of those affected by forced labor and human trafficking.

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FHPSDelegates 02/16/2024 00:04:52

Topic: 2024-Forced Labour
Country: Albania
Delegate Name: Lidija Habekovic

Albania is committed to the eradication and condemnation of forced labor. With extensive preventative measures within its criminal code and code of labor, Albania has taken steps to ensure that forced labor has no presence within its borders. While currently laws regarding forced labor and human trafficking have not eliminated these issues completely, Albania is taking rigorous steps to eliminate these practices within the country.

Albania recognizes that human trafficking and forced labor are concerns in many industries, such as agriculture, domestic work, and construction. Albania has currently ratified ILO Conventions no. 29, 105, and 182 regarding forced labor and trafficking. The aforementioned Conventions include articles defining forced labor, prohibiting forced labor across international borders, and implementing measures to prevent labor and sex trafficking, specifically regarding children. In addition to ratifying the above Conventions, Albania has increased protection and identification of human trafficking victims. New screening procedures have been adopted to identify trafficking victims during migration flows.

However, Albania acknowledges that progress can be made in terms of forced labor and trafficking prevention. Currently, labor inspectors do not have the power to inspect unregistered businesses, meaning instances of forced labor could fall through the cracks. Albania believes that this is no longer acceptable, and is vigorously trying to prevent forced labor within the country’s borders. Albania penalizes instigators of forced labor under its criminal code.

Albania has several recommendations regarding the prevention of human trafficking and the identification of trafficking victims. To ensure that no forced labor is going unnoticed, Albania proposes that the power of labor inspectors to inspect be expanded to include unregistered businesses. To support and ensure victims get the support and justice they need, Albania proposes to include extended training for judges and law enforcement on trafficking cases and the role of coercion within these cases, and to increase funding for both government and NGO-run shelters for trafficking victims. To further secure justice for forced labor and trafficking victims, Albania urges nations to guarantee that perpetrators of human trafficking are receiving appropriate penalization, through educating judges and other levels of the judiciary system on the severity of human trafficking.

Albania believes that progress can be made and observed through cooperation and agreement. Cooperation is crucial in discussing issues like that of forced labor, and Albania looks forward to working with willing nations to reach a solution that addresses all facets of this issue.

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FHPSDelegates 02/15/2024 22:17:25

Topic: 2024-Forced Labour
Country: United Kingdom
Delegate Name: Jacob Zhang

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
International Labour Organization
February, 2024
Forced Labour

Forced labor, an issue that is of great importance to the United Kingdom. As a nation committed to glorifying human rights and creating ethical regulations, the UK recognizes the urgency of addressing this injustice. Forced labor doesn’t just affect a single nation, it affects the world; it tampers with the fabric of our society, shaping our domestic policies and international engagements to adapt to these new growing issues. From the different corners of the Earth, the impact of forced labor ripples through the global network.
The pandemic of forced labor has much significance to the United Kingdom, and our supply chains expanded across borders. Within many industries, all of these intertwined with the collective objective of abolishing forced labor. The United Kingdom has an ethical responsibility to ensure that the products consumed and produced within our borders are clean from modern slavery. Moreover, the UK recognizes the vulnerability of certain communities to exploitation, necessitating a targeted approach to protect the rights of all individuals within our borders.
While the United Kingdom has made significant strides in combating forced labor, our goal is far from achieved. Some of these strides that the United Kingdom have taken is the Modern Slavery Act stands as a testament to our commitment, requiring businesses to scrutinize their supply chains for any signs of exploitation. However, challenges persist, and the UK wants to expand its commitment to taking more steps in the right direction, and the UK acknowledges the need for continued strength and adaptability in the face of unfolding challenges.
To introduce some steps that the UN could take in the correct direction, the United Kingdom proposes a complex approach. First, the UK would like to reinforce its legislative framework, and ensure that existing laws are rigorously enforced, as well as collaborating internationally to strengthen international efforts. Elaboration on principles of corporate responsibility, the UK urges businesses everywhere to uphold ethical standards and eliminate forced labor from their supply chains. As well as urging the government to enhance its policies, fortifying law enforcement capabilities and legal frameworks to combat modern slavery effectively. Another step we would like to take is victim support and rehabilitation, advocating for comprehensive systems that provide healthcare, legal assistance, and rehabilitation programs. Internationally, the UK emphasizes the importance of collaborative initiatives, financial support, and technological advancements to track and eliminate forced labor across the globe. Ultimately the UK would like to pose as an ethical role model and create regulations to face this problem.

