September 16, 2019

Situation in Yemen

Special Political and Decolonization Committee

Topic: Situation in Yemen

In 2014, after the protests and attempted formation of a transition council in 2011, the Houthis, a primarily Shiite collection of groups took over the capital Sana’a from the primarily Sunni government. The Houthis demanded the formation of a new government and a reduction in fuel prices via government subsidies. The Yemeni government recognized by the United Nations was forced into exile as the Houthis pressed southward from the capital. Fighting dissolved the military as some forces sided with the Houthis and others remained loyal to the government in exile. The fighting in 2015 expanded as Saudi Arabia organized a military coalition to intervene. The Saudi-led coalition, largely conducted via a massive number of airstrikes, did slow Houthi advances and opened the opportunity for the United Nations to host peace talks between the two parties. The talks stalled and the next two years saw continued fighting, a failed splinter faction from the Houthis and the formation of the Southern Transitional Council (STC). The STC formed as a separatist movement that sought to independently govern the port city of Aden. The STC has grown beyond the Port of Aden and fought both the Houthis and Yemeni government forces from 2017 to 2020. In 2020 a new unity government was formed to integrate the STC into the exiled government . Fighting has continued and expanded as the Houthis launched missile and drone strikes into Saudi Arabia, who responded with airstrikes on Sana’a in 2021. Ceasefires have been brokered since, and full military offensives have not been conducted as of December 2023.


Since 2015 the Saudi Arabia coalition has conducted over 24,000 air strikes. The airstrikes saw a Houthi response of over 4,000 missile, drone, and stand-off weapon strikes. Houthi drones offer a combat range of over 1000 km, putting most of the Red Sea and much of the Gulf of Aden under threat. The Houthi rebels have recently begun targeting cargo ships transiting the Red Sea. This has garnered the response of several nations that have begun organizing armed convoys to protect commercial vessels, however, the involvement of additional foreign assets may further escalate fighting in the region. Houthi rebels have claimed these vessels have been attacked due to possible ties to Israel, however, not all vessels attacked have had such connections. Such strikes threaten over $1 trillion dollars of goods that pass through the Red Sea for delivery across the globe.


This long span of fighting has taken its toll on the citizens of Yemen. The mass of fighting has disrupted food and medical supplies. This state of conflict has killed almost 400,000 people, most of them children.  The economy of the country has been effectively cut in two, between regions controlled by the Houthis and the government-in-exile. 2017 saw a cholera outbreak of over one million cases that continued on through 2021, brought to an end by a UN sponsored vaccine program. The end result of this strife is over 20 million people in need of humanitarian aid, of which 14.5 million do not have enough food and 4 million have fled their homes and country. The political situation remains tenuous as both sides continue fighting. A global arms embargo remains in place, however, it is apparent that both sides are still actively purchasing and receiving arms ranging from rifles to drones and artillery. The constant fighting has also allowed the Islamic State (ISIS) and Al Qaeda to establish and maintain a presence in Yemen. Every faction active in Yemen has been accused of human rights violations. Every faction has also received backing from foreign powers, with most supplying arms in violation of the arms embargo implemented in 2015.


Resolving this situation will require work to slow or halt fighting to allow for peace talks and to open aid corridors. Although major offensives have not been undertaken, fighting at the borders of each faction’s territory continues. There are several questions delegates should consider when preparing for this committee:

  1. This conflict has been ongoing for over 10 years now, what issues originally started it, and can they be peacefully addressed?
  2. Many foreign powers have violated the arms embargo in Yemen, how can the benefits of supplying arms in Yemen be reduced?
  3. The United Nations does recognize a government for Yemen, how can it foster better communications between that government and the other factions?

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Submitted Position Papers

FHPSDelegates 02/16/2024 23:18:43

Topic: 2024-Situation in Yemen
Country: Iran
Delegate Name: Ethan Han

Topic: 2024-Situation in Yemen
Country: Iran
Delegate Name: Ethan Han
Forest Hills Northern

The Islamic Republic of Iran acknowledges the struggles faced by the people of Yemen. Iran is alarmed by the humanitarian crisis in Yemen, with millions of people in need of assistance, Iran supports international efforts to give humanitarian aid and urges all parties involved to assist in the humanitarian problems that have affected the population of Iran.

Iran believes in a diplomatic solution, advocating for an inclusive UN political discussion led by Yemen. Iran advocates for an immediate ceasefire in Yemen to create an environment conducive to diplomatic dialogue. All nations must prioritize the safety and well-being of the citizens of Yemen. Iran also emphasizes the need for regional cooperation which is the most comprehensive way to stop the violence in Yemen. A collective effort is needed to secure the region. Iran is open to diplomatic engagement with neighboring countries and hopes for a diplomatic solution that can help the people of Yemen, which can also benefit others involved as well.

The Islamic Republic of Iran is committed to diplomatic measures to resolve the Yemeni crisis. Iran urgently calls upon all nations involved to prioritize the well-being of the Yemeni people and work collectively towards a peaceful and fast solution. Iran urges working collaboratively towards a political solution that ensures the restoration of peace, stability, and prosperity in the region.

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RoyalOakDelegate 02/16/2024 23:15:28

Topic: 2024-Situation in Yemen
Country: Gabon (UNSC)
Delegate Name: Broderick Mcdonald

In history, the country of Gabon has been quite a peculiar country with these types of conflicts. Gabon has shown its stance with Yemen’s 2 October truce being lifted. Their statement showed disappointment towards the air strikes and military operations against Yemen. As the Gabon
delegate, we notice and speak out about how an ethnic group’s powers are being overthrown. We see these attacks against Yemen not just as attacks against the country but against the minorities that are there too.
As Gabon, we do not support these attacks going against Yemen. We do not support the thousands of lives that have been changed just because of a truce being lifted. These kids’ lives have been turned upside down just because they were born into the truce that protected them and the truce being lifted means they have to deal with their generational mistakes. For those reasons, we do not support these harsh attacks against Yemen.
During these air strikes against Yemen, Gabon has been vocal about how the Yemeni people have a right to be safe in their own country. The people who had lived there before the truce was introduced in April of 2022 know there’s a constant fear over your head. Without a truce over the Yemeni people’s heads, there is a sense that they won’t be safe again but as the delegate of Gabon, we ensure that surveillance is the best kind of secureness for a country’s people. With security over the Yemeni people, and over Yemen as a whole, there is a better chance to stop these acts of terrorism.
Yemen is a country under attack, a country in crisis, a country that needs help. Those three things that are happening in Yemen are rather crucial aspects of human life and human rights. Gabon has been vocal about human rights, as Gabon gained their independence from France they defined human rights as rights that are inherent and universal to all humans. Gabon’s definition comes into play with this crisis in Yemen because as Yemen is being attacked Gabon is taking the side that this is wrong and is against the countries attacking these people.

