September 16, 2019

Proliferation of Ballistic Missiles

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General Assembly: Disarmament & International Security Committee

Topic: Proliferation of Ballistic Missiles

Ballistic missiles trace their origins to the 13th century and the discovery of gunpowder. While missile technology has advanced considerably since then, the physics involved in using controlled combustion to achieve propulsion remains the same. Modern ballistic missiles combine a propulsive engine (typically a rocket engine) with a guidance system to enable the delivery of a payload to a desired location at immense speed. The ability to accurately deliver a payload over great distances at speed makes ballistic missiles an issue of international concern. The same systems that place satellites into orbit and carry humans into space can deliver nuclear or other weapons of mass destruction. When nations react by deploying anti-ballistic missile systems to counter perceived threats, this often spurs further missile development, creating a vicious spiral with grave implications for international peace and security.

Overcoming the challenge posed by ballistic missiles is a daunting task. As the UN’s Office for Disarmament Affairs makes clear, “there is no legally binding multilateral instrument dealing with the issue of missiles.” Instead, past success has come from bilateral arms control agreements that placed limits on missiles and missile-related technologies. Examples include the now defunct Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (START I) and its successor known as New START. Some multilateral efforts to regulate ballistic missiles do exist. The most significant of these include the Hague Code of Conduct against Ballistic Missile Proliferation (HCOC) and the Missile Technology Control Regime (MTCR). In addition to establishing various voluntary commitments, these regimes provide valuable fora for discussion and other confidence-building measures. States party to the HCOC agree on “the need to prevent and curb the proliferation of ballistic missile systems capable of delivering weapons of mass destruction.” The MTCR suggests policies aimed at preventing the transfer of items relevant to ballistic missile production. Both regimes, however, lack binding enforcement mechanisms.

The right to peaceful use of missile technology is a well-established norm. Distinguishing systems with scientific or spacefaring purposes from those intended for military use requires a thorough understanding of ballistic missile technology. Arms control talks often focus on specifics such as payload mass, launch platform, and missile range. Sorting through details is part and parcel of any multilateral discussion. To avoid getting bogged down, delegates will need to come armed with clear objectives and be ready to focus on areas where cooperation is possible. Concentrate on identifying concrete actions to limit the potential for destructive arms races in accordance with the goals set forth in the UN Charter.

Are comprehensive multilateral solutions feasible or should focus be on concluding bilateral and regional agreements? How can nations place meaningful limits on ballistic missile development without impinging on peaceful use? Is it necessary to also consider limits on ballistic missile defense? Why might that be helpful in reducing the potential for so-called security dilemmas?

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ForestHillsNorthernDelegates 11/24/2022 08:27:24

Country: Japan
Delegate Name: Akshat Jain

Country: Japan
Committee: Disarmament & International Security Committee
Topic: Proliferation of Ballistic Missiles
Delegate: Akshat Jain
School: Forest Hills Northern High School

While ballistic missiles are not as dangerous as nuclear weapons, they still pose a major threat to countries as they carry nuclear warheads. They are only going to become more destructive as technological advances and further research continue. The main reason why these missiles are so dangerous is mainly because of the lack of regulations. Overcoming the challenge posed by these missiles is a daunting task.

Japan has different Ballistic Missile Defense (BMD) systems in place, including the Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force (JMSDF), Japan Air Self-Defense Force (JASDF), and Japan Ground Self-Defense Force (JGSDF) as mechanisms to defend against ballistic missile attacks. After the recent North Korean missile launch over Japan, the need to increase Japan’s missile defense has become apparent. Enhancing these defenses makes tactical, political, and economical sense as the prevention of casualties is politically paramount. Japan supports the reduction of ballistic missiles.

Japan believes that over time, the proliferation of ballistic missiles will slow and countries will agree to reduce the number of ballistic missiles in possession. Japan wants to see more regulations toward the usage of these missiles, the number of missiles countries can possess, and what circumstances they can be used for. Japan believes that with these regulations in place, the threat of ballistic missiles will lessen.

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KalamazooCentralDelegates 11/23/2022 23:31:15

Country: Poland
Delegate Name: Nadine Arabi

Ballistic missile use can be dated back to the creation of gunpowder in the 13th century, but also in the world today, causing many massacres throughout history but also changing modern-day technology. Although ballistic missiles are a constant threat Poland believes there should be missile defenses set up to maintain peace around the world.

To increase strategic defense against internal threats Poland joined NATO, seeing as though they are in close relation to many powers such as Russia, etc. Poland would end up speaking with the United States and countries in Europe about building a ballistic missile and being a part of the Ground-Based Midcourse Defense system that would intercept missiles from Iran. Eventually, Poland would sign the Ballistic Missile Defense (BMD) Agreement of 2008 and its Amending Protocol of 2010. This would come with the deployment of missiles in Poland immediately.

Poland supports the owning of Ballistic missiles for defensive measures and would support the creation of Systems such as the one they had, to intercept missiles for defensive purposes and for the safety of allies along with surrounding countries.

