September 16, 2019

Situation in Tigray

United Nations Security Council

Topic: Situation in Tigray

In October 2020, fighting broke out between the Tigray People’s Liberation Front and the Ethiopian government after extended political clashes over postponed elections and banks in the Tigray region being frozen. The TLPF was the dominating political party in Ethiopia for over 30 years until it was removed from power in the aftermath of the 2018 Ethiopian elections which saw major organizational changes in the government. Until 2018, the Ethiopian government under the TLPF was divided into nine ethnic regions, each region had their own security forces, parliament, and a right to secede from Ethiopia. The rule of the TLPF engendered hostility towards the Tigray ethnic population.

In 2020 the TLPF attacked government military camps and the Ethiopian military responded with its own attacks inside Tigray. The Ethiopian government began a military campaign to combat the TLPF forces and end their rule in the region. The fighting has displaced thousands internally and sent thousands more into neighboring nations seeking refuge. Communication and electricity services were cut-off from the region as Ethiopian forces advanced. While it has remained difficult to maintain clear lines of communication to the region, either for obtaining up-to-date information about the situation or simply confirming the status of civilians still in the region, what has become clear is the growing sense of instability in the region, and the associated symptoms that have come to be a part of life in Tigray.

One of the most notable issues is the current status of aid supplies being provided to the area. In the two month period between August and September, of the 466 aid trucks with relief supplies that had entered the region, only 38 had returned. The status of the aid trucks is one of current contention, as both sides of the conflict have competing arguments for their disappearance. In addition, both sides of the conflict are claiming acts of genocide are being perpetuated against them, however, open conflict and a lack of cooperation of from the Ethopian government has made it all but impossible to verify the myriad of claims.

The surrounding nations to the region have not been immune to the fallout of the conflict, with Sudan and Eritrea all experiencing an influx of refugees. Sudan has responded with a tightened border, especially along the disputed territory of al-Fashqa it claims is rightfully theirs. Eritrea, for their part, is likewise experiencing internal conflict, resulting in refugees from the northern nation to also be involved in the conflict in Tigray, further complicating matters.

With concerns ranging from aid distribution issues, potential geo-political incidents at Ethiopia’s northern borders, and the actual civil conflict itself, the region’s future is in question.

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FHEDelegates 11/25/2021 14:46:34

Country: Tunisia
Delegate Name: Lauren Carpenter

United Nations Security Council
Situation in Tigray
Republic of Tunisia
Lauren Carpenter
Forest Hills Eastern

Internal and geo-political conflict has been an issue in numerous African countries for decades as a result of western imperialism and military intervention. From the Rwandan Genocide in 1994 to repeated civil wars in Sudan spanning decades, the effect of the west on Africa has brought about decades of conflict as the disorganization caused by deimperialization post-World War II left Africa in a fractured state. Despite being known as the oldest independent government in Africa, having never been colonized, the effect of western democracy and policymaking in Ethiopia is tremendous, as external pressure influences and negatively impacts the government. The October 2020 fighting between the Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF) and the Ethiopian government as a result of the 2018 Ethiopian elections has stirred up unrest in all of Ethiopia and placed many of its citizens in direct danger. With aid trucks disappearing and rumors of genocide on both sides of the issue, with no trustworthy or firsthand source of information regarding the situation, there is no valid way to discover the truth or extent of violence in Tigray as of now. Due to fighting, an influx of refugees have also fled to bordering countries, creating a refugee crisis and all-around situation of chaos in Ethiopia.

As one of the seven most powerful countries in Africa, it is paramount to Tunisia that the situation in Tigray be stopped in order to protect the stability and safety of Africa as a whole. As a result of the fighting in Tigray, thousands of refugees have fled to neighboring African countries and it falls to Tunisia and other African countries to discern how to deal with the growing crisis. Also through the consistent conflict in Ethiopia from October 2020-present the status of trade and trade flow in Africa has been damaged due, ultimately affecting all of Africa and the nearby Middle East. Despite tensions between Tunisia and Ethiopia regarding the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD), it is in the best interest of all of Africa and the world that the fighting in Tigray be ceased and peace be restored to Ethiopia.

