September 16, 2019


World Health Organization

Topic: Tuberculosis

Tuberculosis (TB), which is caused by a bacterial infection, is a lung disease that impacted 10.6 million people worldwide in 2022 with active infection and killed 1.3 million people (the second most lethal infectious disease after coronavirus disease 2019 [COVID-19]). These figures are exceptionally frustrating because for decades now effective treatment has been available to prevent and cure TB, but the global community has been unable to effectively distribute the resources necessary to eradicate the disease. In 2020, TB treatment coverage was only at 59% globally in 2020, down from 72% in 2019, attributed to major disruptions as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.


Tuberculosis has many aspects that make it difficult to control and treat effectively. For one, it is estimated that approximately one quarter of the global population has been infected with TB. While only 10-15% of people infected with TB will develop an active infection (only people with an active infection are able to spread the bacteria), the sheer scale of TB’s prevalence is challenging to manage. In addition, the physical makeup of the bacteria that causes TB makes it more difficult to treat than other pathogens. The bacteria have an extremely strong cell wall, which limits the antibiotics that are effective at penetrating into the cell and destroying the bacteria. Antibiotics are even more limited with the development of multidrug-resistant TB; many TB infections do not respond to the frontline treatments and require second-line treatments that are even more difficult to access, complicated for patients to manage, and have more severe side effects. Tuberculosis treatment is also long term, with daily medication regime of multiple pills over many months. The long-term nature of the treatment and the complexity of the drug regime makes it difficult and expensive for patients to manage treatment, requiring direct observation from healthcare professionals to ensure that treatment is being properly deployed. Missed dosages and incomplete treatment regimens result in more multidrug resistant infections that confound even second line treatments. TB infection can also co-occur with another pandemic-level pathogen, human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), which proves to be an extremely deadly combination (TB is the leading cause of death for HIV positive individuals).


While TB is a far-reaching disease that can be complicated to treat, the prevalence and human suffering caused by TB is also attributable to human factors. Preventing the spread of tuberculosis and the onset of active infection is a public health issue, and poor sanitary conditions, cramped living spaces, and tobacco usage all factor into tuberculosis impact. Healthcare infrastructure is essential to the diagnosis and treatment of TB, especially as so much of the treatment is reliant on direct observation by healthcare workers. Access to appropriate diagnostic tools are especially important with the prevalence of multi-drug resistant TB, and innovation in this area has revolutionized TB care by allowing patients to be treated with exactly the right drugs for their TB infection. Without access to test cartridges and machines to read them, many patients are erroneously treated (sometimes for years) with the wrong drugs, which can have harmful side effects, promote drug resistant infections, and lead to more debilitating illness and death. Access to diagnostic tools and drug treatment is mediated by the cost of these interventions, which are often patented and sold by pharmaceutical corporations who are able to control the prices. This means that the WHO and other organizations such as the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, and national governments have to bargain with drug manufacturers to make care more accessible, and the price of treatment is still too high for many patients. Related to pharmaceutical manufacturers, while there is currently a TB vaccine available that partially protects infants and young children, there is not a vaccine for adults and adolescents and the WHO has called for the development of a new vaccine that will protect more people.


This committee is tasked with finding solutions to reduce the global disease burden of TB, get diagnostics and treatment to those who need it, and help the global community move towards the Sustainable Development Goal of the end of the tuberculosis epidemic by 2030. In preparing for this topic, delegates should consider the following questions:

  1. From 2021 to 2022 the number of tuberculosis cases has increased, what may have contributed to this increase and how can it be addressed?
  2. Half of all tuberculosis patients face catastrophic costs to their household in the forms of medical costs and lost income. How can the financial burden of tuberculosis treatment be reduced?
  3. The number of drug resistant cases has increased in the regions of the Americas and South-East Asia, what caused this increase and how can it be addressed?

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SASADelegates 02/20/2024 09:48:58

Topic: 2024-Tuberculosis
Country: China (UNSC)
Delegate Name: Brooklyn Odoom

As the country of China, we have the third largest number of tuberculosis cases in the world. The treatment that we follow to combat this large outburst begins first with our diagnosis. While diagnosing the disease, we use rapid diagnostic tests that are recommended by the World Health Organization. Through these testing we have located three different regions in our country and compared their TB cases. We as a country are trying to have a decrease of 25% of TB by 2030. This plan has three points that are main factors in deciding whether this goal can be met. These three points are as follows: whether China can meet the End TB Strategy targets by 20230; the main obstacles to meeting the End TB Strategy targets; and the actions needed to accelerate China’s progress in achieving the End TB Strategy targets. The factors that can be seen as obstacles in meeting the End TB Strategy are the health system, funding and management. For the funding obstacle that we will face, we will get funds from the central and local governments to cover the costs of treatments for our civilians and we also will receive funding from the Tuberculosis programme fund. The treatments will be provided in designated hospitals for Tuberculosis and there will be primary care centers to have check-ups on those inflicted with the disease.

Tuberculosis is “…the second most lethal infectious disease after coronavirus disease 2019.” Also in 2019, over 833,000 people fell ill with TB in China. The three different regions are urban, rural and regional. Rural areas in China in 2010, there were two times more tuberculosis cases compared to urban areas. The reason for this happening in our country is due to developed medicine that is accessible in those areas. China does face challenges with combating the disease of Tuberculosis because of the rise of cases in their rural areas. It is harder for medicine and treatments to reach these areas which makes it harder for TB to be treated.

Furthermore, China has made progress with the measures it has taken to try and combat the TB disease but there is still more action that needs to be taken to reach the goal in 2030. China is consistently managing the Tuberculosis epidemic and for the past 30 years the TB cases have been significantly reduced. The reduction of TB is great for China, but the World Health Organization’s End TB Strategy’s goal will have a low chance of being reached in 2030 if we continue at the rate that we are.

Works Cited
FHPSDelegates, et al. “Home.” GLICA.Org,, 30 Dec. 2023,
“Tuberculosis China.” World Health Organization, World Health Organization, Accessed 20 Feb. 2024.

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FHPSDelegates 02/16/2024 22:43:37

Topic: 2024-Tuberculosis
Country: Iran
Delegate Name: Allison Edwards

In Iran, tuberculosis control has been a high priority and many control plans have been created. Yet, tuberculosis in the nation of Iran remains a public health issue. In 2015, for every 100,000 people, there were 16 incidences of tuberculosis. Iran is taking many proactive steps to reduce the number of cases in their population. These steps include identifying people groups/minority groups that may be more at risk or affected by tuberculosis. In Iran, this group includes those living in poor conditions with lesser access to food. The nation of Iran would look favorably upon lessening the time from diagnosis to treatment as this would drastically stop the spread of tuberculosis.

Iran recognizes the role that immigration plays in the spread of tuberculosis. A study by the International Journal of Health Policy and Management states that immigrants contribute to a large amount of TB cases and the trend is increasing. Iran utilizes Active Case Finding (ACF) to identify tuberculosis cases and provide care to Afghan refugees seeking residence in Iran.

Furthermore, Iran has a national tuberculosis plan that has been funded by a global fund grant. This global fund grant has been funded by WHO, the CDC, and the UNDP. This program ensures that the TB program in Iran can run smoothly and accomplish its goals. The goals of Iran’s TB control program include education for the public and in schools, more laboratories, and increased supervision of TB patients. The nation of Iran is looking forward to working with other nations to combat this pervasive issue and to ensure the safety and well-being of our citizens.

“Defeating Tuberculosis.” UNDP, Accessed 17 Feb. 2024.Doosti, Adel, et al.
“The Pattern of Tuberculosis in Iran: A National Cross-Sectional Study.” Iranian Journal of Public Health, 14 Jan. 2023,, Accessed 23 June 2023.Moosazadeh, Mahmood, et al.
“Does Tuberculosis Have a Seasonal Pattern among Migrant Population Entering Iran?” International Journal of Health Policy and Management, vol. 2, no. 4, 2014, pp. 181–185, Accessed 1 Dec. 2019.

