September 16, 2019

Situation in Myanmar

Security Council

Topic: Situation in Myanmar

The political history of modern-day Myanmar is one highlighted by turmoil and strife. After being granted independence from British rule in 1948, the government was in a state of relative stability until a military coup in 1962 installed a socialist government, whose reign was marked by regular civil protests that were dealt with in a swift and forceful manner. The most notable of these protests, the 8888 Uprising, led to an open democratic election in 1990 in which the National League for Democracy (NLD) received an overwhelming majority of the seats contested. However, the military junta did not recognize the election results, placing prominent NLD leaders under house arrest, and this resulted in another 25 years of military rule. When elections were held in 2010, for the first time in 20 years, the NLD refused to participate, and the legitimacy of the subsequent results was debated by much of the international community. Free and fair elections were held in 2015, which as in 1990 resulted in an NLD victory. Unlike the 1990 elections, these results were not contested by the active ruling coalition.

The 2020 elections did not proceed as smoothly. The NLD increased the number of seats they held, but the military did not accept the results, and in February 2021 began arresting ruling members of the NLD, as well as other prominent political and cultural figures who expressed support for the NLD. The most prominent of those arrested was Aung San Suu Kyi, State Counsellor, founder of the party, and daughter of Aung San, generally acknowledged as the “Father” of modern Myanmar following its independence from the United Kingdom. The response from the international community was swift, though not uniform. Within days of the coup, the United Nations Security Council put forth a resolution condemning the actions of the military junta and calling for the release of the political detainees, but the resolution was not passed.

In the months since the coup, unrest has continued to grow. Almost 1 million people have been displaced within Myanmar, and the humanitarian crisis is fueling further unrest throughout the country. There is not currently a clear path towards resolving the crisis. While elections are set for 2023, it is not yet clear what the rules of those elections will be, including the electoral system, potential oversight, and permitted participants. Many of the NLD’s leaders remain jailed, including Aung San Suu Kyi, who has been sentenced to a total of 26 years in prison on a variety of politically-motivated charges, including corruption. It is likely that, barring an amnesty for her and her colleagues, many of the NLD’s supporters will refuse to recognize the 2023 elections as legitimate, which would not bode well for a peaceful resolution to this crisis. It is up to the Security Council to try and formulate a path through the political quagmire in Myanmar, while simultaneously finding ways to alleviate the sufferings of the many thousands of displaced persons in the country.

Further Reading:

UNSC Resolution 2669:

UNSC Press Release on Resolution 2669:

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VicksburgDelegates 02/20/2023 10:54:18

Country: Brazil
Delegate Name: Olivia Ahrens

As the delegate for Brazil, action must be taken immediately for Myanmar. Myanmar is full of violence currently from the military takeover. Brazil would like to see peace restored and the democratically elected government put back in charge. Brazil supports the people of Myanmar and wants to see a return to democratic norms. As a country that has suffered under a military coup, we must also discuss the human rights violations that have happened to the citizens of Myanmar and the violence which has impacted them. We should provide more peacekeeping troops to prevent this violence. There have been human rights violations to the citizens who choose to protest such as tear gas and rubber bullets.

In the past, Brazil has joined in 50 UN peacekeeping operations, involving military and civilians, the country itself has suffered under a military coup. We have supported the stabilization mission in Haiti by deploying troops and raising funds. Brazil has deployed troops to several peace missions, including UNAVEM III. With MINUSTAH, we assumed personal responsibilities and appointed our force commander. We have also headed the military axis for the Republic of Congo. These are operations we have done as a country which understands the peacekeeping efforts needed to control a military coup, and as one of the most active UN Security Council members, we hope to reform democracy for Myanmar.

For Myanmar, Brazil would like to see more-peacekeeping operations and more support for the democratically elected government. This would mean possibly pushing for a fair election between the government and the current leader of Myanmar. From the IMF, we could obtain equipment and funds for the people of Myanmar. A bloc of bigger countries to provide a peacekeeping military force and provide troops to Myanmar. Military crime and corruption should be discussed in relation to human rights violations. Must actions should be taken immediately to make Myanmar safe once again.

