September 16, 2019

Reduction of Military Budgets

General Assembly: Disarmament & International Security Committee

Topic: Reduction of Military Budgets

Since the 1950s, military budgets have been a focal topic when speaking about national resource allocation. High military budgets contribute to the development of new weapons, increasing the number of troops, overall defense strengthening, and more. Nations see military enhancement as a way to protect themselves from the dangers of war or invasion. Because of this, military spending makes up a good percentage of the world’s GDP, with the global military budget hitting $2.2 trillion in 2022. However, while military spending can serve as a protective measure, it can also have negative impacts on economic growth. The allocation of funds towards military budgets can limit the amount of resources available for other important sectors such as education, healthcare, and infrastructure. As a result, some economists have observed that the reduction of military spending could lead to positive impacts on a nation’s economic growth.

Article 26 of the United Nations (UN) Charter documents the early efforts to reduce military spending, noting a direct correlation between military disarmament and economic well-being. Towards the end of the Cold War, the UN focused on reducing military budgets, creating the United Nations Report on Military Expenditures to promote transparency. After the Cold War, no serious or sustained work within the United Nations on the relationship between military spending and economic indicators for growth and sustainability, as pointed out in the UN disarmament affairs.

In 2020, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) recorded a steady drop in the global military budget as many countries focused on recovering from the COVID-19 pandemic. However, it is important to note that some countries have instead strengthened their military due to heightened defense risks. For example, in 2022, Ukraine had a 640% increase in military spending in response to its ongoing crisis with Russia. Heightened global risks around the world motivate many nations to increase their military spending, reversing the actions taken to reduce budgets. However, it is crucial to balance military spending with the allocation of funds towards other important sectors to ensure long-term economic growth and sustainability

Useful Links:

United Nations efforts to reduce military expenditures

Military Spending in the Post-Pandemic Era – IMF F&D

The Effects of Military Spending on Economic Growth – War Prevention Initiative

Mapped: World’s Top 40 Largest Military Budgets (

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Submitted Position Papers

Gregory Poole 11/29/2023 20:29:23

Country: Ecuador
Delegate Name: Jacob Marabanian

Ecuador, nestled in the heart of Latin America, stands committed to the profound
ideals of peace and progress through disarmament. The decision to disarm reflects our
nation’s unwavering dedication to fostering a secure and harmonious society. By
voluntarily reducing and eliminating weapons, Ecuador endeavors to pave the way for
regional stability and global peace. This strategic choice signifies our belief in resolving
conflicts through dialogue, cooperation, and mutual understanding rather than through
military means. Disarmament allows us to reallocate resources towards vital sectors like
healthcare, education, and sustainable development, nurturing a society where the
well-being of our citizens takes precedence over military prowess.
Through collaborative programs and conventions, the UN has facilitated
dialogues, provided technical expertise, and fostered a framework for international
cooperation, guiding Ecuador and other nations towards the reduction and elimination of
armaments. Their support has been instrumental in shaping Ecuador’s approach,
emphasizing the importance of diplomatic resolutions, enhancing transparency, and
ensuring compliance with disarmament commitments. The UN’s tireless advocacy for
disarmament resonates deeply with Ecuador’s vision for a world where peace reigns
supreme, bolstering our efforts to build a safer, more secure global community.
The country of Ecuador has actively participated in international disarmament
treaties and conventions, advocating for the reduction and elimination of weapons to
mitigate global tensions. In its own context, Ecuador has engaged in initiatives to reduce
its military arsenal, promoting transparency and accountability in its defense policies. By
redirecting resources away from militarization towards social development programs,
Ecuador has exemplified a dedication to prioritizing the well-being of its citizens over
armament buildup. Furthermore, the nation has utilized its diplomatic channels to
advocate for disarmament on regional and global platforms, emphasizing the
importance of dialogue and cooperation in resolving conflicts without resorting to
weapons. Ecuador’s proactive stance on disarmament reflects its unwavering
commitment to building a world where peace is upheld through diplomacy and collective
Solutions to this are prioritizing arms control agreements and participating
actively in disarmament treaties that align with Ecuador’s vision of reducing arms
proliferation and fostering transparency in global defense practices. Additionally,
investing in alternative avenues such as conflict resolution through mediation and
negotiation not only reduces the need for military solutions but also lays the groundwork

for sustainable peace-building initiatives. Lastly, redirecting resources from military
expenditures towards social development, education, and healthcare reinforces the
belief that true security lies in the well-being and empowerment of Ecuadorian citizens.

Central Intelligence Agency. (2022). “The World Factbook: Ecuador.” [Online] Available:
Macrotrends. (2023). “Ecuador Military Spending/Defense Budget 1960-2023.”
[Online] Available:

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Gregory Poole 11/29/2023 20:24:57

Topic: 2023-Reduction of Military Budgets
Country: Bangladesh
Delegate Name: Brady Mason

Topic: 2023- Military Budget
Country: Bangladesh
Delegate Name: Brady Mason

The budget of the military in Bangladesh refers to the financial allocations and
expenditures dedicated to the country’s defense and security forces. This budgetary
allocation takes place within the broader fiscal framework of the national budget,
encompassing funds for personnel, equipment, infrastructure, and operational expenses
of the armed forces. In Bangladesh, the military budget involves three main branches:
the army, navy, and air force. The allocation is a critical aspect of national governance
and security strategy, impacting the lives of millions across the country in various ways.
The military budget affects the size and capabilities of the armed forces, influencing the
defense readiness and response capabilities to potential threats. The allocation also
has socio-economic implications as it competes with other sectors for resources,
potentially influencing development initiatives. The issue of military budgeting in
Bangladesh gained significance in the context of regional security concerns and
geopolitical dynamics, with periodic reviews and adjustments reflecting the evolving
security landscape in South Asia.
The military budget is a pivotal component of national security and resource
allocation. The United Nations has advocated for responsible spending practices
globally, emphasizing the need for member states, including Bangladesh, to balance
military expenditures with social and economic development. Although there isn’t a
specific UN resolution directly addressing military budgets, the Sustainable
Development Goals and various arms control treaties indirectly touch upon the
importance of maintaining a balanced approach to military spending for stability and
sustainable development. The two perspectives on the military budget in Bangladesh
involve finding an equilibrium between addressing national security needs and
prioritizing socio-economic development. Advocates underscore the necessity of a
robust military budget for safeguarding against potential threats, while critics argue for
allocating resources to address socio-economic challenges, highlighting the ongoing
challenge for policymakers to strike a balance that addresses both security concerns
and broader national development objectives.
Influencing the country’s overall development and security landscape. The
allocation of resources to the military has had a notable impact on national finances,
shaping the balance between defense preparedness and socio-economic development.
Bangladesh, recognizing the need to address both security concerns and broader
development goals, has engaged in a continuous effort to strike a balance in military

budgeting. The country’s leaders have undertaken initiatives to ensure transparency
and accountability in military expenditures, aiming to align defense needs with broader
national priorities. As Bangladesh grapples with evolving security challenges and the
imperative for socio-economic progress, the management of the military budget remains
a dynamic and critical aspect of the nation’s governance and strategic planning.
A potential solution to address the military budget involves a balanced approach
that considers both national security requirements and socio-economic development.
The country may support initiatives that enhance transparency and accountability in
military expenditures, ensuring that defense allocations align with strategic needs. This
could involve regular reviews and assessments of the military budget to optimize
resource allocation. Funding for such initiatives could be facilitated through a
collaborative effort, possibly involving international partnerships, to share the financial
burden. Bangladesh might advocate for assistance from the international community,
including development aid and cooperative defense agreements, to support its
commitment to maintaining a capable defense force while simultaneously prioritizing
investments in education, healthcare, and infrastructure for sustainable socio-economic
development. This approach reflects a nuanced perspective that seeks to strike a
balance between safeguarding national security and promoting overall well-being.


Central Intelligence Agency. (2022). “The World Factbook: Bangladesh.” [Online] Available:
Macrotrends. (2023). “Bangladesh Military Spending/Defense Budget
1973-2023.” [Online] Available:
The World Bank. (2023). “Military Expenditure.” [Online] Available:

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KalamazooCentralDelegates 11/22/2023 23:28:05

Topic: 2023-Reduction of Military Budgets
Country: United States of America
Delegate Name: Anna Crum

Committee: Disarmament & International Security Committee (DISEC)
Topic: Reduction of Military Budgets
Country: The United States of America
Delegate: Anna Crum, Kalamazoo Central High School

Reducing military budgets is by no means a new topic for debate on the international stage. The numerous benefits and losses are weighed out by each country, and while each state strives to allocate according to need and increase their countries security and wealth, it is no easy task. Funds that may be essential for functional infrastructure or food insecurity are pushed towards military budgets. The root of this often stems from fear. In an effort to protect the state, survival may be placed above health. However, the goal of every nation is to thrive. We must ensure economic growth and long term stability for all nations.
When it comes to USD alone the United States puts the most money of any country into its military budget. This being states the USD goes different lengths depending on the nation. Looking at PPP or percentage of GDP used in the Military will give a more accurate idea of how budgeting is working internationally. As of 2022 the US spends approximately 3.5% of its GDP on its military budget, putting the US behind Ukraine, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Oman, Algeria, Kuwait, Israel, Russia, and Greece. While the US supports a state’s sovereignty to decide how best to protect themselves and deter enemies of the state, the people of a nation should not be left to suffer as their leaders start wars. The needs of the people must come first. While the people may need protection from other states, to neglect the other needs of the people is to set the state up for disaster. Moving forward, solutions should ensure the allocation of funds to the most necessary sectors. Nations with fully active military and plenty of deterrence should not be using more than 4% of their GDP on weaponry when they could work to improve infrastructure and ensure economic development.
To continue movement towards state success and economic development funds must be allocated with the future of a nation in mind. State success is an enduring process. The fall of a nation may happen quickly through war, or it may happen over decades of economic neglect. While having the capability to protect the state is necessary, that cannot be the only focus. GDP must be spent in a plethora of ways to ensure state success. Ensuring the longevity of states and the success of its people must be prioritized. The international community will come together to make this happen. Each state has their own individual circumstances. The United States has been lowering their percentage of GDP allocated to their military budget. This trend has its benefits and states should recognize the potential in following the UNODA suggestions of allocating funds widely.