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RoyalOakDelegate 02/16/2024 20:29:43

Topic: 2024-Tuberculosis
Country: Denmark
Delegate Name: Lucy VanHaerents

Submitted To : World Health Organization
From : Denmark
Subject : Tuberculosis
Denmark finds addressing the growing concern regarding the tuberculosis epidemic within Denmark and globally crucial. While not yet affected directly by this issue, Denmark recognizes the severity of the disease and the effects it is having within other countries. Implementing vaccination and medical record registration technology like Denmark has, and creating global funds for humanitarian organizations that have been leading the charge in fighting the tuberculosis epidemic are crucial to aiding these struggling nations. Denmark emphasizes the needed collaboration between nations to end this epidemic.
Tuberculosis is one of the most deadly diseases of current times, and millions are infected annually, despite it being a preventable and treatable bacterial infection. Diagnosing tuberculosis early on is a struggle for individuals who live in middle-low income economies, where disease is more rampant and effective treatment is hard to come by. Risk factors that increase one’s chances of contracting tuberculosis are malnutrition, HIV, and tobacco use, and high risk communities need to be prioritized when providing aid.
In Denmark, less than 400 cases of tuberculosis are reported annually, and it is not a pressing concern. Denmark’s health care and medical system is ranked one of the best globally. But while immigration continues to increase from Eastern European countries, increasing screening for tuberculosis is advised. Statistically, immigrants from Eastern European countries are more likely to be carrying HIV, and therefore more likely to contract tuberculosis. Many immigrants are fleeing conflict zones and are commonly malnourished and haven’t received medical care. As Denmark’s healthcare system extends healthcare coverage to all seeking asylum, increasing screening to contain the spread of tuberculosis is encouraged.
After decades of fighting tuberculosis, many TB strains are resistant to specific drugs. People in lower income countries with limited medical facilities can not determine individual strains and the disease is often mistreated, pushing more people into worse conditions due to the cost of the ineffective treatment. Paired with the fact that poor sanitary conditions and cramped living spaces are increased risk factors for contracting tuberculosis, it is imperative that the WHO moves to improve treatment availability and facilities.
Currently, the already existing Technical Advisory Group on Tuberculosis Diagnostics and Laboratory Strengthening works with organizations like Global Fund and END TB to advise on providing vaccines and treatments globally, and these humanitarian groups contribute 76% of all international funds fighting tuberculosis. Denmark encourages the World Health Organization to work closer with these groups and to set up a fund to provide aid for these organizations, as the continuing spread of tuberculosis is a threat to us all.
As for world governments, Denmark has already enacted programs to reduce tobacco use domestically, and it would be beneficial for countries struggling with tuberculosis outbreaks to do the same, as tobacco use is an increased risk factor. The program, referred to as S’SMOKE, created bans on the way tobacco is sold and packaged, as well as removed flavoring from nicotine products and raised prices. Denmark recommends the increase of regulations in tobacco products to reduce tuberculosis risk factors, as economic disparities should not be prioritized over human life.
In 2015, Denmark created the Danish Vaccination Registry, a specialized system for its citizens that has revolutionized the vaccination process. This complex system replaced vaccination cards and was able to be accessed by all citizens and medical practitioners, making access to the information easy, saving time and resources. It has been a factor attributed to Denmark’s high vaccination rates across the board. Implementing a system with this technology could make vaccination of tuberculosis easier and more controlled.
Overall the increase in tuberculosis cases worldwide is worrying to Denmark and it is imperative for the World Health Organization to take action towards containing and treating tuberculosis if ending the worldwide tuberculosis epidemic by 2030 is going to be a plausible goal. Denmark stands with the idea of the WHO taking greater action in ending this epidemic.

Bibliography: Denmark Can Benefit from Increased Screening for Tuberculosis. 2 Feb. 2024, Accessed 13 Feb. 2024.
“Tuberculosis.” The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, Accessed 13 Feb. 2024.
“HIV and TB: A Fact Sheet for HIV Care Providers in Minnesota.” MN Dept. of Health,,tuberculosis. Accessed 13 Feb. 2024.
World Health Organization: WHO. “Tuberculosis.” World Health Organization: WHO, 7 Nov. 2023, Accessed 13 Feb. 2024.

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DetroitCatholicCentralDelegates 02/16/2024 17:45:49

Topic: 2024-Tuberculosis
Country: Yemen
Delegate Name: Jacob Marabanian

Tuberculosis is a significant public health challenge in Yemen, exacerbated by ongoing conflict, widespread poverty, and a fragile healthcare system. The country has one of the highest Tuberculosis burdens in the Middle East, with a high prevalence rate and low treatment success rates. The situation is further complicated by limited access to healthcare services, including diagnostics and treatment, especially in remote and conflict-affected areas. The impact of Tuberculosis in Yemen is profound, leading to increased morbidity and mortality rates, particularly among vulnerable populations such as children, the elderly, and those with compromised immune systems. Efforts to control Tuberculosis in Yemen face numerous challenges, including funding shortages, weak healthcare infrastructure, and limited resources, highlighting the urgent need for sustained international support and investment in Tuberculosis control programs to mitigate the burden of this disease in the country.

TB may have increased from 2021 to 2022 because of increased focus on COVID-19 research and stopping COVID-19. Factors such as poverty, overcrowding, malnutrition, and lack of access to health care can also increase the risk of TB transmission and disease progression. Reducing the financial burden of tuberculosis (TB) treatment is crucial to ensure that individuals can access and complete the necessary treatment without facing financial hardship. A few ways to reduce the financial burden could be to have Governments and organizations provide TB treatment free of charge or at a subsidized cost to ensure that cost is not a barrier to accessing care. A second way is Social Protection. This is because implementing social protection mechanisms, such as cash transfers or social insurance, can help mitigate the economic impact of TB treatment on individuals and families. All of these policies and reasons have affected the world and Southeast Asia especially.

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DetroitCatholicCentralDelegates 02/16/2024 16:51:30

Topic: 2024-Tuberculosis
Country: Switzerland
Delegate Name: Chase Richards

Committee: World Health Organization
Topic: Tuberculosis
Country: Switzerland

Tuberculosis (TB) remains a significant global health challenge, causing immense suffering and claiming countless lives each year. Despite progress in diagnosis and treatment, TB continues to disproportionately affect vulnerable populations, particularly in low-resource settings. Switzerland recognizes the urgent need to comprehensively address TB to achieve global health equity and eliminate this preventable disease.
Past International Action
The international community has made considerable efforts to combat TB through initiatives such as the World Health Organization’s End TB Strategy and the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria. These initiatives aim to accelerate progress in TB prevention, diagnosis, treatment, and care, with a focus on reaching underserved populations. Additionally, international partnerships and collaborations have facilitated the sharing of best practices and resources to strengthen TB control efforts worldwide.
Past Country Policies
Switzerland acknowledges the importance of addressing TB within its own borders and has implemented several policies to combat the disease. Efforts include investing in TB prevention and control programs, ensuring access to quality diagnostic and treatment services, and promoting community engagement and awareness. Switzerland also supports global TB research efforts and contributes to funding mechanisms such as the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria to support TB control efforts in low-income countries.
Possible Solutions
To address TB effectively, Switzerland proposes a multidirectional approach including the following angles:
Enhanced Detection and Diagnosis: Switzerland advocates for strengthening TB detection and diagnosis through expanded access to quality diagnostic tools and technologies, particularly in underserved areas. This includes investing in rapid diagnostic tests, improving laboratory capacity, and promoting community-based screening initiatives.
Improved Treatment and Care: Switzerland emphasizes the importance of ensuring access to quality TB treatment and care for all affected individuals. This includes providing timely and appropriate treatment regimens, addressing barriers to treatment adherence, and integrating TB services into existing healthcare systems to promote continuity of care.
Prevention and Control Measures: Switzerland supports the implementation of evidence-based TB prevention and control measures, including infection control measures, vaccination programs, and targeted interventions for high-risk populations. This includes promoting TB awareness and education initiatives to empower communities to take proactive steps to prevent TB transmission.
In conclusion, Switzerland is committed to working collaboratively with the international community to address TB comprehensively and achieve the ambitious goal of ending the TB epidemic by 2030. By implementing a multifaceted approach that prioritizes detection, treatment, prevention, and research, significant strides can be made towards TB elimination and ensure a healthier future for all.