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DetroitCatholicCentralDelegates 02/16/2024 22:38:59

Topic: 2024-Situation in Yemen
Country: Switzerland (UNSC)
Delegate Name: Ryon Schmidt

The crisis in Yemen demands urgent attention and collaborative action to alleviate the suffering of its people. Switzerland recognizes the complexity and the pressing need for solutions to stop the violence, create peace talks, and ensure humanitarian aid reaches those in need. While major conflicts have not occurred recently, small clashes persist along borders, allowing for constant instability and damaging peace efforts. Understanding the roots of the conflict is crucial for finding lasting solutions. It began with protests in 2011, followed by the Houthi movement’s takeover of Sana’a in 2014, fueled by disagreements over government policies. We must address these disagreements through constant debate and political reforms to achieve peace.

Switzerland condemns the violation of the arms embargo in Yemen, which creates the conflict and prolongs the suffering. To lessen this, Switzerland proposes to better international cooperation and enforcing arms control measures. This includes monitoring arms transfers and holding any one who breaks these rules to be accountable. The United Nations must be central in creating these talks and help to mediate any conflict. Engaging all groups and factions involved, including regional and international ones, is essential for building trust and finding common ground.

Additionally, Switzerland advocates for measures to ensure access for humanitarian aid agencies to deliver life-saving assistance to all parts of Yemen. This includes establishing secure aid corridors and providing protection for humanitarian workers. Economic reconstruction efforts are essential to rebuilding Yemen’s shattered economy. Infrastructure development, job creation programs, and economic opportunities can help local communities and contribute to long-term stability. Peace talks monitored by the United Nations are essential to address the losses of all parties involved. Negotiating confidence-building measures, such as prisoner exchanges and ceasefires, can help build towards a lasting peace agreement. Promoting accountability for human rights violations and war crimes through well known mechanisms, including the International Criminal Court (ICC) and national transitional justice processes, is crucial for achieving justice and reconciliation. Engaging regional actors, including Saudi Arabia, Iran, and the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC), in constructive dialogue can help de-escalate tensions and find acceptable solutions to both sides of the Yemeni crisis.

In conclusion, Switzerland is committed to supporting initiatives for peace and humanitarian aid in Yemen. We urge all parties to prioritize the well-being of Yemeni civilians and engage constructively in peace talks to achieve a sustainable solution. Together, let us work tirelessly to bring hope and relief to the people of Yemen in their time of need.

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BayCityDelegates 02/16/2024 21:17:50

Topic: 2024-Situation in Yemen
Country: Russian Federation (UNSC)
Delegate Name: Asher Neville

The Yemeni Civil War has been an issue since 2014 with the biggest spark being the religious differences between each group. With both harboring different forms of Islam, the mostly Shiite Houthi rebels naturally would be against a new leader who is primarily Sunni. Conflicts with the new leadership would lead to unrest with the Iranian-backed Houthis.This issue can be addressed peacefully as long as the Houthis are able to get one of two results from this conflict, being a new government leader or separation of the government.

Despite the policies for foreign powers stating they cannot intervene in this conflict, there was bound to be some breaking of those rules. With Iran and Saudi Arabia backing the Houthis and many Western countries supporting Yemeni people, we see firearms being given towards a cause that will only get worse with more weaponry. The best way to combat this is to crack down on as much of the intervention even if that means sending in foreign troops. Pushing even further for peace talk and ceasefires would be extremely beneficial as well. Both sides of this conflict deserve a solid meeting point for their requests.

The UN can better communicate with Yemen through times of peace or by aiding people from Yemen whilst the conflict is raging. On the other hand, the Houthi rebels are backed solidly by some other Middle Eastern countries. Countries that have good relations with those countries may consider contacting those countries to try and get a better picture and relation to the Houthis. Once better relations are made, making peaceful debates and ceasefires will become much easier.

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GreenhillsDelegates 02/16/2024 22:39:01

Topic: 2024-Situation in Yemen
Country: UAE (UNSC)
Delegate Name: Luna Heider

The country of Yemen has long since experienced hardship and turmoil, from political unrest to medical crises, and to international conflict. Disputes about the governing of the country have led to the creation of various political groups, including the predominantly Shiite Houthis, the UN-recognized (mainly Sunni) Yemeni government, and the Southern Transitional Council, or the STC. These groups have garnered support from various external powers, such as Iran allegedly supporting the Houthis and Saudi Arabia supporting the Yemeni government. The Iran-Saudi proxy conflict–said to be a contributing factor to the warring sides–furthers conflict in both Yemen and other Arab countries. Iran and Saudi Arabia have previously supported opposing sides in other regional conflicts, including Syria, Iraq, and Lebanon, in a struggle to win influence in the Middle East. Additionally, the recent targeting of cargo ships in the Red Sea puts the stability of the Middle East, especially Gulf countries, at risk.

We can see that it is not only Yemen that is divided because of differing political interests, but the entire Middle East. Nations supporting and supported by the United States. Britain, and other predominantly “Western” countries have chosen not intervene in Israel’s War on Gaza, sparking outrage from Arabs and people all over the world watching the destruction of Gaza and its civilians, while groups supported by Iran choose to fight back against Israel. This is the result of varying economic and political interests and levels of stability in each Arab country, and has further aggravated tensions in the region, and will likely have a prominent effect on conflict-ridden Yemen. We must promote peace and stability within the Middle East, which cannot be achieved without resolving Yemen’s conflict, and all other regional issues tied back to it.

To resolve this issue before it expands and bleeds into widening regional tensions, we must identify and manage these problems from their source. It is clear that political and religious tensions have been prevalent in Yemen and have been proven extremely difficult to reconcile, and the conflict has raged for almost ten years. The country cannot stand further conflict, as its stability and safety have been worn down almost entirely these recent years. The United Arab Emirates proposes a division of powers throughout the country, so as to satisfy or at least somewhat satiate the desire for control shared by all three political groups. Each political group would govern a region of Yemen, as these different groups already have control of different regions in this conflict, and an overarching Yemeni body of legislation that includes representatives of each political region. This would loosely resemble the system of the United States, with each state having jurisdiction over local and state-wide laws, but falling under overarching federal law, thus preserving the unity of the country. The United Nations would assist in facilitating this compromise. This is in an effort to respect the differences in each political view, as well as to recognize the urgency of preventing any further harm to the nation’s infrastructure, civilians, and overall stability.