In order to prevent further fighting and violence in Tigray and create lasting stability in Ethiopia, the United Nations should intervene and put a stop to the conflict. The UN should use its global forces and power in order to ensure that peace be obtained and maintained in Tigray and with the Ethiopian government. On a similar note, displaced Ethiopians should be relocated to neighboring countries or refugee camps should be established in order to provide lodging and safety until refugees are able to return home. The UN should seek to restore Ethiopia to its prior prosperous democratic state and strive to maintain peace in the Eastern African bloc.

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SASADelegates 11/24/2021 23:07:22

Country: India
Delegate Name: Samhith Ginjupalli

The situation in Tigray stems from one conflict: the disagreement between the Tigray People’s Liberation Front and the Ethiopian government. This delicate matter is on the brink of civil war and perhaps one of the worst humanitarian crises in recent history. The Tigray Peoples’ Liberation party was the former ruling party of Ethiopia, now labeled a terrorist organization by the government under Prime Minster Aiby Ahmed. After their loss in the 2018 elections, the region’s sovereignty was severely limited, losing its parliament, security, and, most significantly at this time of crisis, its right to secede from Ethiopia. This led the TPLF to rebel against the ruling party, and thus put in danger the Tigray region and its citizens. After months of turmoil, the Ethiopian government has now barred food trucks and humanitarian aid from reaching distressed citizens and has led to a humanitarian crisis in the region.

The country of India, though neutral in this conflict, did call on the “Ethiopian Government to sustain the ceasefire and find a way to address this conflict in a manner that serves the interests of all of its people in line with the federal constitutional provisions”.The country of India urges that humanitarian aid be provided to those in need, though we do recognize that Ethiopia has the right to deal with its own internal conflicts. We have been closely monitoring the situation and have provided many resources to the citizens of Tigray as we hope for this conflict to come to an end.

The country of India urges the UNSC to come together for our first formal meeting regarding this topic. All previous discussions have been deemed informal and not open discussions and thus no solution was able to be drafted. The Country of India once again urges the UNSC’s members to come together to draft a resolution that may provide a peaceful solution to both Ethiopia and the citizens of the Tigray region. We wish to see Tigray’s citizens safe and sound and provided with the aid and resources that they require.

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FHEDelegates 11/24/2021 19:03:27

Country: Mexico
Delegate Name: Natalie Mouw

The armed conflict in Tigray, Ethiopia is on the brink of complete civil war and is a humanitarian crisis. As of 2021, the Ethiopian People’s Revolutionary Democratic Front (“EPRDF”) is the political party in power in Ethiopia. The Tigray conflict originated out of power disputes between the current Ethiopian government and the Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF). Fearing an immediate invasion, the TPLF launched a preemptive attack against Ethiopian military bases within the Tigray region. Escalating the situation, the Ethiopian government engaged in a violent military campaign to suppress the Tigrayan revolt. The government soldiers, or Ethiopian National Defense Forces (ENDF), have committed egregious crimes against innocent Tigrayan civilians. On top of this, the Ethiopian government has bombed civilian centers and destroyed medical centers. The Ethiopian government has stopped food trucks and other humanitarian aid from entering the starving regions in Tigray. Nevertheless, war crimes have not been one-sided. The TPLF has responded to the government’s military campaign with unexpected force, which itself has included the killings of innocent civilians. Ethiopia is surrounded by countries whose governments are unstable, so if a solution to this impending civil war is not reached, all of the horn of Africa could fall into chaos.