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FHPSDelegates 02/16/2024 15:42:30

Topic: 2024-Tuberculosis
Country: Qatar
Delegate Name: Jasmine Mand

World Health Organization
State of Qatar
Jasmine Mand
Forest Hills Eastern

Tuberculosis (TB) is a contagious, airborne bacteria that can attack the lungs due to the sneezing and coughing of infected people. In 2022, this disease has killed 1.3 million people and has left 10.6 million others infected. Many people can not afford the long duration of medicine that is required to cure TB, as it resists most antibiotic therapy. To ensure proper treatment, numerous healthcare professionals need to be available. Mini accidents like missed dosages or forgetting to take medicine can increase the infection rapidly. Also, because of poor living conditions, lack of resources, and inadequate sanitization can make TB a rising issue. Several countries lack access to accurate diagnostic tools that can put their patients in dangerous situations, resulting in side effects. All of these factors resulted in increased cases after COVID-19 as the world had an economic shortage. Out of 3,301 patients, 223 ended up with drug-resistant problems in the State of Qatar. It is a recurring issue in some areas, but Qatar is willing to help. Citizens of Qatar have free access to medical care for TB and are willing to aid countries. The state of Qatar recognizes these issues and would like to support others.

To address the financial crisis with Tuberculosis, Qatar will be suggesting to implement free health care for those with the TB disease. Recently under the Qatar Public Health Strategy, the country has implemented early detection devices and medical checkups. They have also designed new techniques to determine if a person was infected in or out of Qatar. Services within the Hamad Medical Cooperations (HMC) use new technology and modern equipment to receive results more quickly. The State of Qatar recognizes the need to invest in environmental programs to increase better living conditions. Qatar is also open to donating to specific NGOs and facilities to improve other countries’ conditions. In 2022, The State of Qatar donated 50 million dollars towards fighting Tuberculosis through the Global Fund to Fight AIDS and is willing to aid others. The Qatari government would like to fund more research facilities to produce an accessible vaccine faster. TB has considerably become more drug-resistant and addressing this issue is extremely important.

Unfortunately, drug resistance in TB is developing to become more common. The main causes result from the misusage of drugs, poor quality of drugs, incompletion of the course, and unavailable proper treatment. Since this is an airborne disease, people can recatch it and develop more drug-resistant properties. Countries with recurring problems should take the TB drug as exactly as described and implement harsher conduct for healthcare providers for a more efficient treatment. Qatar would like to design better facilities where patients can stay out of reach from others exposed to drug-resistant properties. Vaccines with safer antibiotic properties need to be investigated and can be funded through NGOs or medical facilities.

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FHPSDelegates 02/16/2024 13:20:25

Topic: 2024-Tuberculosis
Country: Albania
Delegate Name: Eva Gavin

Committee: world Health Organization
Topic: Tuberculosis
Country: Kingdom of Albania
Delegate: Eva Gavin, Forest Hills Northern High School

As it is around the world, tuberculosis is still a serious public health concern in Albania. Tuberculosis affects people nationwide despite efforts to manage the illness, especially in underdeveloped areas and populations with little access to medical care. Albania understands the importance of tackling tuberculosis in an integrated approach, with an emphasis on prevention, diagnosis, treatment, and research. The country is dedicated to improving public health outcomes in the most effective way possible.
The persistence of TB in Albania can be attributed to various factors, including insufficient funding for TB control initiatives, socioeconomic inequality, and poor medical infrastructure. Drug-resistant TB strains are posing an increasing threat to public health, despite advancements in lowering prevalence and fatality rates. Also, the COVID-19 epidemic has put additional strain on healthcare systems, which has an effect on attempts to prevent, diagnose, and treat tuberculosis. Albania recognizes that in order to effectively address these issues and make progress toward the control and eradication of tuberculosis, ongoing action must be taken.
To combat TB inside the country’s borders, Albania has put in place a variety of strategies, such as expanding TB surveillance systems, increasing access to diagnostic and treatment facilities, and raising awareness of TB prevention and control measures. Working in partnership with foreign partners, civil society organizations, and healthcare professionals, the National TB Program aims to improve treatment adherence, boost the delivery of tuberculosis care, and address the social factors of health that contribute to tuberculosis spread.
Albania is in favor of initiatives aimed at enhancing the ability to diagnose tuberculosis by implementing new technology and building out laboratory facilities. Albania seeks to improve early diagnosis and rapid treatment initiation for tuberculosis cases through investments in molecular diagnostic techniques and quick testing for disease. In order to promote treatment adherence and reduce treatment interruptions, Albania advocates for the provision of comprehensive support services, such as patient counseling and nutritional help. Albania emphasizes the need of tackling poverty, unemployment, and housing insecurity in TB control efforts, acknowledging the influence of socioeconomic factors on TB incidence and results. Albania is in favor of programs that seek to lessen the negative associations attached to tuberculosis, provide access to work and education, and improve living conditions. Albania emphasizes how important it is to keep funding TB research and innovation in order to create new vaccines, treatment plans, and diagnostic tools. Albania encourages partnership with pharmaceutical corporations and international research organizations to reduce drug resistant TB strains. Albania is dedicated to working with the international community to further TB control and elimination initiatives. The nation wants to lower the prevalence of tuberculosis and enhance health outcomes for all of its residents by putting evidence-based interventions into practice, strengthening healthcare systems, and confronting underlying social and economic factors. By working together, we can eliminate tuberculosis and guarantee upcoming generations have a healthy future.

Works Cited:
“MAF-TB.”, Accessed 16 Feb. 2024.
World Health Organization. “Global Tuberculosis Report 2020.”, 2020,

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FHPSDelegates 02/16/2024 12:09:46

Topic: 2024-Tuberculosis
Country: Pakistan
Delegate Name: Anastasia Placanica

Pakistan, as a member of the World Health Organization (WHO), is committed to the global fight against Tuberculosis (TB). As the fifth-highest nation contracting TB daily in the world, we recognize the urgency of this issue and are dedicated to finding effective strategies to combat this disease. Pakistan has an estimated 510,000 new TB cases emerging each year, accounting for 61% of TB in the Eastern Mediterranean region. Despite the significant burden, progress has been made. The National TB Control Program (NTP), with the support of The Global Fund and other partners, has established a strong care and surveillance network. Many cases are left unregistered, so there is a need for improved detection and reporting. This situation underscores the importance of our commitment to the fight against TB.
We acknowledge the WHO’s mandate to develop and disseminate evidence-based policy, norms, and standards for TB prevention, diagnosis, treatment, and care. The WHO’s End TB Strategy, which aims to reduce TB incidence by 80% and TB deaths by 90% by 2030, aligns with our national goals. We also recognize the importance of the WHO’s guidelines on TB screening, which recommend symptom screening, chest radiography, and molecular WHO-approved rapid diagnostic tests. Our approach to combating TB includes a concerted government strategy to find and treat hidden patients nationwide. However, social stigma associated with TB often leads to underreporting and discontinuation of medication. Additionally, the private healthcare sector often lacks the necessary resources for TB treatment, leading to reliance on government-run hospitals.
To enhance our fight against TB, we recommend increasing funding: Additional funding is needed to reach the UN’s target for TB prevention, diagnosis, treatment, and care. Strengthen Public-Private Partnerships: Collaborations between public and private healthcare providers can help ensure comprehensive coverage of TB care. Improve Awareness and Education: Public awareness campaigns can help reduce the stigma associated with TB and encourage early diagnosis and treatment. Enhance Surveillance and Reporting: Improved data collection and reporting can help identify unregistered cases and monitor the effectiveness of interventions. Pakistan is committed to working with the WHO and other international partners to end the TB epidemic. We believe that with increased funding, strengthened public-private partnerships, improved awareness, and enhanced surveillance, we can make significant strides toward achieving the WHO’s End TB Strategy goals. Together, we can create a TB-free world.