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FHPSDelegates 02/15/2024 21:21:36

Topic: 2024-Forced Labour
Country: Philippines
Delegate Name: Kyu Lee

International Labour Organization
February, 2024
Forced Labour

The Philippines has made substantial progress in addressing forced labor, setting a commendable example for the Asia Pacific region. With the best criminal justice response and second best government response in the Asia Pacific region, the government’s commitment to combating modern slavery is evident through various measures, including legislative advancements and strategic national coordination. However, challenges persist, and continuous efforts are essential to eradicate forced labor entirely.
The Philippines, relative to its economic standing, exhibits exceptional legislative commitment. Notably, the government has ratified all pertinent international conventions on modern slavery, coupled with recent amendments like raising the minimum age of marriage to 18. The IACAT’s leadership in national coordination, especially consulting survivors in policymaking, showcases a model approach, setting the Philippines apart in the regional fight against forced labor.
A cornerstone of the Philippines’ response is our robust criminal justice framework, surpassing regional counterparts. The legal apparatus not only criminalizes various forms of modern slavery but also extends comprehensive protections to victims. Legislative amendments, including the expansion of IACAT’s mandate to tackle online sexual exploitation of children (OSEC), reflect an adaptive and forward-thinking stance, addressing emerging challenges head-on.
To further fortify the Philippines’ response, key recommendations include systematic training for frontline responders, legislative alignment with international standards, and the allocation of sufficient funding for the 2023-2027 National Strategic Action Plan Against Trafficking in Persons. Proactive measures such as legislative amendments to shift recruitment costs onto employers and the introduction of mandatory human rights due diligence for government and business supply chains are crucial steps towards a comprehensive and sustainable solution.
In conclusion, the Philippines’ fight against forced labor stands as a testament to our resilience and commitment to human rights. Through legislative advancements, robust criminal justice responses, and strategic recommendations, the Philippines sets a model example for nations grappling with modern slavery.

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RoyalOakDelegate 02/15/2024 20:16:42

Topic: 2024-Forced Labour
Country: France
Delegate Name: Michael Stefanovski

International Labour Organization
February, 2024
Forced Labour

France has taken many steps in the past to stop forced labour within the country, and because of policies we have imposed it has been legally eradicated in the country. Life and liberty are core foundations of France, values that shape France’s responsibility to protect the human rights of its citizens.
One of the biggest factors in modern forced labour is mass poverty. Poverty leaves people of high population and low job success rate countries in very vulnerable positions, leading to them being extorted or coerced into a position of forced labour making pennies. Even though these men and women are being paid, they are exploited with no regard to their rights or well-being.
France, as a country devoted to the liberty of its citizens, imposed a new law requiring businesses to monitor their supply chains for human rights violations. Businesses are required to publish reports outlining their employee’s activities within the company, and assessing any risks. Companies first have to take steps to ensure their employee’s rights are not being violated, and if their reports do not suffice, or they are not provided at all, they may be reported by victims. France believes that a law like this should be
Leaving businesses accountable for reporting how their employees’ rights are being respected is a direct way to identify if there is forced labour taking place in their business. Evidence being provided of employee working conditions and rights directly coming from the business is a very efficient and effective way of addressing this issue because if reports are not evidentially sufficient, legal action can and will be taken against the business.
France would like to expand this law to the rest of the UN. Forced Labour is a violation of human rights as stated in article four of the UN, so each country has their part to play in the complete abolition of it in their country. The toleration of forced labour cannot continue, and the deliberate neglect of it must be stopped. France looks forward to working with you in committee, where we can continue to debate on this topic.