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KalamazooCentralDelegates 11/22/2023 22:40:41

Topic: 2023-Reduction of Military Budgets
Country: Republic of Korea
Delegate Name: Lila Darwiche

Since the early years of the Cold War, national defense spending has been a topic of extensive debate. In the consistent effort to one-up the opposing side, military might has become an agent of intimidation, leading many countries to gradually increase their expenditures to keep up with the times. Along with maintaining the image of power, a higher defense budget provides benefits such as new weapons, more troops, and an overall strengthening of defense. The UN has highlighted the negative impacts of increasing military budgets, claiming that allocations of funds towards alternative sectors like education and healthcare are more beneficial to a nation’s economy. As we discuss possible reduction of military budgets, we must work to maintain a balance that will ensure long-term stability for all countries involved.

A little over 70 years ago, the Korean Armistice Agreement was signed, marking an end to the organized combat of the Korean War and dividing the Korean Penninsula near the 38th parallel. 70 years later, the Republic of Korea still faces the imminent threat of a pending war. The Korean demilitarized zone (DMZ) is the most heavily militarized border in the world. Continuous acts of aggression have prompted the need for additional protection and safety precautions. The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea poses an existential threat to the Republic of Korea with its 1.2 million troops and growing nuclear capabilities. Reduction of defense spending would not only cause immediate uncertainty and safety concerns, but also may very well be their long-awaited signal to attack. We do not have the liberty of lowering our guard without compromising the safety of the Korean population.

The Republic of Korea has gradually decreased the percentage of annual military spending relative to its GDP from 6.4% in 1980 to 2.7% in 2022. Despite this, the defense budget has consistently increased from US $3.19 billion in 1980 to US $50.23 billion in 2022. This demonstrates the immense economic growth that the Republic of Korea has undergone in recent years. Our delegation’s GDP has, on average, grown by 4.9% annually between 1988 and 2022. Additionally, the gross national income (GNI) has increased from US $67 in the early 1950s to US $32,661 in 2022. In 2010, the Republic of Korea became the first former aid recipient to become an official member of the Development Assitance Committee of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). Our delegation is continuously working to offer information on sustainable development, infrastructure, and better services to enhance the overall quality of life for LMICs. The Republic of Korea has made enormous strides economically since the end of the Korean War, all while increasing defense budgets, signifying that reducing military spending, while it may benefit others, is not a necessary change for the betterment of our nation.

As we approach discussions on defense spending in the near future, the Republic of Korea emphasizes the importance of assessing budgeting based on each nation’s individual circumstances. Defense spending is not a one-size-fits-all concept, and significant changes could prove to be very beneficial or detrimental to national security. While recognizing the importance of domestic defense spending, the Republic of Korea also acknowledges the possible benefits of allocating funds in other areas outlined by the UNODA, and looks forward to discussing possible solutions for the benefit of all countries very soon.

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MattawanDelegates 11/22/2023 21:37:43

Topic: 2023-Reduction of Military Budgets
Country: South Africa
Delegate Name: Avi Messamore

Committee: Disarmament and International Security Committee
Topic: Reduction of Military Budgets
Country: South Africa
School: Mattawan High School

Reducing military budgets will help countries to take time and invest in more concerning current issues. Government leaders decide their own country’s military budget. Military budgets are decided and maintained based on what each country deems appropriate for themselves. Military budgets are the concern of each government. The remaining budget will then be spent on other concerns of the country, such as healthcare and education. The amount a country spends on its military may concern other countries as the more spent on the military, the stronger the military is able to become. What the remnants of their budget is spent on will affect the country in different ways. The more money spent on the military, the less a country will be able to spend on other needs and issues. As important as it is to have a strong military, a country also needs to focus on personal issues within its borders. It is important for reduction of military budgets to be discussed so that other countries are aware of how to support the rest of their country.

Izumi Nakamitsu, the high representative for Disarmament Affairs has stated that “[The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development] sets out a road map to end hunger, protect the planet, achieve gender equality, improve health and more. Making this vision a reality requires substantial financial investment, and redirecting resources from militaries to economic and social development can make a key contribution” (UNODA Occasional Papers). The United Nations Report on Military Expenditures (MilEx) was created to monitor each countries military spendings. The hope for MilEX was that every member state would report their military spendings to help build trust amongst countries. Imali Yethu, a group of social organizations has been working with the national treasury of South Africa to encourage transparency and connectedness with the people.

South Africa has been spending less on the military at an increasing rate each year. In the past few years, South Africa has been decreasing military spending to focus on the economy and to decrease overall expenditures. South Africa would like to increase the transparency of military spendings in order to build trust with other countries. Additionally, any policies supporting the increase or secrecy of military spending will not be supported by South Africa.

South Africa would be in support of the UN creating more programs that would build trust amongst countries. Creating transparency on military expenditures will help to decrease spending on military matters. Member states could easily help address this issue by submitting expenditure information to MilEX, thus creating trust amongst member states. By creating transparency with other countries, there will be a bigger sense of trust amongst world leaders, which will in turn lead to countries feeling less threatened, which will then lead to countries spending less on their militaries and more on their economies.

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MattawanDelegates 11/22/2023 21:31:35

Topic: 2023-Reduction of Military Budgets
Country: Indonesia
Delegate Name: Maddy Fraaza

Maddy Fraaza
Mattawan High School
Reduction of Military Budget, as part of the DISEC
In a world with so many opposing country views, conflict is a given. However, the nature of the
conflict is crucial to international relations, as small things can easily escalate into something
more violent, if not an all-out war. With the rate that many countries spend on their military
budgets, it seems that they prioritize preparation for conflict over peace, allowing military funds
to even surpass money set aside for their own personal economic growth. As of 2019, pre
pandemic era, an estimated 6.5% of the world’s funds were spent on militarization according to
the International Money Fund—one of the largest percentages to a single cause. Of course, in
post COVID-19 times that spending has fluctuated, but the issues regarding militarization funds
stay the same, as they have for the past 50 years amidst seemingly endless conflicts spanning
across the world. Recently, the UN has started taking the steps to a less violent community, with
a smaller focus on militarization and defensive spending and a larger one on the economic
growth of individual countries, especially developing ones. To paraphrase from the International
Money Fund once again, a 1% increase in military spending will decrease the economic growth
by 9% over a 20 year period, which can be especially detrimental to both smaller countries and
ones that allocate a large portion of their GDP to their military budget. The 2030 Agenda gives
the UN a chance to re-investigate and adjust previous historical disarmament initiatives, such as
the Arms Trade Treaty (ATT) of 2014 or various other Disarmament, Demobilization, and
Reintegration Programs they have enacted as they see fit. This agenda will allow the UN to
reevaluate what there truly is to gain from an exorbitantly high military budget, and possibly
modify their principals to match.
Indonesia is in the top 30 countries with the highest military budget in the world, with an average
of $9.9 billion spent a year (approximately 0.6% of the country’s GDP). However, even as the
27th highest military budget in the world, that number pales in comparison to some of the
surrounding countries. The most prevalent countries located in the same region as Indonesia are
Australia (with a budget of $33.3B), Singapore (with a $11.7B budget), Japan ($46B), and China
($292B). These countries, especially China and Japan with the state of some of their international
relations, present quite a large threat to Indonesia, especially if they choose to actively militarize
against Indonesia or some of its allies. With its proximity to some of the biggest military
spenders in the world, Indonesia could feel the need to spend more than they want to on
defensive spending. An increase in defense spending leaves less room for economic growth,

which is especially important in developing countries such as Indonesia that need the growth
opportunities, since they have a poverty rate of over 10% and overall a very low quality of life.
The delegation of Indonesia urges its counterparts in the UN to evaluate continuing to increase
military budgets. Such costs would be much better allocated on growing the economy and
investing into the future of not just Indonesia, but the entire world. A higher investment in arms
control and disarmament means a long-term investment in peace and higher levels of overall
happiness and quality of life. By reducing overly huge military budgets like those of the United
States and China, taxpayer money could be reinvested into the economy to better things like
education and work more towards complete equality. Indonesia strongly supports more effort
towards disarmament and the reduction of military budgets because it would allow them to focus
on the more crucial parts of the country’s infrastructure, both visible and invisible.

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KalamazooCentralDelegates 11/22/2023 15:55:19

Topic: 2023-Reduction of Military Budgets
Country: Nigeria
Delegate Name: Evangeline Fraley-Burgett

Topic: 2023-Reduction of Military Budgets
Country: Federal Republic of Nigeria
Delegate Name: Evangeline Fraley-Burgett

The Nigerian Armed Forces was established in 1960, formerly known as the Royal West African Frontier Force during 1928. The establishment of the Nigerian Forces was to protect against outside aggression. It is not intended to be an exterior force upon other countries.

Nigeria believes a military is meant to protect itself and its people from outside forces. Because of this, Nigeria believes our military and many other countries’ militaries should have a sufficient amount of money to keep its country protected. We strongly stand by our claim as we have been increasing our military’s funding over the years and suggest other countries to do the same if they economically can.

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RoyalOakDelegate 11/22/2023 16:40:07

Topic: 2023-Reduction of Military Budgets
Country: Ethiopia
Delegate Name: Stella Yakima

Date: November 19, 2023
Committee: Disarmament and International Security Committee
Country: Ethiopia
Subject: Reducing military budget

Ethiopia’s National Defence Force (NDF) budget is currently $1.8 billion. Compared to other countries near Ethiopia, Ethiopia’s budget is very high. Although Ethiopia does spend a lot of money on their military and government, they are still one of the poorest countries and have one of the highest growing populations. As of 2023 Ethiopia’s population is over 126 million people and accounts for nearly 2% of the world population!
Hypothetically, reducing the military budget would be necessary for the country of Ethiopia to thrive and continue to grow. Ethiopia has had one of the highest poverty rates in the world since 2000 but the country has made a lot of improvement and reduced the population of Ethiopian citizens living in poverty by 33%! Agricultural growth played a huge role in bringing the country out of poverty. People could now get jobs selling the produce they’ve grown, providing them with the funds to finally support themselves and potentially their family too.
Providing funding for agricultural growth from the military budget could help this country greatly but another thing that would greatly benefit from the military budget would be access to sanitation and attended births. Both of these are huge safety risks mainly for women and girls. Access to sanitation and healthcare would help the community very much, not only because it would make Ethiopia a safer place to live, but because it would also entice people to live there. People need places to live that are clean and healthy. In addition to agricultural and health initiatives, the Ethiopian government could shift a portion of their military funding towards education so they would not only be helping the citizens escape poverty and keep them healthy, they would also be helping educate them.