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KalamazooCentralDelegates 11/23/2022 21:41:16

Country: China
Delegate Name: Anna Crum

Ballistic missiles have been changing the world since the 13th century and continue to do so. While these technologies have been used for some of mankind’s greatest feats, the destruction, and chaos they can cause undeniably endanger all nations’ safety. The People’s Republic of China is anti-proliferation of ballistic missiles. Fifteen countries are known to produce ballistic missiles: the United States, France, Russia, China, North Korea, South Korea, Taiwan, India, Pakistan, Iran, Israel, Egypt, Syria, Ukraine, and Argentina.
While China has not signed or been involved in the creation of the Hague Code of Conduct against Ballistic Missile Proliferation (HCOC) or the Missile Technology Control Regime (MTCR), China does support the MTCR and did request to join. China has agreed to adhere to the agreement and has stated so several times. MTCR has not allowed membership to China because of China’s export-control standards. With no legally binding multilateral instrument dealing with the issue of missiles the effects on China and other countries have been limited. However, for those countries involved in agreements transparency in processes involving ballistic missiles has increased. While the technology behind ballistic missiles is important for advancement in many regards the dangers are apparent. The spread of ballistic missiles must be stopped. While this technology has many functions using ballistic missiles for defense should be permissible. Ensuring national security is critical and cannot be overlooked in this discussion. While China does not plan to use ballistic missiles in any way to harm other countries offensively, countries must be permitted to have methods of defense.
While a multilateral solution would be preferable to keep all countries responsible, bilateral and regional agreements are still preferential to a complete lack of a legally binding multilateral instrument dealing with the issue of missiles. The first step in solving this issue and moving forward to the goal of peace is taking real steps toward the anti-proliferation of ballistic missiles. China supports fellow countries that are anti-proliferation when it comes to ballistic missiles.

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FHEDelegates 11/23/2022 22:14:47

Country: Guatemala
Delegate Name: Harpreet Kaur

Concerned about the increasing regional and global security challenges caused by the ongoing proliferation of ballistic missiles capable of delivering weapons of mass destruction, Guatemala emphasizes the significance of regional and international efforts to prevent and curb the proliferation of ballistic missile systems as a contribution to international peace and security. Guatemala remains greatly perturbed by the threat of terrorism and the risk that terrorists may acquire, develop, traffic, or use nuclear or other radioactive materials. While recognizing that nuclear security remains the responsibility of States, international cooperation contributes to strengthening nuclear security. In the framework of its strategy against the proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction, Guatemala is actively supporting UN Security Council Resolutions as well as other international activities, such as the Global Partnership Against the Spread of Weapons and Materials of Mass Destruction, the Proliferation Security Initiative, and the Global Initiative to Combat Nuclear Terrorism.

Guatemala recognizes the importance of appropriate adequate export controls, following paragraph 2 of Article III of the NPT(which requires its parties to apply safeguards on exports of nuclear material and specialized nuclear equipment to non-nuclear weapon states). In this context, we fully support the activities of the international export control regimes, namely the Zangger Committee, the Nuclear Suppliers Group, the Australia Group, the Wassenaar Arrangement and Missile Technology Control Regime (MTCR), and the full participation of all 28 EU Member States therein. Guatemala is seriously concerned by the proliferation of missile technology. The development, testing, or use of ballistic missiles is clearly a destabilizing factor in various world regions. In this regard, Guatemala strongly supports the MTCR. Moreover, as the only multilateral transparency and confidence-building instrument against ballistic missile proliferation, Guatemala continues to pursue the objectives of, and support financially, the Hague Code of Conduct (HCoC) in three aspects: universality, implementation, and enhanced and improved functioning.

Guatemala would like to stress the importance of the mentioned non-proliferation aspects for a successful outcome and will fully support the Chairs of the NPT Preparatory Committee in order to ensure a successful review cycle.

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Matt Vallus 11/23/2022 20:53:44

Country: Brazil
Delegate Name: Hernanz

Greetings delegates. Ballistic missiles have made countries stronger since the 13th century, but they have also had catastrophic consequences, one being the cause of death of millions. When used for innovation, ballistic missiles have gotten man to space. This just shows how everything can be used for good and bad. It is important that we set our differences aside and cooperate so that tragedies are avoided.

First, the delegation of Brazil condemns the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea for the missile launches it’s done, especially intercontinental ones. Not only are these launches prohibited by the United Nations Security Council, but these also destabilize international security. The delegation urges North Korea to stop doing acts that get in the way of dialogue and democratic negotiation and to adhere to the Nuclear test Ban and Non-Proliferation treaties. Brazil also strongly encourages surrounding countries to do the same and put more effort in engaging North Korea to renew their missile tests.

Brazil does not see it necessary to ban ballistic missiles for space exploration. However, it is important that ballistic missiles are regulated. The delegation wishes to emphasize that it is important to only use these technologies for peaceful and innovative purposes. This is important because deaths and wars can be avoided this way.

In order for peace to prevail, missiles and powerful weapons must not exist for the harming of others. If countries center their technologies on innovation, a lot of progress will be made, and millions of deaths will be avoided.