Works Cited:
Thelwell, Kim. “Understanding Tuberculosis in Pakistan.” The Borgen Project, Kim Thelwell, 23 June 2020,
“About Us.” National TB Control Programme – Pakistan, Accessed 15 Feb. 2024.
“Pakistan’s Drive to End Tuberculosis.” Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance, 7 Dec. 2023,
“TB Guidelines.” World Health Organization, World Health Organization, Accessed 15 Feb. 2024.
“Tuberculosis Situation in 2020.” PAKISTAN TB Dashboard, Accessed 15 Feb. 2024.
“Tuberculosis.” World Health Organization, World Health Organization, Accessed 15 Feb. 2024.

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FHPSDelegates 02/16/2024 11:34:01

Topic: 2024-Tuberculosis
Country: Germany
Delegate Name: Kenna Charbauski

The prevalence of tuberculosis(TB) in modern society is an issue that needs to be solved. TB is a preventable disease, yet it was responsible for 1.3 million deaths in 2023 according to the World Health Organization(WHO). Recent increases in vaccine resistant bacteria have made the disease an even larger threat. Unfortunately TB care is expensive and many cases are not quickly diagnosed. Germany is dedicated to preventing the spread of this disease and equally distributing healthcare resources to susceptible communities.
Starting in 2017, Germany consistently dropped the TB rates within the nation. The decrease rates were 12%, until they slowed due to the pandemic and the Ukraine-Russia War. Now statistics show a slight increase in German TB incidence, but this is not because of internal spread. The National Library of Medicine found that the increase is mainly caused by immigrants and refugees. The war between Russia and Ukraine brought an influx of Ukrainian refugees to Germany. Ukraine has a higher prevalence rate of TB and higher resistance rate to multi drugs than Germany. To help reach the goals set by WHO for low incidence countries, Germany is actively using several strategies. In 2001 Germany implemented the Prevention Against Infection Act. This act provides base level guidelines for tracking infectious disease and TB data. The incidence rate in Germany in 2023 was 3.896 cases per 100,000 people. About 63% of these cases have been found to occur in immigrants, so TB screening is mandatory for refugees admitted to community facilities. This decreases rates of transmission and prevents the disease from being spread to more vulnerable people.
Germany has not recommended the Bacillus Calmette-Guérin(BCG) vaccination for TB since 1998. Germany recognizes the effectiveness of BCG in preventing severe disease outbreaks in children, but has not found it to be equally effective in treating adults. Germany is working to develop a better vaccine. Instead Germany promotes TB Preventive Therapy (TPT) among other methods, which can potentially reduce the disease progression by up to 90%.
A key issue in preventing the spread of TB is access to healthcare resources in high incidence countries. Germany recognizes the importance of the BCG vaccine in many of these nations, but urges low incidence nations to share other preventative methods and invest in global healthcare initiatives. Partnership with Non-governmental organizations can be an important step in data collection and distribution of healthcare. This global tragedy is preventable, and Germany hopes through continued improvements in TB screening and early treatment, it can meet the goals set forth by WHO.

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FHPSDelegates 02/16/2024 11:24:05

Topic: 2024-Tuberculosis
Country: Philippines
Delegate Name: Ella Zhou

Tuberculosis is one of the oldest diseases in the world, yet it still affects society to this day. Although, in the modern age, there are much more effective treatment methods and cures, tuberculosis cases still rise due to the ineffective distribution of resources around the world. The COVID-19 pandemic has also contributed to the rise of tuberculosis cases since treatment coverage in 2020 was only 59%, 13% less than in 2019.
While tuberculosis affects almost all areas of the world, it affects areas in Southeast Asia and Southern Africa the most, which includes the Philippines. Poor ventilation and undernutrition are a few causes that lead to higher vulnerability to tuberculosis, which are apparent in these areas. Along with this, rapid economic growth and climate change also contribute to the spreading of diseases, since these factors are associated with an increase in poorly sanitized and ventilated areas. In the Philippines, many people lack enough knowledge to make informed decisions about their health, which contributes to the high amount of cases in that area, which may be true for other countries as well. Because of this, the Philippines believes that accessible and high-quality healthcare and preventive programs are crucial.
As a result, the Philippines has made much progress to help combat this. In 2019, the Philippine Universal Health Care Law was signed, allowing all Filipinos access to free healthcare services to an extent. The Philippines also has the National Tuberculosis Control Program that hopes to reduce the catastrophic costs of tuberculosis-affected households, improve the quality of tuberculosis treatment, and expand preventive facilities. The Philippines has also established national health data standards and suggested plans for future implementation of health IT or telemedicine. These programs and resources may also help tuberculosis-affected households reduce financial burden in the long run since prevention and early treatment of tuberculosis will help it get treated quicker and more efficiently.
The Philippines believes that the rise in tuberculosis cases is a tricky issue to solve, since many areas in the world may not ever have enough resources to effectively decrease a majority of tuberculosis cases. Despite this, the Philippines suggests stricter guidelines and standards for health data and hospitals, easier access to healthcare, and better tools and equipment for curing and prevention of tuberculosis to maximize the effectiveness of healthcare systems and facilities. The Philippines also suggests that more financially well-off countries step up and create organizations to help smaller and less-developed countries upgrade their hospital infrastructure.

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FHPSDelegates 02/16/2024 11:13:26

Topic: 2024-Tuberculosis
Country: United Kingdom
Delegate Name: David Liu

World Health Organization
The United Kingdom
David Liu, Forest Hills Northern High School

Tuberculosis (TB) has always been a pressing global health challenge, but following the COVID-19 pandemic, accessible treatment for TB has plummeted, leaving many areas in desperate need of support. As a delegate of the United Kingdom, we are deeply committed to addressing this issue and collaborating with the international community to achieve the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goal of ending the TB epidemic by 2030.
In 2022, it was estimated that 10.6 million people fell ill with TB, leading to 1.3 million deaths. Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, the world had been observing a general downward trend in TB cases, with only about 10 million recorded cases in 2019. Even in the United Kingdom, a historically successful country in battling TB, we saw cases increase by 7.3% between 2020 and 2021. Unless this pattern can be changed, the UK will unfortunately fall short of achieving the WHO’s End TB Strategy target of 90% reduction in people with TB from 2015 to 2035.
The UK maintains its commitment to achieving our goal; we have initiated a five-year action plan for advancing TB prevention and control. Working with NHS England, the strategy focuses on several pivotal areas: streamlining COVID-19 recovery, preventing tuberculosis while enhancing protection against it, augmenting TB detection efficacy, curtailing the spread of tuberculosis, and fortifying workforce development. We aspire—through targeted emphasis on these crucial objectives—to reignite our historical downward trajectory in TB cases.
Globally, there still remain a number of other prevalent issues in the battle against TB. With the increase of multidrug-resistant TB (MDR-TB), we now have to create new ways of approaching the fight against TB, as previous medications may no longer be effective. In 2022, only about 2 in every 5 people with MDR-TB had access to treatment, let alone ones that were successful. Moreover, targeting the root causes of TB—poverty, inadequate healthcare infrastructure, and social determinants of health (SDOH)—is a pressing emphasis for the UK; by confronting these fundamental issues, we can exert more efficient control over TB’s spread and restrict new cases. The UK stands firmly supportive with WHO’s call for enhanced funding in TB research to hasten innovative treatment method development.
In conclusion, the UK reasserts its commitment to combating TB domestically and globally; we urge the United Nations to unite with us in this goal. Through collaboration, overcoming the TB epidemic is within our reach, creating a healthier, more equitable world for all.