Works Cited
Blanco, Ramon. “The Brazilian Engagement with Peace Operations: a Critical Analysis.” SciELO, Accessed 14 February 2023.
“Brazil Should Call Out the Myanmar Junta in No Uncertain Terms.” Human Rights Watch, 11 March 2021, Accessed 14 February 2023.
“Everything you need to know about human rights in Myanmar – Amnesty International Amnesty International.” Amnesty International, Accessed 14 February 2023.
Jones, Bruce. “Peace in Myanmar depends on settling centuries-old ethnic conflicts.” Brookings, 20 March 2017, Accessed 14 February 2023.
Win, Soe, et al. “The deadly battles that tipped Myanmar into civil war.” BBC, 1 February 2022, Accessed 14 February 2023.
Zimmerman, Nicholas, et al. “Myanmar’s Troubled History: Coups, Military Rule, and Ethnic Conflict.” Council on Foreign Relations, Accessed 14 February 2023.

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BayCityDelegates 02/17/2023 21:37:14

Topic: Situation in Myanmar
Country: Albania
Delegate Name: Brayden Beson

Ever Since Myanmar gained independence from British Colonial rule in 1948, Myanmar has been victim to corrupt and poor leaders who let human rights, poverty, and fair rule diminish. In the 2020 elections held in Myanmar, the NLD or the National League for Democracy won the election by a majority of 78% over the Pro-Military USDP party. Though the people support much of the NLD, the military would still have meaningful political occupancy holding 25% of the seats. Despite the win, Myanmar’s State Counsellor Aung San Suu Kyi was denied the role of president and would be put under house arrest after the military coup in a clear attempt to silence her and other officials. The Myanmar military rule started on February 1st, 2021. This was caused because the military suspected major election fraud in the 2020 election even though the military has not yet found substantial evidence to prove a fair election.
As a member of NATO, and holding strong diplomatic relations with members of the EU, we are making it our mission for Albania to take a stance and help resolve the civil conflict between the Military of Myanmar and the people. Albania will make sure these government officials are recognized and punished for their war crimes, suppression of the people, and execution of multiple former leaders. Albania recognizes the upward of 1 million citizens who have been displaced and forced to refuge from their homes as we support plans to promote helping these people.

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WilliamstonDelegates 02/17/2023 20:16:44

Topic: Situation in Myanmar
Country: Ecuador
Delegate Name: Colin Zaremski

Committee: UNSC
Country: Ecuador
Delegate: Colin Zaremski
Topic: Situation in Myanmar

Currently right now in the country of Myanmar there is a current military dictatorship controlling the country. The country fell into a military dictatorship after the coup in February, 2021 and the human rights situation has gotten terrible with the country falling to a civil war of the military fighting pro-democracy forces. Poverty has gone up and caused a massive immigrant issue for the countries that neighbor Myanmar such as: India, Bangladesh, Thailand, and China with many immigrants seeking asylum in these countries.
Ecuador has been making steps to help pass human right resolutions and have helped the UN support giving aid to those who are caught in violence in Myanmar. Ecuador has helped advocate for human right support in Myanmar. Ecuador has helped give aid and support the UN by their ratification of core human rights conventions. Ecuador has also helped with passing many resolutions that support human rights in Myanmar. With the current state of the people Ecuador intends on helping give more support to the UN so the UN can continue to help give humanitarian aid to those who’ve been displaced by the current civil war involving the deaths of many.
Ecuador intends on supporting those who are being forced into a bad financial and physical state by this civil war. Ecuador plans to send financial and humanitarian aid to those who need it in Myanmar. Ecuador will help pass resolutions that will help give aid to those who’ve been displaced and injured by the civil war in Myanmar. Ecuador will not stop fighting for the aid and support of the people most affected and the most needy.