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GRCityDelegates 11/23/2022 20:32:17

Country: Italy
Delegate Name: Krishna Mano

United Nations Disarmament & International Security Committee
Proliferation of Ballistic Missiles
Krishna Mano
City High Middle School

Ever since their creation, ballistic missiles (ICBM) have continuously threatened and caused harm to the people of our world. They cause great, irreparable damage and destruction, exacerbating the hostile environment that we see in the modern world. Italy strongly affirms that the proliferation of ballistic missiles further plagues and destructs foreign relations and, therefore, we support the strict regulation of such actions. We also urge our fellow members of this committee to join this standpoint whether it be through signing treaties, writing them, or forming multilateral alliances, as it is indispensable to assemble against weapons with colossal, enduring destructive capabilities.

As a leading member of many multilateral alliances like the UN, NATO, and EU, Italy finds it essential to help protect our neighboring countries from foreign aggression with the goals of both safety and peace in mind. We have taken it into our own hands to further our policy on this subject of great importance in many ways. Before taking action, we reviewed the advice from our fellow nations as found in the UN Office of Disarmament Affairs’ report on ballistic missiles, in which the Panel of Governmental Experts wrote that “it is important to have continued international efforts to deal with the increasingly complex issue of missiles in the interest of international peace and security, and to further deliberate on the issue, specifically focusing attention on existing and emerging areas of consensus.” We continue to strongly agree with these experts and have shown this stance in our actions. We have been a subscribing member of the Hague Code of Conduct against Ballistic Missile Proliferation (HCOC) since November of 2002. Even the HCOC website, however, clearly points out that the alliance is most effective when paired with the Missile Technology Control Regime (MTCR) when it says that, combined, they are the “only multilateral transparency and confidence building instruments concerning the spread of ballistic missiles.” When looking at the MTCR, not only has Italy been a member and promoter of the regime, we were among the 7 founding members of it back in April of 1987. Our Ministry of Foreign Affairs provides yet another example of our involvement in ensuring that proliferation does not continue, referring to our consistent participation “the Proliferation Security Initiative (PSI) aimed at banning trade in weapons of mass destruction.”

Despite all of these efforts, however, Italy is aware of the minimal cases of proliferation occurring even today. While they have stabilized in recent years, specifically ever since 2008, we believe that there is more work to be done to ensure that we are able to protect our allies who rely on us for security, while emphasizing the necessity for peace in the modern aggressive world. As we have made clear, we hold firm to the point that these ballistic weapons should only be used in the limited form of deterrence, not as a method of harming other nations. While we do not produce or possess any ballistic missiles owned by the Italian Military, through the NATO nuclear and ballistic weapon sharing program, we are entrusted by the United States to possess a number of weapons that we have been transparent about in previous reports. We greatly value peace, but it is also necessary to remain safe and uphold the security of our allied countries during these times of increasing hostility with foreign adversaries. We aim for a series of bilateral and multilateral diplomatic treaties which would lead to a world that only requires ballistic missiles in certain cases of deterrence. Most importantly, we seek a solution that puts the safety of our citizens and our allies above all else.

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FHEDelegates 11/23/2022 20:20:23

Country: Finland
Delegate Name: Tanner Beavon

Proliferation of Ballistic Missiles
The Republic of Finland
Tanner Beavon
Forest Hills Eastern

The proliferation of ballistic missiles is something that the Republic of Finland must maintain vigilance over, and is something that The Republic of Finland believes must be bound with export control efforts, such as limiting the exports of goods and technologies that could make a contribution to these systems.

Finland is a member of the Missile Technology Control Regime (MTCR) which is a political understanding among states that seek to limit the proliferation of missiles and missile technology. Not as much of a strong opinion, as we do not have a stockpile of warheads, however, Finland believes that these technologies should be used only in peaceful ways, and the proliferation must be controlled.

Our solution to this ballistic missile problem is to peacefully disarm them by signing a treaty similar to HCOC in which all countries developing ballistic missiles will stop development and those reliant on them or with a greater amount like North Korea and the US should slowly but surely stop development and get rid of already development missiles so that resources can be used more efficiently.

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RoyalOakDelegate 11/23/2022 16:49:40

Country: Kenya
Delegate Name: Julia Malone

Kenya is an African nation with a population of 66 million people. The national motto of “Harambe,” is truly a representative phrase for this resilient nation. Going through three government transitions in just as many decades, ranging from a colony of the United Kingdom to a fully-functioning multi-party democracy, Kenya has faced serious turnovers in recent history. Since its transition to multi-party democracy, every election it has had has been met by allegations of fraud, but the election results have eventually been verified. Recently, the previous president and his opponent launched a program called the Building Bridges Initiative, focusing on bringing the divided country together.

Kenya helped to write the Hague Code of Conduct, the premier international agreement on the proliferation of ballistic missiles. Their space force program fully complies with all HCoC requirements and guidelines. As an active participant in the Somali Civil War, the resolution passed in this conference would impact Kenya’s ability to assist in war efforts in the future significantly, because while no ballistic missiles have been fired in this conflict thus far, they may be in the future.

Overall, the Republic of Kenya has not made major statements in regard to ballistic missiles. Their general silence on the matter cannot be mistaken for a lack of opinion or motivation, as Kenya cares deeply about this issue. With a lack of concrete policy initiatives, the delegate from Kenya will be taking a trustee approach to act on behalf of their country and will do their best to continue to embody Kenya’s policy, though acknowledging they may have to prepare stances independently.