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FHPSDelegates 02/16/2024 21:56:18

Topic: 2024-Situation in Yemen
Country: Ghana (UNSC)
Delegate Name: Grace Kent

Special Political Committee
Situation in Yemen
Grace Kent, Forest Hills Northern High School

The Yemen conflict has become one of the most pressing humanitarian crises of the 21st century, with devastating consequences for the Yemeni people. As a member of the international community, Ghana has demonstrated a diplomatic stance characterized by empathy, humanitarian concern, and a commitment to peaceful resolution.
Ghana, as a member of the United Nations and the African Union, has consistently advocated for a peaceful resolution to the conflict in Yemen. Recognizing the importance of dialogue and diplomacy, Ghana has actively engaged in multilateral forums to promote negotiations between conflicting parties. Through its diplomatic channels, Ghana has emphasized the need for all parties involved to prioritize the well-being of the Yemeni people and seek a sustainable solution to the crisis.
Ghana’s diplomatic efforts have been particularly evident in its engagement with regional and international organizations. As a member of the Non-Aligned Movement, Ghana has utilized these platforms to advocate for peaceful conflict resolution mechanisms and support initiatives aimed at addressing the root causes of the Yemeni conflict. By working collaboratively with other nations and organizations, Ghana has amplified its voice on the global stage, emphasizing the urgency of ending the violence and addressing the humanitarian crisis in Yemen.
In addition to its diplomatic efforts, Ghana has extended humanitarian assistance to alleviate the suffering of the Yemeni people affected by the conflict. Despite its own developmental challenges, Ghana has demonstrated solidarity with the people of Yemen by providing financial support, medical aid, and food assistance through international humanitarian agencies. Ghana’s contributions underscore its commitment to upholding the principles of humanity and solidarity, irrespective of geographical distance or cultural differences.
Furthermore, Ghana has welcomed Yemeni refugees fleeing the violence in their homeland, offering them refuge and support to rebuild their lives. By providing sanctuary to those displaced by the conflict, Ghana exemplifies its commitment to international solidarity and compassion for those in need. Ghana’s humanitarian assistance reflects its belief in the intrinsic value of every human life and its determination to alleviate suffering wherever it occurs.
In conclusion, Ghana’s stance on the war in Yemen exemplifies its commitment to peace, humanitarianism, and international solidarity. Through its diplomatic efforts, humanitarian assistance, and contributions to peacebuilding initiatives, Ghana has emerged as a steadfast advocate for the resolution of the Yemen conflict through peaceful means. As the crisis in Yemen continues to unfold, Ghana remains steadfast in its support for the Yemeni people and its efforts to promote a just and sustainable resolution to the conflict.

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RoyalOakDelegate 02/16/2024 21:18:01

Topic: 2024-Situation in Yemen
Country: Denmark
Delegate Name: Casey Nelson

Submitted to: Special Political and Decolonization Committee
From: Denmark
Topic: The situation in Yemen

The Kingdom of Denmark officially recognizes the ongoing situation in the nation of Yemen. Seing how this situation has grown to cause problems for the whole world, it is urgent that this committee come to a resolution that can promote peace in the region. Since the Huthis took over Sana’a in 2014, the unending disturbance of peace and the loss of countless innocent lives has appalled the Kingdom of Denmark.
Although the Houthis took over 10 years ago, the issue has been going on for much longer and this topic needs to be discussed with the understanding that this isnt a new conflict. Looking at this historically, what does this committee need to do to promote peace in the region? Seeing as the minority group in Yemen has revolted against the government in power it might be bennifiacial to help reshape the Yemeni government to be more inclusive and make sure all voices are heard.
Providing assistance and guidance to the Yemeni government to help it include more representation for the Houthi people could be a very helpful resolution to help keep peace in the future. In the meantime establishing a ceasefire would allow humanitarian aid to reach the innocent lives that are in dire need for it. On top of this, the Kingdom of Denmark would like to see sanctions put on the countries that are violating the arms embargo and fueling this conflict.
Seeing how the UN has fallen short in the past, specifically with the Rwandan genocide to provide peacekeeping and effectively resolve the issue, we are presented now with a topic that gives us an opportunity to take what we learned from that failure and apply it now and set a strong precedent for the future. The UNs failure to act in respondance to the Rwandan genocide simply can not be allowed to happen again.
While this situation may seem dire, The Kingdom of Denmark is optimistic in this committee’s ability to provide an effective resolution that can help the people of Yemen and set a powerful precedent for future committees and ultimately promote peace and save lives.

Works Cited:
Outreach Programme on the Rwanda Genocide and the United Nations. (n.d.). Retrieved February 16, 2024, from,support%20for%20the%20peace%20process
UNAMIR. (n.d.). Retrieved February 16, 2024, from,of%20the%20events%20in%20Rwanda
Reuters. (2024, January 12). Denmark supports strikes against Houthis in Yemen. Reuters.
Council, D. D. R. (n.d.). Crisis in Yemen. DRC Danish Refugee Council. Retrieved February 16, 2024, from

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FHPSDelegates 02/16/2024 17:03:28

Topic: 2024-Situation in Yemen
Country: Oman
Delegate Name: Ishaan Muchumarri

In 2014, the Houthis, a Shiite group, seized Sana’a, forcing the internationally recognized Yemeni government into exile. In the aftermath, conflict broke out between the Houthis and the exiled government. In 2015, a Saudi Ariabian-led coalition of nine countries intervened in the conflict on the side of the exiled government, resulting in the conflict escalating to much higher levels. Halfway through 2017, the Southern Transitional Council (STC) was declared and sought autonomy in the port of Aden. Though originally a separatist group determined to form a new nation of Southern Yemen, in 2022 the Presidential Leadership Council was formed and it integrated the STC with the exiled government into the new internationally recognized government of the Republic of Yemen. The conflict as a whole has resulted in the economic downfall of Yemen as a country, with almost a supermajority of the country in desperate need of humanitarian relief; the involvement of ISIS and Al Qaeda adds to the complexity. Despite a global arms embargo, both sides continue to receive arms, and human rights violations persist. Most recently, Houthi attacks have been directed towards the sea as they have begun attacking convoys and trade ships that travel along its coastline in the name of disrupting Israel’s war in Gaza, though many targeted ships have been unrelated to Israel’s war effort. With Yemen’s coastline bordering the passage to the Suez Canal, these attacks have angered the global community; nations like the USA and its allies have begun taking a more hostile approach towards Yemen, which risks only escalating the conflict in the country.

Despite all surrounding nations intervening in the Yemen Civil War, Oman has maintained a strict policy of non-intervention regarding its foreign policy. Oman has historical ties to Yemen, with many ethnic populations existing along both sides of the border. Though the prospect of the most deadly conflict in the world taking place across its border is unpleasant, Oman is dedicated to asserting its autonomy, developing influence, and seizing economic opportunities. All three of these goals are put at risk with the current conflict in Yemen. The involvement of the Saudi-led intervention consists of many nations in which Oman has ideological rivalries, and the interference of other Arab and non-Arab states, particularly fellow Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) members, on its doorstep threatens Omani independence. Oman has always been caught between conflicting nations, particularly Saudi Arabia and Iran, and has capitalized on this by leveraging its buffer-state position to maintain an independent foreign policy. Oman has remained dedicated to avoiding military engagements that do not pose an immediate threat to its national security, and Muscat will continue to pursue this policy. Though staying out militarily, Oman has used its close connections with both armed and non-armed groups in Yemen to broker peace between the two sides. These efforts have been instrumental and manifested in bringing Saudi Arabia to the table, the April 2022 truce, and currently in mediating talks between Saudi and Houthi officials.