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WilliamstonDelegates 02/17/2023 20:13:54

Topic: Situation in Myanmar
Country: France
Delegate Name: Blake Beckhorn

The matter of stability and security is essential to all states, in order to function in a way that best allows its citizens to live in peace. The United Nations Security Council is especially equipped to help preserve every nation’s harmony, to peacefully resolve disputes as was its original purpose. The situation in Myanmar is a prime example of a conflict that requires the attention of the Security Council, in order to stabilize the nation, in order to end the toll on its citizens. In February of 2021, a coup d’état by the Myanma military suddenly and forcefully removed the democratic heads of state, thus plunging the nation into a state of civil unrest and warfare. In addition to the removal of these government officials, the now ruling military junta declared the earlier occurring 2021 elections as invalid. Since then, The Nation of Myanmar has not regained its democracy, and the presiding military junta continues to exert force over civilians that simply wish for democracy and the end of conflict.

France has long considered itself a champion of democracy, as the history of France tells the story of its people rising up in opposition to a government that does not support its people. France stands in solidarity with the Myanma people in their basic right of democracy. France has supported efforts by the European Union to provide humanitarian aid, having given millions of euros to support clean water, nutrition and sanitation, among other immediate needs. President Macron stated France’s commitment to supporting Myanmar and its people best “France calls for an immediate end to repression” along with “We are by your side.”

France hopes to create resolutions centered around the promotion of democracy in Myanmar, along with continued humanitarian aid. The Military Junta in power cannot continue its oppression of the Myanma people. This council must act swiftly to preserve the rights of the Myanma people to determine their own government in Myanmar. These issues must be resolved through de-escalation within Myanmar to end its civil conflict, as well as cooperation with the United Nations’ High Commissioner on Human Rights in order to put an end to such abuses. France hopes to join together not only with members of this council, but alongside democratic Myanma government leaders.

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GrovesDelegates 02/17/2023 19:17:07

Topic: Situation in Myanmar
Country: China
Delegate Name: Iara Jones

The UNSCs goal in maintaining international peace and security is to serve the people’s good ultimately. The current situation in Myanmar has significantly reduced the peace and security of its citizens, especially those not in a position of power. An accumulation of poverty, natural disasters, and ongoing conflicts have created some of the world’s most isolated and vulnerable populations that need international support. According to the IRC, there are currently 1.7 million people displaced by the crisis. The Republic of China is one of Myanmar’s biggest trading partners, investing billions of dollars in mining, oil, and natural gas developments. China recognizes this economic trading partnership with Myenmar while also acknowledging the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) essential five-point peace plan to cease the violence triggered by the military. However, Myanmar has failed to follow the plan.
UNSC has adopted resolution 2669, which “Demands an immediate end to all forms of violence throughout the country, and urges restraint and de-escalation of tensions” and “Urges the Myanmar military to immediately release all arbitrarily detained prisoners”. This resolution also addresses ASEAN’s 5-point plan and its support for ASEAN’s mechanisms. While China agrees with ASEAN’s 5-point plan, the delegation would have preferred for the security council to make a formal statement on Myanmar rather than a resolution which is why abstaining was the most appropriate response during the voting procedure for the resolution. There is no easy and brisk solution to this complex situation, and the outcome of this crisis will largely depend on Myanmar. Currently, Pact is the largest global NGO at work in Myanmar today. Pact creates and implements projects that cover health, local government, civil strengthening, renewable energy, water, and sanitation.
China wants to help Myanmar as it battles national conflicts while recognizing its sovereignty. At this time, the Republic of China does not feel that the UNSC has the authority to interfere with the complete reform of the Myanmar government. Myanmar gained its independence 75 years ago. The UN needs to recognize its sovereignty and legitimacy by allowing peaceful political dialogue within the constitutional and legal framework to start the process of democratic transformation. The UNSC can maintain peace and security through humanitarian aid, which will positively impact those in need. Currently, providing humanitarian aid for Myenmar has proven to be misused when it has gone through major national institutions like Myenmar’s banking system. A resolution focused on the proper and effective implementation of humanitarian aid can support those who need it the most.