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GreenhillsDelegates 02/16/2024 10:11:52

Topic: 2024-Tuberculosis
Country: Venezuela
Delegate Name: Diego Picazo Erb-Downward

The country of Venezuela recognizes that the threat presented by Tuberculosis (TB) amounts to a global health crisis that merits a full UN response. In 2014, the world health organization met to determine how to solve the problem worldwide. They proposed a strategy that would eliminate 95% percent of TB cases by 2035. Venezuela recognizes that we have not made significant strides to solve the problem since, and since the problem has gotten worse in recent years, our nation acknowledges that comprehensive action is required to stop the problem from worsening, and that further action must be taken in order for the WHO to meet its 2035 goals.
In recent years, we have seen a substantial increase in the amount of both TB cases and mortalities. While this increase may be due to a lot of different factors, the Covid 19 pandemic has most directly led to the resurgence of TB, among other diseases. Fortunately, the problem of Covid 19 dropped in intensity over the course of 2023, and we can focus entirely on mitigating the effects of the current TB outbreaks without much concern for Covid 19. In meeting our sustainable development goals for 2030, we must address both the direct increase in TB cases and the socioeconomic causes of outbreaks. To tackle both of these, Venezuela proposes a two pronged approach: The first step will be to increase the availability of frontline TB treatments and tests. The second step will be to encourage countries to invest more in healthcare so that by 2030, the nations themselves will have the resources to solve every outbreak in their country without WHO involvement. This will allow the WHO to focus time and money on eliminating other diseases.
The first step is the most important for eradicating TB. Every TB case cured will prevent at least 12 more future cases. The increase in testing will allow countries to more easily detect TB cases, but nearly a quarter of new TB cases are multidrug resistant TB which ignores frontline treatment. Second Line treatments to cure those cases exist, but are difficult to acquire. Venezuela proposes that the WHO issue a statement encouraging the quarantine of those infected with multidrug resistant TB until such time as second line treatments can be sent to them. In order to increase the availability of both front line and second line treatments, Venezuela proposes that the WHO discuss the lowering of drug prices with pharmaceutical companies.
For addressing the underlying socio economic issues that lead to TB outbreaks, Venezuela recommends a formal recommendation of the UN to work towards solving poverty, however, the WHO is not the best equipped organization to tackle this issue, and venezuela recommends we spend our resources curing diseases and let other UN bodies that are better equipped to solve that solve it.

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FHPSDelegates 02/15/2024 23:16:50

Topic: 2024-Tuberculosis
Country: Ghana
Delegate Name: Tejasvi Annadurai

Tuberculosis (TB) continues to pose a significant burden on public health systems worldwide, including in Ghana. It is crucial to address the multifaceted challenges associated with TB and develop practical solutions to combat this debilitating disease.

While progress has been made in controlling TB globally, it remains a major public health concern. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), TB contributes to the deaths of 1.4 million people annually, with a high prevalence in developing countries like Ghana. Ghana is among the 30 countries most burdened by TB, with the disease affecting people from all socioeconomic backgrounds. TB in Ghana is further complicated by coinfections such as HIV/AIDS and drug-resistant strains. The challenges faced by the healthcare system in addressing the disease need immediate attention.

One of the critical obstacles in combating TB in Ghana is the inadequacy of the healthcare infrastructure, particularly in rural areas. Small facilities, lack of trained healthcare professionals, and limited access to diagnostic tools and medications contribute to delayed detection, inadequate treatment, and disease spread. To address the prevalence of TB, Ghana must enhance its diagnostic capabilities. Investment in rapid, accurate, and affordable diagnostic technologies such as Xpert MTB/RIF and improved laboratory systems should be prioritized. Additionally, training healthcare professionals on the effective use of these tools will bolster diagnostic capacity.

To improve TB prevention, detection, and treatment, Ghana must strengthen its primary healthcare system. Enhancing community engagement, training community health workers, and developing robust referral systems will ensure early identification of TB cases, facilitate timely treatment initiation, and reduce transmission rates. TB-related stigma remains a significant barrier to diagnosis and treatment adherence in Ghana. Comprehensive advocacy campaigns should aim to dispel misconceptions, raise awareness, and sensitize communities about TB. Addressing sociocultural factors, such as traditional beliefs and practices that hinder TB control, is essential for long-term success.

Investing in biomedical research, both locally and internationally, is crucial to develop innovative diagnostic tools, effective treatments, and immunization strategies. Ghanaian institutions should collaborate with international partners to access funding, conduct clinical trials, and facilitate knowledge exchange. Accurate and up-to-date data is critical for effective TB control. Ghana needs to strengthen its surveillance and monitoring systems by training healthcare professionals, establishing a robust data management infrastructure, and implementing advanced technologies for data collection and analysis.

Finally, collaboration between the government, non-governmental organizations, private sector, and the international community is vital in combating TB in Ghana. Financial support, technical assistance, and knowledge sharing among stakeholders will contribute to a sustainable TB control program.

Tuberculosis continues to challenge public health in Ghana, necessitating a comprehensive, multi-sectoral response. By addressing infrastructure gaps, improving diagnostics, integrating TB/HIV services, strengthening primary healthcare, tackling stigma, encouraging research, and fostering collaboration, Ghana can make substantial progress in controlling TB and ultimately reducing the disease burden on its population. Implementing these strategies will pave the way for a healthier and more prosperous future for Ghana.

“Tuberculosis (TB).” World Health Organization, World Health Organization, Accessed 16 Feb. 2024.

Central Intelligence Agency, Central Intelligence Agency,,known%20about%20its%20early%20inhabitants. Accessed 15 Feb. 2024.

Kuupiel, Desmond, et al. “Geographic Availability of and Physical Accessibility to Tuberculosis Diagnostic Tests in Ghana: A Cross-Sectional Survey – BMC Health Services Research.” BioMed Central, BioMed Central. Accessed 14 Feb. 2024

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Kaycee Duffey 02/16/2024 07:06:25

Topic: 2024-Tuberculosis
Country: Poland
Delegate Name: Simon Rothstein

The Republic of Poland is deeply committed to finding comprehensive solutions to reduce the global disease burden of tuberculosis (TB) and to achieving the Sustainable Development Goal of ending the TB epidemic by 2030. To address this pressing issue, Poland acknowledges the urgency of the situation and stands ready to collaborate to develop effective strategies.
From 2021 to 2022, the increase in tuberculosis cases has raised concerns regarding the factors contributing to this TB and how it can be addressed. Poland recognizes that several factors may have contributed to this increase, including limited access to healthcare services, gaps in TB detection and diagnosis, inadequate treatments, socioeconomic determinants of health, and conflicts with the COVID-19 pandemic. To address this, Poland advocates for strengthening health systems, expanding access to affordable diagnostics and treatment, diminishing gaps in healthcare coverage, and addressing social determinants of health such as poverty and inequity.
The financial burden of tuberculosis treatment poses a significant challenge for many patients and their households. Poland acknowledges that half of all tuberculosis patients face catastrophic costs due to medical expenses and lost income. To alleviate this burden, Poland supports initiatives to reduce the cost of TB treatment through subsidization, insurance schemes, and social protection programs. Additionally, we emphasize the importance of addressing the underlying socioeconomic factors that contribute to financial hardship, such as unemployment and lack of social support.
The increase in drug-resistant tuberculosis cases in the regions of the Americas and Southeast Asia is a concerning development that requires immediate attention. Poland recognizes that factors contributing to this increase may include inadequate treatment regimens and limited access to quality healthcare services. To address this, Poland advocates for strengthening TB treatment programs, improving diagnostic capacity for drug-resistant TB, and implementing infection control measures to prevent transmission. Furthermore, Poland supports efforts to promote research and innovation in the development of new drugs and treatment modalities for drug-resistant TB.
In conclusion, the Republic of Poland reaffirms its commitment to working collaboratively with the international community to reduce the global disease burden of tuberculosis. By addressing the underlying determinants of TB transmission and ensuring access to quality diagnostics and treatment, we can move closer to achieving the Sustainable Development Goal of ending the TB epidemic by 2030.