Aware of the threats of regional civil warfare, Mexico recognizes the need for an immediate response to the situation in Tigray. Mexico fears that any further escalation could lead to the spread of violent warfare to surrounding African countries whose governments are often nearing instability themselves. Mexico has dealt with regional uprises in the past. In 1994, the Zapatista indigenous peoples in Mexico’s Chiapas region revolted against the Mexican government. The government’s decisive action successfully and swiftly deescalated the situation. From this historical experience, Mexico is aware of the consequences that will arise if the Tigray conflict is not deescalated in a similar manner. As of 2014, Mexico has participated in UN Peacekeeping Operations (PKO). Mexico was hesitant to join the PKO due to its policy of limited foreign interventions. However, Mexico’s joining of PKO demonstrates its commitment to restoration and maintenance of peace. Mexico recognizes that both parties are at fault in the Ethiopian unrest, and Mexico would be opposed to taking one side. Peacekeeping Operations are a vital tool of the UN Security Council, but they should only be used as a last result. Mexico does not have the resources to intervene in Ethiopia’s internal conflict, but Mexico encourages countries with enough resources to send aid to the people of Tigray.

Mexico proposes that the Security Council’s principal focus should be to provide humanitarian aid to the suffering Tigrayan civilians. To deescalate the fighting, Mexico calls for an immediate ceasefire and for a diplomatic agreement between the Tigrayan People’s Liberation Front and the Ethiopian Government. It cannot go unnoticed that this conflict is rooted in a political power dispute. Mexico proposes Ethiopia evaluates constitutional reforms to ensure fair representation for all ethnic groups and protection of minority rights.

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WilliamstonDelegates 11/24/2021 12:43:49

Country: Viet Nam
Delegate Name: Mikayla Lomas

The situation in Tigray, Ethiopia is one in dire need of a solution. Fighting between the Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF) and the Ethiopian government had broken out in October of 2020. These fights were over postponed elections and banks in the region of Tigray that were frozen. In 2020, the TPLF attacked the new government that was put in place after the elections in 2018 led them to lose their power. In response to the attacks by the TPLF the Ethiopian government conducted internal attacks using their military as a response. TPLF held a governmental rule for 30 years until 2018, but within these years the governmental system set up endangered hostile actions towards the Tigray ethnic population. Since the attacks started in 2020, the situation has gotten much worse, with many people being dispersed from their homes and land, as well as the status of aid supplies that are being provided to the area. As a result of the situation in Tigray, its neighboring countries like Sudan and Eritrea are experiencing an influx of refugees from Ethiopia. This has resulted its neighboring countries like Sudan to increase its border security, especially in places where terror groups are present. There has already been an extreme amount of violence and bloodshed throughout the region, not including the amount of dispersed people, the United Nations Security Council needs to act swiftly and efficiently in solving this conflict.
With how the violence in the region has grown and the growing stability issues, Vietnam believes that if the United Nations Security Council does not put an end to this the parties involved are on a point of no return. Along with the growing humanitarian crisis in Ethiopia, Vietnam supports the use of humanitarian aid when there are favorable conditions to get the aid to people who need access.
Vietnam is in full support of sending humanitarian aid to the country when the United Nations Security Council sees that there are safe and favorable conditions for those involved. Ethiopia to help those that are being affected by this situation. Along with the humanitarian aid being sent we would like to help restore public services to those who have had such services cut off, working with the local people and government to help the citizens of their country survive and be safe. To help gain cooperation from both sides, humanitarian aid will be given to all people, as long as they do not bring violence or violent intentions with them. While keeping the sovereignty and political independence of Ethiopia as well as full compliance of international law, Vietnam welcomes the idea of a joint investigation between the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) and Ethiopian Human Rights Commision into the (alleged) human rights violations and abuse happening in the country, Vietnam does not want to see any more violence than what there already is, let us come together to solve this issue as the United Nations Security Council.

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RoyalOakDelegate 11/24/2021 17:58:08