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Trevor Riley 11/22/2023 16:19:19

Topic: 2023-Reduction of Military Budgets
Country: Canada
Delegate Name: Nova Wilson

Since the era of the Cold War, the United Nations (UN) has aimed to reduce military spending within the broader scope of negotiations on general and complete disarmament. In 1981 the UN developed the United Nations Report on Military Expenditures (MilEx)— previously called the UN Standardized Instrument for Reporting Military Expenditures. This was created to “facilitate reduction of military expenditures—gradually gave way to another important goal: to increase transparency and build confidence among States” (“Military Expenditures – UNODA”). With the reduced military budgets the UN hopes that States would allocate the money to economic and social developments, especially for developing countries. Samuel Perlo-Frreman from the Campaign Against Arms Trade argues in “How unconstrained military spending harms international security” that there are four core reasons that he believes the continual growth of military spending negatively impacts international security: “First, it promotes self-reinforcing “cycles of insecurity”. Secondly, it can contribute to technological advancements in weapons systems with highly unpredictable consequences. Thirdly, it is often associated with high levels of corruption and state predation. Finally, continuous growth in military spending absorbs political attention and material resources that could otherwise be devoted to more pressing security challenges, in particular, the devastating effects of the climate crisis” (“UNODA Launches Occasional Papers on Rethinking Unconstrained Military Spending – UNODA”). However, the UN also supports the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) which requires all of its members to spend two percent of their Gross Domestic Product (GDP) on military expenditures.

Canada believes that it is important to have military readiness in a world that is growing increasingly dangerous. Although Canada has not been meeting the NATO standard spending of two percent of a country’s GDP set in 2014, rather spending approximately 1.29% in 2023, Canada does plan to spend closer to the standard in the near future. By 2026-27 Canada plans to be spending $39.7 billion on national defense compared to $18.9 in 2016-17. The military budget for the coming years already has many allocations, including the purchase of 88 F-35 fighter jets.

Defense budgets have long been debated on the international stage, especially since the cold war. Canada would not support a reduction in military budgets as we need 21st-century defenses to meet 21st-century aggressions. Investing in the Department(s) of defense can help bolster Armed Forces, support culture, and reinforce worldwide cyber security. It can also help in the constant battle against terrorist group, ISIS. Military spending also supports other industries such as manufacturing, so the reduction of military budgets would hurt other parts of the international economy.

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FHEDelegates 11/22/2023 16:08:39

Topic: 2023-Reduction of Military Budgets
Country: Brazil
Delegate Name: Pranav Mudhas

With the rising tensions between countries, military tensions are at an all-time high. More and more nations are devoting their funds to the sole purpose of increasing their military. In 2019, the United States increased its military spending by almost 5.3% to $732 billion, China by 5.1%, India by 6.8%, and Russia by 4.5%. Interestingly, these countries contributed 60% of the global military funding that year. While increasing military spending can ensure safety for some country’s citizens, ultimately, it does more harm than good. Increasing military spending forces other nations to raise theirs as a form of retaliation. Additionally, high military funding can have detrimental effects on different parts of countries. For example, increasing military spending leaves less money to improve education, healthcare, and development. The UN must create a resolution that controls extensive military spending but allows countries to implement better internal security measures.

The Federative Republic of Brazil believes firmly in regulating extensive military expenditures as they produce detrimental effects on other parts of the country. Still, it does believe in strengthening internal security measures. Brazil has less to contribute to its military budget, so it struggles to stand with larger powerhouses. In 2021, it dedicated 19.1 billion dollars to its military, only 1.19% of its GDP. This is a decrease compared to the 1.39% that Brazil spent in 2020. Brazil spends most of its military budget on modernizing its army. Programs such as the Brazilian Gripen program, VBTP-MR Guarani Project, and the submarine development program account for much of our military budget, yet these programs aim is to ensure internal security against drug trafficking, arms smuggling, and organized crime. These programs also aim to modernize Brazil’s army and allow it to contend with the growing militaries around it. Brazil’s National Strategy for Defense (END) emphasizes protecting Brazil’s sovereignty, territory, and natural resources, particularly in the Amazon Forest. Another END objective is reducing its dependence on other countries for defense weapons.

The Federative Republic of Brazil holds that the UN must regulate extensive military budgets to better the world’s economy and decrease tensions between countries. However, Brazil affirms that military spending is necessary to protect citizens from external and internal threats. While Brazil does wish to reduce countries’ military spending, it does not want to impede the implementation of its new military programs. Brazil’s goal is not to threaten other countries but to fight against internal security threats from drug trafficking, arms smuggling, and organized crime. Brazil looks to work with other countries to ensure a safe and prosperous environment where developing countries can reach their full potential. Brazil desires a treaty that decreases extensive military budgets but still allows a comfortable amount to maintain our country’s and its people’s stability and safety.

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FHEDelegates 11/22/2023 15:41:52

Topic: 2023-Reduction of Military Budgets
Country: Sudan
Delegate Name: Mallory Pearson

In 2022, the global military budget was 2.2 trillion dollars. A high military budget can obviously positively impact a nation. It can lead to newer weapons, more troops, and a stronger military in general. However, that funding could improve other aspects of the world, such as advancements in technology and education. A lower military budget can also impact the economy positively. The United Nations found a direct correlation between military disarmament and economic well-being. Although the military budget is high, there has been a decrease in military spending after the COVID-19 pandemic because many countries were more focused on healing. But in 2022, Ukraine increased its military spending by 640% because of the war against Russia. Additionally, in March of 2023, the US military requested an increase of $26 billion for 2024.

As of 2021, Sudan’s spent 1% of its GDP on military expenditures. This was a large decrease from the 3.6% they spent in 2017. Therefore, Sudan, along with many other countries has prioritized other needs over its military budget.

One of Sudan’s largest concerns in 2022 was the 3.7 displaced citizens living in camps because of the Darfur crisis. This means that the country would benefit from using its funds towards finding housing for displaced people instead of putting it towards the military.

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GRCityDelegates 11/22/2023 15:06:41

Topic: 2023-Reduction of Military Budgets
Country: Mexico
Delegate Name: Anish Kulkarni

México firmly opposes the reduction of military budgets, as it would have detrimental consequences. The well-being of our citizens is at stake if Mexico’s military budget is diminished. One crucial aspect of the military’s support to the Mexican people is the DN3 Plan, also known as the Defense Against National Disasters Plan. This plan is a cornerstone of the Mexican Army’s peacetime operations, providing essential aid such as food, shelter, medicine, and medical services to those in need. Also, it encompasses the vital task of reconstructing roads and communication services. With numerous military officers involved, the DN3 Plan incurs a cost of 1.7 billion pesos or approximately 1 billion dollars. Eliminating this system would undoubtedly have a profound impact on the people of México and beyond.
Another compelling argument against reducing México’s military budget is the prevailing public sentiment. The citizens of México harbor a deep-seated mistrust towards the police, while they hold the military in high regard. Given the distinct roles of the military and police, the latter is often perceived as corrupt by the mainstream populace. Indeed, various sources indicate that between 72 to 77% of Mexican citizens believe most or all of the police force is corrupt. In stark contrast, only around 10% perceive the military as corrupt, according to Statistica. Consequently, AMLO aims to bolster the military presence in Mexico to restore public trust in law enforcement. Any cuts to the military budget at this juncture would severely undermine the armed forces’ credibility among the Mexican people.
A further rationale for Mexico’s resistance to reducing the military budget is the ongoing battle against cartels and illicit drug trade within the country. A report by stated that the Mexican government is engaged in a relentless yet seemingly futile war against numerous cartels involved in drug trafficking, human trafficking, extortion, and other criminal activities. Despite thousands of cartel members being incarcerated annually, the violence associated with these organizations continues to escalate. However, recent research has proposed a mathematical model that could potentially disrupt this cycle of violence. A study published by a nonprofit organization reveals that cartels collectively employ approximately 175,000 individuals in Mexico, ranking them as the fifth largest employer in the country. The study suggests that the most effective strategy to combat organized crime is to curtail the cartels’ recruitment capabilities. In response to this, Mexico, in collaboration with its ally, the US, has initiated a crackdown on cartels. While this plan may result in job losses, it promises a safer environment for Mexico and the world at large. Nevertheless, the implementation of this plan requires substantial funding, potentially running into billions of dollars. Therefore, any cuts to the military budget could jeopardize the continuation of this crucial project.
Mexico’s stance is not in favor of reducing our military budget, but rather ensuring it adequately serves the needs of our people. Our President, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, also known as AMLO, has proposed an 81% increase in the military budget over the 2024 spending plan. AMLO expressed his satisfaction with this proposal, emphasizing that it would provide sufficient funding to address the issues above. He further highlighted that this budget increase is a positive development, as it will contribute to ongoing efforts to combat poverty and reduce economic and social inequality.

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FHEDelegates 11/22/2023 14:59:22

Topic: 2023-Reduction of Military Budgets
Country: United Kingdom
Delegate Name: Farrah Sayler

UK military spending rose significantly during the 2000s due to the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. It then dropped from 2009-2015 due to the austerity cuts; then increased again after the Ukraine crisis. Current threat perceptions seem to relate more to China and Russia than to Islamist terrorism. Since Russia has launched an invasion on the Ukraine, The United Kingdom and other NATO countries have agreed to spend 2% of their yearly GDP on defense. The UK is helping the Ukrainian military effort by providing military aid such as financial and with weapons such as the Challenger 2 battle tank, armored fighting vehicles and missiles. All of these factors have increased the military budget and spending in the UK. Furthermore, the Uk increased their military budget due to the inflation that started at the beginning of the invasion.

The United Kingdom military budget has increased to 5 billion pounds. This is reserved for spending on weapons stockpiles, AUKUS and submarines and nuclear deterrence modernization. Additionally, the military budget has been increased due to losses from procurement cancellations and equipment being written off. The Capability Sustainment Programme, involving an infantry fighting vehicle upgrade, stands out as the most expensive loss. The effort involved the installation of a new turret on the vehicle but was canceled under Defence Command Paper plans in 2021 in favor of keeping the platform in service as-is until the new Boxer wheeled, armored personnel carriers enter service. In total MoD suffered losses of 716 million pounds across its equipment portfolio.

The United Kingdom outlines how it has increased its pace into acquisition and incentivised innovation due to a range of improvement initiatives and fundamental reforms of the regulations that govern defense and security procurement and single source contracts.It is especially important to mention the huge investment the UK government is making in the nuclear weapons system to replace Trident: estimated at £205bn over its lifetime. New hi-tech technologies such as AI, drones, and cyber warfare. The increase is entirely in capital expenditure, with small cuts to recurrent (personnel and operations) spending. All of these factors increase the funding of the military.