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RoyalOakDelegate 02/15/2024 20:09:30

Topic: 2024-Forced Labour
Country: Denmark
Delegate Name: Stella Yakima

Forced labor is currently a prevalent and important issue the nation of Denmark believes needs to be stopped. On the topic of human trafficking, Denmark has many laws in place to prevent, suppress, and punish trafficking among the population especially in women and children. In 1957 Denmark ratified C105-Abolition of Forced Labor Convention which document displays Denmark’s thoughts on forced labor and includes they will suppress and stop forced labor in the event of political coercion or punishment, as a method for economic gain, labor discipline, as a punishment for participating in strikes or rallies, and as means of discrimination against race, religion, social or national affiliations. In Denmark on average every year there are less than 100 human trafficking victims.
The nation of Denmark also works very hard to further protect victims of trafficking even after they’ve been released from the industry. The center against human trafficking or the CMM provided shelters or safe houses and health care, educational, and social services. Child victims are found foster homes quickly by municipal child protection authorities. The Danish Red Cross is partially funded by the government and is working hard to assist children in facilities and check them for signs of trafficking. Although Denmark has made incredible progress there is still a lot of work to get done to protect men, women, and children from forced labor.
As a whole the UN can improve by searching for signs of trafficking, making safety more accessible, and spreading awareness about trafficking and the damage it can and has already caused to society.

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BayCityDelegates 02/15/2024 20:03:44

Topic: 2024-Forced Labour
Country: Malta
Delegate Name: Jake Rodabaugh

All around the globe, forced labor and child labor is a massive struggle. Whether it be people in Asia being forced into it to support their families, or others around the globe being kidnapped and then forced into labor. Currently, right now there are 27.6 million people around the globe who are being forced into labour for one reason or another. In their 2022 Human Rights report, the Maltese government states their opinion on forced labour in their country, and outlawing it in the next sentence. To help those affected by forced labour, once the Maltese government learned of forced labour, they not only freed the individuals but also created new regulation rules to stop any potential loopholes in the future. In the next paragraph, the Maltese Government addresses forced child labour. They state that unless granted a special exemption by the Maltese government, no minor can work more than 40 hours a week. They also state that any minors who work in manufacturing plants with heavy machinery must be under adult supervision. Penalties for forcing minors to work past these hours will be exercised to the fullest extent of the law. Later in the same document, the government states that no employer can force an employee to work more than 48 hours a week. They also instituted a minimum wage of €9.90 ($10.59). The Maltese government will not stand for any kind of forced labor not only in their country, but also around the globe.

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RoyalOakDelegate 02/15/2024 19:22:45

Topic: 2024-Forced Labour
Country: Gabon
Delegate Name: Owen Krueger

Submitted to: International Labor Organization
From: Gabon
Subject: Forced Labor
The Gabonese Republic over recent years has passed legislation to end forced labor in the country to end child labor, which was the only unsolved forced labor in the nation. Gabon enacted legislation in accordance with the ILO`s minimum age convention to establish a minimum employment age that corporations would have to follow. The Gabonese Republic believes that if the UN established a similar resolution with proper adjustments to fit a global audience it would have a similar effect globally.
Even though child labor is globally looked down upon, some developing nations have had to use it to allow for families to stay economically afloat as the “breadwinners” don’t make enough to provide for their families on their own. Therefore an important step to solve the issue of forced/child labor would be to determine how to help families who rely on child labor to stay afloat during a period of transition away from child labor. This could come in the form of financial assistance from UNICEF or the ILO mandating a global minimum wage if it comes to those extremes.
The Gabonese Republic is a developing country that has grown and gotten rid of forced and child labor and the nation can contribute insight as to how to identify and prevent child labor as well as offer assistance to the UN and ILO to resolve the issue on a global scale.
The UN has committed to ending child labor by 2025, and to achieve this the UN and ILO must work together in order to achieve this. Also, nations must work to identify and prevent child labor within their nations. Gabon’s progress has shown that with proper legislation child labor and forced labor can be resolved. Gabon looks forward to discussing this further in committee.