As it stands, the Sultanate of Oman’s focus is on de-escalation of the conflict. What could have been a small and swift domestic conflict has turned into a prolonged regional conflict with multiple belligerent nations as well as several nations providing foreign aid. Restrictions must be placed on the ability of foreign nations to provide aid to domestic conflicts if an eventual end to the conflict is to be had. Furthermore, all nations directly involved in the region must be encouraged to begin the process of de-escalation for the conflict to reach an eventual end. Once actions have been made to confine the fighting to a domestic conflict, the Yemeni people must be elevated out of poverty. Humanitarian aid must be provided by the international community, however, Oman believes that neighboring countries have the best knowledge regarding how to specifically address the conflict in Yemen, and therefore believes the opportunity to develop Yemen and provide economic opportunities be granted to neighboring countries.

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FHPSDelegates 02/16/2024 20:51:34

Topic: 2024-Situation in Yemen
Country: Pakistan
Delegate Name: Harpreet Kaur

Special Political and Decolonization Committee
Situation in Yemen
The Islamic Republic of Pakistan
Harpreet Kaur
Forest Hills Eastern

Yemen, a country on the Arabian Peninsula, has been embroiled in a civil war for almost seven years, with the Houthi rebels, who are backed by Iran, facing off against a coalition of foreign countries headed by Saudi Arabia. Millions of people are facing displacement and food insecurity as a result of this conflict, which has created a serious humanitarian crisis. With the recent changes in the nation’s leadership, there is a great deal of political instability. Due to the war, trade routes in the Red Sea and the Suez Canal are disrupted, which has major worldwide ramifications.

The ongoing conflict in Yemen is recognized by the Islamic Republic of Pakistan as a serious problem with broad repercussions for both regional stability and global peace. Pakistan has always pushed for a diplomatic settlement to the Yemeni crisis. We have opposed getting involved in the conflict despite having strong relations with Saudi Arabia, preferring to use diplomacy and political solutions over military action. We voice our concerns about foreign assistance to the Houthi rebels, which intensifies the fighting and jeopardizes peace attempts. Imran Khan, the prime minister of Pakistan, has expressed interest in mediating the dispute between Yemen and Saudi Arabia and has emphasized the necessity of finding a diplomatic settlement. Our past influences Pakistan’s position on the Yemen conflict and present relations with Yemen and Saudi Arabia. We are reluctant to send ground troops because we are focused on maintaining internal stability and continuing the fight against terrorism. Pakistan’s internal stability is affected by the Yemeni crisis, especially in light of the rise in sectarian violence.

Pakistan is dedicated to collaborating with the global community to discover a nonviolent solution to the ongoing crisis in Yemen. We firmly believe that by fostering constructive discussions, promoting cooperation among stakeholders, and demonstrating mutual respect for all parties involved, we can effectively establish a lasting and sustainable peace in Yemen.

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DetroitCatholicCentralDelegates 02/16/2024 15:05:42

Topic: 2024-Situation in Yemen
Country: Yemen
Delegate Name: Logan Tamas

Yemen has been in a constant state of conflict since 2014 whos roots are much deeper. The conflict, started by the Houthis, has caused problems in not just Yemen but around the world as well. The conflict is rooted in both economic and religious strain that has been constantly strained to this day by nations like Iran. Terrorism by groups like the Houthis are still on going even after all of the anti-terror support given internationally. This means there needs to be much more international support for anti-terror efforts. This aid should involve not just the sending of arms but the sending of monetary and personnel support as well. All of this support for the true government of Yemen will help the anti-terrorism objective greatly.
This help will come with many downsides though, with it giving many countries influence over Yemen. To fight that influence, I believe that the only way to keep Yemen from becoming a larger battlefield, is to give all aid directly to the Yemen’s government. This means that after the aid is given, it cannot be taken back. If the aid sent is soldiers then they will be given a number of years to serve by the nation sending them and be put under direct control of Yemen’s military. If the aid sent is military vehicles they will remain in Yemen’s control until the conflict has ended. These policies will help Yemen through this tumultuous time and help restore peace and eliminate any terrorism within Yemen. The committee should also give Yemen complete veto power over any act that will influence Yemen’s internal policy. The arms embargo also needs to be strengthened by making international punishments for selling arms to the terrorist factions in this conflict.

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GrovesDelegates 02/16/2024 16:16:35

Topic: 2024-Situation in Yemen
Country: Saudi Arabia
Delegate Name: Charlisa Penzak

Special Political and Decolonization
Situation in Yemen
Saudi Arabia
Charlisa Penzak
Groves High School

In 2014, the Houthis, an Iran-backed Shia militant group, provoked mass protests in Yemen, eventually overtaking President Hadi’s Yemeni government in 2015. Hadi’s government requested intervention, calling upon the UNSC and the Arab League to aid, so Saudi Arabia led a multinational coalition of Arab and African states, with American, British, and French aid to restore the rightful government. For Saudi Arabia, Houthi control of Yemen was unacceptable to national interests and security, as they have attacked the Saudi-Yemeni border. The US continues to provide support, mostly in the form of arms sales. The war has also spurred a humanitarian crisis, as much of the country struggles to access food and other basic services. After almost eight years of war, in 2023, a deal between Saudi Arabia and Iran was struck, aimed at improving diplomatic relations and deescalating the crisis. Since then, fighting has largely subsided, until the Houthis began attacking commercial shipping in the Red Sea, threatening to upend the delicate balance. The Houthis began these attacks as a response to the Israel-Palestine war, and there is rumor that Iran has supplied arms, logistics, and training to Hamas – which complicates the situation. Regardless, the West has intervened in protecting commercial shipping by conducting extensive air strikes on Houthi strongholds and sinking their ships. The US assembled Operation Propensity Guardian, a 22-nation coalition to counter Houthi attacks and the UN Security Council has condemned Houthi attacks, to no effect.