Country: Estonia
Delegate Name: Alex Garcia

Country: Estonia
Delegate Name: Alex Garcia
Topic: Situation in Tigray
Committee: Security Council
Estonia continues to express its apprehensions concerning the ongoing violent affair in Tigray. The conflict between the Ethiopian government and the Tigray rebels has produced a humanitarian catastrophe, with many falling victim to the bloodshed and the food scarcity that corresponds with it. Estonia’s only interests in this conflict are in ensuring humanitarian access to those affected, securing human rights under international law, and procuring a stable peace.
Approximately 5.2 million people in the region are in need of food aid and 400,000 are under famine-like conditions. Given this predicament, it is exigent that humanitarian access to the region remains unmolested. Noting Security Council resolution 2417, which acknowledges the connection between armed conflict and food insecurity and condemns the use of starvation as a weapon of war, Estonia urges all parties to the conflict to allow humanitarian aid into affected areas, and is alarmed at reports of obstruction of humanitarian actions and violence against aid workers. Estonia also expresses grave concern at the Ethiopian government’s diplomatic actions against UN officials, along with its recent expulsion of Irish diplomats, and calls on the government to cooperate with the international community in alleviating the humanitarian crisis in Tigray.
Estonia reiterates its exhortations for all parties to commence negotiations for a permanent ceasefire. Recalling the recent Report of the Ethiopian Human Rights Commission/Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights Joint Investigation into Alleged Violations of International Human Rights, Humanitarian and Refugee Law Committed by all Parties to the Conflict in the Tigray Region of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, which detailed credible evidence of human rights violations by all parties involved in the conflict, Estonia maintains that a comprehensive and secure political process is the only way to terminate the conflict and create a sustainable peace out of a violent and convoluted state of affairs. Specifically noting reports of atrocities committed by Eritrean troops in the region, Estonia urges their immediate withdrawal. Any actions taken by the Security Council should be focused on ensuring adequate humanitarian access to conflict-affected areas and preparing any necessary infrastructure for ceasefire negotiations and political reconciliation.

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KalamazooCentralDelegates 11/24/2021 17:30:43

Country: France
Delegate Name: Jane Swartz

At the heart of conflict in Ethiopia are limitations of regional government in Ethiopia, especially of Tigray, and of the Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF). The war has claimed hundreds of thousands of lives on each side, including civilians. After the TPLF lost power in a 2018 election, the region’s sovereignty was severely limited, losing its parliament, security, and, most significantly at this time of crisis, its right to secede from Ethiopia. Additionally, the Ethiopian government cut funding to the Tigray region in 2018. The United Nations Security Council must recognize the threats this has to not only the stability of Tigray, but the other eight ethnic regions of Ethiopia, as well as countries it borders.
In July of 2021, France ended a deal of military cooperation with the Ethiopian government for the foreseeable future due to the concerns with Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed’s leadership (France suspends military cooperation…, 2021). France was also among the countries to urge citizens to exit Ethiopia as quickly as possible on November 23, 2021 following the Prime Minister’s journey to the battlefront.
France believes that the most important aspect of a resolution to this conflict, and any others that may arise, will be stability. While it may be appealing to rush in with a quick fix, we as the Security Council must carefully think of the possible “domino effect” of actions we may take. On that note, it is in our best interest to begin by addressing humanitarian aid. As of November 11th, 2021, we have gained the information that over seventy trucks and drivers were detained by Ethiopian nationals (Ethiopia detains some 70 drivers who…,2021). Due to this, it would be incredibly difficult and unwise to attempt any form of aid sent over land. Furthermore, France believes that the UNSC or another form of supranational body working as a negotiator for both sides is imperative for this conflict to resolve without more bloodshed.

Al Arabiya English. (2021, August 13). France suspends military cooperation with Ethiopia as Tigray Conflict intensifies. Al Arabiya English. Retrieved November 24, 2021, from
Associated Press. (2021, November 11). Ethiopia detains some 70 drivers who deliver aid to Tigray, United Nations says. Retrieved November 24, 2021, from

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ForestHillsNorthernDelegates 11/24/2021 15:52:48

Country: China
Delegate Name: William Rechner

When first taking office, Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed promised peace and encouraged unity. This conflicted with his party’s views, who supported corruption and violence, so he formed his own party, the Prosperity Party. Thus, the Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF), his former party, joined the opposition. When Abiy Ahmed delayed elections in 2020 for fear of covid, the TPLF stated that this was an excuse to maintain power and instead held their own elections in Tigray while refusing to acknowledge the Ethiopian government. Abiy responded by restricting federal funding to the Tigray region, which prompted the TPLF to attack a military base. Ethiopia has called upon neighboring Eritrea to assist them in invading Tigray from the north while they pushed from the south. Because of this war, thousands of Tigrayan civilians have died and thousands more have fled the region. With almost 400,000 people living in famine-like conditions, this war is causing many humanitarian issues, especially in the region of Tigray.