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FitzDelegates 02/17/2023 15:12:54

Topic: Situation in Myanmar
Country: Mozambique
Delegate Name: Tiana Gentry

Similar to Mozambique’s issues with the Renamo in the late 1970s, the military junta in Myanmar is an organization that will show no remorse to those hindering their plans. With the power that the military holds, Mozambique knows that the people of Myanmar will only be effectively helped with action taken within this room. As a newcomer to the Security Council, Mozambique wants to further support the solutions created in December of 2022, specifically the resolution passed by the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, in which this body has begun to warn Myanmar of the consequences of hindering a fair and democratic government.

Trying to solve the issue of Myanmar is not a new topic for the Security Council. As we enter a new two-year cycle we must ask ourselves a specific question: “How is this room going to use a stronger voice and language to put forth an actionable plan to help Myanmar and its people?” Mozambique was not in the room the first time this issue was brought to the Security Council and wants to see this room be even more successful than the last. Mozambique would also like to keep the support of the ASEAN as an option within our discussions, with many countries wanting to support ASEAN’s mission, “Many Council members voiced their support for the ASEAN with several commending the organ for its action as others voiced their concerns over the text’s nature and content.” (UN Press). This leads to the second question posed: “How can we actively support ASEAN and its plan to help Myanmar?” With these two questions in mind, the meeting of the Security Council will be most beneficial.

An acceptable resolution within this room will bring more consequences to the Junta and work to better the lives of the people within Myanmar by instilling support, hope, and action. Proper resolutions will not restate the obvious but rather request action from all parties in Myanmar.

Mozambique looks forward to working with other countries that seek to use the Security Council’s abilities to end unnecessary violence as efficiently as possible.

Works Cited:

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FHN Delegates 02/17/2023 14:18:39

Topic: Situation in Myanmar
Country: Gabon
Delegate Name: Taha Ibrahim

United Nations Security Council
Situation in Myanmar
Gabonese Republic
Taha Ibrahim, Forest Hills Northern HS

The conflict in Myanmar is one that is complex and multifaceted, involving a range of underlying factors such as political, economic, social, and ethnic factors, which have all coalesced into a deep-rooted sense of animosity amongst the civilian government, military, and ethnic groups. The issue begins with the 1962 Burmese Coup d’etat which marked the beginning of one-party rule and political dominance of the Burmese military. Ne Win, the military commander in charge, would consolidate power, declaring a socialist state and silencing any sort of protest against the current system. This was until the 8888 uprisings, which led to the resignation of Ne Win and the first election in 1990. However, the results of the election (which had the National League for Democracy winning with 81% of the seats in the house) weren’t recognized by the current junta. They would place prominent leaders of the NLD under house arrest and military rule would continue until 2010. The 2020 elections led to the second military coup d’etat in 2021.

Contributing to the ongoing conflict are the tensions between different ethnic and religious groups. Major conflicts amongst these groups deal with the exclusion of minority groups from positions of power as well as the incident regarding the military’s crackdown on the Rohingya Muslims, which the United Nations describes as a “textbook example of ethnic cleansing”. To address the situation in Myanmar, it is essential to address the underlying political and structural issues that have exacerbated the issue.

Gabon believes that a situation based on the principles of democracy, human rights, and the principle of law is essential to resolving this crisis. It’s crucial to recognize the importance of dialogue between the military and the civilian government. As such, Gabon calls upon the United Nations and the international community to support diplomatic efforts aimed at promoting political dialogue and reconciliation in Myanmar. In addition to these political situations, it is essential to address the issue of displacement in Myanmar. An estimated 1.4 million individuals in Myanmar are displaced as a result of this conflict. This is something that should require urgent attention and comprehensive approaches to address this issue. Efforts to provide humanitarian assistance, protection, and support are a must.

Furthermore, Gabon insists that there is a need for international efforts aimed at addressing the underlying causes of displacement. This includes addressing the political and structural issues that have contributed to this crisis. Gabon calls for the international community to support efforts aimed at promoting the rights of minority groups and addressing the issues of people who’ve been disenfranchised.