Saudi Arabia believes that the topmost priority is to prevent any escalation of the conflict, and firmly opposes western interference on this issue. While Saudi Arabia, in the past, has welcomed assistance from the US and UK with the civil war, now that Iran-Saudi relations have normalized, recent Houthi events must not stop peace negotiations that can stabilize the region in the long term and allow humanitarian assistance into Yemen. So, how should the UN address the broader Houthi conflict without triggering a wider reaction? First, the committee should address the broader situation: support mitigation of the Israel-Palestine conflict and continue taking measures to achieve resolution. Other solutions could include stronger anti-terrorism measures, making it harder for groups like the Houthis to access arms, funding, and members. Saudi Arabia would support legislation like strengthening border security, countering terrorist travel, and most importantly, providing economic opportunity and aid to Yemen. Economic opportunity is essential so that new generations have options and aren’t relegated to joining extremist groups like the Houthis. Also, anti-radicalization measures, like targeting education, youth engagement, and disinformation are ways to target the roots of the crisis. The committee must look beyond surface level issues and focus on long-term solutions. Moreover, it is important to consider Iran’s role in funding these proxy groups. Iran aspires to be the regional power in the Middle East and mitigate Saudi Arabian and Western (primarily US) influence in the region. While any direct action again Iran is risky, the UN can increase oversight of financial transactions linked to Iran. Without Iranian support, Houthi activity would be seriously diminished.

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GreenhillsDelegates 02/16/2024 11:54:05

Topic: 2024-Situation in Yemen
Country: Venezuela
Delegate Name: Ethan Hess

Since 2014 the conflict in Yemen has remained in a constant state of turmoil endangering the lives of millions, but this conflict is older than just one decade, with the issues and the Houthi group themself having a history reaching back into the 1990s. The root cause of this issue came from economic issues, religious debates, and corruption from governments, causes which will be a massive undertaking for the United Nations to intervene in. Over twenty million lives are at stake in Yemen, which in itself cries out for foreign assistance, but the UN must be wary of what too much international aid can bring to regions like this. Looking north to the current conflict between Palestine and Israel, we can see the aftermath of the United Nations interrupting the process of National Determination. It is not the belief of Venezuela, or its people that we should abandon these millions of lives, but as the Special Political and Decolonization Committee, we have to ensure we won’t enable any colonization of this region, or create any political systems that will survive the test of time, but rather exacerbate the roots of this conflict.

This conflict is inherently international, as we now live in an intrinsically international world; but it is this international involvement that complicates the Civil War we see in Yemen. The Houthi movement is alleged to have received aid from many neighbours, and the Yemeni government has received both local and far foreign aid. Houthi attacks on trade vessels and the Southern Transitional Council’s potential alliance with Israel to combat this hindrance to trade are just a few examples of these competing powers bringing other nations into the conflict. The United Nations officially recognises the Republic Of Yemen, now partially governed by the Presidential Leadership Council, a body uniting the Southern Transitional Council and the Republic Of Yemen, namely against the threat of Houthi Insurgency.

Venezuela believes that this United Nations Special Council should focus on mitigating the influence of foreign powers in Yemen, and instead ensure the proper government of Yemen can come to a peaceful resolution with the Houthi group, on terms these groups determine. Mitigating the weapons sent to either side and forcing them to find peaceful solutions themselves is the best way this body can ensure lasting stability for the people of Yemen, while not risking a new Palestine-Israel-esque conflict in the already volatile region that is Yemen. Venezuela would look very favourable upon creating, and strengthing existing weapons embargos on both Yemeni groups, and would also be very favourable to the facilitation, but not leading, of peace talks by an impartial United Nations committee, rather than any single nation.

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FHPSDelegates 02/16/2024 12:08:58

Topic: 2024-Situation in Yemen
Country: Philippines
Delegate Name: Rekshitha Rajeshkumar

The Philippines is a great advocate to stability and human rights. Yemen is facing many issues but their humanitarian and political instability are highly recognized by the Philippines. There needs be immediate action. The Philippines does not condone the harsh treatment of the civilians, especially women and children. The Philippines also believes that the solution cannot just address one part of the problem, but the entire thing or it will not be solved. Taking steps to find the root cause of the issue will help address sustainable solutions. The country of Yemen needs access to basic necessities. The instability of Yemen is affecting not only the people in that country but also neighboring countries as well. Action needs to be taken immediately.
On February 15th, 1983, both the Philippines and Yemen declared their diplomatic relationship. The Philippines has consistently gave Yemen help regarding humanitarian issues. The goal is to help Yemen during this hardship, but not endangering the Philippines. During natural disasters and food shortages, the Philippines aided Yemen by releasing relief teams and medical supplies. Philippine humaniatrians risked their lives to help the Yemeni. The Philippines also has donated to the Yemen Humanitarian Fund (YHF) consistently. Through the money, Yemen is able to distribute healthcare and food for their civilians. In 2021, the Philippines provided 26.7 million dollars for the YHF. The Philippines also allied with other countries like Canada, South Korea, France, and the United States, to make to the impact YHF long lasting. The Philippines understands the the situation Yemen is serious and the efforts made by the country is not enough, but the Philippines is committed consistently helping Yemen.
The Philippines suggests creating a strong humanitarian route to make it easier to get food, medication, and other necessities to the impacted Yemeni populations. To guarantee humanitarian groups’ safety, this route needs to be protected. The Philippines wants meaningful communication between all sides to the Yemeni situation. The Philippines wants the establishment of an inclusive peace process led by Yemen and backed by the United Nations. Local negotiations and other trust-building efforts can lead to more long-lasting and effective negotiations. The Philippines emphasizes how important it is to address the root causes of the conflict. It is crucial for all nations involved to address poverty, governance issues, and conflicts between religions . The Philippines suggests strategies for economic development, social unity promotion in Yemen, and skill building programs. The Philippines is prepared to work with other delegates to find a solution for Yemen that will ensure stability, peace, and the safety of its people.

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FHPSDelegates 02/16/2024 12:06:49

Topic: 2024-Situation in Yemen
Country: Germany
Delegate Name: Tristan Gerville-Reache

Ten years is too long for this conflict to be continuing. Germany has had close ties with Yemen, extending cultural exchange and research until the conflict started. Despite the poor security, we have remained close with the Yemeni people, and we seek to extend their freedom. Germany acknowledges that suppression that the Yemeni face while under the rule of the Houthis and seek to create peaceful change.
The Yemeni people are suffering, and with concern for the people’s safety, Germany approves towards the support of restoring democracy and freedom for the Yemeni people. This involves a rest to violent interaction, increased financial and medical support to the Yemeni people during this time, until democracy is restored, and representation for all Yemeni people regardless of stature.
Germany disproves the Ansar Allah tactics, and demands for restoration from the dehumanizing actions that took place regarding their conflict in the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden. We have already sent reinforcement out, along with the United States and the United Kingdom. We would like full support from fellow allies, as we fight for those suppressed under unfair rule.