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ForestHillsNorthernDelegates 11/23/2022 15:47:34

Country: Romania
Delegate Name: Braydon Hoeksema

Disarmament and International Security Committee
Proliferation of Ballistic Missiles
Braydon Hoeksema
Forest Hills Northern High School

The recent proliferation of ballistic missiles and the accelerating technological advances make these weapons more accessible and attractive. New assets of missiles and related technology by countries including China, India, Iran, North Korea, Pakistan, Russia, South Korea, Taiwan, and the United States pose challenges towards decelerating this proliferation of ballistic missiles. The missile technology control regime (MTCR) has been known to be a valuable counter to this rapid missile proliferation. As more nations continue in the race to develop more ballistic missiles, they contribute to the risk caused by the increasing spread of ballistic missiles. The MTCR is a viable option to help reduce the risk caused by proliferation.

Romania signed the ballistic missile defense agreement on September 13, 2011, which created the legal basis for Romania to host the Aegis Ashore Missile Defense System on its territory. The Aegis Ashore Missile Defense System is designed to protect European NATO allies and U.S. forces in the region against growing threats posed by the proliferation of ballistic missiles. This system is intended to be entirely defensive and shows Romania’s commitment to supporting NATO forces on its territory. This defensive missile base in Romania secures more protection for NATO from outside ballistic missiles, resulting in the excessive proliferation of ballistic missiles.

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WilliamstonDelegates 11/23/2022 15:27:38

Country: Nigeria
Delegate Name: Cale Pederson

Delegate: Cale Pederson
Country: Nigeria
Committee: DISEC
Topic: Proliferation of Ballistic Missiles
The UN has been talking about ratifying the non peaceful use of ballistic missiles. As Well as creating multilateral treaties between different countries as the non peaceful use of ballistic missiles is very deadly and is said to be one of the most destructive weapons in the world as of right now. Much of the problem is the larger countries having the access and threat of weapons of mass destruction. Although there are some treaties between subject countries, the UN hopes that they can unify multiple different countries and work together to help this growing cause of the dangerous missiles that are so predominant in the world right now.
Nigeria is considered to be a nuclear weapon free state, with this they do not use forces such as ballistic missiles and weapons of that nature. Nigeria as well does not have the stability to create or use such weapons as they are not an economically strong nation, so it would not be smart to use or create weapons of this sort. They have signed with the UN to help stop the spread of nuclear weapons and to not use these missiles harmfully. Nigeria does believe that they should help stop the growing life of ballistic missiles and be able to find a multilateral agreement throughout the UN and possibly throughout the entire world. With this not being set 100% into place Nigeria has created anti ballistic and other anti missile devices to try and prevent even a threat of such nature. Nigeria is not the only country without mass weapons of destruction, most every country besides South Africa and Egypt do not have a recorded ballistic missile to threaten with. This could just be the problem of bigger countries having these resources that cause such devastation not only on the one country it is used on but even those around the world.
With Nigeria not being able to support the creation of ballistic missiles or being able to host them they would like to help with the stop of non peaceful use of ballistic missiles. With this Nigeria would like to stop or even just limit the non peaceful use of ballistic missiles. Nigeria can help stop the spread and proliferation of ballistic missiles throughout the world as they can cause mass harm and disruption to many people and countries through their use. Although non peaceful use should be prohibited we do believe that peaceful use for sciences and research should be useful and used if they do desire but not compromising the non peaceful use. So overall Nigeria believes it can introduce plans to help protect peaceful use of ballistic missiles while at the same time having the threat of non peaceful use commendable and be able to reach agreements through the world that might stop the spread of the harmful use of ballistic and weapons of mass destruction.

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ForestHillsNorthernDelegates 11/23/2022 14:09:45

Country: United Kingdom
Delegate Name: Camille Gerville-Reache

Though ballistic missiles do not have the deadly reputation of nuclear weaponry, they do hold a comparably significant capacity for destruction. Recent technological developments will only increase the danger. Implementing a multilateral strategic framework in order to promote transparency and mitigate weapons development is essential to prevent any further risks posed by missile possession. Furthermore, advancing defensive technology will lower the efficacy of ballistic missiles, decreasing the damage potential of weapons and discouraging missile attempts.

The UK is united with NATO members and currently holds a defensive position against ballistic missile attacks. This involves state of the art sensors, submarines, and arms to act as a deterrent, which includes Inter-Continental Ballistic Missiles (ICBMs). Furthermore, the UK is developing its technology with a goal to become the first nation with maritime ballistic defense detection and defensive abilities. There have also been thousands of surface to air missiles (including AMRAAM missiles) exported to Ukraine for the war against Russia. While the United Kingdom maintains that its ballistic missiles are purely for the protection of itself and allies, there is support for various measures to reduce arms. For example, the United Kingdom helped establish the Missile Technology Control Regime (MTCR) and welcomed the New START extension by the United States and Russia. The United Kingdom has also reduced missiles in its own ballistic submarines.

