September 16, 2019

Situation in Afghanistan

United Nations Security Council

Topic: Situation in Afghanistan

The situation in Afghanistan is rapidly changing as the new Taliban government begins its transition into power. Afghanistan has seen continuous armed conflict within its borders over the past 20 years during the occupation by coalition forces. The former Afghan government founded on democratic principles was toppled by the Taliban within weeks of the withdrawal of those coalition forces. The coalition forces, a conglomerate of NATO and non-NATO members, withdrew completely on August 28, 2021. The withdrawal of coalition forces and much of the aid they provided has left a shell of a government and an economy completely reliant on imports and foreign aid.

The rapid collapse of the old government has allowed the Taliban to fill the gap and they have begun the process of establishing their own government. An interim cabinet has been formed from their command structure. Acting Prime Minister Mullah Mohammad Hasan Akhund has been a targeted individual for sanctions by the United Nations, other members of the cabinet have also been targeted for sanctions over the past 30 years. The cabinet has pledged to restore order to the country.  However, forces within Afghanistan continue to resist the Taliban, groups in the Panjshir province continue to openly battle with the Taliban and the Afghan sect of ISIS, ISIS-K, is continuing its attacks against Taliban held cities. ISIS-K has long been a rival to the Taliban and throughout its history has taken Taliban defectors into its ranks. The Taliban have also begun seiing land and property, declaring a that decision by Shura had made it the People’s Land. Thousands have been displaced by these decisions since the withdrawal of coalition forces.

The return of Taliban control has led to a mass exodus of Afghans to bordering nations and is producing a refugee crisis. Over 35,000 Afghan citizens have fled since January of this year. The lack of a complete government also threatens a complete economic collapse and famine. The supply of aid has been slowed over uncertainty about the new Taliban government and sanctions that remain in place, maintained by the United Nations. One in five of all medical facilities remain operational, the remaining hospitals and aid stations have been starved of supplies in the time since the withdrawal of coalition forces. The security of the Afghan state remains uncertain in the coming months.

What can be done to prevent Afghanistan becoming a sanctuary for terrorist organizations like ISIS-K?  How can refugees and aid groups be supported and protected? How should the UNSC interact with the Taliban government?

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FHEDelegates 11/25/2021 14:44:47

Country: Tunisia
Delegate Name: Lauren Carpenter

Since the 1970s the situation in Afghanistan has been tumultuous, with numerous foreign governments causing uproar and creating governmental instability. In the past few decades, the Taliban has posed a threat to the Afghan government, its citizens, and ultimately the world through its harboring of international terrorists and armament despite United Nations regulations. After the United States’ withdrawal from Afghanistan concluding in August 2021, officially ending US occupation of Afghanistan, the Taliban swiftly retook control of the temporarily democratic Republic of Afghanistan and reinforced many laws and policies that date back to prior to US occupation. This new Taliban government poses a threat to Afghan citizens and as 35,000 citizens have already fled to neighboring countries, creates a refugee crisis. The Taliban government also, despite verbal promises, threatens the livelihood and rights of many female Afghan citizens as they have a history of enforcing limitations and regulations on the rights of women. Under the guise of good intentions, already, gender-segregated schools have been reestablished and persecution of women has already begun again. Ultimately, the Taliban has established control over Afghanistan, parallel to their rule 20 years ago and change is still underway.

As a fellow Muslim-majority country, the issue of stability in Afghanistan and how the United Nations reacts influences the Republic of Tunisia tremendously. With Tunisia dubbed the “lone success story” of the Arab Spring back in 2010, Tunisian relations with the European Union, specifically France, have always been close but fragile. Political issues in Tunisia regarding President Kais Saied and his debated coup, after suspending Tunisian parliament for 30 days, UN action regarding Afghanistan strongly influences Tunisian stability as it sets the precedent for future action in muslim nations. As a country which has dealt with numerous forms of government in the past decade, the change in Afghan government is very familiar and, although more violent than Tunisian President Kais Saied’s alleged coup, global relations between the UN and Afghanistan are paramount to Tunisian stability and have the potential to dramatically alter the Tunisian government.