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GreenhillsDelegates 02/15/2024 23:13:52

Topic: 2024-Tuberculosis
Country: Ecuador
Delegate Name: Michael Nakashima

Ecuador is committed to addressing the global challenge of tuberculosis (TB) within the framework of Sustainable Development Goal 3.3. As a nation, Ecuador recognizes the urgency of collaborative action to combat TB and achieve significant reductions in TB-related morbidity and mortality by 2030. Ecuador acknowledges the importance of equitable access to diagnostics, treatment, and prevention measures, particularly for vulnerable populations. Our nation’s stance is rooted in a commitment to strengthening healthcare systems, promoting community engagement, and addressing social determinants of health to effectively tackle TB.
The increase in TB cases from 2021 to 2022 could be attributed to several factors, including:
COVID-19 Pandemic: The disruption caused by the COVID-19 pandemic may have led to delays in TB diagnosis, treatment, and surveillance activities, resulting in underreporting of cases.
Healthcare System Strain: Overburdened healthcare systems, particularly in low- and middle-income countries, may have led to challenges in TB detection and management, exacerbating the spread of the disease.
Social Determinants of Health: Socioeconomic factors such as poverty, overcrowded living conditions, and lack of access to healthcare services contribute to TB transmission and may have played a role in the increase of cases.
To address this increase, Ecuador proposes:
Strengthening Healthcare Systems: Invest in healthcare infrastructure, human resources, and laboratory capacity to improve TB diagnosis, treatment, and surveillance.
Enhancing Community Outreach: Implement community-based TB screening programs, raise awareness about TB symptoms and prevention measures, and promote early healthcare seeking behavior.
Ensuring Continuity of Care: Develop strategies to mitigate the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on TB services, including telemedicine and decentralized healthcare delivery models.
Reducing Financial Burden of TB Treatment
Half of all tuberculosis patients face catastrophic costs to their households due to medical expenses and lost income. To reduce the financial burden of TB treatment, Ecuador suggests:
Universal Health Coverage: Implement universal health coverage to ensure access to affordable TB diagnostics, medications, and supportive services without imposing financial hardship on patients and their families.
Social Protection Measures: Introduce social protection measures such as cash transfers, food assistance, and income support for TB patients and their families to alleviate the economic burden of treatment.
Public-Private Partnerships: Engage with pharmaceutical companies, international organizations, and civil society to negotiate affordable pricing for TB medications and diagnostics, ensuring their availability to those in need.
Addressing the Increase in Drug-Resistant Cases
The increase in drug-resistant TB cases in the regions of the Americas and South-East Asia may be attributed to several factors, including:
Incomplete Treatment: Inadequate adherence to TB treatment regimens can lead to the development of drug-resistant strains, highlighting the importance of comprehensive and supervised treatment programs.
Diagnostic Challenges: Limited access to accurate and timely diagnostics for drug-resistant TB strains hinders early detection and appropriate management, allowing resistant strains to spread.
Healthcare System Weaknesses: Weak healthcare systems, including inadequate laboratory capacity and human resources, contribute to delays in diagnosis and treatment initiation, facilitating the emergence of drug-resistant TB.
To address this issue, Ecuador proposes:
Enhancing Laboratory Capacity: Strengthen laboratory infrastructure and human resources to facilitate rapid and accurate diagnosis of drug-resistant TB strains, enabling prompt initiation of appropriate treatment.
Promoting Adherence to Treatment: Implement patient-centered treatment approaches, including directly observed therapy (DOT) and comprehensive support services, to improve treatment adherence and reduce the risk of drug resistance.
Investing in Research and Development: Support research and development efforts to develop new TB diagnostics, medications, and vaccines, particularly targeting drug-resistant strains, to advance TB control efforts globally.
Ecuador remains committed to collaborating with the international community to address the global TB epidemic and achieve Sustainable Development Goal 3.3 by 2030. By implementing comprehensive strategies that prioritize equity, innovation, and partnership, we can accelerate progress towards a TB-free world and ensure the health and well-being of all individuals, leaving no one behind.

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GreenhillsDelegates 02/15/2024 18:21:44

Topic: 2024-Tuberculosis
Country: Indonesia
Delegate Name: Sahana Patel

The Republic of Indonesia recognizes tuberculosis (TB) as a serious ongoing public health crisis that must be urgently prioritized and addressed. Indonesia is one of eight high-burden countries that collectively account for over two-thirds of the 10 million cases of active TB disease globally each year. Specifically, Indonesia has the second-highest burden of TB worldwide, with over 1,060,000 new cases reported in 2021 alone. While Indonesia has made laudable strides in recent years to improve TB diagnosis, treatment, and care, major challenges persist including underdiagnosis, treatment delays, and losses to follow-up. Sustained political commitment and significantly increased investment are required if Indonesia is to meet the Sustainable Development Goal target of ending TB by 2030.

To reduce the massive burden of TB, Indonesia believes a comprehensive, multi-sectoral approach is necessary. First and foremost, Indonesia calls for substantially increased domestic and international funding for TB control programs, coupled with enhanced strategic planning to optimize resource allocation and impact. While the government has increased domestic financing, ongoing support is needed from bilateral and multilateral partners to expand access to rapid molecular diagnostics, hire and train more community health workers, and provide social protection for vulnerable TB patients. Second, Indonesia advocates for accelerated research into – and equitable global access to – new tools to fight TB, including new antibiotics, vaccines, and point-of-care tests. We call on pharmaceutical companies to ensure affordable pricing of new TB drugs and regimes. Third, Indonesia stresses that addressing the social determinants of TB is just as important as improving medical care, in order to reduce TB infection, transmission, and deaths. Concerted cross-government efforts must be made to alleviate poverty, overcrowding, undernutrition, exposure to tobacco smoke, and other risk factors that fuel the epidemic. Fourth, Indonesia underscores that tackling the complex biosocial challenge of TB requires close collaboration between all relevant ministries and stakeholders, not just the health sector.

In addition, Indonesia stands ready to share best practices and technical expertise with other high TB burden countries, while also learning lessons from nations that have made significant progress against the disease. Enhanced South-South cooperation and collective advocacy can accelerate progress. To conclude, Indonesia is fully committed to working hand-in-hand with all partners to alleviate the immense suffering caused by TB, but urgent and sustained global action is imperative to end TB.

Works Cited

“Fact Sheet: Country Profile Indonesia 2022.” TB Indonesia, Accessed 10 Feb. 2024.

Kusumawardani, Nunik, et al. “Tuberculosis Burden in Indonesia: The Urgent Need for Bold Actions.” Tropical Medicine and Infectious Disease, vol. 7, no. 8, 2022, p. 182., Accessed 11 Feb. 2024.

“Indonesia.” USAID, 13 Oct. 2022, Accessed 12 Feb. 2024.

World Health Organization. “Indonesia’s Commitment to Eliminate TB by 2030 Supported by the Highest Level of Government.” World Health Organization, 28 Nov. 2021, Accessed 13 Feb. 2024.

Ardian, Muhammad, et al. “Tuberculosis in Indonesia: Burden, Challenges and the Way Forward.” The Lancet Global Health, vol. 10, no. 12, 2022, pp. e1751-e1760, Accessed 13 Feb. 2024.

World Health Organization. Global Tuberculosis Report 2022. World Health Organization, 2022, Accessed 12 Feb. 2024.

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FitzDelegates 02/15/2024 15:34:33

Topic: 2024-Tuberculosis
Country: Australia
Delegate Name: Stanija Combs

In the aftermath of Covid-19, WHO discovered a worldwide increase in Tuberculous, although being a commonly cured disease. Citizens throughout the world were quarantined and therefore did not receive the regularly scheduled vaccine, resulting in the increase. Understanding the severity of Tuberculosis, Australia has taken the necessary precautions to lower the gravity of the disease by having: hand hygiene, routine environmental cleaning, respiratory hygiene and cough etiquette. In result, lowering the cases. Also, due to our healthcare system, standard healthcare, including Tuberculosis treatment, is free for any citizen in Australia.

The Tuberculosis Vaccine Accelerator Council (TVAC), are currently in the process of testing a new Tuberculosis vaccine, addressing the recently discovered drug-resistant strain. Although, Australia raises the concern: how long will this vaccine take to reach people that are critically ill? Also, Australia questions the precautions put in place globally, due to the large number of cases annually.

To resolve the global Tuberculosis crisis, Australia is advocating for nations to establish a more healthy and secure healthcare system. Australia’s healthcare policy requires citizens to fund the healthcare system using taxpayer income, resulting in no cost for TB treatment. Australia hopes for other nations to be able to follow suit, with WHO programs to support. Australia is looking forward to working with other nations to find the best solution.