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FHEDelegates 11/22/2023 14:53:17

Topic: 2023-Reduction of Military Budgets
Country: Italy
Delegate Name: Elexis Soukal

Following World War One military budgets began to increase drastically worldwide, and since then many countries have been gradually increasing their budget. Many developed countries spend upwards of 40 billion dollars on their yearly budget. Political variables are indicators of whether the political circumstances or the political ideology of the leadership will influence military spending. Geographical variables also reflect the cost of defending a country, as a larger territory will require a larger budget. With the increasing budget, funds are being taken from other government programs, leaving countries with higher socioeconomic problems in disarray. However, governments feel the need to spend more when they see what their adversaries are spending. When one country starts stocking up on war supplies, missiles, and nukes others feel they need to do the same to defend themselves. Governments have long pursued ways to reach a global agreement on reductions in military expenses. Proposals in the United Nations (UN) focused on countries with large militaries to reduce costs to free up funds for development aid. Proposals for cutting military spending did not occur due to disagreements between countries. The proposals led to the development of the UN Standardized Instrument for Reporting Military Expenditures in 1981, later renamed the United Nations Report on Military Expenditures (MilEx), It promotes the reporting of military expenditures by countries, fostering transparency and trust between nations. MilEx also will offer valuable insights into military spending trends, playing a role in enhancing global trust and security.

Italy recognizes the importance of setting firmer standards for military budgeting and will work towards the limitation of military budgets and the allocation of those funds into public spending. As of 2021, Italy has a military budget of 32 billion dollars, with 20 billion going into defense alone. Italy ranks in the top 15 countries in military spending. Due to the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, Italy has increased its budget for securing protection from Germany or other neighboring countries. Italy actively participates in crucial military-related treaties, emphasizing its commitment to global security and disarmament. The Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) reflects Italy’s dedication to curbing the spread of nuclear weapons, with a commitment to promoting the peaceful use of nuclear energy while preventing the development and dissemination of nuclear weapons. Additionally, Italy is a party to the Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC), signaling its commitment to eliminating the threat posed by chemical weapons by prohibiting their development, production, acquisition, and use. The Biological Weapons Convention (BWC) is another significant treaty to which Italy is a signatory, pledging to prevent the development and use of biological weapons. Italy’s participation in the Treaty on Conventional Armed Forces in Europe (CFE Treaty) underscores its dedication to transparency and stability in conventional arms, originally focusing on Europe and later evolving to address contemporary security challenges. Furthermore, Italy has signed the Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty (CTBT), contributing to global efforts to halt nuclear testing and advancing nuclear disarmament. In summary, Italy’s involvement in these treaties demonstrates its proactive stance in addressing specific weapons categories, fostering international cooperation, and contributing to broader efforts for global security and peace.

The Republic of Italy urges the United Nations to take a more specific approach to tackling the limitations of military budgeting to reduce the outbreak of war and to increase the standards of living for many countries. Italy recommends creating a sub-committee of the Disarmament and International Security Committee that will focus solely on the construction and maintenance of proper military budgets. This will ensure that countries are fully transparent about their military spending and prevent countries from stockpiling war supplies. As budgets are not one size fits all this committee will also be determining the budget sizes for different countries, depending on the size of the country and the size of the population. Countries that are willing to set firmer military budgeting strategies should help to convince others to agree. It is prominent that actions to limit military budgets are set in place now to ensure that it does not become a larger issue. Italy is willing to help budget the creation of the sub-committee and limit its own military budget.

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FHEDelegates 11/22/2023 14:29:05

Topic: 2023-Reduction of Military Budgets
Country: India
Delegate Name: Claire Williams

Military budgeting has been continuous in the entire world. Military budgeting is defined as defense budgeting is the amount of financial resources dedicated by the country to regulate and maintain armed forces for essential purposes. The amount that the state is willing to put into its army is dependent on the ideals of that state and how much the government is willing to fund. The military budget pays for salaries, training, health care, maintaining arms, equipment, facilities, operations, and developing items. The first major spike in military spending recorded in turn taxes was at the beginning of the 19th century. During World War I, the United States spent 22% of the gross domestic product. This allowed the Allied Forces to turn the tide in favor of Britain and France. This led to the victory in November 1918 with the soldiers and resources the United States provided.

India has the fourth largest military in the entire world, so it must supply its grand army with resources. Around 2% of GDP is spent on the military, which is still lower than China which spends 1.45 trillion yuan. India prides itself on the significance of its expeditionary force which consists of the Indian Corps and Indian Calvary Corps. The history of their army goes back to January 26th, 1950. India’s army has a great emphasis on training, its soldiers are known for their discipline, endurance, and bravery. Combining this with extensive combat experience, new-tech weapons, and the United States’ extensive network of military satellites allows India to be ready for any attacks from neighboring countries. India had many wars involving Pakistan about establishing a Muslim-majority Pakistan and a Hindu-majority India, and which nation would incorporate the states of Jammu and Kashmir. The debate over the state led to the first India-Pakistan War in 1947 and ended with the UN’s involvement.

India firmly believes that reducing military budgeting is harmful. Lowering the budget could cause long-term effects that reduce human capital development because of fewer military jobs. Additionally, a reduction in national productivity with lower defense spending means less was spent on the development of new technology. In addition to the protection of national security, India believes in their allies such as the United Arab Emirates, Russian Federation, Israel, Afghanistan, France, Bhutan, Bangladesh, and the United States. However, they are ready in case of any disruption in Southern Asia that involves Indian aid.

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EastGrandRapidsDelegates 11/22/2023 13:07:33

Topic: 2023-Reduction of Military Budgets
Country: Spain
Delegate Name: Luci Perez-Simons

The Kingdom of Spain recognizes that while there might be some benefits to decreasing military budgets, the risks of decreasing such budgets outweigh the potential benefits. Historically, military budgets have been on the increase since the 1950s, aka the post-World War II era. High military budgets help nations protect themselves. As a result of countries having high military budgets, military spending makes up $2.2 trillion in the GDP. The main issue with high military budgets, though, is that the funding allotted to military budgets could be spent on other international aspects, such as education and healthcare. Some economists argue that if as a planet we reduce military budgets, then internationally more economic growth could be promoted.

Historically, the Kingdom of Spain has had a 7.2% increase in military spending in 2021-2022. The Kingdom of Spain is an ally of Ukraine, and because of such wants to dedicate more funding to Ukraine. The Kingdom of Spain has increased its budget by 2% for defense. Currently, the Kingdom of Spain spends approximately $17.2 billion on the military, and around 120,000 military personnel are employed by the Kingdom of Spain. As the Kingdom of Spain is a member of NATO, we deem it necessary to provide military funding for allies. Given this, the Kingdom of Spain believes that reducing military budgets could put some of our allies in grave danger, as well as ourselves in grave danger. Therefore, we believe that we should keep military budgets as they are, but we are open to negotiating to make budgets a little lower.

Overall, the Kingdom of Spain acknowledges the importance of discussing military budgets. The Kingdom of Spain has generally seen a trend of increasing military budgets over the past years ( Additionally, the Kingdom of Spain acknowledges the UN Office of Disarmament Affairs publication in 2020 which criticizes high military spending.

Ultimately, the Kingdom of Spain believes that each nation should have the liberty to choose how much spending each country should receive. For some nations, their security and protection lie within having an increased military budget, while other countries believe that an increased military budget is not necessary for their country. We strongly believe in budget autonomy and urge that countries should not feel pressured to decrease their military spending.

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Celia Kaechele 11/22/2023 12:47:35

Topic: 2023-Reduction of Military Budgets
Country: Jordan
Delegate Name: Natalie Gibbs

The topic of reducing military budgets is an essential one, to both this committee and the global economy. Global military spending is on the rise, and has been for many years. The global financial system is too reliant on military spending, and research has shown that the reduction of such spending would benefit the economies of both individual countries and the global community. However, reducing budgets comes with its own set of challenges, and maintaining the security of civilians in countries with high military spending is paramount.

In the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, military budgets have been steadily on the rise, increasing from 1.61 billion dollars in 2015 to 2.32 billion in 2022. Military spending makes up about 4.84 percent of Jordan’s total GDP. Jordan’s allies also spend a large percentage of their money on their militaries. Jordan is alarmed by the amount of funding used by Israel in the war against Hamas, and has expressed concerns about the region’s stability. Clearly, Jordan sees the benefits in the limitation of military budgets for the security of civilian regions. As a country well-known for its commitment to peace, Jordan is prepared to do what it takes to ensure it. However, significant military spending is key to reaching the goal of global peace as well. Jordan understands this, as the third-highest contributor to United Nations peacekeeping missions.

To solve the pressing issue of high military budgets, Jordan suggests that this committee put together a cohesive set of recommendations for all countries to follow that would reduce their military spending. These recommendations could outline a plan, adoptable by many countries, that would slowly pivot spending away from military ventures and towards more beneficial projects, such as infrastructure. However, this committee should not attempt to give recommendations that infringe on the individual sovereignty of nations or make bold declarations about the necessity of military spending. Every country’s military needs are different, and global cooperation on the topic of reduction of military budgets does not necessitate the reduction of funds by every single country.

The delegation of Jordan hopes that this committee can come to a productive agreement that addresses the need for lower military spending without infringing on sovereign countries or making recommendations that would destabilize and negatively affect civilian regions.

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Celia Kaechele 11/22/2023 12:45:02

Topic: 2023-Reduction of Military Budgets
Country: Turkey
Delegate Name: Andrew Gerrits

Military spending has been a hot-button issue since the end of the Second World War, with the UN making efforts to prevent spending. In spite of this, more money is being spent on nations’ military than ever before. Arguments have been made that military budgets have an inverse impact on a nation’s economy, which is the core reason the UN has made efforts to reduce military spending, but this is often not true.

Turkey is in one of the most volatile and dangerous places on earth and defense is a key sector in order to keep the country safe. This is why Turkey has increased military spending by 150% for the next year. The argument that increasing military spending hurts the home front is also flawed; Turkey has increased the GDP per capita by 158% over the last several years while raising defense spending. Turkey is also in several conflicts and a strong military is essential for national security. When a country is in a situation such as Turkey’s, reduction of military spending is not only nonsensical but also has little inverse impact on domestic issues. Turkey’s economic problems are separate from military spending. This is why a reduction of military budgets can only negatively impact Turkey. It is essential that this point is not misconstrued. Turkey is in a situation where defense spending is of the utmost importance, other wealthy countries that are not in treacherous situations such as the US must reduce military spending and focus on their rampant domestic issues. Turkey must keep their military strong.