China is closely monitoring the situation in Tigray and encourages resolving the humanitarian problems in Ethiopia. China has provided resources to Ethiopia that benefit the Tigray population, including food and Covid-19 vaccines. China supports attempts from the international community to aid in humanitarian affairs, but acknowledges that Ethiopia retains the right to resolve their own internal conflicts. Any efforts to assist Ethiopia must entirely respect the sovereignty of the nation.

To understand the extent of human rights abuses taking place in the Tigray region, the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights and the Ethiopian Human Rights Commission held a joint investigation. This investigation has shown numerous human rights atrocities and makes multiple recommendations for the governments of Ethiopia and Eritrea and the international community. In addition, there has been a calling for all involved parties to ceasefire and the ensurement of a commitment for universal humanitarian access. The United Nations and the African Union are working together to facilitate dialogue and expedite resolving this issue. China supports the encouragement of increasing humanitarian access and stands by the sovereign rights of Ethiopia and their ability to resolve internal conflict.

Works Cited, Bloomberg,
“Chinese Envoy Urges International Community to Fully Respect Sovereignty, Ownership of Ethiopia on Tigray Issue.” Xinhua,
“Four Things You Need to Know about the Tigray Crisis in Ethiopia – BBC Africa.” YouTube, 5 Nov. 2020,
“Humanitarian Catastrophe Unfolding before Our Eyes, Secretary-General Tells Security Council, Warning Ethiopia’s Youth Will Be Ultimate Casualties | Meetings Coverage and Press Releases.” United Nations, United Nations,
Lederer, Edith M. “Diplomats: Un Fails to Approve Call to End Tigray Violence.” AP NEWS, Associated Press, 6 Mar. 2021,
Remarks by Ambassador Dai Bing at Security Council Briefing on Tigray,
“Tigray Conflict: Report Calls for Accountability for Violations and Abuses by All Parties.” OHCHR,

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RoyalOakDelegate 11/24/2021 14:50:57

Country: Russian Federation
Delegate Name: Alex Dukhan

To put it simply and to the point: The Russian Federation does not have a rooster in this fight. The Russian Federation has had its fair share of ethnic quarrels, some still in recent memory like the Chechen wars and all of the surrounding fighting in Dagestan. We recognize the right of people to rule themselves, but also recognize at the same time the right of a nation to rule their rightful territory.
The Russian Federation has found a balance between these two facts. It is why our nation is a federation in the first place. But the Russian Federation also recognizes that not every nation has had such luck in allowing mixed governments and mediating peaceful relations between diverse ethnic groups.
As such the Russian Federation will not intervene in such a conflict unless clear abuses show themselves undeniable. In the meantime, the Russian Federation recommends the Ethiopian government follow in our footsteps and allow a multi-leveled federated government. Such a system is optimal for balancing the needs of individual groups with the needs of the collective, and with the land and people that Ethiopia has come to rule, it seems clear that the best way to proceed is through federated unity in as peaceful a manner as possible.
The Russian Federation, as a beacon of peace-keeping in the east for many years, seeks only that: a peaceful resolution to what is self-evident as unnecessary fighting.

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EastGrandRapidsDelegates 11/24/2021 00:27:03