To conclude, The Gabonese Republic is committed to working with the United Nations and the international community to help find a solution to the crisis in Myanmar through diplomatic means based on the principles of democracy, humanitarianism, and the rule of law. We also believe that a widespread approach is required to address the root issues behind the displacement of countless citizens with provisions of food, water, shelter, and medical care to provide humanitarian assistance, protection, and support for those affected.

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FHN Delegates 02/17/2023 12:05:29

Topic: Situation in Myanmar
Country: United Arab Emirates
Delegate Name: Connor Argenzio

United Nations Security Council
Situation in Myanmar
United Arab Emirates
Connor Argenzio, Forest Hills Northern High School

The relatively short lifespan of Myanmar can be best described as nothing short of tumultuous. Shortly after receiving its freedom from the dreadful shackles of imperialism, Myanmar was shaken by a coup. While the military junta still stands, it does so without impunity. The junta has faced various popular protests since its installment, the most impactful of which led to a democratic election in which the National League for Democracy won handily. Despite this overwhelming display of public opinion, the junta refused to accept the results and employed increasingly harsh measures to solidify their power. An election was again attempted in 2010, but the National League for Democracy refused to partake. Just as in 1990, the elections of 2015 resulted in a sure National League for Democracy victory; however, this time around, the junta did not contest the results. Unfortunately, like clockwork, history would repeat itself in 2020, in which the National League for Democracy would see success but would face brutal opposition from the junta. Most egregious, the junta would jail one of the most prominent members of the National League for Democracy, Aung, San Suu Kyi. These crackdowns faced swift international condemnation. This condemnation, like so many U.N. actions before it, accomplished absolutely nothing, only serving to waste everyone’s time. Let us not forget the millions of Myanmar citizens who have been displaced while the politicians play. Of course, elections are scheduled for the year 2023, yet free and fair elections seem to be a most dubious proposition at best.
The United Arab Emirates has recently worked to improve its diplomatic relations with the current Burmese administration as of 2020. Frankly, cooperation between the UAE and Myanmar would benefit both parties, and the UAE sees no reason to jeopardize this newfound trust. The UAE is confident that further cooperation between Myanmar and the UAE will benefit not only the people of each nation but Asia as a whole. To be frank, the UAE sees the council’s insistence upon democracy as an obvious example of a blatant western bias and disregard for the existence of alternative forms of government. Moreover, an essential aspect of our current international system is the national sovereignty of each party, the implicit agreement to leave domestic affairs to domestic means.
It is clear that the Burmese political system is not the concern of any party not of Burmese nationality; that is to say, it is not the business of any other country aside from Myanmar. It is not for the U.N. to say how a country should run its government. The United States has already shown the folly of that approach. Ultimately, the decision on the legitimacy of the election or the junta as a whole can and will be decided by the Burmese people, not the Security Council.

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SASADelegates 02/16/2023 22:45:57

Topic: Situation in Myanmar
Country: United States
Delegate Name: Unmun Kaur

As a country that believes that peace and equality are incredibly important virtues for a country to hold. In the United States, we think that Burma has been going through an incredibly difficult time with its current political climate, and all we really want is for Burma to gain peace as a country that really cares about human rights, we believe that our friends in Burma deserve those same rights as we have here and we are willing to help in many different ways. Even though the USA ID closed in 1989. We still are trying to do our best to help the people in Burma and are constantly providing food as well as resources along the Thailand-Burma border to help these refugees from all of the horrible miss treatment that they are going through. The constant murders and kidnappings as well as other violent crimes going on. There is a basic human rights violation where no one seems to feel safe. We also helped and built refugee camps along the border of Thailand and Burma to help the citizens of Burma as well as give them around $69 million in financial aid to help the US also redirected around $42.4 million from the government of Burma as well as around $48 million in humanitarian assistance. The United States before the military coup already provided Burma with money and assistance, but believes that accountability is incredibly important, and is a major way that will help create peace in Burma. We have helped around 1.3 million people in Burma with financial aid in many different ways like food, water shelter, etc.. with support from the US Burma has decreased the malaria scale by 84%. We will continue to help the people of Burma gain their rights, back, and freedom as well as do whatever we need to help.