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GreenhillsDelegates 02/15/2024 16:42:32

Topic: 2024-Forced Labour
Country: Indonesia
Delegate Name: Shangyang Xia

Forced labour, as defined by the International Labour Organization (ILO) Convention No.29, is a grave violation of human rights that persists across the globe, affecting millions of individuals and hindering socio-economic development. Indonesia recognizes the urgency of addressing this issue and is committed to collaborating with the international community to combat forced labour effectively.

The Covid-19 pandemic exacerbated the prevalence of forced labour, particularly in sectors such as services, manufacturing, construction, agriculture, and domestic work. The disruption of income streams forced many vulnerable workers into debt bondage, amplifying their susceptibility to exploitation. Indonesia acknowledges the need for targeted interventions to address the root causes of forced labour, including poverty, lack of access to education, and economic instability.

Detection of forced labour remains a significant challenge, especially in remote settings such as at sea. Indonesia emphasizes the importance of enhancing mechanisms for identifying signs of forced labour, particularly through improved monitoring and enforcement measures. Additionally, greater international cooperation is needed to address jurisdictional complexities and ensure that perpetrators of forced labour are held accountable.

In addressing the issue of forced labour, Indonesia advocates for a multi-faceted approach that encompasses economic incentives, legal frameworks, and educational initiatives. We believe that incentivizing compliance with labour standards, strengthening enforcement mechanisms, and raising awareness among vulnerable populations are crucial steps toward eradicating forced labour.

Furthermore, Indonesia underscores the importance of international cooperation in supporting national efforts to combat forced labour. By fostering dialogue and sharing best practices, countries can work together to develop effective strategies for preventing and addressing forced labour in all its forms.

In conclusion, Indonesia is committed to working collaboratively with the international community to combat forced labour and uphold the fundamental rights and dignity of all individuals. By addressing the root causes of forced labour, enhancing detection mechanisms, and fostering international cooperation, we can make significant strides toward ending this egregious violation of human rights.

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FitzDelegates 02/15/2024 11:17:35

Topic: 2024-Forced Labour
Country: Australia
Delegate Name: Ja’Nyla Robinson

Australia recognizes the gravity of forced labor, which has been increasing in years due to a lack of education about rights and resources. The lack of education on these topics enables the exploitation of people to thrive, particularly among vulnerable groups such as those who already suffer from poverty. We argue that the main cause of forced labor is a lack of human rights education and limited known resources available. Many people, particularly in underdeveloped countries, are uninformed of their fundamental rights and lack the resources to protect themselves from exploitation. As a result, Australia believes that combating forced labor requires a diverse strategy that involves education, advocacy, and international cooperation.

While the ILO has existed for over 100 years, the development of the workforce has evolved drastically in comparison to 1919. Misinformation is readily accessible and workers have become distrusting of accurate information versus a “trap” that will lead to punishments ranging from loss of wages to prison? Informing workers throughout the world about their rights comes with challenges that the ILO needs to address. How does a worker know that they can trust a foreigner there to educate them if there is a language barrier? Cultural barriers? Gender barriers? A one size fits all approach to solving this issue won’t help every country, regardless of the amount of time and money invested into the current models of education and support.
It is the responsibility of the ILO to educate workers from each region, set an accountability schedule, and allow for these regional representatives to educate their respective workforce.

We propose that, in order to efficiently stop current and prevent future forced labor, a global education campaign focused on increasing worker’s understanding of their rights and having nations self report should be implemented. Although the ILO has previously been involved in many international organizations such as Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) and The International Training Centre of the International Labour Organization (ITCILO) to attempt to make changes with the forced labor crisis, these organizations do not have the necessary depth on advocacy and NGOs roles to prevent forced labor. Therefore Australia believes it is time to create an additional arm to these current solutions that covers all of the core issues of forced labor. This plan would be incorporated into our existing philosophies which would foster national collaboration and information exchange. This new addition would provide an extensive educational program on human rights. ILO trainers would meet with representatives from each region, provide in-depth and practical real-world applications focusing on preventing forced labor. These representatives would return to their home regions to further educate the workforce on the ground. This curriculum would be implemented through community initiatives and vocational training centers around the world to ensure that knowledge on people’s fundamental rights is widely distributed. Australia believes that combating forced labor will involve a worldwide effort, with education serving as a critical vehicle for change. We look forward to cooperating with our neighbors and other countries to make this vision a reality.