Turkey and other countries are in situations where the military is a primary priority, and are still able to keep the country prosperous, and there are other countries that continue to spend without regard to their domestic issues. This is why the best solution to rising military spending is to create a committee to redistribute funds to build an international community. This would be achieved by all countries reducing or halting military spending, and then having countries who have no reason to spend use a portion of the funds to help countries whose military is of utmost importance to their sovereignty. This would stop the problem of countries spending without care for their domestic front as well as help support countries that need a strong military.

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Celia Kaechele 11/22/2023 12:23:27

Topic: 2023-Reduction of Military Budgets
Country: Rwanda
Delegate Name: Chase Martin

In 1994 the president of Rwanda and the president of Burundi were in an airplane. On the way to the airport the plane is hit by a rocket propelled grenade launcher killing everyone on the plane. Rwanda blames an ethnic group and cleanses them. A war ensues killing 1 million people in three months. Militarization has tortured Rwanda in the past and will again if something does not happen with the global spending of economies for war purposes. This is a message to the world of silent but deadly war in a part of the world that is suffering.

As of next year, the U.S.A. plans to spend 842 billion dollars. When does it end? The United States of America and The Russian Federation have started proxy wars from the jungles of Vietnam to the heart of Africa; their heinous acts need to be shown in the light. Rwanda requests a bill that will be presented to the world and the United Nations Security Council of limited military budgets across the world. This will limit world conflicts in future and for the betterment of society.

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Celia Kaechele 11/22/2023 12:14:09

Topic: 2023-Reduction of Military Budgets
Country: Japan
Delegate Name: Neel Grover

Japan has long been committed to the principles of peace, stability, and prosperity both regionally and globally. As a responsible member of the international community, Japan recognizes the importance of contributing to the maintenance of global peace and security. In this context, the question of military expenditure becomes paramount. Japan’s post-World War II history is marked by a commitment to pacifism and the renunciation of war as a sovereign right. The Japanese Constitution, particularly Article 9, has served as a cornerstone for this commitment, emphasizing the peaceful resolution of conflicts and the avoidance of military force to settle international disputes. Japan has maintained a self-defense force.

A reduction in military spending can contribute to fostering regional stability and cooperation. By reallocating resources towards diplomatic initiatives, conflict prevention, and humanitarian aid, nations can play a more active role in addressing regional challenges such as territorial disputes, nuclear proliferation, and natural disasters. Collaborative efforts with neighboring countries can build trust, enhance security, and create a conducive environment for sustained economic growth. Redirecting focus from military capabilities to diplomatic initiatives will allow nations to focus on fostering peaceful solutions to regional and global issues.

A reduction in military spending can enhance Japan’s soft power and contribute to building trust on the international stage. Demonstrating a commitment to peaceful solutions and cooperation can bolster Japan’s standing as a responsible global actor, fostering positive relationships with other nations, and creating a more secure and interconnected world.

In conclusion, Japan stands at a pivotal moment where a careful and prudent reduction in its military budget can contribute significantly to regional stability, economic development, and the promotion of peaceful diplomatic solutions. By prioritizing collaboration, conflict prevention, and economic prosperity, Japan can continue to be a beacon of peace and contribute to the building of a safer, more interconnected world.

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EastGrandRapidsDelegates 11/21/2023 10:07:57

Topic: 2023-Reduction of Military Budgets
Country: Morocco
Delegate Name: Lukian Fific

UN Disarmament & International Security
Reduction of Military Budgets
Kingdom of Morocco
Lukian Fifić

The Kingdom of Morocco believes in a nation’s freedom to reduce or increase its military budget as it deems necessary. Although Morocco is a nation that prioritizes peaceful resolution, as was the case in how we gained independence from France, we also understand that war may be necessary in certain cases. And in such cases, it is imperative that a nation has access to the tools necessary to defend itself.
According to a study conducted by Macrotrends, Morocco has had a steady incline in military expenditures since the country’s inception. Starting at USD 0.04B in 1960, the annual military expenditures in Morocco have increased to USD 5.38B in 2021. However, we made sure not to increase the budget at the expense of our citizens, rather our nation’s economy has simply grown enough to support this budget, as this cost is only 4.18% of the nation’s GDP as of 2021. The percentage used of the GDP has been decreasing since its high of 6.62% in 1977. However, the Kingdom of Morocco has used its military for good causes, as is indicated by the spikes in the defense budget graph coinciding with various United Nations and NATO-led peacekeeping operations. Examples can be seen in 1998 when Morocco deployed one company of soldiers to aid in the KFOR, a NATO-led peacekeeping mission with the goal of establishing security in the Kosovo region. Alternatively, in 2013 the Moroccan Royal Armed Forces sent a contingent of 777 soldiers to the Central African Republic to be deployed at the UN Integrated Peace Building Office, during a United Nations peace mission to foster stability and peace in the region. In total, the Kingdom of Morocco has supported six United Nations-led peacekeeping missions and one NATO-led mission by contributing its soldiers and supplies
The Kingdom of Morocco is a nation that is first and foremost interested in peace and stability around the globe. However, we also acknowledge that military expenditure is necessary for both defense and peacekeeping operations. Because of this, we believe that each nation deserves the right to make decisions about its military spending however it deems fit.

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Kaycee Duffey 11/22/2023 10:27:09

Topic: 2023-Reduction of Military Budgets
Country: Cuba
Delegate Name: Jack Doyle

Disarmament and International Security
Reduction of Military Budgets
Jack Doyle, Forest Hills Northern High School

The catastrophe now known as COVID-19 had a demolishing impact on the structural inequities of the world. With over 4.5 million deaths, the pandemic’s effects on societies around the world are incalculable. And despite the ray of hope during the pandemic that were the vaccines, more than 80% of them were administered to high or middle-income countries, even though they make up for less than one-half of the world’s population. Hundreds of millions of persons in low-income countries are still waiting to receive their first dose and cannot even estimate when, if ever, they will receive one. And yet, in the midst of all of this chaos and lack of resources, the world’s military budget in the year 2020 amounted to almost $2 trillion. How many lives could have been saved if those resources had been invested into pandemic relief or vaccine manufacturing and distribution?
Cuba has been reducing its outlays for the military since 1986 after a devastating hurricane causing more than $1 billion worth of damage made it realize that some causes are more deserving of the national budget than the military. Cuba reduced its military budget by more than $165 million, focusing the budget on more demanding causes.
Cuba believes that there must be a collective effort, mainly one executed by those highly developed countries who own the necessary resources as well as a moral obligation to take responsibility for the situation they have placed us in. Cuba would like to explore possible solutions and regulations to military overspending, both to benefit those not receiving what they deserve because of an extreme military budget as well as to reduce, if at all, the competition or tension between nations in order to maintain global peace. Cuba hopes to work with cooperating nations in order to attempt to create a more peaceful world.

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Kaycee Duffey 11/22/2023 10:49:45

Topic: 2023-Reduction of Military Budgets
Country: Finland
Delegate Name: Johanna Renucci

Finland, a nation dedicated to maintaining regional and global peace and security, recognizes the delicate balance between national security and global cooperation. Finland aims to contribute constructively to discussions on finding sustainable solutions to reduce military expenditures. As a member of the international community, Finland understands the necessity of maintaining a strong and capable defense force to safeguard national sovereignty and protect its citizens. However, Finland acknowledges the global challenges that necessitate collective efforts to allocate resources effectively, address pressing issues such as poverty, climate change, and healthcare, and promote international stability.
Finland maintains a transparent and accountable defense policy, with its military budget designed to meet the nation’s security needs while adhering to fiscal responsibility. Finland is committed to regularly reviewing and optimizing its defense spending to ensure efficiency, accountability, and alignment with evolving security challenges.
Finland believes that multilateral approaches to security challenges are essential. By fostering international cooperation, sharing the burden of security, and engaging in collective defense initiatives, nations can reduce the need for excessive military expenditures. Finland encourages the exploration of regional security partnerships and alliances to enhance collective security. Finland is committed to arms control and disarmament measures that contribute to reducing the overall global military expenditure. Supporting existing treaties and agreements, Finland advocates for the negotiation and implementation of further agreements that limit the development and proliferation of arms, fostering a more secure international environment. Finland recognizes the importance of addressing the root causes of conflicts to reduce the demand for military spending. Diplomacy, conflict prevention, and the peaceful resolution of disputes should be prioritized, and the international community should invest in early warning mechanisms and mediation efforts to prevent conflicts from escalating.
Finland proposes the establishment of a working group within DISEC to explore effective strategies for reducing military budgets while maintaining global security. This working group would be tasked with studying best practices, sharing experiences, and formulating recommendations for member states to consider when reviewing their defense spending. Finland believes that a comprehensive and cooperative approach is necessary to address the reduction of military budgets. By promoting multilateralism, supporting arms control measures, and prioritizing conflict prevention, the international community can work towards a more secure world while ensuring that resources are allocated responsibly to meet the diverse challenges facing humanity.

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RoyalOakDelegate 11/22/2023 11:02:26

Topic: 2023-Reduction of Military Budgets
Country: Switzerland
Delegate Name: Broderick Mcdonald

Delicate Name – Broderick Mcdonald
Committee – DISEC (GA)
Country – Switzerland

Although Switzerland is historically neutral in external conflicts, the issue of military spending reductions still has impacts on our security and economy. While countries have the self-determination to protect themselves in an effort to keep their borders and people safe, Switzerland urges countries to consider that spending wildly on militarization, may make other nations feel threatened; causing a cycle of increased militarization but having countries spend proportional amounts to make sure their country is okay is a good way to keep things under control.

The countries’ thoughts about the Reduction of Military Budgets are basically the opposite. The country is trying to go on a defensive point of view since Russia invaded Ukraine. “Switzerland’s armed forces want to spend as much as 50 billion francs ($57 billion) over the next years to cope with a security situation in Europe that has been deteriorating after Russia’s attack on Ukraine, the country’s army chief said”. “Switzerland is refocusing its army on national defense,” Thomas Suessli told reporters in Kloten near Zurich on Thursday.