The United Kingdom believes that ongoing, peaceful talks will lead to an agreement on reducing the need for and number of ballistic missiles. While current global tensions have inhibited the United Kingdom’s ability to decrease its arms, the United Kingdom maintains the goal in its long-term planning. Further development of defense systems, diplomatic discussions, and inhibiting advancements and widespread possession of missiles should be top of mind in agreements. Until the world comes to a more peaceful and stable position, the United Kingdom holds its role as a deterrent to missile warfare.

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ForestHillsNorthernDelegates 11/23/2022 12:54:29

Country: Denmark
Delegate Name: Noah Johnson

The Proliferation of Ballistic Missiles has been a major concern around the globe, one that Denmark has been trying to fight for a while now.
Denmark expressed its strong support for U.N. Security Council resolution 1695, which registers grave concern over the missile proliferation threat posed by the DPRK’s missile activities, as well, Denmark reiterated its support for UN Security Council Resolution 1540 declaring proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and their means of delivery a threat to international peace and security. Denmark and other parts of NATO are in support of major mass destructive weapon removal and getting rid of the rapid increase of destructive weapons.
As the issue of the Proliferation of Ballistic Missiles increases, we will continue to push for regulation of Ballistic missiles and regulation on the countries that already own a surplus of these ballistic missiles. These regulations would take into account the mentions with other countries and whether they have been used as a threat against another country. These restrictions and regulations would ideally bring down tensions between neighboring countries.

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KalamazooCentralDelegates 11/22/2022 23:31:23

Country: Democratic People’s Republic of Korea
Delegate Name: Kyan Martini-Zeller

Delegate Name: Kyan Martini-Zeller
Country: Democratic People’s Republic of Korea

Since the inception of ballistic missile instruments. They have been used to orchestrate the destruction and unconditional surrender of smaller and susceptible nations. Since then the acquisition of such instruments has increased the security of our nation in particular. Consequently the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea stands strongly in favor of the proliferation of ballistic missiles.
Since the creation of the North Korean nuclear program, we have greatly increased our nuclear weapons supply and thus increased our ballistic missile supply. The DPRK also withdrew from the treaty of non proliferation of nuclear weapons. Despite our peaceful use of these weapons, further legislation to limit these weapons would result in aggression from western countries to seize not only our weapons but our resources and our lives.
Our actions have brought peace and security to our nation. Any attempt to regulate or restrict ballistic missiles would make our nation susceptible to foreign attacks. We suggest that the U.N takes action to preserve the liberty of these weapons and keep in mind the needs of our country as well as many others And make no attempt to regulate ballistic missiles. The DPRK also reminds the general assembly that we and our allies will not see our weapons be seized peacefully. I yield my time to the chair.

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WilliamstonDelegates 11/22/2022 22:41:13

Country: Turkey
Delegate Name: Frinz Fisher

Delegate: Frinz Fisher
Country: Turkiye
Committee: DISEC
Topic: Proliferation of Ballistic Missiles

The UN has continually discussed the positions of ballistic missiles as they continue to develop to deliver mass destruction and accuracy through their speed and projectile motion. International involvement and attention are prime reasons why ballistic missiles have officially been seen as a problematic topic. Currently, the countries of France, China, Israel, North Korea, Pakistan, Russia, the United Kingdom, and the United States possess ballistic missiles capable of exceeding ranges of 1,000 kilometers. Many other countries also continue to test ballistic missiles in an attempt to develop a more successful destructive arm in the precaution of these 9 powerful nations. China and Russia are the only two states not in a commitment or allyship with the United States that have a proven capability to strike the United States. Ballistic missiles may have the ability to destroy targets at ease with their projectile motion but only recently have they been used in warfare, including the Iran-Iraq War, the Afghan Civil War, the war in Yemen, and the 1991 Persian Gulf War. With the technological advancements through time, precautions have been developed to combat these destructive weapons, but unfortunately doesn’t decrease the number of ballistic missiles being produced in which 31 countries are producing and testing.
Turkiye currently has developed a short-range ballistic missile capable of traveling precisely 561 km away after our development of a missile capable of traveling more than 150 km. Our demonstration in late October of this year showcased our technological advancements as well as our ability to acquire such weaponry. Many organizations near our region and even in our region have taken much into account the use of ballistic missiles used in attacks against countries, such as ISIS attacking Syria.
Turkiye disagrees with the increased production of ballistic missiles. Ballistic missiles have only been seen as ineffective with larger nations such as the United States as they continue to proceed with precautions regarding ballistic missiles. Ballistic missiles seem as destructive power but with measured precautions could potentially be used as a way for nations to destroy organizations with negative thoughts and actions that would cause the destruction of human life. Turkiye would like to organize with the Russian Federation, The United States, and North Korea to begin experimenting to develop a ballistic missile with the intent for landscaping, economic, and entertainment purposes which would only be accompanied by the governments of each nation.