Ideally the United Nations would treat the situation in Afghanistan with respect and deal with the discrepancy over leadership peacefully. Tunisia, which is no stranger to global sentiments of islamophobia and has dealt with bigotry-based crimes in the past, would like to avoid painting Afghanistan as a nation of terrorists and criminals in order to minimize those sentiments, which, if they were to increase, would richocet and in turn negatively effect other Muslim-majority nations. Tunisia proposes that the UN provide refugee camps for those in need, but discourage any further migration from the Middle East, as well as remove any direct military intervention from Afghanistan. As demonstrated numerous times in the past, Western intervention and attempts to promote democracy have failed to establish permanent governments in the Middle East and have instead kick-started decades of civil unrest and instability. While the UN should provide refuge for all those in need of protection, it is no longer the place of the UN to directly intervene in Afghanistan’s affairs and the Taliban government should be treated as any other foreign government.

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SASADelegates 11/24/2021 23:07:23

Country: India
Delegate Name: Samhith Ginjupalli

From the late 1900s till now, the situation in Afghanistan has been anything but pretty. Following a civil war and a fight for power in the 1990s and the US invasion of and recent demilitarization in Afghanistan, the country has now fallen in the hands of the military organization known as the Taliban. Though the Taliban have been a major part of Afghanistan’s recent history, this new shift in power has led to the group’s total control of the nation. This situation has always been dangerous for citizens but with neighboring and allied countries closing their borders, it has become increasingly more dangerous.One thing is clear: the Taliban has not been able to establish any security in the country and has not been able to provide any humanitarian support to its citizens.

Alongside the United States, India has spent the past 20 years trying to foster a democratic system in Afghanistan. From our various donations to peace talks with Afghanistan, the country of India has fostered a close relationship, which we now believe is threatened. The main cause of concern for India is whether this insurgency might cause security concerns for us, primarily with our shared neighbor Pakistan. India’s worst fear is that Afghanistan will become a safe place for militants from Pakistan.The country of Pakistan has long-standing ties with the Taliban and has long given refuge to militants attacking India. And with Chinas possible expansions into Afghanistan, India believes that it may be stranded economically as well.

The country of India urges members of the UNSC to come together to figure out a proper solution to deal with the situation in Afghanistan. While India does not suggest that we give in to the demands of the Taliban, we urge that we take into consideration all of our options and push through to make the world a safer place for all, especially the citizens of Afghanistan.

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EastGrandRapidsDelegates 11/24/2021 23:20:08

Country: Kenya
Delegate Name: Noah Mowrey

Security Council
Situation in Afgan
Noah Mowrey
For decades Afghanistan has been a playground for terrorist organizations, like Al Quaeda, the Taliban, and the Bolsheviks Markist party. In recent years members of NATO have been stationed in Afghanistan trying to complete (REM), “ The NATO-led mission Resolute Support Mission (RSM) in Afghanistan was launched on 1 January 2015, following the completion of the mission of the International Security Assistance Force (ISAF). Its aim was to provide further training, advice and assistance for the Afghan security forces and institutions. In April 2021, the Allies decided to start the withdrawal of RSM forces by 1 May 2021 and the mission was terminated early September 2021”(Nato).
Kenya’s tea exports have kept steady with the Afghanistan even through the recent taliban take over of the government according to CGTN. Thus showing that Kenya is trying to keep some type of connection with Afganistan.
Kenya, Niger, Tunisa, Saint Vincent, and the Grenadalines, belive that “Niger’s delegate, speaking also on behalf of Kenya, Tunisia and Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, said the two sides must respect a ceasefire and give the Doha talks a better chance of success. Meanwhile, the Council must prioritize incentives and red lines that will compel the Taliban to stop using terrorism for political ends. He warned that a return to chaos in the country would signal to terrorists that they can gain legitimacy and power through force.”(United Nations). Thus Kenya would like to move forward to a peaceful diplomatic resolution.

Works Cited
“As Taliban Offensive Escalates, Afghanistan at Dangerous Turning Point, Special Representative Warns Security Council amid Calls for Ceasefire, Aid Access | Meetings Coverage and Press Releases.” United Nations, United Nations,
“Kenyan Tea Exports to Afghanistan Not Disrupted by Taliban Takeover.” 404,
Nato. “Resolute Support Mission in Afghanistan (2015-2021).” NATO, 14 Apr. 2021,

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RoyalOakDelegate 11/24/2021 19:01:39