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GreenhillsDelegates 02/16/2024 11:31:44

Topic: 2024-Situation in Yemen
Country: Indonesia
Delegate Name: Davis Mortenson

As the war in Yemen stretches on into its tenth year, hundreds of thousands of Yemenis continue to suffer from brutal airstrikes and severe hunger. The conflict originated in 2014, when Houthi insurgents, upset with the Hadi administration, took control of the capital, Sanaa, leading to a civil war. The conflict escalated into a proxy war, with the internationally recognized government, backed by a Saudi-led military coalition, pitted against the Houthi rebels supported by Iran. In this conflict, nearly 25,000 Saudi air strikes have been recorded, and the Houthis have begun attacking ships transiting through the Red Sea as the conflict in Gaza has continued. Within Yemen, an estimated 400,000 civilians have died, of hunger and from rampant air strikes.

Multiple countries continue to violate the arms embargo imposed by the United Nations Security Council and several other countries. Saudi Arabia, in particular, continues to violate this embargo, the country itself directing thousands of airstrikes against the vulnerable Yemeni population. These countries supply weapons to both sides of the conflict, exacerbating the already disastrous humanitarian crisis. Indonesia believes it is necessary to increase diplomatic pressure on countries that supply these weapons, and possibly introduce sanctions/cease diplomatic ties with these countries that continue to do so.

The United Nations recognizes the government of Yemen, led by President Hadi, as the rightful government of Yemen. However, The Republic of Indonesia believes that from this point onwards, it is imperative to foster dialogue between the Hadi Administration and warring factions to come to a sustainable and long-lasting ceasefire. If there is to be any hope to guarantee a stable future for the Yemeni people, the United Nations must coordinate the delivery of both humanitarian and developmental aid. The United Nations must assist in rebuilding damaged and destroyed areas within Sanaa, as well as other urban areas to improve living conditions for Yemenis. However, in doing so, negotiations must be had with the Houthis, Hadi Government and all other involved parties to ensure the security of areas that are rebuilt.

In committee, the Republic of Indonesia will seek to work with all countries that are interested in hosting a round-table meeting with the Yemeni Government, Houthi Rebels and other insurgent groups to come to a sustainable ceasefire solution. Indonesia also looks to pass resolutions that will address the urgent need for Humanitarian and Developmental aid for the Yemeni People to guarantee the safety of future generations. The only way forward that will ensure a stable political situation, and improved living conditions for civilians are the solutions proposed above. The Republic of Indonesia looks forward to talking with delegates to form both targeted and comprehensive resolutions for this conflict.

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FHPSDelegates 02/16/2024 11:34:27

Topic: 2024-Situation in Yemen
Country: United Kingdom
Delegate Name: RJ,Langen

Topic: 2024-Situation in Yemen
Country: United Kingdom
Delegate Name: RJ Langen
Forest Hills Northern

The United Kingdom is deeply concerned about the ongoing humanitarian crisis and political instability in Yemen, which has resulted in the world’s worst humanitarian disaster, with more than 24 million people in need of assistance, including 12 million children. The UK supports the efforts of the UN Special Envoy for Yemen, Martin Griffiths, to facilitate a peaceful resolution of the conflict and to implement the Stockholm Agreement, which was signed in December 2018 and includes a ceasefire in Hodeidah, a prisoner exchange, and a statement of understanding on Taiz.

The UK believes that a comprehensive political settlement is the only way to end the suffering of the Yemeni people and to address the root causes of the conflict, such as poverty, corruption, lack of governance, and marginalization of certain groups. The UK calls on all parties to the conflict to engage constructively with the UN-led process and to show flexibility and compromise, as well as to respect international humanitarian law, to protect civilians and civilian infrastructure, and to allow unhindered access to humanitarian aid. The UK also supports the efforts of the Special Political and Decolonization Committee (Fourth Committee) to monitor the situation in Yemen and to provide recommendations for further action, in line with the relevant UN Security Council resolutions.

The UK reaffirms its commitment to the sovereignty, independence, unity, and territorial integrity of Yemen. The UK condemns any interference by external actors that fuels the conflict and undermines the prospects for peace, such as the provision of weapons and military support to any of the parties. The UK urges all regional and international actors to play a constructive role in supporting the UN-led process and to refrain from any actions that could escalate tensions or threaten stability in Yemen or the wider region. The UK also calls for an end to the proliferation of ballistic missiles and drones by Iran-backed Houthi rebels, which pose a serious threat to regional security and civilian lives.

Works Cited

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FHPSDelegates 02/15/2024 18:51:31

Topic: 2024-Situation in Yemen
Country: Albania
Delegate Name: Adilyn Petros

While the Middle East has been the scene of conflict for much of the UN’s history, the nearly decade-long conflict in Yemen has been exacerbated by war in Ukraine and now Israel.
The Yemeni economy is facing extraordinary challenges – they have lost 90 billion dollars in economic output and hundreds of thousands have lost their jobs, while more than half of the population lives in extreme poverty. The country’s humanitarian crisis is said to be among the worst in the world, due to widespread hunger, disease, and attacks on civilians.
Tensions eased and humanitarian conditions improved with a UN-mediated cease-fire in 2022, but the combatants failed to renew the deal after six months. The UN Refugee Agency currently has many provisions and services to help Yemen, including providing security information to combat COVID and cholera, financial assistance for displaced people, and protection services for women and children. Protective packaging, carpets, plastic sheets and hygiene items are also distributed.
Albania notes the benefits of another truce, and urges all to not waste this window of hope. We voice concern over the volatile security situation in Yemen, as well as the reports that the Houthis have blocked oil and essential goods. Albania condemns all restrictions on the freedom of movement of female relief workers, and also calls for full accountability for violations of children’s rights and the mistreatment of religious minorities.
It must be pointed out that women and children continue to bear the brunt of the conflict. Children are being recruited by armed groups, and every two hours, a Yemeni woman dies in childbirth due to a lack of services. The parties must be reminded of their obligations to respect international and human rights laws. To echo concerns about the lack of a political process, we commend the Special Envoy for their ongoing efforts, adding that women must be involved in all activities at all levels.
While peace is on the horizon, that prospect is fragile, so we call on all parties to accelerate their efforts towards sustained peace.