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Switzerland approves of other countries increasing their military budgets to help with financial aid, they approve to an extent of countries keeping their infrastructures right. When countries start to have a larger budget than they need it becomes a threat and a low amount of money becomes a concern.
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Switzerland is one of the wealthiest countries with per capita income. A feasible solution to help other countries in wars is for NATO or blocs like EUN to give supplies to these underdeveloped countries before they are in the war so they can have a stock of technology to help them when they are in need. This is a solution that could help because the developed countries give supplies when they can and not when the underdeveloped countries need the supply.
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The background information for the reduction of the military budget is how countries brought down their military budgets after COVID-19 to try and rebuild their economies.
“In Switzerland, a designated group of experts issues its projections for the Swiss economy every quarter. In their figures issued a few days ago, they project a dip in 2020 growth to -1.5 percent versus their pre-pandemic estimate of 1.3 percent. However, they raised their projection for 2021 from 1.2 to 3.3 percent. Their estimates suggest that the unemployment rate will be scarcely touched by COVID-19”. This is not a resolution or a policy that the country put in place to keep their economy basically not affected by COVID-19 19 but by them having people look quarterly at their economy and spending makes sure that they are going to pull through on top.

With talks of reduction of military budgets, there is a chance of countries not having the “best” nor not having militaries like they used to but I believe that if we use smart planning and help the underdeveloped countries before they are in need as I proposed earlier then this won’t be a bigger problem then others think.


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Kaycee Duffey 11/22/2023 10:50:28

Topic: 2023-Reduction of Military Budgets
Country: United arab Emirates
Delegate Name: Karmen Rozelle

The United Arab Emirates is the tenth most powerful military nation, and it invests substantial amounts in its military. Recognizing the importance of maintaining a balanced military budget, the UAE places a special emphasis on healthcare, a critical aspect for the nation. As part of our commitment to ensuring responsible management of the military budget, the UAE is exploring the possibility of reducing military expenditures while still meeting the nation’s security needs.
The UAE will conduct a comprehensive strategic review of its security requirements, taking into account the unique aspects of the country. This review will guide the determination of an appropriate and effective level of military spending.
The United Arab Emirates is dedicated to maintaining a powerful military while also ensuring the safety of its people and providing accessible healthcare for everyone. Here are some principles:

Promoting Global Peace and Stability: This ensures that every member is responsible and believes in contributing to global peace. The UAE also encourages other nations to spend money wisely and reduce military expenses if necessary.

Addressing Threats and Protection: Recognizing that countries under attack, such as Ukraine, may need to allocate more funds than others.

The United Arab Emirates calls on the United States and other nations willing to meet these standards. It is committed to a responsible approach to reduce its military budget. These commitments align with broader goals of economic diversity and regional cooperation. By adopting a balanced and pragmatic strategy, the UAE aims to maintain national security while contributing to a more stable and prosperous world.

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GRCityDelegates 11/21/2023 23:23:55

Topic: 2023-Reduction of Military Budgets
Country: France
Delegate Name: Krishna Mano

United Nations Disarmament & International Security Committee
Reduction of Military Budgets
Krishna Mano
City High Middle School

When used properly, the militaries of our world have brought safety and security to the world. In the status quo, the French military and similar capabilities of our military partners serve to protect those who need support in the tense global arena. When our political and economic allies don’t receive the support they need, the hostile environment we live in today is only exacerbated at a much larger magnitude. France strongly affirms that a reduction in military budgets will only destruct our relations with foreign nations and, therefore, we do not favor any strict regulations of such budget cuts. We also urge our fellow members of this committee to join our standpoint and consider the grave global repercussions of a reduction of military budgets.

As a founding member and key player of many multilateral alliances including the United Nations (UN), North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), and European Union (EU), France finds it of utmost importance to help protect our allies from any aggression they may face in order to ensure a safe, peaceful, and sustainable future. We have taken it into our own hands to further our policy of strengthening our own military capabilities and those of our allies so that we can eventually reach a safe and secure world in which these militaries are not necessary at the levels they are at now. The United Nations’ Charter of 1945, a founding document that France contributed to alongside various other nations, consistently agrees with this message. For example, Article 1 of the Charter states that the main purpose of the UN is to “maintain international peace and security, and to that end: to take effective collective measures for the prevention and removal of threats to the peace, and for the suppression of acts of aggression or other breaches of the peace”. France has also joined multiple treaties and alliances with other nations to further these goals for a peaceful and safe future including the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and the Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP), through which we have provided our allies with military funding, weaponry, and training as they face times of conflict and uncertainty. Furthermore, we launched the Alliance for Multilateralism in 2019 alongside Germany with the mission of understanding how military capabilities can impact nations in not just a pure, militaristic standpoint, but also have a substantial effect on other aspects of their diplomatic pursuits. More recently, in July of 2023, French President Emmanuel Macron successfully lobbied our Parliament for an increase in military spending, amounting to a total of 413 billion euros (or 450 billion United States dollars), the most significant boost in our budget in half a century. This money was specifically geared towards implementing a revolutionary project to modernize the French military with an updated nuclear arsenal, effective intelligence collection efforts, and more remote-controlled weapons.

Although France has clearly expressed the importance of continuing to ensure a secure future with substantial government spending, we have made it clear that we support addressing any concerns relating to the level of transparency of what these national military budgets would include. We, like many others, value peace, but ask all delegates to consider the fact that it is necessary to maintain strong levels of military spending in order to uphold the security of our allied countries during these times of increasing hostility with foreign adversaries. We seek to work with the committee to form a solution that makes clear that the safety of our citizens and our allies are prioritized above all else.

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Kaycee Duffey 11/22/2023 09:59:12

Topic: 2023-Reduction of Military Budgets
Country: Democratic People’s Republic of Korea
Delegate Name: Alex Mochel

Disarmament and International Security
Reduction of Military Budgets
Democratic People’s Republic of Korea
Alex Mochel, Forest Hills Northern High School

Worldwide, the inflation of military budgets and size has grown exponentially. Historically, the massive buildup of military budgets and spending without righteous causes has facilitated the most significant conflicts our world has seen. Before the First World War, massive military spending combined with complicated alliances led to a tense situation easily sparked by a minor conflict in the Balkan states. This conflict was actively caused by substantial military budgets that increased tensions until the breaking point was met.
The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea has maintained a policy of self-reliance and
prioritized national defense to safeguard its sovereignty. In context to the nation’s geographical location on the Korean Peninsula, the Korean War and continuing regional tensions have influenced the DPRK’s approach to military budgeting. With this context, it is vital to understand that the DPRK is currently in a conflict. Given this, the continuation of the construction of a strong defense posture ensures stability and security for the nation during this time of significant threat.
Currently, South Korea contains an active military personnel of 500,000 soldiers and a substantial arsenal of weapons to support its growing military. This military buildup is an offensive action of the nation, and in response to these increases, the DPRK is forced to increase military spending continuously. Beyond this, South Korea holds 30,000 foreign troops and has historically received well over 2 billion dollars in aid. These massive acts of aggression have pushed the DPRK to continuously increase its budget and spending on the military in defense of hostility.
Unlike the ongoing conflict involving the DPRK, numerous nations across the world have continuously increased military budgets despite no active engagement or threat. The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea recognizes the importance of addressing this issue in pursuing global peace and security. The DPRK acknowledges this call for the reduction of military budgets. At the same time, it recognizes the importance of this issue; it also emphasizes the unique security challenges and situations it is in. The presence of foreign military forces near and on the Korean Peninsula and the continual geopolitical tensions require a vigilant and pragmatic approach to current military spending.
As a sovereign nation committed to peace and self-defense, the DPRK is open to constructive dialogue. It believes a balanced and cooperative approach is necessary to achieve meaningful results. The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea calls upon decreasing military expenditure in nations not currently in conflict or under serious threat. This reduction is vital in reducing tensions and maintaining world peace altogether.

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EastGrandRapidsDelegates 11/21/2023 22:55:15

Topic: 2023-Reduction of Military Budgets
Country: Russian Federation
Delegate Name: Julia Callahan

Committee: Disec
Topic: Reduction of Military Budgets
Country: Russian Federation
Delegate: Julia Callahan
School: East Grand Rapids HS

Russian Federation recognizes the considerable rise in military budget, though stresses the importance of the freedom of member states to allocate individual budgets. Throughout history, different elements and events have influenced the increase or reduction in the global budget; post-WWII demobilization actions commenced, and several countries reduced military budgets and reallocated funding to reconstruction. The Cold War led to a rise and downfall in the budget, rising amongst conflict falling for restoration. Peace dividend started the discourse of permanent budget redistribution, limiting overall military spending and focusing on social and economic development. The Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty reduced funding for nuclear and conventional weapons. Globally, economic hardships such as the financial crisis of 2008 and conflicts such as the Ukraine conflict changed countries’ expenditure priorities.

Russian Federation recognizes the fluctuation in the Russian Federation’s military budget stability since the Cold War. 1991-1995, the Russian Federation underwent economic unrest since the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991. The collapse of the Soviet Union brought the fall of a military expenditure estimated at $257B in 1987 to $24.1B in 1997. As the economy stabilized in the late 1990s, the budget rose. Russian Federation acknowledges with Vladimir Putin’s presidency; the early 2000s brought modern military reform with a rising budget. Russian Federation commends the bold military budget and modernization in 2011, raising the military funding for national defense to $53B. Russian Federation notes with the annexation of Crimea in 2014, military spending increased aggressively as more conflict emerged with Ukraine, rising to $78B in 2014, $9.1B more than the previous year. The Russian Federation maintained a budget allocation that gave a plethora of funding to the military during the conflict with Ukraine. The $160B military budget was projected by the end of 2023, accounting for 40% of the Russian Federation’s budget. Most recently, the State Duma approved the most significant military budget to date, projecting spending to reach $420B, ⅓ going to defense and structural security.

Russian Federation acknowledges the UN Office of Disarmament Affairs publication in 2020 that critiqued the unconstrained military spending and the extremity of the global military budget. Proposals regarding reducing military spending have not been executed, though, in 1981, the United Nations Report on Military Expenditures (MilEx) recommendation encouraged countries to share and report military expenditures.

Russian Federation strongly believes in budget autonomy, allowing states to allocate their expenditures independently. Constriction of military budget limits countries in times of crisis and restricts the jurisdiction in controlling what is most important to fund for states’ people. Russian Federation strongly stresses not reducing military budgets or setting limitations to preserve sovereignty.