Country: Estonia
Delegate Name: Alex Garcia

On the 16th of July, 2021, Estonia and Norway, joint penholders on the matter of Afghanistan, issued a joint press statement. This statement laid out three core principles: First, all violence in Afghanistan must immediately come to a stop; second, civil order and security must be established; third, the crisis of authority in the country must be resolved by way of peaceful settlement. These principles, along with the firm commitment to human rights laid out in Security Council resolution 2596, form an effective guide for international action. Political instability in Afghanistan worsens humanitarian conditions and gives operational latitude to terrorist groups such as ISIS-K, and ending it must be the first priority of any international programme for the country.
Estonia maintains that a system of conditional recognition for the Taliban, wherein they will be considered the legitimate government of Afghanistan if and only if they form a diverse and comprehensive government and respect women’s rights, human rights, and international law, is the best way to end this instability. The Taliban do not have universal support among Afghans, and in order for peace to be maintained, rival factions must have a seat at the table. A more unified government with conditional international support would be more likely to uphold human rights and more able to combat ISIS-K. The Security Council should begin developing a framework for such a conditional process.
Estonia notes with unease the findings in a recent UNDP report titled Economic Instability and Uncertainty in Afghanistan After August 15, which projected that Afghanistan could be in universal poverty by mid-2022 if current issues are not corrected. Rising food prices, a shambled monetary and financial system, and lack of outside aid mean Afghanistan risks imminent economic implosion, which would jeopardize not just the economic circumstances of Afghans, but human rights and regional peace as well. It is our responsibility as an international community to avert such a situation. Estonia encourages the Security Council to work with other UN agencies in implementing the recommendations of the UNDP report, principally, the Local Area-based Programme, which focuses on targeted, community-level interventions to build resilience and promote human development.

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FHEDelegates 11/24/2021 18:59:58

Country: Mexico
Delegate Name: Natalie Mouw

United Nations Security Council
Situation in Afghanistan
United Mexican States
Natalie Mouw
Forest Hills Eastern

Afghanistan is in crisis. After the removal of coalition forces in August 2021, the UN-backed Afghan government quickly fell to Taliban forces. Valuing neither Afghan citizens’ property nor lives, the Taliban has seized citizens’ land and persecuted its political opponents and women. Emigration of Afghanistan people has occurred in large numbers – over 35,000 have fled since the Taliban takeover this year. Unfortunately, many Afghan refugees are being turned away from countries; Afghan refugees do not have a safe place to which they can escape. Those who could not escape before the Taliban seized control do not have the money or resources to leave the country. Consistent with its pre 9/11 practices, the Taliban has denied Afghan women education, depriving them of their basic freedoms and safety. Finally, the Taliban’s historic allowance of terrorist groups, such as Al-Qaeda and ISIS, to train in Afghanistan must be prevented in the future.

Traditionally neutral in international conflicts, Mexico plans to stay true to its constitution and precedents of neutrality, but it recognizes the crisis of the Afghan people. Mexico emphasizes non-intervention in the domestic affairs of other countries and favors peaceful resolutions to conflicts. As with other issues of foreign intervention, Mexico will work closely with the United States in developing and implementing a formal policy. The safety of civilians is of utmost importance to Mexico. This is reflected in their signing of the Security Council Resolution 2596 on September 17, 2021, which extended the mandate of the United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (“UNAMA”) until March of 2022. Mexico does not currently have the resources to assist in the evacuation of Afghan refugees or the capacity to accept them into asylum; it calls upon world leaders (especially of G7 nations) and neighboring countries of Afghanistan to open their borders more readily to displaced Afghans. Mexico does not recognize the legitimacy of the Taliban government and would like to see a return to power of the UN-approved Afghan government or other democratically elected government. Nonetheless, Mexico appreciates that the previous attempt to reinstate the Afghan government fell weeks after US removal, and therefore it insists that the priority be providing humanitarian aid to both displaced Afghans and restricted civilians who cannot evacuate the country.

Mexico proposes that the emphasis of the United Nations’ solutions lie on humanitarian aid to Afghan civilians. Afghans who evacuated before complete Taliban control are in dire need of asylum. The United Nations should provide medical, monetary, and humanitarian aid to migrants. For the Afghans remaining in Afghanistan, their human rights are being suppressed, especially women’s rights. The United Nations should send peacekeepers, not armed forces, to Afghanistan for the purpose of evacuating refugees and providing humanitarian aid.