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GrovesDelegates 02/15/2024 09:36:43

Topic: 2024-Forced Labour
Country: Brazil
Delegate Name: Alaina Williams

Country: Brazil
Committee: International Labor Organization
Topic: Forced Labor

Brazil firmly believes that forced labor is a pressing issue that needs to be addressed with quickness and efficiency. Brazil, an internationally recognized part of the global community, is dedicated to actively addressing and doing away with forced labor within its borders because it recognizes the seriousness of the issue. This position paper describes Brazil’s present perspective on forced labor, recent efforts, and planned countermeasures for the problem.
Brazil recognizes that forced labor within its border. Brazil’s economy is very labor intensive which can cause issues at times, like forced labor. The government is aware of the difficulties in monitoring and enforcing labor rules due to the size and diversity of the territory. Nonetheless, Brazil has taken a lot of action against forced labor, working with international organizations, enforcing laws, and creating legal frameworks.
Nonetheless, Brazil continues to persevere in combatting this issue effectively. Our labor inspection department rescued over 2,500 workers from forced labor. Brazil has implemented extensive laws to prevent forced labor, such as the “Dirty List” (Lista Suja), which makes publicly available the names of businesses that hire people in conditions that are akin to slavery. Additionally, the government has tightened the legal environment by introducing the National Plan for the Eradication of Slave Labor (Plano Nacional para an Erradicação do Trabalho Escravo) and amending the Penal Code.
Brazil recognizes the importance of law enforcement in this issue. The government has intensified its efforts to track and investigate high-risk industries and has taken proactive measures to find and penalize violators. Furthermore, Brazil’s dedication to working together to solve forced labor is exemplified by its collaborations with international organizations like the International Labour Organization (ILO) and civil society groups.
Brazil also notes the importance of international collaboration on this issue, as forced labor affects many member states even more significantly like Russia, Turkey, and the United Arab Emirates. Partnering alongside international organizations, grassroots groups, and neighboring nations can improve capacity building, information sharing, and the creation of best practices for ending forced labor.
Brazil strongly reaffirms its stance and dedication to mitigating the issue of forced labor. The government is proactively putting legal frameworks into place, working with foreign partners, and resolving issues to guarantee a thorough and long-lasting strategy to eliminate forced labor. Brazil is forward to working with other delegates in the spirit of shared responsibility and cooperation to create comprehensive, workable solutions to this global crisis.

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BayCityDelegates 02/12/2024 08:27:15

Topic: 2024-Forced Labour
Country: Russian Federation
Delegate Name: Michael Briggs

Michael Briggs
The Federation of Russia
Bay City Central High School
International Labour Organization

In the topic of forced labor in Russia, we will address the issue of illegal human-trafficking as the use of slave labor, and how to prevent it with investigation from Russian officers. Additionally, we will address legal use of forced labor when brought upon those who did not conduct an action that deserved such a response as being forced into physical work.

By funding our police and investigation force, we will more easily discover individuals who were/are illegally trafficking humans in order to be used for forced slave labor. Investigation is the most viable option in order to slow-down or prevent cases of human trafficking and forced slave labor through that. Of course, Russia has also seen to it that we will not force any innocent persons into situations that might force them into a hard-working labor-inducing activity even though they did nothing to justify putting them there. However, to address the possibility of economic hardship through losing a large amount of labor force, The Russian Federation believes it would be in our best interest to perhaps replace our loss or labor force with that of prison labor. While many may see this as unethical, The Russian State believes it could be beneficial to push prison labor more, as many put into custody, had committed atrocities that landed them into that situation, and therefore the object of prison labor may be seen as earned.

The state believes not only would this benefit Russia, but many other countries that cannot so easily remove their labor force due to the ethical questioning of the persons put into work. By pushing prison labor, it will not only give financial benefits to the countries (given that it would cost them little to no financial resources), but bring in more valuable resources and materials without pushing ethical boundaries. Of course, with the money that would be brought in, part of it could be funded towards the police force, which could increase the effectiveness of investigations into the ongoing problem of illegal slave labor through the action of human-trafficking.

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