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SASADelegates 02/16/2024 09:32:53

Topic: 2024-Situation in Yemen
Country: Mozambique
Delegate Name: Jasmeher Singh

Republic of Mozambique
Saginaw Arts and Sciences Academy
Special Political and Decolonization Committee (SPECPOL)

The nation of Mozambique notes that the growing concern for the situation in Yemen is an issue that we must address as there has been a large death toll in Yemen, and many citizens are being harmed. With an increasing amount of food and medical supplies being cut off from the citizens of Yemen, children and adults across Yemen are dying. Furthermore, many groups are still receiving arms and rifles which is increasing the conflict around the borders of Yemen. It’s also important to note that there has been a split in factions and that there are two main factions: Houthi’s government (backed by Iran) and the Yemeni government (backed by Saudi Arabia). The Republic of Mozambique believes that there should be a truce between the two groups of people to lead to peace, stability, and prosperity in the country. Also, Mozambique calls upon other nations to recognize the need to free aid workers in Yemen and to help with the shortage of food supplies that are going to civilians in Yemen.
Mozambique understands the problems plaguing Yemen today as Mozambique has been fighting against insurgency for quite some time now. We have been dealing with insurgents threatening to take over our larger cities and a conflict in Cabo Delgado since 2017. However, we are making some progress with deploying different groups such as the Mozambique Defense Armed Forces (FADM), Southern African Development Community (SAMIM), and Rwandan troops. Still, the insurgency has caused political and economic instability as well, and we are concerned about the nation of Yemen if this conflict continues. Similarly to many other Northern African countries, Mozambique has had a rise in terrorism with parts of Al-Qaeda coming into the nation. This is similar to Yemen as Al-Qaeda has been on the rise there. Mozambique has slowed this down through counterterrorism and hopes that Yemen can do the same once the conflict is over and the ceasefire is called.
In addition to calling for ceasefire and counter-terrorism initiatives, Mozambique is deeply concerned about the humanitarian crises that have occurred in Yemen. The threat of free goods moving across the country and not reaching civilians is our top concern as we feel for the citizens of Yemen. Mozambique has millions of people displaced from their homes during the tragedy that occurred there, and we don’t want Yemen to be in the same situation. We feel for the citizens of Yemen who haven’t been able to get the food or medical supplies that they need. Mozambique hopes that other nations recognize the need for calling upon humanitarian aid from countries that can provide support through economic means. Also, Mozambique fully supports the Special Envoy helping Yemen’s situation. As the Special Political and Decolonization Committee, it is our job to focus our efforts on providing humanitarian aid to the citizens of Yemen and calling for a ceasefire and peace in Yemen. Mozambique looks forward to working with other nations regarding the issue.

Works Cited
Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office. “Terrorism – Yemen Travel Advice.” GOV.UK, GOV.UK, 12 Jan. 2024,,governorates%20like%20Hadramawt%20and%20Shabwah.

Humphrey, Kevin. “Mozambique Insurgency Significantly Decreased, Say Experts – Mozambique.” ReliefWeb, ReliefWeb, 17 Jan. 2024,

“Situation in Yemen Remains Stable, Special Envoy Tells Security Council, Highlighting Importance of Resuming Political Process, Ceasefire | UN Press.” United Nations, United Nations, 16 Jan. 2023,
Humphrey, Kevin. “Mozambique Insurgency Significantly Decreased, Say Experts – Mozambique.” ReliefWeb, ReliefWeb, 17 Jan. 2024,

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GreenhillsDelegates 02/15/2024 21:51:28

Topic: 2024-Situation in Yemen
Country: United States of America
Delegate Name: Thomas Stoffel

Topic: 2024-Situation in Yemen
Country: United States of America
Delegate Name: Thomas Stoffel
The United States of America
Greenhills School
4th Committee: Special Political and Decolonization Committee (SPECPOL)

The state of Yemen has been a theoretical thorn in the side of the United States since the civil war started. Due to its strategic position to the Red Sea and it’s proximity to the crucial Suez Canal,Yemen is crucial to have amicable relations with the United States to protect trade, as it is trade that connects the world/
The state of Yemen has been in a state of civil war for five years with the Houthi Rebels in the south and west of the nation. The Houthi rebels, backed by Iran, are rebelling due to cultural differences based on the sect of Islam that the north follows compared to the south. This being the Shia Sunni split along Yemen. The UN-backed constitutional government is in the south of the nation, backed by the Saudi Government with US intelligence and supplies to pacify the region.
There have been various attempts to garner cease-fires with varying degrees of success. In 2022, a ceasefire was garnered that fostered discussion between the two groups and the possibility of peace, with the first Houthi representative in Saudi Arabia since the war started. Since this ceasefire has expired, there has been minimal escalation in Yemen until the war in Israel and Gaza, in which attacks on USA merchant ships have increased, causing the United States to redesignate the Houthis as a terrorist organization after rescinding their classification following the ceasefire. We cannot have such a radical nation unfriendly to the United States at the mouth of one of the most crucial waterways in the world. The United States recognizes that this committee will not favor continuing another land war in Asia and proposes this as a solution. The primarily Shia districts of Yemen are given autonomous region status in Yemen but without access to a seaport. These regions will be administered separately but under the watchful eye of Yemen as well as an international council composed of Saudi Arabia, Iran, and the United States. This puts an end to the reason the war is happening in the first place, as well as stops the problem of a dangerous nation on the Red Sea. Yemen also has a problem with the foothold of Terrorist organizations that America has fought for years including Isis and Al Qaeda. The U.S suggests complete and utter extinction of these groups. It recommends a resolution to directly send UN peacekeepers into Yemen to root out the insurgents of these Islamist Fundamentalist groups. The US believes that this will be successful as, unlike the Shia cause in the north, there is no ethnic reason for these groups to have taken hold in Yemen, and they are simply there to take advantage of the situation.

Works Cited
“War in Yemen | Global Conflict Tracker.” Council on Foreign Relations, Council on Foreign Relations, Accessed 15 Feb. 2024.

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RoyalOakDelegate 02/15/2024 21:14:13

Topic: 2024-Situation in Yemen
Country: France
Delegate Name: Will McConnell

As a country long devoted to liberty, equality, and fraternity the French Republic has stood behind the Yemeni people in the prospect of peace and democracy since the start of this upheaval. We feel it is important to recognise the damage brought upon the Yemeni people under the rule of the Houthis and seek to advocate for those without a voice.

The men and women of Yemen are suffering. The children of Yemen are suffering. The safety of the masses should be of utmost importance. With this in mind, France commends the Saudi and Iranian governments for restoring diplomatic relations last March in the hopes of ending the unrest in Yemen.
Furthermore, France calls upon our fellow member states to further support the peace and the safety of the Yemeni populace by drafting a resolution promptly restoring the democracy seen prior to the coup d’état. In this resolution, there are several points the French Republic pins as being of utmost importance and would like to see included.
First and foremost, France would like to see an immediate and permanent ceasefire. We feel that this is the responsibility of each and every United Nations member to see through in full as it is in the best interest to all those involved.

Until a ceasefire is achieved, the French Republic is pleased to continue our financial support in aiding the Yemeni civilians.

Second, France would like to see a political solution that will advocate for not only the protection of Yemeni men but that also calls to attention the importance of advocating for Yemeni women and seeing them as an important aspect in shaping Yemen’s future.

Lastly, France wishes to see a call for Ansar Allah to release the detained humanitarian personnel swiftly and unconditionally as well as to see the condemnation of Ansar Allah in regards to their recent attack in the Red Sea.