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WilliamstonDelegates 11/24/2021 15:52:10

Country: Viet Nam
Delegate Name: Mikayla Lomas

Country: Vietnam
Committee: Security Council
Topic: The Situation in Afghanistan
Delegate: Mikayla Lomas
School: Williamston High School

For the past 20 years there has been constant conflict in Afghanistan. From the placement of coalition forces from other countries occupying the land. In 2001, NATO allies entered the country of Afghanistan with the goal of making sure the country does not become a “safe-haven” for terrorists. The Resolute Support Mission (RSM) was created and launched in 2018, with the focus of building up the Afghan forces to protect the country. In 2021 all RSM and coalition forces withdrew from Afghanistan. The forces and government the RSM built up were toppled down in a very short amount of time. The Taliban is in control of the Afghan country now, having set up its own governmental cabinet and enforcing its own ideals throughout the country with its new rule. Years of manpower and resources down the drain. As the United Nations Security Council it is our job to address issues like this.
Vietnam is proud to have been and still in support of many resolutions passed by the United Nations Security Council. As history would show, in the 1950s, Vietnam went through a similar situation as the one at hand. Though the geographical features may be different as well as the battle at hand being different, the overall situation is similar. Let us esteemed group of delegates representing these great nations a part of the United Nations Security Council not let history repeat itself and address this pressing issue at hand with great efficiency and diplomacy.
Vietnam believes that one of the utmost priorities in this situation is ensuring and maintaining order as well as security to all of those in Afghanistan currently. The United Nations has passed Resolution 2593 of the Security Council, Vietnam strongly encourages Afghanistan to follow the terms and regulations set in this resolution. The humanitarian crisis in Afghanistan is exponentially high, affecting 50% of the population (18 million people). This issue at hand should also be seen as a priority by the United Nations Security Council, we would like to call upon the United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) to aid with ensuring the security and safety of all personnel who are a part of the mission of aiding the Afghan people in need. We ask the relevant parties in Afghanistan to give their full cooperation during the humanitarian missions as well as aid in creating secure and safe conditions for the UNAMA to complete their mission(s). These missions do not intend to cause violence or harm to any, instead they promote the opposite, with the main goal of helping the Afghan people and well being of the country. As the members of the United Nations Security Council we are given much power to solve these issues at hand. Let us all come together as a group to with a resolution that will solve the situation in Afghanistan.

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RoyalOakDelegate 11/24/2021 14:49:43

Country: Russian Federation
Delegate Name: Alex Dukhan

Not 50 years ago, the Bolsheviks attempted to gain control of Afghanistan and incorporate it into their Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. Then and there did the Russian people see the depths the native inhabitants of Afghanistan would go to protect their land and their right to freely practice their religion. Roughly 20 years after the Bolsheviks began their invasion, they left poorer than when they had started. It wasn’t total defeat as the Afghan people had suffered major losses as well, but the borders of the Soviet Union did not change in that time, and Afghanistan was again a self-sovereign nation.
The Rus have always turned to history for knowledge, be it from the example of Peter the Great in his unification of the Empire, or from the older East Slavs whose traditions still make occasional appearances in Russian culture today. In this case, the Russian Federation recommends all other nations do the same. Learn from the example put forth by the Bolsheviks. This is not a winning fight, and the Afghan people deserve a self-sovereign government.
Since the fall of the Bolsheviks, the Russian Federation has been working to establish ties with Afghanistan. There have been peace talks between the Taliban and the former Afghan government in the past which were mediated by the Russian Federation. Now that the American Involvement in Afghanistan has ceased, the Russian Federation hopes to bring ties closely with the Afghan people, mend the wounds of the past, and see a self-sovereign nation flourish in Afghanistan’s future.

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ForestHillsNorthernDelegates 11/24/2021 13:55:45

Country: China
Delegate Name: William Rechner

For years, a coalition of US-led forces have supported a struggling Afghanistan government in upholding the ideals of democracy. Recently, these forces with withdrawn their aid, which has led to the toppling of the Afghan government by the Taliban, a group of extremist Sunni Islam Pashtun “students.” While the transition of power to the Taliban was expected, the rate at which this occurred was alarming to many. Despite being in power for such a short period of time, the Taliban has already begun establishing their government. Many refuse to accept this government, citing the regime’s humanitarian issues as a major concern. The Taliban is a nascent administration with hopes of installing a legitimate government in the eyes of the international world. China recognizes this and is supportive of Afghanistan in pursuing these goals.