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Kaycee Duffey 11/21/2023 23:46:29

Topic: 2023-Reduction of Military Budgets
Country: Argentina
Delegate Name: Jacob Zhang

Disarmament and International Security
Reduction of Military Budgets
Argentine Republic
Jacob Zhang
Forest Hills Northern High School

Argentina faces a crucial challenge in navigating the borders of military budgets through the context of disarmament and international security. The allocation of financial resources for defense raises questions about the country’s priorities and its commitment to fostering global peace. As a nation that values equitable international relations, Argentina is compelled to thoroughly examine its military budget policies within the framework of renowned documents such as the United Nations Charter and relevant international agreements.
The issue of military budgets greatly affects Argentina, both nationally and globally. Argentina recognizes the balance required to address security concerns while ensuring that military spending does not compromise economic stability or interrupt with progress in other important or necessary sections like education, healthcare, and infrastructure. Argentina is also committed to a defense policy that aligns with its national security needs and promotes regional stability without sacrificing essential social and economic development.
Argentina has made much progress in maintaining a responsible approach to military budgets. The nation actively follows principles outlined in influential documents such as the United Nations Charter, emphasizing the importance of collective security and disarmament. However, challenges also persist as economic considerations and evolving security threats make ongoing adjustments to defense expenditures a necessity. Argentina acknowledges the need for a subtle approach that considers both national security interests and the broader goal of international disarmament and peace.
While addressing the complexities of military budgets, Argentina proposes an approach. Firstly, the nation advocates for an increased transparency in military spending, promoting more open dialogue and accountability. Argentina also proposes strengthening cooperation with international organizations dedicated to disarmament. Additionally, the nation supports initiatives to reallocate a portion of defense budgets towards social and economic development, facilitating a more balanced approach to national security. Argentina remains committed to navigating the challenges posed by military budgets within the broader framework of disarmament and international security. The proposed actions reflect Argentina’s dedication to upholding the principles of renowned international documents, fostering cooperation, and contributing to a world that prioritizes peace and collective security.

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Kaycee Duffey 11/21/2023 22:08:57

Topic: 2023-Reduction of Military Budgets
Country: Ukraine
Delegate Name: Kenna Charbauski

Reducing military spending is an important step in reaching the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and decreasing global conflict. According to the International Monetary Fund (IMF), global military spending began decreasing after the end of the Cold War as nations started allocating more resources to reaching the SDGs. Unfortunately, global spending has now increased for 8 consecutive years and reached 2.24 trillion USD. Nations now need to increase global peace by focusing on diplomacy. Money not used in military expenditure can be used to focus on internal development. Ukraine, among other nations in crisis, believes that increased spending can be necessary to protect peace but emphasizes the need to reduce spending in nations not experiencing geopolitical tensions.

Article 26 of the UN Charter defines reducing military spending as an important step for increasing development and maintaining peace. Article 26 also places the Security Council as the main enforcers of this plan. Ukraine firmly believes that the Russian Federation’s seat in the Security Council allows the Russian Federation to violate the UN Charter and does not allow the Security Council to enforce the reduction of military budgets. On February 25, 2022, the Russian Federation used its veto power on a resolution requesting Moscow to withdraw its troops from Ukraine and condemning the Russian Federation’s actions. The Russian Federation’s attack on Ukraine was not only a direct attack on the SDGs but also an attack on peace itself. Before the war, Ukraine was steadily decreasing military spending and working to make all government systems more effective. Spending remained consistent until 2022 when Ukraine was forced to allocate more resources to the defense sector. It is imperative that Ukraine secures its borders and maintains security to continue working to reach the SDGs and internal improvements.

Ukraine’s primary request for the UN is the creation of a system that responds early to actions against states’ sovereignty and prevents aggression. According to the IMF geopolitical tensions lead to military spending rising higher levels than the global average. By creating an improved, permanent system in joint with the United Nations Report on Military Expenditures the UN will prevent conflicts from occurring. Ukraine recommends this system include sanctions against the aggressor. In addition, Ukraine supports nations in times of peace distributing funds to nations in defense crises that have been deemed not to be aggressors. Ukraine has received monetary support from the European Union and the United States among other nations through the Ukrainian Defense Contact Group and other fundraising methods. Successful peacekeeping efforts, military transparency, and monetary support for nations under attack will continue to help nations reach the SDGs.

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FHEDelegates 11/21/2023 18:46:38

Topic: 2023-Reduction of Military Budgets
Country: Palestinian Authority
Delegate Name: Nikhil Talla

Over the past few years, the value of military spending globally has grown steadily and reached 2.24 trillion U.S. dollars in 2022. Part of this is due to growing tensions in the Russia-Ukraine war and the South China Sea. Israel’s occupation of the Palestinian Gaza Strip since 1967 serves as an example of the correlation between large military budgets and violence. Israel’s government dedicates 5.3 percent of its Gross Domestic Product (GDP) to military spending, with Saudi Arabia being the only other country in the world with a higher ratio of military spending to GDP. The reduction of military budgets allows for the redirection of resources towards issues such as poverty, healthcare, education, and environmental sustainability. A country increasing military spending also forces nearby countries to increase military spending in perception of a potential threat, even if there is no malicious intent. Palestine urges the United Nations to create a more specific solution that pushes for the reduction of military budgets while factoring in the population, land, and interests of each nation.

Palestine, a state party of the Arms Trade Treaty, collaborates with entities like the United Nations to foster a more secure and stable region through diplomacy. The Arms Trade Treaty, which was ratified in 2014 with the approval of 50 states, is a multilateral agreement that prohibits the trade of illicit arms by establishing gun transfer standards. According to the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), an increase in disarmament and a decrease in military spending can free workers occupied with producing military goods and allow them to participate in public works projects like infrastructure. Palestine recognizes the importance of redirecting military expenditures towards social welfare, infrastructure, and education to promote long-term sustainability across the world. Due to the Israeli-Palestinian peace process, the Palestinian State has been demanded to be demilitarized by Israel, and, as a result, the only armed forces of the State of Palestine are the Palestinian Security Services.

To prevent rapid reactionary increases in military spending, Palestine suggests the United Nations establish a dialogue platform where major powers collaboratively address security concerns. The promotion of transparency in military expenditures and information on defense budgets builds trust and prevents unnecessary conflict. Acknowledging this as a multifaceted issue, Palestine recognizes the importance of military spending to ensure the safety and defense of a nation’s civilians and the various factors such as population and land that contribute to a need for increased military spending. Palestine strongly suggests countries work together to ensure the concerns of all nations are considered when discussing the reduction of military budgets to achieve an economically sustainable and peaceful world.

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Kaycee Duffey 11/21/2023 18:41:38

Topic: 2023-Reduction of Military Budgets
Country: Gabon
Delegate Name: Reem Omran

Committee: Disarmament & International Security Committee (DISEC)
Topic: Reduction of Military Budgets
Country: Gabon
Delegate: Reem Omran, Forest Hills Northern High School
Gabon, a small country on the western coast of Central Africa, has long recognized stability and peace in the region. As a member of the United Nations and an active participant in international organizations, Gabon has always advocated world peace and security. In line with this commitment, Gabon firmly believes in the urgent need to reduce military budgets worldwide.
The issue of excessive military spending is one that affects not only developed nations but also developing countries like Gabon. The allocation of substantial financial resources towards defense undermines efforts to address pressing socio-economic challenges such as poverty alleviation, healthcare provision, and education enhancement. Moreover, it perpetuates an arms race mentality that fuels conflicts rather than resolving them.
Gabon recognizes the importance of national security; Nevertheless, Gabon firmly believes that lasting peace can only be achieved through diplomacy, dialogue and cooperation. By cutting military budgets around the world, governments can shift money to more productive areas such as infrastructure or social welfare programs. This redistribution will not only improve the quality of life for the residents, but will also promote local stability and economic development.
In conclusion, Gabon welcomes the importance of addressing excessive military expenditure as a means to sustainable peace and prosperity around the world. It urges all Member States to undertake efforts to disarmament as priority and the economy should not be directed towards the benefits of all mankind. Gabon hopes to create a safer world with prospering nations through cooperation.

Works Cited
World Bank. “Overview.” World Bank, 2017, .
“Military Expenditure – an Overview | ScienceDirect Topics.”,
“World Military Expenditures and Arms Transfers.” Google Books, The Agency, 1990, military%20 budgets%20 gabon&f=false. Accessed 21 Nov. 2023.

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RoyalOakDelegate 11/21/2023 18:23:42

Topic: 2023-Reduction of Military Budgets
Country: Venezuela
Delegate Name: Young

From: Venezuela
Subject: Reduction of Military Budgets

As a result of the COVID-19 Pandemic and for the past 3 years, Venezuela has been going through an economic crisis like this country has not seen in years. Due to this, our military spending has been limited. We understand that many large nations have been spending a lot of funds on their military budget, and other countries may want to limit this. However, Venezuela hopes to prevent this as many other nations are going through intense economical crises as a result of Covid 19. As a result, many nations have had to cut military spending to help balance federal budgets. As a result of the . Venezuela hopes to prevent this by making an agreement that if we are enforce a reduction of military budgets this discludes countries recovering from these harsh economic crashes like we are in Venezuela. This will not cause smaller nations to increase their spending, but will prevent them form having to cut their budget.
In order to initiate this process, we need to ask ourselves: “What does economic and military recovery look like?” As it stands, the Venezuelan dollar has been increased by 53,798,500% since 2016. Our country is the definition of struggling. Our main issues right now are not on our military spending. We need to completely rebuild our economy, and with that we need to rebuild our military budget. This is this case in many countries rebuilding their economy from COVID, and we hope if any cuts towards global military budgets are put in place, this does not affect us and other rebuilding countries.
Nations like the US are able to fund wars in countries like Ukraine and have increased their budget to do so. I believe that right now with countries like Venezuela struggling with our military budget right now, countries like the US should not be sending money to countries like Israel and Ukraine who already have large military budgets and do not absolutely require international aid, should be disallowed from doing so and instead help fund countries like Venezuela only if they wish to do so. I believe if large militaries going through hard times can receive funding like they are, I believe they should also be helping fund other international militaries who are struggling due to economic reasons.
As I stated in my opening remarks I hope that I can work together with other countries to prevent any possible global military budget cuts to not prevent these rebuilding countries, as we need to focus on our own economic issues while also rebuilding our military fund at the same time.