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WilliamstonDelegates 11/22/2022 15:38:03

Country: Colombia
Delegate Name: Marie Schafer

Ballistic Missiles, and their introduction into society, have continued to be a conflict for years since gunpowder was discovered in the early thirteenth century. The problem with such dangerous devices is the lack of regulation that both has been placed on them, as well as the regulation allowed to be placed upon them. While there are some attempts that have been made towards regulating missiles, such as the Hague Code of Conduct against Ballistic Missile Proliferation (HCOC) and the Missile Technology Control Regime (MTCR), these are in no way legally binding for countries. Considering that missiles could potentially carry weapons of mass destruction, the fact that so many countries are taking on building up these weapons, contributing to the steady rise in the number of such devices, is extremely concerning.
Being one of the 93 countries that signed the HCOC, Colombia is dedicated to pursuing the integrity of our world, and steadily decreasing the number of ballistic missiles in an effort to resume peace and prosperity. Colombia has not passed any specific legislature on this topic, being one of the lesser developed countries with little access to the money and materials for such measures. Colombia has no possession of missile defense devices which would help them protect themselves from the weapons of other countries. Considering this, Colombia does not support the continued building of defense weapons by nations with access to such abilities. In the scenario that a missile is launched where there is a need for such defense, there are already so many nuclear weapons found across the globe that the amount of destruction following would be catastrophic regardless of defense mechanisms.
As a member of both the NTP and the TPNW, Colombia believes that through allowing the continued production and building of defensive missiles, the result will simply be further development of nuclear weapons and hazardous missiles, which is a direction the country is attempting to step away from. While the country believes that scientific developments and findings will help the intellectual community grow, at the expense of putting all the efforts towards weapon dismantlement to waste, such growth and focus in fields is not as valuable. Even with consideration of national sovereignty, Colombia hopes that they can work with other delegates from countries who have similar opinions and can stand as a united front.

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WilliamstonDelegates 11/22/2022 15:26:59

Country: Germany
Delegate Name: Lanell Gardiner

Ballistic missiles prove a singularly deadly threat to the globe; not specifically because of the type of weapon being sent, but because of the ability to deliver high-capacity long range weapons, and deliver them accurately. While these systems have existed for centuries, modern technology provides the opportunity for mass destruction across vast areas of land. The creation of ballistic missiles and the counter-creation of anti-missile defense systems results in an ongoing tug of war where the world only moves closer to a deadlock. However, the topic is complex and international communities need to decide whether offensive or defensive action is more important. The best action is to cooperate as a unit to prevent hostile nations from creating more ballistic technology, disarm more offensively armed countries, and provide defense mechanisms in the case of aggressive international action.

Germany is the largest capacity provider of ballistic missile defense in Europe, and it is dedicated to bolstering efforts to curb ballistic missile proliferation worldwide and to further delegitimize such proliferation. Germany is subscribed to the Hague Code of Conduct (HCOC) and has worked closely with Italy and the United States on the Medium Extended Air Defense Systems (MEADS). This is the first air and missile defense system to provide continuous on-the-move protection for maneuver forces and area and homeland defense. Germany has also developed laser-based tracking missile destroyers in the past couple decades, and is currently providing Ukraine with defense capabilities in response to the Russian Federation’s invasion.

The international debate on ballistic missiles is not something that can be solved with one resolution that restricts countries autonomy; Germany understands this and sees the need to focus on defense mechanisms rather than infringe on sovereign nations and the actual production of these weapons. Research and cooperation between countries on the creation of anti-missile defense systems as well as the halting of continued creation of new attack missiles should be the top priorities as nations work towards preventing international war and destruction. Concerning countries that are not working towards these goals, Germany believes that only by embarking on a path towards complete, verifiable and irreversible denuclearization and dismantlement of missiles, can these countries (such as DPRK) regain the trust of the international community.

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WilliamstonDelegates 11/22/2022 12:21:41

Country: Russian Federation
Delegate Name: Allison Bennett

Delegate: Allison Bennett
Country: Russian Federation
Committee: DISEC
Topic: Proliferation of Ballistic Missiles

Ballistic Missiles are missiles that are initially powered by a rocket or series of rockets in stages, following an unpowered trajectory that arches upwards before descending to reach its intended target. Ballistic missiles can carry either nuclear or conventional warheads. There are four general classifications of ballistic missiles. These classifications are based on the range, maximum distance, and the four classifications are; short-range, medium-range, intermediate-range and long-range. Ballistic missile proliferation refers to rapid increase of production in ballistic missiles. Nations like the United States, China, France, India, the United Kingdom. Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, and the Russian Federation are the only known countries to have operational Intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs).

In 1972, The Soviet Union and the United States signed the “Treaty on the limitation of anti-ballistic missile systems”, agreeing that each of the nations may only have two ABM deployment areas that are restricted and located so that they cannot provide a nationwide ABM defense or provide a basis for a developing one. The Soviet Union and the United States also signed the intermediate-range nuclear forces treaty in 1987. However, The Russian Federation president Valdimir Putin said that the city of Moscow will further strengthen and modernize its armed forces, including their newly tested Sarmat ICBM by the end of 2022. The Russian Federation has been revamping its air defense systems with these S-500s, which can be rapidly deployed and can intercept aircrafts, hypersonic missiles and ICBMs at long range. The Samat is likely able to bypass most radar and missile defense systems. The United States of America and the Russian Federation created a treaty between the two nations calling for Further Reduction and Limitation of Strategic Offensive Arms (START). START enhances the U.S. national security by placing limits on all Russian deployed intercontinental-range nuclear weapons. The START treaty states that both nations, United States and Russian Federation, had seven years to meet the treaty’s central limits on strategic offensive arms, which they both achieved, and the nations are obligated to maintain those limits for as long as the treaty remains in force. The Russian Federation and the United States agreed to extend the START treaty until 2026.