In a time where many countries, particularly in the West, will not acknowledge the Taliban’s potentially prosperous future, China is willing to cooperate in order to benefit all involved parties. China hopes that by building a foundation for trade between the two countries, security can be maintained in the region. As powers shift in Afghanistan, many are quick to believe that China will attempt to snatch power. China has never invaded Afghanistan and remains uninterested in seizing any power vacuum left by the US-led forces. China will not interfere with Afghanistan’s internal affairs, so long as the Taliban does not exert extremist influence in the Xinjiang region. China will continue to reiterate their support of fostering trade in hopes of ensuring stable relations.

The UN Security Council has recently decided to extend the mandate of the UN Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA), which encourages peace and stability by supporting the people and institutions of Afghanistan. China says that problems still persist and that the international community should respect Afghanistan’s sovereignty. China hopes to pass a resolution that encourages investment and ensures stability in the region. China is willing to collaborate on required international trade negotiations and treaties.

Mission Statement | Unama.
“Unanimously Adopting Resolution 2596 (2021), Security Council Extends United Nations Mission in Afghanistan for Six Months, as Taliban Establishes Rule across Country | Meetings Coverage and Press Releases.” United Nations, United Nations,
“How Will China Deal with the Taliban?” Council on Foreign Relations, Council on Foreign Relations,
“Abandoning Afghanistan Now, amid Humanitarian Crisis, Would Be ‘Historic Mistake’, Special Representative Tells Security Council | Meetings Coverage and Press Releases.” United Nations, United Nations,

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WilliamstonDelegates 11/23/2021 22:28:54

Country: United Kingdom
Delegate Name: Emily Preston

Country: United Kingdom
Committee: Security Council
Topic: The Situation in Afghanistan
Delegate: Emily Preston
School: Williamston High School

Afghanistan has been under its own rule since 1919, after being freed from UK’s rule. Ever since then it has been a mix of a democratic country and a country that operates under Sharia law. However, due to the recent Taliban takeover, the economic system and safety of Afghanistan’s populous has become incredibly unstable. Over 35,000 citizens have fled the country since January 2021, creating a serious immigration crisis. The country has numerous terrorist groups, the Taliban has begun selling land, displacing more people, and a country-wide famine is leaving the already weak country wasting away. Between November 2020 and March 2021, an estimated 13.15 million people were in severe acute food insecurity and needed to require urgent humanitarian assistance, not to mention 8.52 million people in the “Crisis” area of food instability, and 4.3 million people in the “Emergency” food instability category. There are an estimated 15 groups of terrorists all working in Afghanistan, both in constant conflict with each other and innocent civilians. How can the United Nations Security Council balance all of these issues at once without the mass fatalities?
As of October 5th, 2021; United Kingdom diplomats have started a series of conversations with the Taliban leaders. While there were many differences shared between the two sides, the UK desires nothing more than for the people of Afghanistan to have the same rights, opportunities and safeties that those in the western world possess. It is absolutely imperative that we as the United Nations Security Council act rationally and do not repeat the same mistakes that have been committed in the past few years. There needs to be a delicate balance of cooperation and negotiation, if we disrupt this balance it could endanger the lives of innocent civilians. We cannot tolerate of these acts of terrorism, yet we must act with the utmost caution.
The refugee crisis is the UK’s first priority, and in order to solve this the UK suggests that all countries should take in an additional 500 – 2,000 refugees from Afghanistan. If these countries accept the minimum number of refugees, they will be rewarded with trade benefits and funds from the UK along with any other country that wishes to contribute. Benefits would be proportional to refugee accommodation. To show the UK’s commitment, we pledge to take in 1,500 refugees as a show of good faith. Regarding the current food famine and instability of Afghanistan, the UK would like to take a slightly unorthodox approach to the matter. The UK is in current talks with the Taliban, and we believe that we can use this to our advantage. The UK plans to begin trading talks with the Taliban, allowing essential materials to be given to the country under the condition that the UK have oversight in the distribution and use of these goods.Secondary solutions could be created in the case of collapse of these trade talks. The UK also advises that the UNSC exercise restraint when interacting with the Taliban, our biggest priority is to keep the people of Afghanistan safe and suggests that we keep a cordial yet cold relationship with the Taliban, interacting with them only when we must give aid to the people of Afghanistan. We as a committee must also be keeping an incredibly close eye on other Terrorist groups in the nation, as this tumultuous transition of power only increases Terrorist activity. The UK is apprehensive to send covert agents of any kind to trail organizations like the ISIS-K, but if given no other choice the UK is prepared to send surveillance and use our many resources to get information. Overall, this situation will not be easy to solve. We as the United Nations Security Council must act swiftly yet delicately as to not shatter an already unstable country. No matter the governments’ state, we must do what’s right for the people of Afghanistan and the UK is more than willing to work with close allies to solve this issue.