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WilliamstonDelegates 11/21/2023 15:36:15

Topic: 2023-Reduction of Military Budgets
Country: Denmark
Delegate Name: Isaac Webb

Committee: DISEC
Topic: reduction of military budgets
Delegate: Isaac Webb
School: Williamston High School

Denmark, a nation deeply committed to international cooperation and peacekeeping efforts, recognizes the significance of the reduction of military budgets in fostering global stability. As a country with a long-standing tradition of diplomacy, Denmark believes that a thoughtful approach to defense spending can contribute to the broader goal of sustainable peace. Denmark, situated at the crossroads of Northern Europe, has a rich history of actively participating in international peacekeeping missions. Our commitment to multilateralism is reflected in our membership in the European Union, NATO, and the United Nations. Denmark maintains a well-balanced political system that values social welfare, environmental sustainability, and peaceful resolution of conflicts.

Denmark has consistently demonstrated its commitment to international security through diplomatic initiatives and contributions to peacekeeping missions. Notably, Denmark has actively participated in various UN-led operations, including those in Mali and Afghanistan. Our nation values diplomatic solutions and has a track record of engaging in dialogue to address conflicts and promote stability. Denmark acknowledges the need for a careful examination of military budgets in the pursuit of global stability. While recognizing the importance of maintaining a strong defense capability, Denmark advocates for a comprehensive approach that prioritizes diplomacy, conflict prevention, and international cooperation. Denmark believes that a reduction in military budgets should be accompanied by a strategic reallocation of resources towards peacekeeping, humanitarian aid, and sustainable development.

Denmark’s commitment to international peace is evident in our active participation in UN peacekeeping missions and our consistent support for diplomatic solutions. As a nation that values human security and sustainable development, Denmark believes that a reduction in military budgets, coupled with strategic investments in peacebuilding efforts, will contribute to a safer and more stable world. Denmark firmly believes that the reduction of military budgets should be approached thoughtfully and strategically. By prioritizing diplomacy, peacekeeping, and sustainable development, we can collectively work toward a world that is more secure, just, and harmonious. Denmark is committed to engaging constructively with fellow nations to achieve these common goals.

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WilliamstonDelegates 11/21/2023 15:31:14

Topic: 2023-Reduction of Military Budgets
Country: Ghana
Delegate Name: Thien Truong-Phan

Thien Truong-Phan
Williamston High School
Reduction of Military Budgets

All over the world, over 2.24 trillion USD is spent on military spending. This is a large percentage of the global GDP. Though this inherently is not a bad thing, it does cause other issues. For example, it reduces the amount of money that can be spent on other issues such as improving education or climate change. Additionally, reduction of military funds can help boost a nation’s economy through ways such as improving infrastructure and healthcare. Furthermore, a nation spending lots of money on their military causes a domino effect with other nations, causing them to increase their military spending as well. Countries feel that in order to defend themselves, they must invest into their military to better counter other nations’ newer technologies. Countries do have a right to defend themselves against foreign nations, however, it is a slippery slope when it comes to the amount of money spent worldwide on military budgets. A nation’s security is dependent on its military, and it is a top priority to advance and develop its defenses, however, the more a country advances in military technology, the more other nations feel the need to advance as well. Around the world, there are enough nukes to destroy the Earth multiple times over. This number will only increase if military budgets are not altered.
Ghana is a country that is strongly built upon ideals such as cooperation and peace. Therefore, Ghana believes that a reduction in military budgets around the world would be highly beneficial to the stability of the world. Ghana has had its fair share of challenges when it comes to battling colonization and forming independence. Ghana understands the need for a strong and powerful military. However, Ghana, in the belief that national cooperation and peace is extremely valuable, urges other nations to look upon their military spendings more carefully. Ghana firmly believes that lowering military budgets around the world would be better for the world economy, additionally, it would help individual countries’ economies as well. Ghana does support having a strong military though. Ghana’s military’s main focus is on border control and keeping its citizens safe within our borders. Ghana believes that the main focus of a government’s military should be of interest to the citizens, and Ghana believes that much of the modern weaponry developed is not for the betterment of society.
Ghana is looking forward to working with other countries in this committee to come to a proper solution that will be at the benefit to the world as a whole. Through dialogue and cooperation, Ghana hopes to find nation’s that are willing to work together to form a coherent resolution.

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WilliamstonDelegates 11/21/2023 14:48:01

Topic: 2023-Reduction of Military Budgets
Country: Belgium
Delegate Name: Ethan Ellis

Delegate: Ethan Ellis
School: Williamston High School
Country: Belgium
Committee: DISEC
Topic: Reduction of Military Budgets

Military budgets are the money that each country can get from their government to further expand and refine their armed forces. Reducing a nation’s military budget has possible pros and cons. The pros can be less spending on defense can put more money into things like education. We can put more money to try to get out of debt. The money could be put more into the economy, and we could gain more imports. Less spending on nukes. Nuclear missiles are only used as a last resort. There are enough nukes in the world to destroy all of humanity a few times over. The cons of military spending are less money can be spent on defenses. Some jobs may be lost in the military sector. In case of a sudden armed conflict, less money can be spent to prepare yourself/allies.

Due to the war in Ukraine, Belgium plans to increase their defense budget from $4.7 billion (1.1%) to $6.9 billion (1.54%), with a goal to reach $10.4 billion (2%) by 2030. Belgium is putting this increase of money into active-duty personnel, and reducing the average age of personnel through retirement. Belgium also wants to increase the training systems (so troops are better prepared). Belgium also wants to increase jobs in the military sector. Belgium will also put the money towards armored vehicles, air defense capabilities, artillery systems, air transports, drones, and cybersecurity. With the ongoing conflicts, Belgium feels that we need to be properly prepared in the event that we are attacked, or need to aid in attack.

Belgium supports increasing the total military budget, because it increases a country’s sense of nationalism. Every country can then increase and improve their level of technology in the military. Creating new technologies can also help increase the security of a nation, and the military can be put to possibly help with domestic issues. Certain military technologies can be de-weaponized and help with tasks for noncombatants. For example, the possibility of an exoskeleton in the military could help soldiers. Or, you could give it to a worker to help ease a heavy load in construction. The emergence and integration of artificial intelligence can also be put to better use with an increased budget. Belgium’s allies are Germany, Poland, Italy, Norway, and France because these nations have also recently raised their defense budget after the Ukraine conflict.
“The Belgian Ministry of Defense’s Security & Service, Technology, Ambition, Resilience (STAR) Plan.” International Trade Administration, Accessed 16 November 2023.
“Belgium – Defense.” International Trade Administration, 5 April 2023, Accessed 16 November 2023.
“Belgium to Increase Defense Spending by 50% by 2030.” Defense aerospace, 12 November 2023, Accessed 16 November 2023.
“The Benefits of Reducing Military Spending.” Il Federalista, Accessed 16 November 2023.
Mackenzie, Christina, and Theresa Hitchens. “Seven European nations have increased defense budgets in one month. Who will be next?” Breaking Defense, 22 March 2022, Accessed 16 November 2023.
“The Pros and Cons of Defense Spending.” Management Study Guide, Accessed 16 November 2023.

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RoyalOakDelegate 11/21/2023 09:41:05

Topic: 2023-Reduction of Military Budgets
Country: Belarus
Delegate Name: Lydia Lawrenson

Country: Belarus
Delegate Name: Lydia Lawrenson

Submitted To:
From: Belarus
Subject: Reduction Of Military Budgets

The Republic of Belarus takes a strong stance on the reduction of military budgets. As we feel our country has a stable economy, we oppose the lowering of our military budget due to the potential negative effects on our economy.. We also see no need to change our current spending- which is currently $ 821 million. Our nation is constantly advancing in the fields of education, technology and manufacturing. Our industrial development is well off because of our heavy machinery. What’s more, is our growing number of IT companies, which further strengthens our military through our communication systems, and other technical hardware. Education is of high quality and it is free from the ages 6-17. Several popular universities are on our lands, which shows that economic growth is not a concern as we are already a thriving nation. Therefore, our Belarus must strongly take into consideration the possible damage to our national security.
If we were to follow through with lowering our current Military budget, we will do so only after we have tightened our relationships with other nations, as well as after investing additional money into technology. Lowering the funds put into our military, could impact our weaponry, making us less equipped or capable of defending our country if needed. Soldiers might be let go from their jobs, and to let go of our men in any other way than to graduate out would be disrespectful to their oath to serve, and would have an unfair effect on the individual’s lives. This also creates disputes for other industrial suppliers. Another negative aspect is how this may be interpreted as disloyal to our partnership with Russia and other neighboring countries. Weakening our expenses into our defense and security may potentially cause harm in the mutual protective services between Russia and our other respective allies as previously mentioned; our mutually supported partnerships within our relations. Room shall not be made for conveyance in alliances, especially with the current war between Russia and Ukraine, we must be at all times prepared to defend ourselves if the current conflict escalates. Belarus is literally and physically between Russia and the Ukraine, which is why it is imperative for our nation’s military to be ready in case the war on us, too. Our morals lie in the respects of sovereignty of each individual nation to do what is necessary to benefit not just their own country, but also take thought into the best course to remain contributing strength to the United Nations.

United Nations Efforts To reduce military expenditures(2019)
The Effects Of Military Spending On Economic Growth- War Prevention initiative, Congressional Budget Office( December 7th, 2022) “ Reduce The Department Of Defence’s Annual Budget” defense%20 spending%20would%20not,would%20 probably%20 reduce%20economic%20 output

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WilliamstonDelegates 11/21/2023 07:46:10

Topic: 2023-Reduction of Military Budgets
Country: China
Delegate Name: Hunter Sturm

Country: China
Committee: DISEC
Delegate: Hunter Sturm
School: Williamston High School

With the continually and rapidly expanding global economy, where that money is going becomes increasingly more important. As situations like the one in Ukraine have shown us, military expenditures can rapidly take over a country’s economy. Globally, military budgets hit 2.2 million dollars in 2022, which some would argue is a bad thing. The main argument against military spending is that it takes resources away from other sectors like healthcare and infrastructure, and limits economic growth. Despite this argument some nations have thrived despite having large military budgets.
While China’s military budget may seem large to outside observers, it is in fact proportionally rather small. Military spending does equal a little over 290 million United States dollars, but that is a minimal 1.6 percent of their GDP. China has eliminated extreme poverty, given 100% of the population access to electricity, and stopped food insecurity. This is on top of maintaining a booming industrial economy that helps the whole world.
In the future, China would like to not see increased calls for decreased military spending. China is one of the great examples of how a large military can coincide with a strong and stable country. Just because one country may not be able to manage their military along with the rest of their government does not mean the rest of the world should follow suit. Global cooperation for the betterment of all mankind can be reached while still maintaining a strong military presence domestically and having wellbeing at home.

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