Works Cited

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GreenhillsDelegates 02/16/2023 13:25:00

Topic: Situation in Myanmar
Country: Ghana
Delegate Name: Maya Comer

United Nations Security Council (UNSC)
Situation in Myanmar
Maya Comer, Greenhills School

Myanmar’s history is fraught with political violence. The nation is on its third constitution, which its ruling military government consistently violates. Since Myanmar gained independence from Britain 75 years ago, only 5 of those years (2015-2020) have seen a legitimate democratically elected government. The current military regime has jailed dissidents, like de facto president Aung San Suu Kyi, and barred them from meeting with international envoys. Additionally, millions of Rohingya Muslims have been driven from their homes, either internally displaced or fleeing to neighboring Bangladesh. The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) met in April 2021 to establish a Five-Point Consensus to end the violence in Myanmar. Although junta leader Min Aung Hlaing signed the Consensus, which calls for peaceful negotiations via an ASEAN-approved special envoy, his military government has yet to engage in such negotiations.
The UNSC is in full support of the Five-Point Consensus. Much of the Security Council’s efforts to date have been focused on supporting ASEAN’s efforts. However, the approach has drawn criticism. The United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) has denounced the humanitarian response in Myanmar, stating that it is insufficient for the scale of the crisis. Additionally, independent NGO Human Rights Watch worries that other countries are putting too much faith in ASEAN to solve the crisis. A concerted effort to impose targeted sanctions, similar to the sanctions imposed upon Russia after the invasion of Ukraine, would significantly increase the pressure on the junta to give up its power, it says.
In contrast to the levied criticism, Ghana believes that the current UNSC resolutions have been sufficient to address the crisis. Ghana would like the United Nations to continue its support for ASEAN and the Five-Point Consensus. However, as the crisis in Myanmar continues with no end in sight, it may be necessary to start applying pressure on the military government to give up its power. Despite this, it is still Ghana’s firm belief that peaceful dialogue is the ideal means to re-establish democracy. Ghana would like the international community to recall the events of 2008-2015: in 2008, the previous ruling military regime established a new constitution and set up a transition to democracy. The start was rocky, involving a contested 2010 national election, but 2015 saw the first free and fair elections in Myanmar’s history. Much of this was due to the Union Election Commission (UEC), which oversaw election proceedings. Ghana is hopeful that a similar process can re-introduce democracy into Myanmar, and the junta will be similarly willing to relinquish its power. Ghana would like the UEC to adopt new standards to increase election security, including removing voter restrictions, creating a path for judicial appeal, and reducing corruption in campaign donations. Because much of the current humanitarian crisis is a direct result of military rule, Ghana believes that expanding democracy will be at least as effective, if not more, than traditional humanitarian aid.

Works Cited
“Chairman’s Statement on the ASEAN Leaders’ Meeting.” 24 Apr. 2021. PDF.
Davis-Roberts, Avery. “Myanmar: 2015 General Electionals Final Election Report.” Election Standards at the Carter Center, Carter Center, 9 Jan. 2017, Accessed 16 Feb. 2023.
“Myanmar: ASEAN’s Failed ‘Five-Point Consensus’ a Year On.” Human Rights Watch, 22 Apr. 2022, Accessed 16 Feb. 2023.
“Myanmar Exports, Imports, and Trade Partners.” OEC, Office of Economic Complexity, Accessed 16 Feb. 2023.
“Resolution 2669 (2022).” 21 Dec. 2022. PDF.
“Security Council Demands Immediate End to Violence in Myanmar, Urges Restraint, Release of Arbitrarily Detained Prisoners, Adopting Resolution 2669 (2022).” United Nations Meeting Coverage and Press Releases, 21 Dec. 2022, Accessed 16 Feb. 2023.
“What We Do.” AHA Centre, ASEAN, Accessed 16 Feb. 2023.