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FHEDelegates 11/23/2021 19:34:31

Country: United States of America
Delegate Name: Carson Patten

Security Council
United States of America
Carson Patten

Since the 1970s, the government of Afghanistan has been unstable and weak. The Soviet Union invasion in 1979 supported a communist and oppressive government that chose to silence the voices of the people. More recently the Afghan government has been stable and diplomatic because of United States involvement. Unfortunately, the former Trump administration signed an international treaty to pull out all US troops. Because of the integrity of the Biden administration, The United States decided to honor that treaty, as not to anger or cause any diplomatic rifts. Because of the Trump administration’s poor handling of the situation the Taliban has begun to retake control of the country risking catastrophic government failure and famine. The United Nations needs to be fierce in combating the Taliban and terrorist organizations like ISIS-K, while also being able to provide aid for the people who are stranded there.

As a country with a long history in Afghanistan, the United States recognizes that there are several issues that need attention. The United States is expecting to resettle thousands of refugees within our nation. There are priorities within our administration to ensure a smooth transition for the people evacuated from Afghanistan. The United States is also aware that the withdrawal of our military forces has become a paramount discussion topic. While we understand that the evacuation of US troops was messy, we had a choice to either honor the agreement and treaty made by the previous administration or to leave our troops in a never-ending war and continue the unnecessary loss of innocent lives. The United States has also provided financial aid to Afghanistan, spending 4.68 billion dollars in 2019. The US would also look favorably upon continued financial aid, but we would like there to be more stability in the nation. We are mainly worried about giving aid and having it being used for something that we did not authorize, such as strengthening the Taliban’s military power.

The United States of America urges the UNSC to take immediate action in Afghanistan to address the spread and growing political power of terrorist organizations like ISIS-K. We also recommend that the UNSC establish temporary refugee camps for the displaced persons of Afghanistan until they can be permanently relocated. The UNSC must also be pursuant to making sure the Taliban Government will be proficient and honest when receiving funds or diplomats.

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Country: France
Delegate Name: Jane Swartz

The situation in Afghanistan becomes increasingly volatile with every passing day, as the Taliban are not holding up their early commitment to a representative and inclusive government. Since the withdrawal of coalition forces, the nation has crumbled, leaving a weak government and continuous conflict. This situation has always been dangerous for citizens but is becoming even more so with the countries neighboring Afghanistan closing their borders to refugees. It is clear that despite promises, the Taliban has not been able to establish any security, economic or otherwise, in the country nor has it been able to provide any humanitarian support for citizens.

As recent as November 20th, 2021, France has taken several actions regarding the ever-changing situation in Afghanistan. The India-France Joint Working Group on Counter-Terrorism met recently and discussed the concerted action that needs to take place ensuring that Afghanistan and territories around it have the systems necessary to prosecute terrorist actors (“India, France discuss Afghanistan, threats…,” 2021). Additionally, France has pledged to have no relation with the current Taliban government further than technical talks on the withdrawal of nationals and refugees and has since closed the embassy in Kabul, although there is still an Afghanistan embassy in Paris.

The Foreign Minister, Jean-Yves Le Drian addressed this publicly in September, stating “France refuses to recognize or have any type of relationship with this government. We want actions from the Taliban and they will need some economic breathing space and international relations. It’s up to them” (“The Taliban are lying, France’s…,” 2021). France believes that it is imperative that UNSC Resolution 2593 (2021), which France voted for in the affirmative, must be followed through on with additional humanitarian support provided to Afghan citizens (“Adopting resolution 2593 (2021), Security Council condemns deadly attacks…,” 2021). Additionally, the establishment of a strong transitional government that can meet the needs of all citizens is required to maintain security in Afghanistan, and this cannot be done without guidance and assistance from other nations.

“Adopting Resolution 2593 (2021), Security Council Condemns Deadly Attacks in Afghanistan, Calls for Combating Terrorism, Upholding Human Rights | Meetings Coverage and Press Releases.” United Nations, United Nations, 30 Aug. 2021,
International, Asian News. “India, France Discuss Afghanistan, Threats Posed by UN-Sanctioned Terror Outfits.”, NDTV, 17 Nov. 2021,
Person. “The Taliban Are Lying, France’s Foreign Minister Says.” Reuters, Thomson Reuters, 11 Sept. 2021,

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