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GreenhillsDelegates 02/15/2024 12:52:09

Topic: 2024-Tuberculosis
Country: United arab Emirates
Delegate Name: Miraya Latchamsetty

Tuberculosis (TB) is a highly contagious bacterial infection primarily affecting the lungs, but it can also affect other parts of the body. Despite being preventable and treatable, TB remains one of the top infectious killers globally, causing suffering and an economic burden. Its significance lies not only in its direct impact on health but also in its socioeconomic implications, disproportionately affecting vulnerable populations and stunting progress towards global health goals. Addressing TB is crucial for promoting health equity, achieving universal health coverage, and advancing towards a world free of preventable diseases.

The United Arab Emirates (UAE) recognizes TB as a significant public health priority and has committed to addressing it comprehensively. The government has implemented robust national strategies and programs for TB prevention, control, and treatment. These initiatives focus on early detection through widespread screening efforts, ensuring access to quality healthcare services, and providing free diagnosis and treatment for all TB patients. Accordingly, The UAE has the BCG vaccine that treats TB among their required vaccinations for children. Additionally, the UAE emphasizes the importance of public awareness campaigns to promote agreement to treatment regimens. Through these efforts, the UAE aims to achieve the World Health Organization’s targets for TB elimination and improve the overall health and well-being of its population.

The TB situation in the UAE reflects a controlled epidemic with relatively low prevalence and incidence rates. According to recent data, the prevalence of TB stands at approximately 0.1 cases per 100,000 population (or 1 case for 1,000,000 population), while the incidence rate has shown a declining trend over the years. Demographic groups most affected by TB in the UAE include migrant workers, due to factors such as overcrowded living conditions and limited access to healthcare. Recent trends in TB control efforts are focused on strengthening diagnostic capabilities, access to healthcare services, and targeted interventions for high-risk populations, contributing to the overall reduction of TB burden in the country. However, the UAE faces challenges in addressing TB such as the transient nature of its population, a significant portion of whom are expatriate workers which leads to difficulties in continuous care. There are also cultural factors and stigma surrounding TB that discourage people from getting timely medical attention, furthering the challenge of controlling the disease.

Specific initiatives and policies implemented by the UAE to combat TB include widespread TB screening programs, the provision of free diagnosis and treatment services, and public awareness campaigns to reduce stigma and promote treatment adherence. The UAE collaborates with international organizations such as the Ministry of Health and Prevention (MoHaP) which have implemented several preventative strategies and programs to control TB, this includes the provision of TB drugs on a schedule, early TB testing, and vaccination of children with BCG. Ongoing efforts with MoHaP and its partners work to ensure that all care and services are provided free of charge. The UAE also introduced the National Programme for Tuberculosis Control which provides similar services. The UAE contributes resources, funding, and expertise to other countries and additionally plays an active role in conferences and workshops surrounding the treatment of TB
To improve TB control in the UAE, there should be a focus on strengthening healthcare systems by investing in training healthcare professionals and expanding TB clinics. The expansion of TB clinics increases accessibility to TB in remote areas. The collaboration between government agencies, healthcare providers, and international efforts is essential for sustainable TB control efforts.

The UAE is very active in the global fight against TB, the UAE makes donations, hosts conferences and workshops, and partners with international organizations to form optimal solutions. The expansion of clinics and investment in training healthcare workers are essential to the fight against TB. The UAE’s efforts have led to a downward trend in TB cases and the UAE will continue these efforts until these results are projected globally.

Works Cited:
Ministries of Health and Prevention,, date accessed February 15
Emirates News Agency WAM,, date accessed February 15
WHO TB,, date accessed Febraury 15

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GreenhillsDelegates 02/15/2024 13:42:52

Topic: 2024-Tuberculosis
Country: Mexico
Delegate Name: Alexander Stillman

For millennia, Tuberculosis has been ravaging communities; its spread is quite difficult to control and common treatments have continually proven to be ineffective. The bacteria quickly multiplies in the lungs and starts attacking the body; other parts of the body can also be affected such as the spine, kidneys, and brain. Victims of the bacteria often exhibit the symptoms of coughing blood, fever, tiredness and fatigue, and more. Additionally, the bacterium’s effects often combine with those HIV-which targets and weakens the immune system-causing tuberculosis to be the number one cause of death among HIV-positive individuals.

Despite these drawbacks, many modern, effective methods of combating tuberculosis exist, but unfortunately are not spread efficiently among populations in which the bacterial infection is occurring. Infections largely break out among more isolated and poorer communities, leading to a higher lethality rate due to factors such as less access to adequate medical care, health care being too expensive even if it is available, and a lack of sanitation mentions to prevent the spread of the disease. Many variants of tuberculosis have become untreatable with common medications due to increased resistance to antibiotics, leading to second-line treatments often being required to treat the disease, which comes at additional costs and more side effects for a patient. Additionally, a vaccine that works for most individuals has yet to be developed, with the only existing vaccine being available to young children, allowing the bacteria to spread across concentrated populations of older people who never received the vaccine.

Mexico is considered a country at moderate risk for tuberculosis by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC); while the tuberculosis rate is not as severe as regions such as sub-Saharan Africa and Asia, Mexico still faces tuberculosis as an ongoing health issue. Mexico believes that it is important for both governments and private companies to work together as a collective effort rather than separately on developing a tuberculosis vaccine that is viable for all ages whilst also encouraging research into methods of how treatments for Tuberculosis can be made more cheap and accessible to more underprivileged and isolated people.

Works Cited:

World Health Organization. (n.d.). Tuberculosis (TB). World Health Organization.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (n.d.). Mexico. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.,for%20exposure%20to%20Mycobacterium%20tuberculosis.

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RoyalOakDelegate 02/15/2024 08:05:57

Topic: 2024-Tuberculosis
Country: India
Delegate Name: Katie Macey

Despite medical advancements that make tuberculosis curable and preventable, this persistent disease continues to be a leading cause of death in low-middle-income countries across the world. Tuberculosis infected an estimated 10.6 million people worldwide in 2022 with 1.3 million of those succumbing to this devastating disease.

The risks of tuberculosis are amplified in those with existing infectious diseases or medical conditions. Diabetics and people infected with HIV are more susceptible to tuberculosis. Additionally, those with the COVID-19 virus are more likely to develop tuberculosis. The COVID-19 pandemic has also limited the management of the tuberculosis epidemic by diverting critical resources away from addressing those infected with tuberculosis. Insufficient or inappropriate treatment can lead to the development of multi-drug-resistant tuberculosis, which makes tuberculosis a greater threat to public health by raising the mortality rate. To reach the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goal of eradicating tuberculosis by 2030, immediate coordinated efforts must be made by countries worldwide.

Tuberculosis is especially prevalent in India, however, the overall number of tuberculosis cases has declined from 2019 to 2021. In India, tuberculosis still kills hundreds of thousands of people per year (as of 2022). While many Western nations view tuberculosis as a disease of the past, the people of India know that it is a very real danger still today. As a result, India has undertaken aggressive steps to reduce the incidence of tuberculosis and increase the chances that infections are less serious and often non-fatal. India has addressed this pressing issue within the country by providing monetary incentives to patients to improve nutrition, creating programs to increase awareness of tuberculosis within communities, and providing better access to drugs that treat tuberculosis.

Providing access to life-saving medicine to all people throughout the world is imperative, but it is insufficient to deal with the scourge of tuberculosis. India knows firsthand that drugs are not enough, and in our early efforts, it can be seen that drugs alone do not meaningfully reduce the incidence of tuberculosis or its negative effects. The limits of drugs as a comprehensive solution are also seen through the rise of drug-resistant variants of tuberculosis. The problem cannot be effectively addressed if more dangerous variants of tuberculosis are being created that could expand its severity and prevalence across the globe.

To more effectively solve the problem, the root causes need to be addressed by raising the baseline health of citizens around the world. As tuberculosis is typically more prevalent in people of lower socioeconomic status, regular medical care, healthier lifestyles, and cleaner environments are all crucial to addressing tuberculosis. In India, several initiatives have been successfully implemented that should be adopted by other countries around the world that are combatting this disease. For example, engaging with the private sector to ensure standardized treatment, implementing a digital reporting system on the national level, investing in the creation of drugs to combat multidrug-resistant tuberculosis, and establishing programs to address poverty, malnutrition, and indoor air pollution.