Country: Kenya
Delegate Name: Noah Mowrey

Country: Kenya
Delegate Name: Noah Mowrey

Security Council
Situation in Tigray
Noah Mowrey
The “Tigray Peoples Liberation Front” is a political group of rebels turned rulers who have dominated Ethiopia for decades. Tensions started the September of last year when Tigrayans defied prime minister Abiy Ahmed on going forth with parliamentary elections following that Ethiopian funds were cut from the region of Tigray.
Kenya has tightened northern border security because of fear of an influx of Ethiopian refugees while the Tigrayian forces push the capital, Addis Abba. Kenya is working hard on keeping refugees out, “ Northern Kenya is already home to the refugee camps of Kakuma in the northwest and Dadaab in the northeast. They are among the world’s largest refugee settlements.
For the past few years, Kenyan officials have been pushing hard to have the camps completely closed by mid-2022 — a plan that could be scuttled by new refugees from Ethiopia.
Kenya’s police service has already cautioned citizens to report cases of undocumented persons and unprocessed immigrants in the country.”(Welle). You can see in this statement by Welle that Kenya is already at the brim of capacity, and that they are trying diligently to close their refugee camps. The president of Kenya, Kenyatta has pleaded that both sides put down their weapons and in conflict, “The men and women of the government of Ethiopia, led by my dear brother in leadership, Abiy Ahmed, as well as the men and women who constitute the leadership that is fighting the government must find reason to cease the conflict immediately and talk,”(Kenyatta). Kenyatta came out with this statement while he was in Ethiopia to try to get both sides to have a diplomatic interaction.
The UN’s aid chief said that he was planning on emergency operations in Tigray and Ethiopia. “UN aid chief Martin Griffiths said on Monday that he had released a total of $40m aimed at scaling up emergency operations in the Tigray region and the rest of Ethiopia’s conflict-hit north, and as an early response to drought in the south of the country.’”(Jazeera). The UN is planning to put out emergency operations that would help with the war and the influx of Ethiopian refugees fleeing to other countries.
Kenya believes that the T.P.L.F and the Ethiopian government should lay down their weapons and get together and have a diplomatic discussion, to minimize casualties, famine, and refugees.

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WilliamstonDelegates 11/23/2021 22:31:25

Country: United Kingdom
Delegate Name: Emily Preston

Country: United Kingdom
Committee: Security Council
Topic: The Tigray Situation
Delegate: Emily Preston
School: Williamston High School

As it currently stands; the situation in Ethiopia is tense, dangerous and incredibly time sensitive. As of November 23, 2021, several countries have urged their citizens to leave the country in fear of their lives being lost. This conflict has stemmed from a 27 year disagreement between Prime Minister Abiy and the Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF) over postponed and “shady” elections in Tigray. While this conflict seemed to come to a conclusion in 2018, war broke out 12 months ago when Tigrayan forces were accused of attacking army bases to steal weapons and the government retaliated against them. With the prime minister currently threatening to mobilize troops against the TPLF as early as the morning of November 24, 2021, hundreds of thousands of civilians facing a famine in the north, and millions being forced from their homes; the United Nations Security Council must act as quickly as possible to keep blood from being spilt.
The UK has always striven to keep a diplomatic relationship with the Ethiopian government, no matter the situation. We have had an open line of communication about several issues; such as politics, commercial standards, security and economics. Due to the instability of Ethiopia, the UK has recently had to issue a statement to our citizens, telling them to evacuate as soon as possible. We have made several statements on our position on this matter, such as an announcement made on November 8th where James Kariuki stated “The introduction of a State of Emergency by the Government of Ethiopia must not be used as an excuse to ignore human rights and international humanitarian law.” Along with a series of facts on how the Ethiopian government has abused the State of Emergency declaration to commit sexual violence, torture, and the killing of civilians; Kariuki also states that “All parties should act to implement the recommendations contained in that joint report, ensure accountability and prevent further suffering. Indeed addressing the humanitarian and human impact of this tragic conflict should be our immediate focus. And when it is over, we must come together and help Ethiopia heal.”
The UK delegation agrees completely with Kariuki’s statements, and is fully prepared to do what is necessary to end this conflict. Kariuki states that “… it is vital that all parties stop fighting and start talking. Tigrayan forces need to stop their advances and return to Tigray. The humanitarian blockade needs to be lifted. Hate speech and ethnic profiling must end: it serves only to set Ethiopian against Ethiopian and deepens divisions which will make recovery from this crisis even harder.” In order to stop the physical fighting, the UK highly recommends sending in peacekeeping troops on both sides of the conflict. Once the physical fight stops, we must start educating the general public on misinformation using any means necessary. There also must be a diplomatic buffer set up between the TPLF and the Ethiopian government to ensure that any type of interaction between them doesn’t go awry. The UK would recommend it be sourced from the UN, so that way all parties know that decisions arise from unbiased sources. As far as the famine, and humanitarian issues; the UK is prepared to work with NGOs and other countries to calculate a certain amount of aid; such as food, medical supplies, and safe drinking water to give to the Ethiopian people. Due to the amount of parties involved with the aid being given, the UK requests that the country who contributes the most aid shall oversee the material distribution. We as a Security Council must work fast. If we do not solve this issue quickly, it is arguable that the blood is on our hands.