The French Republic eagerly awaits working with each and every fellow delegate to reach a solution to this ongoing problem.

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RoyalOakDelegate 02/15/2024 16:53:48

Topic: 2024-Situation in Yemen
Country: India
Delegate Name: Julia Malone

Republic of India
Situation in Yemen

India and Yemen have maintained consistent peaceful relations for 2,000 years, a relationship that has extended into the modern era. Before the Yemeni Civil War, India helped Yemen significantly with the formation of its healthcare and education systems and aspires to continue doing so after the war concludes. During wartime, we have provided humanitarian aid and healthcare services to Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, privileges which have subsequently been afforded to the incumbent Abdur Rabi government.
India does not wish for an end-all-be-all victory for either the Houthis or the Abdur Rabi government, but rather a diarchy composed of equitable representation from both parties. We would look favorably upon a system similar to that of the United Arab Emirates, where a president is elected by the Federal National Council, which has 40 members that represent each emirate proportionally by population. It is important to note that Yemen used to be North Yemen and South Yemen, so incorporating representatives from both geographical areas is of the utmost importance to ensure a lasting peace. It is also important to install a diarchy, or two heads of state, to represent both the Abdur Rabi government and the Houthi groups.
Any permanent solution will take time to implement and should not be brought to the Secretary-General or the General Assembly before the Office of the Special Envoy to the Secretary-General for Yemen has considered it. In the meantime, India would look favorably upon a request that the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development fund the implementation of peacekeeping operations in the region and a request to humanitarian organizations to continue their work in Yemen. India would be willing to supply healthcare workers and educational support as we have done in the past.
India is excited for SIMUN and is looking forward to discussing peace proposals extensively in committee!

Works Cited
“India.” The World Factbook, Accessed 15 Feb. 2024.
“Bilateral Briefs.” Ministry of External Affairs, Government of India, Accessed 15 Feb. 2024.
Biswas, Jagyaseni. “In-Depth.” Moneycontrol, 28 Jan. 2022, Accessed 15 Feb. 2024.
Rajvanshi, Astha. “India Is Walking a Diplomatic Tightrope in the Red Sea Conflict.” Time, 2 Feb. 2024, Accessed 15 Feb. 2024.
Mohammed Sinan Siyech. “Exploring India’s Ties with Yemen.” Orfonline.Org, 17 Sept. 2021, Accessed 15 Feb. 2024.
“The UAE Government.” The Official Portal of the UAE Government, Accessed 15 Feb. 2024.

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FitzDelegates 02/15/2024 11:01:20

Topic: 2024-Situation in Yemen
Country: Australia
Delegate Name: Kaya Dragan

The Situation in Yemen sparks a well-concerned question: How far will this go? With violation of international law such as: unlawful killings, enforced disappearances, torture, and more, the death toll reaching over 375,000, and now foreign nations needing to intervene, this war could be considered as never-ending. Citizens of Yemen live in uninhabitable conditions, increased famine and hunger, and children being restricted from attending school. Australia recognizes the severity and acknowledges the necessary need for a concrete regional solution.

Australia recognizes the war’s long-term status, and wishes to help cease the aggression soon, although Australia is concerned on how the committee is going to address the Houthi rebel group in a manner in which they would cooperate. As we witness them being backed in military aid from foreign nations, we question how to condemn and address foreign entities, in result, restricting them from involving themselves in harming the Yemeni governmental system.

Australia supports anti-Houthi movements, with also supporting the coalition formed, but keeping a resolution to this war in mind, we must encourage regional solutions. This is why we call upon the Islamic Relief Worldwide, a non-governmental organization, to provide humanitarian aid while the Committee coordinates a discussion, using United Nations members and facilities, for all foreign nations to pull out of Yemen, and to allow the UNDP to support the Yemeni government to rebuild. Australia wants to safeguard the people in Yemen, to remove the possibility for death and harm. In doing so, we are focused to solve this issue as quickly as possible with all countries.

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BayCityDelegates 02/12/2024 09:52:54

Topic: 2024-Situation in Yemen
Country: Cuba
Delegate Name: Layne Cleveland

The Republic of Cuba
Bay City Central High School
4th Committee: Special Political and Decolonization Committee (SPECPOL)

The state of Yemen has been tumultuous for many years now, with the start of the conflict arising in the year of 2014, when the Houthi insurgents began their war with the state of Yemen. The Houthi insurgency has created an opportunity for many other factions from within Yemen to try and seize power, bringing many more people into the conflict. The main division, however, is between the Iran-backed Houthis and the Saudi-backed Yemeni government. This division has drawn support from the Americans to the Saudi-backed government, and support from the Russians to the Iran-backed Houthi insurgents. The main issue in the conflict is the religious division between the two parties, the Houthi, which follow a sect of Shia Islam, are in a religious battle with the Sunni Saudi-backed Yemeni government.
This conflict has led to a humanitarian crisis within Yemen, with millions of citizens being displaced, and many millions more requiring aid. Steps have been taken towards ensuring a ceasefire in Yemen between the years of 2022 and 2023, but the conflict looks nowhere near its conclusion. As with the length of the conflict, a continuation of the war is unnecessary and futile unless a ceasefire is reached or a resolution between the warring parties is reached. There has been a distinct lack of humanitarian support from major global powers, specifically from Russia and the United States. Despite the United States’ billions of dollars funding humanitarian efforts in Yemen, strikes on the peninsula continue to occur, as well as the funding of the war. Russia has also been reluctant to share funds for humanitarian efforts in Yemen, mostly due to being preoccupied with their own conflict in the Ukraine, though they still have the funds to give the Houthi insurgents’ drones.
Cuba believes it is vital, in the interest not only of the nation but of the international community and the welfare of the people in Yemen, who have suffered greatly from the conflict, to enforce a ceasefire immediately between the warring factions. Cuba also believes there must be a greater focus on putting pressure on the major powers who support and fund this war, as it is partly on them that the conflict has lasted as long as it has, and affected as many civilians as it did. The devastation the conflict causes to the people is intensified greatly by the backing of the major powers that gather behind the parties involved, and it is imperative that these powers are held accountable for the devastation they indirectly cause by funding the conflict. Cuba believes an end to the conflict will enable further humanitarian efforts to restore the civilian populace to normalcy, and an end to the costly strikes on foreign trade in the Red Sea. The United Nations has backed the Yemeni government throughout the conflict, negotiating deals between the Yemeni government and the insurgents during the entire conflict, starting in 2011 when the popular uprisings began. This shows that the United Nations can indeed help the warring parties in their conflict, and hopefully broker a deal for peace or a resolution. A possible short-term solution is to negotiate further ceasefires as well as designating zones for humanitarian efforts as well as requesting further funding from major nations.

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