The pain, suffering, and death brought by tuberculosis impact communities around the world. Their hardships cannot be ignored. Equal access to life-saving drugs is essential, but it is insufficient. Only by the implementation of comprehensive public health measures through international collaboration can tuberculosis truly be eradicated from the world.

Works Cited:
Varshney, Karan, et al. “Trends in Tuberculosis Mortality Across India: Improvements Despite the COVID-19 Pandemic.” Cureus, vol. 15, no. 4, Apr. 2023, p. e38313,

World Health Organization: WHO. “Tuberculosis.” World Health Organization: WHO, 7 Nov. 2023, Accessed 11 Feb. 2024.

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RoyalOakDelegate 02/14/2024 18:59:35

Topic: 2024-Tuberculosis
Country: Gabon
Delegate Name: Prisha Thakker

Gabon, as a nation deeply committed to ensuring the well-being and prosperity of its citizens, recognizes the critical importance of addressing the global healthcare worker shortage. With a firm belief in the fundamental right to quality healthcare for all, Gabon is steadfast in its dedication to implementing comprehensive strategies to mitigate this shortage. As a nation that understands the profound impact of healthcare professionals on the overall health system and the delivery of essential services, Gabon stands ready to collaborate with the international community to foster sustainable solutions that not only bolster the healthcare workforce but also ensure equitable access to healthcare services for all its citizens. Gabon acknowledges the urgency of this issue and is eager to engage in constructive dialogue and collaborative efforts within the framework of international cooperation to effectively tackle this pressing challenge.
Gabon recognizes the crucial need for equitable distribution of healthcare workers to enhance global health coverage. To address this, Gabon advocates for comprehensive strategies that prioritize both recruitment and retention of healthcare professionals, particularly in underserved areas. This involves implementing incentives such as financial support, professional development opportunities, and improved working conditions to attract healthcare workers to regions with limited access to medical services. Furthermore, Gabon emphasizes the importance of investing in education and training programs tailored to the specific needs of these regions, ensuring a steady supply of skilled healthcare professionals who are culturally competent and dedicated to serving diverse communities. Additionally, Gabon supports international cooperation and partnerships to facilitate the exchange of expertise, resources, and best practices among nations, promoting a collaborative approach to strengthening healthcare systems worldwide. By addressing the distribution of healthcare workers through these multifaceted measures, Gabon believes that global health coverage can be significantly improved, leading to better health outcomes for populations in need.
In addressing the training of healthcare workers in developing nations, Gabon underscores the importance of tailored and sustainable approaches to meet the specific needs and challenges of these regions. Firstly, Gabon advocates for the establishment and expansion of medical education programs within developing nations, emphasizing hands-on training and practical experiences in local healthcare settings. This includes the development of partnerships with medical schools and institutions in developed countries to facilitate knowledge exchange and capacity building. Additionally, Gabon supports initiatives to enhance the skills of existing healthcare workers through continuous professional development programs, workshops, and seminars. Leveraging technology, such as online learning platforms and telemedicine, can also play a vital role in providing accessible and cost-effective training opportunities for healthcare workers in remote areas. Moreover, Gabon encourages the deployment of international medical missions and volunteer programs to supplement local healthcare workforce training efforts and address immediate healthcare needs. By employing these multifaceted strategies, Gabon believes that healthcare workers in developing nations can be effectively trained and empowered to deliver quality care to their communities, thereby contributing to the improvement of global health outcomes.
Improving working conditions for healthcare workers is essential for enhancing their well-being and ensuring the delivery of quality healthcare services. Gabon advocates for several measures to address this critical issue. Firstly, Gabon supports the implementation of fair and competitive compensation packages for healthcare workers, including salary increases, bonuses, and benefits commensurate with their skills and responsibilities. Additionally, Gabon emphasizes the importance of providing adequate staffing levels to mitigate work overload and burnout among healthcare professionals. This involves increasing recruitment efforts and investing in workforce planning to ensure sufficient manpower in healthcare facilities. Furthermore, Gabon prioritizes creating safe and supportive work environments by implementing measures to address workplace violence, harassment, and infectious disease control. Moreover, Gabon encourages the provision of ongoing training and professional development opportunities to empower healthcare workers and enhance their job satisfaction and performance. By adopting these holistic approaches, Gabon believes that working conditions for healthcare workers can be significantly improved, leading to better outcomes for both healthcare providers and the populations they serve.
In conclusion, Gabon staunchly advocates for a collaborative, multi-faceted approach to addressing the global healthcare worker shortage. Recognizing the fundamental right to quality healthcare for all, Gabon emphasizes equitable distribution of healthcare workers, tailored training initiatives in developing nations, and improved working conditions. By fostering international cooperation, implementing incentives, investing in education and training, and prioritizing worker well-being, Gabon believes that sustainable solutions can be achieved, leading to enhanced global health coverage and improved health outcomes for all. Gabon stands ready to engage in constructive dialogue and collaborative efforts to tackle this pressing challenge and ensure the well-being and prosperity of its citizens and those around the world.

Works Cited
World Health Organization (WHO), Accessed 14 February 2024.
United Nations Development Programme: Home, Accessed 14 February 2024.
“Health Care Resources – Gabon.” Statista, Accessed 14 February 2024.

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DetroitCatholicCentralDelegates 02/13/2024 15:04:50

Topic: 2024-Tuberculosis
Country: Japan
Delegate Name: Brady Mason

The increase in tuberculosis (TB) cases from 2021 to 2022 may be attributed to various factors including disruptions in healthcare services due to the COVID-19 pandemic, inadequate access to TB diagnosis and treatment, and challenges in reaching vulnerable populations such as those living in poverty. Addressing this increase requires strengthening healthcare systems, ensuring access to affordable and quality TB diagnostics and treatment, implementing targeted interventions for high-risk populations, and promoting public awareness and education about TB prevention and control measures.
To reduce the financial burden of tuberculosis treatment on households, it is important to implement strategies that provide financial risk protection and alleviate the economic impact of TB. This can be achieved through measures such as expanding social health insurance coverage to include TB-related costs, providing subsidies or financial assistance for TB diagnosis and treatment, implementing income support programs for TB patients and their families, and getting international donors to mobilize resources for TB prevention and control efforts.
The increase in drug-resistant TB cases in the regions of the Americas and Southeast Asia is a concerning trend that necessitates urgent action. Factors contributing to this rise include inadequate access to quality healthcare services, inappropriate use of anti-TB drugs, incomplete treatment regimens, and poor infection control measures. Addressing this challenge requires a comprehensive approach involving strengthening capacity for drug testing, ensuring access to TB drugs, improving TB treatment, enhancing infection control measures in healthcare settings, and promoting collaborative efforts at the national, regional, and global levels. Japan’s UN perspective underscores the importance of international cooperation and support to combat drug-resistant TB, including financial assistance, technical expertise, and knowledge sharing to facilitate the implementation of evidence-based interventions and achieve sustainable impact in TB control efforts worldwide.

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BayCityDelegates 02/12/2024 13:25:51

Topic: 2024-Tuberculosis
Country: Cuba
Delegate Name: Storm Reinbolt

Tuberculosis (TB) is one of the world’s most deadly infections, killing roughly 1.5 million people each year. Caused by mycobacterium tuberculosis, TB most often affects the lungs, causing chest pain, coughs, weight loss, and fevers. It spreads through the air when an infected individual coughs, sneezes, or spits; which is enough for a person to become a victim as it only takes a few germs to be infected with the deadly bacteria.

In order to address the increase of TB, Cuba will be improving the living conditions of its citizens. This will help prevent the acquisition and spread of mycobacterium tuberculosis. Cuba shall also develop a TB vaccine, in order to build up the immune systems of Cubans.

To reduce the financial burden of TB treatment, Cuba will ensure the treatment for TB is affordable, either making it completely free or cheap enough as to not cause a dramatic effect on the income of its people.

An increase of TB incidents between 2020 and 2021, likely resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic’s impact on TB detection, has caused the increase of drug resistant TB cases in the Americas and South-East Asia. Cuba will address this concern by improving the living conditions for its citizens by requesting a resolution by the UN to provide aid to TB-stricken countries around the world, and motion for further funding to decrease the spread of Tuberculosis.

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