The Russian Federation under the guidance of President Puntin is continuing to expand its air defense system with newer, more advanced ballistic missiles. The Russian Federation is subscribed to the Hague Code of Conduct Against Ballistic Missiles Proliferation (HCOC.) The Russian Federation is also a partner in the Missile Technology Control Regime (MTCR), which is an informal political understanding among nations that seek to limit the proliferation of missiles and missile technology. The Russian Federation hopes to continue to work alongside the United States of America to strengthen the START treaty, along with other nations who are a part of similar regimes and treaties.

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WilliamstonDelegates 11/22/2022 08:16:50

Country: Philippines
Delegate Name: Colin Zaremski

In today’s modern world, ballistic missiles are becoming more commonly used
in warfare as they are fast, hard hitting rockets that leave devastating effects on their targets. Many countries possess ballistic missiles and they are used to hit military targets and defend their borders. Only having some of these weapons is understandable but having a ton can be interpreted as intimidation of sovereign states and can force them into submitting to power from a more dominant country. These ballistic missiles have forced many countries into action or have made the effects of war in a region more devastating.
The Philippines has been interested in getting some ballistic missiles from the US, South Korea, and other European and Asian allies to help defend themselves from increasing hostility from China and other hostile countries in the region. The Philippines would accept having long range missiles for self defense, but never having missiles with nuclear capabilities as that would violate our constitution and morales of our country. The Philippines has always been interested in having these types of missiles to defend the country and its people from foreign attack. The Philippines is a close ally of the US, South Korea, and Japan who all possess ballistic missiles, and have been working closely with these countries to try and secure some. These would be important for the defense and security of our country from hostile powers.
The Philippines supports the use of ballistic missiles for the use of self defense of a country. These weapons shouldn’t be used in any way to strike cities or arm them with nuclear capabilities as that would cause harm to everyone. These weapons should only be used as a last stand against attacking forces in an area to prevent the capture of a city or attack on the civilians.

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FHEDelegates 11/22/2022 08:06:56

Country: South Africa
Delegate Name: Farrah Salyer

Under South Africa’s Apartheid government, nuclear weapons were researched and created. With support and supplies, provided by the U.S., South Africa was able to develop six nuclear weapons. This program ended in 1989 when the U.S. and USSR discovered a nuclear weapons test in the Kalahari desert. Both countries made this discovery known to the U.N. This caused many countries to view South Africa as a threat and to start pulling away from them.
South Africa has since shut down its nuclear weapons program and has come up with other solutions to defense. South Africa can build an intermediate- level ballistic missile but has no reason to do so due to a shift in interest. South Africa is an active participant in the international space science program and the government has recently attempted to revive the country’s space launch vehicle program. South Africa has little need for ballistic missiles and nuclear weapons so its priorities have changed to the research and exploration of space.
South African companies now create and export multiple weapons including short- range missiles, precision guided weapons systems, and unmanned aerial vehicles . The company, Denel Dynamics, produces multiple weapons, including the Umkhoto missile, and works with multiple countries to export and create designs. These weapons were tested to show the weapons power but to also make sure they’re not too dangerous to keep. The weapons are now being integrated into the South African Armies ground based air defense system. None of these weapons are ballistic missiles, but are still able to protect South Africa. These companies create weapons that protect the country without relying on nuclear technology.

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WilliamstonDelegates 11/22/2022 07:53:03

Country: Democratic Republic of the Congo
Delegate Name: Nora Cowen

Ballistic missiles have a long history internationally, spanning all the way back to the 13th century. Such weapons have the ability to accurately deliver over great distances at high speeds, causing ballistic missiles to be an issue of international concern. Systems that place satellites into orbit and carry humans into space, can equally deliver nuclear or other weapons of mass destruction. When nations react by deploying anti-ballistic missile systems to counter threats, this can spur further missile development, creating a vicious spiral with grave implications for international peace and security. Facing the issues caused by ballistic missiles is difficult, there is no current legally binding multilateral instrument that specifically deals with the conflict. Some steps have been made to limit missiles and other missile-related technologies, such as the Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (START) and the Hague Code of Conduct (HCoC).
The Democratic Republic of Congo is currently the president of the UN Conference on Disarmament that met in June 2022. DRC previously bought SCUD missiles from Iran in 1999 to help protect itself from invaders. In October of 2022, DRC military troops clashed with rebels along its eastern borders which ended up in the blockage of a vital trading route for the Congo. While the conflict was not directly over missiles, nor involved the usage of any weapons of mass destruction (WMD), the safety of the people is essential in this case. Despite its past actions, DRC has considered signing HCoC with its ally Belgium but has not officially signed the resolution as of November 2022.
DRC would like to continue its state of peace, however, it is strongly for the safety of its borders and citizens. The nation would like to define what the peaceful use of WMD means in an international context and would highly appreciate the continued peaceful use of missiles. DRC encourages collaboration with Belgium and Germany, as well as other pan-African nations to support their ideas.