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WilliamstonDelegates 02/16/2023 19:13:58

Topic: Situation in Myanmar
Country: Malta
Delegate Name: Ethan Ellis

A military junta has ruled Myanmar since it gained independence from Britain in 1948. The Union of Burma began as a parliamentary democracy, but it only lasted until 1962. General Ne Win led a military coup and held power for the next 26 years. Ne Win put in a new constitution in 1974 based on an isolationist foreign policy and socialist economic program that nationalized Burma’s major enterprises. The economy rapidly declined, and a black-market economy took hold. By 1988, widespread corruption, shifts in economic policy related to Myanmar’s currency, and food shortages led to massive protests. In August 1988, the army killed 3,000 protesters, and displaced thousands more in an effort to get rid of them. After the crackdown on protests in 1988, Ne Win resigned as chairman of his party, although he was active behind the scenes as another military junta took over. In 1989 the new military junta renamed the country the Union of Myanmar. They also moved their capital from Yangon to Nay Pyi Taw. In 2007, the Saffron Revolution broke out. Faced with international pressure, the junta began to loosen controls, believing it could continue to rule Myanmar even if it stepped back slightly. It pushed forward a new constitution in 2008, which is still in place today, that gave the military widespread powers even under civilian rule. The military junta officially dissolved in 2011 and established a military-dominated civilian parliament for a transitional period, during which former army bureaucrat and Prime Minister Thein Sein was appointed president. President Thein Sein spearheaded some reforms, including granting amnesty to political prisoners, relaxing media censorship, and implementing economic policies to encourage foreign investment. In 2015, Myanmar held its first nationwide, multiparty elections. Suu Kyi’s opposition NLD party won a landslide victory. New lawmakers elected Htin Kyaw, a longtime confidant of Suu Kyi, as president. But the real power was in the hands of Suu Kyi, who was appointed to the newly created position of state counselor and effectively became the head of the civilian government. In 2021 the military took power in a coup, halting the country’s transition towards democracy. In response to the coup, people took to the streets in mass protests. The military responded with violence and raiding peoples homes. More than 15,500 people have been arrested since September 2022. Almost 700,000 people had to leave their homes due to conflict since the coup. Aung San Suu Kyi has been detained since the coup, and sentenced to 20 years in prison.

Malteser International is a worldwide relief agency of the Order of Malta for humanitarian aid. They have had a comprehensive program in the region of Kayin State. Malteser International has helped more than 84 villages in the areas of health, water, sanitation, social infrastructure, disaster risk reduction, and human rights. The European Commission and German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development has helped fund these programs. As well as, it is improving access to health and sanitation by building new water supply systems and supporting the creation of mother support groups and village health and water committees. One school and five health care centers are also being built, complete with sanitation facilities and a clean drinking water supply, which can function as evacuation centers in case of disaster. In addition, teams will conduct human rights workshops with the residents, so they are able to identify and prevent abuses by the conflict parties and obtain registration. Malteser International has helped Rohingya refugees who escaped from the Myanmar military attack. During the Rohingya genocide, about 300 people were killed. Malteser International opened up health stations, with therapeutic feeding for malnourished children, psychosocial support, hygiene, and sanitation training. Over 60,000 patients have been treated with life-saving aid.

Malta will continue aiding displaced persons in Myanmar. They will continue educating them on hygiene and supplying them vital medical, water, and food supplies. Allies of Malta would be the United States, United Kingdom, European Union, Australia, New Zealand, and Norway. These are countries who have actively disagreed with the human rights violations occurring in Myanmar.