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FHEDelegates 11/23/2021 19:58:59

Country: United States of America
Delegate Name: Carson Patten

Security Council
United States of America
Carson Patten

In Ethiopia, there has been a long history of political instability. Their region has been plagued by misinformation and poverty. The people who stay in power retain it because the public is left in the dark and their elections are not secure and credible. Thousands of people have been caught in the various conflicts that keep pushing the region to instability. The United States has deepening concerns about the violations of multiple human rights. Despite the diplomatic engagements between the parties in Tigray, there has been no meaningful action taken towards peace. There is also a lack of humanitarian aid that the citizens of the region are in desperate need of because of the uncertain security protocols.

The United States condemns all acts of violence towards the innocent people caught in the conflict within the Ethiopian region. We are also appalled by the lack of regard for civilian property and the destruction of resources such as the water supply. The government of Ethiopia continues to raise concerns as well. We are also aware that there are a considerable number of displaced persons within the region and that neighboring countries are concerned about letting in refugees. The United States has already issued “visa restrictions under section 212(a)(3)(c) of the Immigration and Nationality Act, for any current or former Ethiopian or Eritrean government officials, members of the security forces, or other individuals.” The United States also favorably looks upon the distribution of aid packages to help the people of the Ethiopian region, but there without more stability and peace, we will not be able to contribute. The continued violence and uncertainty in the government are not suitable to receive the necessary funds or aid to sustain the civilian population.

The United States strongly encourages a durable and politically stable solution to the process. The United Nations Security Council needs to make sure that there is a strong government in place that can protect the needs of all of the citizens present in the region. The United States would also encourage the UNSC to put together a humanitarian aid package that is secure enough to reach the citizens suffering in the Ethiopian region and to ensure that the region can sustain itself.

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Country: Ireland
Delegate Name: Devan Varma

The situation in Tigray is dire, and it has only gotten worse as time progresses. Neither the Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF) nor the Ethiopian government show any signs of relenting or negotiating for peace, which has only yielded more unfortunate consequences for the people of Tigray, who have been forced to flee amidst the conflict. Those people are having an increasingly difficult time finding a home, as the neighboring countries of Sudan and Eritrea have been largely unsympathetic to their plight. In addition, attempts to send relief aid have been thwarted, as over 400 aid trucks have gone missing, and neither the TPLF nor the Ethiopian Government have admitted to stopping them. It is clear that the United Nations must take action to solve this situation before it becomes any worse.

At the UN, Ireland has advocated for raising the broader conflict in Ethiopia to an international level, but Ethiopia insists that the conflict is being dealt with internally. Clearly, this isn’t the case, as Ethiopian refugees have been without aid and without a home since the conflict began to emerge. In recognition of this, Ireland has joined others in calling for a ceasefire between the TPLF and the Ethiopian government, and requested that Humanitarian aid be administered without blockage within the region. Ireland has been consistent in our attempts to solve the situation in Tigray, but we have been met with significant resistance on part of the Ethiopian government.

Nevertheless, Ireland remains committed to solving the situation in Tigray. We want to ensure that the citizens of Tigray are safe, and that relief and aid will be provided to them without interruption. We also want to ensure that Tigray’s citizens are staying safe. In an official statement, Irish Diplomats expressed: “deep concern about allegations of human rights violations and abuses, including reports of sexual violence against women and girls in the Tigray region, and called for investigations to find those responsible and bring them to justice.” We will continue this promise in the near future, and we pledge our support to ensure that Tigray’s citizens are well supplied and protected.

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