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FHEDelegates 11/21/2022 15:10:28

Country: Spain
Delegate Name: Sam Zaruba

Disarmament and International Security Committee
Proliferation of Ballistic Missiles
Kingdom of Spain
Sam Zaruba

Since the invention of nuclear weapons, ballistic missiles (IBCM) have threatened countries with destructive capabilities. A single rocket, equipped with multiple warheads, can kill a million people and cause hundreds of billions of dollars in damage. With over 1700 missiles in storage worldwide, these weapons could destroy the world twice. Although some multilateral precautions have been put in place, many nations are left in limbo about when or where these missiles will strike, leading to the construction of multi-billion dollar anti-ballistic systems. Recently, U.N. Secretary-General António Guterres stated the ballistic testing of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, urging that “the launch of a ballistic missile of intercontinental range” is “a clear violation of Security Council resolutions.” Furthermore, in a more recent conference, Guterres said, “Let’s eliminate these weapons before they eliminate us” on the proliferation of nuclear weapons.
Historically, Spain has been a state for the proliferation of nuclear weapons under the reign of Francisco Franco (1939-1975). Due to this, in recent times, the Spanish public has been sensitized to the use of ballistics and overwhelmingly disapproves (89%). Emerging as a multilateral solution, the Hague Code of Conduct (HCOC) strives to “strengthen national and international security arrangements while also promoting international disarmament.” It is among the Treaty’s original signatories, signed by Spain on November 25, 2022. Furthermore, The Kingdom of Spain joined NATO in 1982 and cooperated with the U.S. in the framework of the U.S.-Spain Missile Defense Technical Group. As such, Spain supports the U.S. and NATO in storing ballistic missiles for self-defense purposes but condemns the production and proliferation of these weapons. Despite not yet signing the Treaty on the Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW), Spain supports the retention and potential use of ballistics or nuclear weapons. Spain is also a member of the Missile Technology Control Regime (MTCR), which “seek(s) to limit the proliferation of missiles and missile technology.”
In response to the recent proliferation of ballistic missiles, Spain urges more countries to sign and ratify the HCOC and the Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT). Furthermore, Spain supports multilateral and bilateral agreements proposed to promote the de-proliferation of nuclear and ballistic weapons. The proliferation of ballistics can be minimized through NATO and other collective treaty organizations.

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FHEDelegates 11/21/2022 15:05:47

Country: United States of America
Delegate Name: Pranav Mudhas

Disarmament and International Security Committee
Proliferation of Ballistic Missiles
The United States of America
Pranav Mudhas
Forest Hills Eastern

Ballistic missiles had roots in the 14th century when the Ming Dynasty used an early, primitive form in its naval battles. Modern ballistic missiles, however, are much more dangerous. Since their first use in October of 1942, modern ballistic missiles have plagued the wars of the earth. With their precise rocket-propelled self-guided strategic-weapons system, ballistic missiles have the capability to kill hundreds of thousands of people from miles away. Ballistic missiles often travel to their target above the atmosphere in sub-orbital flight, resulting in a dangerous projectile ambiguity. Today, countries worldwide have stockpiled over 1700 missiles, creating panic and hysteria from feuding countries. There have been recent attempts to control the proliferation of such ballistic missiles, but they have yet to be successful due to their lack of enforcement. Therefore, many countries have spent billions of dollars creating advanced anti-missile systems.

The United States has signed and ratified the New Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (New START), which states that the US and the Russian Federation decrease their supply of missiles and other ballistic weapons. Since the implementation of New START, the US has only kept 700 intercontinental ballistic missiles (IBCMs) and submarine-launched ballistic missiles (SLBMs). The US also supports the Missile Technology Control Regime (MTCR), a multilateral export control regime whose purpose is to coordinate national export licensing efforts to prevent the proliferation of unmanned delivery systems capable of delivering weapons of mass destruction. The US is among the G-7 industrialized countries that first formed MTCR in 1987. We are in complete agreement with the MTCR in that we believe that countries should halt their proliferation of ballistic missiles. However, the US believes in keeping a significant amount of missiles for self-defense and as a deterrent to any idea of an attack on our country. As a member of MTCR, the US is also a subscribing state of the Hague Code of Conduct (HCOC). The HCOC seeks to supplement the MTCR. HCOC consists of general principles, modest commitments, and limited measures to halt ballistic missile proliferation and further delegitimize ballistic missile proliferation.

The United States holds that the proliferation of ballistic missiles must come to an end. We affirm that ballistic missiles must be used only as a deterrent and not as a force of destruction. We believe strongly that the proliferation of missiles in aggressive countries must stop immediately. We wish for a treaty that upholds both the ideals in the Missile Technology Control Regime, the New Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty and the Hague Code of Conduct. We, however, do not wish to decrease our supply of ballistic missiles any further due to the increasing tensions between hostile countries. We wish to hold our supply of ballistic missiles as a deterrent to militant states. We look to work with all states to ensure a safe environment to create a world without the need for ballistic missiles as a deterrent for national security. We wish to pursue bilateral and multilateral diplomatic treaties that avoid military battles, nourish safety, and create mutual respect and understanding for all states. We desire a treaty that decreases the proliferation of ballistic missiles but still allows a secure solution to the stability and safety of our country and its people.

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