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WilliamstonDelegates 02/15/2023 15:45:42

Topic: Situation in Myanmar
Country: Japan
Delegate Name: Alexander Vogel

Japan is dedicated to the United Nations Charter and resolutions brought about by the efforts of all member nations in the effort to preserve and maintain peace. As a member of the United Nations Security Council for the duration of this term, Japan recognizes the great responsibility it has in addressing the issues set before the Security Council. Developing a solution for the displaced citizens, executions and arbitrary detention of activists and politicians in the opposition of the military occupying Myanmar, as well as the human rights violations that have been observed in Myanmar, are major priorities for the country of Japan. To quote United States Security Council resolution 2669 (2021)- “Expressing further deep concern at all forms of violence across the country, and attacks against civilians and civilian infrastructure, including educational, health and energy infrastructure and facilities, and attacks on businesses and public properties … Recalling its condemnation of the execution of activists in July 2022 and reiterating its deep concern at the ongoing arbitrary detention of State Counsellor Aung San Suu Kyi and President Win Myint, among others”. Intentions on this front have been made clear, framework laid- and now the Council has met to strengthen what has been laid out and create a united front in confronting this issue. And to quote the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan in a publication from 2020- “While advocating the perspective for building bridges in Asia and protecting the socially vulnerable, Japan will contribute to improving the human rights situation around the world”. Japan is dedicated to cooperating with the member nations present in this endeavor to solve the issues brought before us today, but remains an ardent supporter of national sovereignty and preserving the dignity of any nations involved in these conflicts. In light of the known violations of human rights occurring in both the civilian life in Myanmar, as well as those occurring at the hands of the military responsible for the coup, Japan will continue to dedicate itself to the people affected by these infringements, as both an act of compassion as well as a recognition of responsibility that all members nations present hold, as outlined in the United Nations Charter, something we are all subject to, as it would do us well to remember as we continue to proceed in the coming hours and days.
To further strengthen the position Japan observes in this issue, Japan would like to firmly encourage a resolution that focuses most on the protection of the inhabitants Myanmar as well as surrounding areas of conflict, rather than something borne of vengeance or misplaced duty. It is the duty of all member states present today to serve and protect the people we find in our care, and to bring peace to them. These people are suffering, and we have convened here today to help them.
Japan would again like to emphasize the importance of building further upon existing resolutions and supplementing, rather than doing our best to solve all the world’s problems in one resolution. We’re here to lean on each other and work together.

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GRCityDelegates 02/15/2023 13:36:59

Topic: Situation in Myanmar
Country: United Kingdom
Delegate Name: Stephen pellathy

United Kingdom Model United Nations Position Paper
Topic: Conflict in Myanmar
The United Kingdom is deeply concerned about the ongoing conflict and human rights violations in Myanmar. The UK believes that a comprehensive and sustainable solution to the conflict must be found in order to bring peace and stability to the country and to the wider region.
The UK supports the efforts of the international community, including the United Nations and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), to end the violence and protect the rights of the people of Myanmar. The UK also recognizes the importance of promoting good governance, strengthening the rule of law, and supporting the development of democratic institutions in Myanmar.
The UK believes that a lasting solution to the conflict in Myanmar must be based on respect for human rights, the rule of law, and the principles of democracy. The UK is committed to working with the international community and the government of Myanmar to address the root causes of the conflict, including poverty, inequality, and the exploitation of ethnic and religious minorities.
The UK supports the efforts of the United Nations and the international community to hold those responsible for human rights violations accountable for their actions. The UK also supports the establishment of an independent investigation into the human rights violations that have taken place in Myanmar and the holding of those responsible accountable for their actions.
The UK also recognizes the need to address the issue of the Rohingya crisis, which has resulted in the displacement of hundreds of thousands of people and the widespread abuse of their human rights. The UK supports the efforts of the international community, including the United Nations, to find a lasting solution to the Rohingya crisis and to provide support to the refugees and displaced persons.
In conclusion, the United Kingdom is committed to working with the international community to find a lasting and sustainable solution to the conflict in Myanmar. The UK believes that a solution must be based on respect for human rights, the rule of law, and the principles of democracy, and must address the root causes of the conflict, including poverty, inequality, and the exploitation of ethnic and religious minorities. The UK is committed to working with the government of Myanmar and the international community to bring peace and stability to the country and to ensure that the people of Myanmar are able to live in safety and security.

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