September 16, 2019


General Assembly: Special Political Committee

Topic: Israel-Palestine

In 2017 the Israeli-Palestinian conflict reached a hundred years, marking the centennial of the Balfour Declaration in 1917 proclaiming the need for a Jewish homeland in the British colony of Palestine. This idea was realized in 1947 with UN Resolution 181 which partitioned the former colony into a Jewish state of Israel and an Arab state of Palestine. The Israeli state was created as a single entity while the Palestinian state was created as two separate pieces of land, known as the West Bank and the Gaza Strip. The holy city of Jerusalem was declared an international city. The partition plan was followed almost immediately by war from 1947-49 resulting in the partition of Jerusalem by Israel and Arab forces and the first of many waves of Palestinian refugees. The current status quo in the region was reached in 1967 following the 6-Day War when the Israeli government and military began their occupation of the Palestinian Territories. Today, the West Bank is divided into three sections varying in degree of Israeli occupation with areas under full control of Palestinian Authority and  areas fully under Israeli control and Israeli residents. The IDF pulled out of the Gaza Strip in 2005 leaving the internal governing to Hamas; however, all borders, airspace, and coasts are monitored and controlled by Israel.

Many attempts have been made to end the conflict in Israel and Palestine without success, the most notable being the Camp David Accords in 1978 headed by President Carter and the Oslo Peace Accords in 1993 led by President Clinton. In the past three decades the nature of the conflict has changed from the international military affair of the 6-Day War to guerrilla war and paramilitary acts of protest. The 1990s and early 2000s were characterized by two intifadas which were popular anti-occupation movements by Palestinians in the territories. The most recent outbursts of violence in the conflict occurred in the spring of 2021 when the Israeli Supreme Court ruled on the eviction of six Palestinian families from their homes in the historically Arab East Jerusalem. This outbreak escalated with rocket attacks from Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad as well as the IDF. A ceasefire came into effect on May 21 after a UN Security Council resolution proposal. The escalation resulted in over 250 Palestinian deaths and 13 Israeli deaths along with roughly two thousand casualties, mostly among Palestinians. Violence broke out again in June after Hamas launched incendiary balloons into Israel from the Gaza Strip which the IDF responded to with airstrikes on Gaza.

Fighting has lessened since the June revival of militant conflict, but this overall conflict is far from resolution and continued re-escalation can be expected in the future. Peace efforts have historically centered around the two state approach, with an aim of creating two separate Jewish and Arab states, as originally outlined in the Partition Plan. However, in recent years, experts and actors in the conflict have begun to consider a single state solution citing the fact that Palestine lacks the economic or societal structures needed to sustain a separate society and the fact that the West Bank and Gaza Strip are not physically connected. This solution comes with issues as well as it could jeopardize Israel’s ability to exist as a Jewish state.

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FHEDelegates 11/24/2021 22:56:17

Country: Colombia
Delegate Name: Hannah Bhaskaran

Hannah Bhaskaran
Forest Hills Eastern

In 1947, the “United Nations Partition Plan for Palestine” resolution was created. The Partition plan recommended division of Mandatory Palestine (British-controlled) into Arab and Jewish sovereign states. Immediately after the resolution was passed, the 1947–1949 Palestine war broke out. Due to intolerable strife, Britain withdrew itself from Palestine, and consequently the state of Israel was established. Since the establishment of Israel, there have been multiple proposals to establish a state of Palestine, or a binational state of both- however, all proposals have been rejected by the state of Israel. Violence in this region surges in the form of political protests and militia violence. Currently, to quell the conflict, a two-state solution has been introduced on the Palestinian territories which have been occupied by Israel since 1967.
Colombia abstained from the UN vote on the Partition Plan for Palestine. We believe the resolution was too hastily planned, and that a solution should have been postponed until at least 1948. Colombia believes that the two-state solution is the most peaceful solution, and urges full support of a resolution which introduces it.

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FHCDelegates 11/24/2021 23:54:40

Country: Argentina
Delegate Name: Andrew Shier

School: Forest Hills Central High School
Committee: SPECPOL
Topic: Situation in Israel and Palestine
Situation in Israel and Palestine
The conflict between Israel and Palestine has long gripped the Middle East. After Jews from Europe flocked to this Arab-majority area of the British Empire, looking to reclaim what they believed they had lost, tensions began to rise and skirmishes began. The Arabs who had been living there for hundreds of years beforehand were, understandably, furious. They viewed the migration as a threat to their wellbeing, and indeed it was. The new Jewish immigrants caused violence, terror, and strife to harass the cities of Jerusalem, Tel-Aviv, Haifa, and many others. The Arabs saw their cultural integrity being threatened and struck back. What has resulted is a conflict motivated on one side by fear of destruction and the other side insatiable territorial desire. The Israeli government has spared no effort in repressing the Palestinian people and has refused to agree to a reasonable settlement. They have proposed “agreements” so egregiously unfair to the Palestinians that the latter has had no choice but to turn them down. Then, after that, Israel proceeds to feign outrage and indignity when the Arabs will not accept their one-sided “peace” plans. Currently, the dispute remains unresolved and simmering, while the Israeli government continues to commit atrocities and oppress daily against the Arab populations of East Jerusalem, the West Bank, and the Gaza Strip. Argentina has watched sadly as neither side has been willing to give in, and as horrific acts of injustice are tolerated by nations supposed to be “just” or “free.”
Argentina has long been a committed protector and defender of human rights. It has called out Israel and its horrific abuses time and again, only for it to continue. It has supported the integrity and sovereignty of Palestine, only for those sentiments to go unheeded (2). While Argentina feels as if its voice is not being heard, it will not temper its pleas for the humane treatment of the Palestinians and an end to the overreaches and excesses of the Zionist State. In a statement on May 11, 2021, Argentina stated, “The Argentine Republic expresses its deep concern over the dramatic worsening of the situation in Israel and Palestine, the disproportionate use of force by Israeli security units in the face of protests over possible evictions of Palestinian families from their homes in the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhoods and Silwan, as well as for the response through the launching of missiles and incendiary devices from the Gaza Strip.” (1) While Argentina has had very little to contribute fiscally, it will not hesitate to provide humanitarian aid and relief to the victims of these crimes. It will also continue to advocate for Israel’s moderation and express a desire on the part of Israel to meet Palestine on equal ground for peace talks. Argentina has, and will continue to, support a two-state solution, with enough land given to the Palestinians that they can construct a strong and lasting democratic state. Only with fair and equal treatment of both sides can the Middle East thrive, and peace is found between these two people.
Argentina supports the use of a United Nations committee to find a reasonable, peaceful solution to this issue. Argentina believes that Israel and the United States need to find more ground for compromise with Palestine, and maintains that these nations need to abandon their current, strident position that Palestine is not a real nation, and should not be recognized as one. Only through joint recognition and respect can a peaceful solution be found, and as such Argentina proposes an UN-funded organization formed, with advocates from all sides, specifically to closely monitor and oversee UN action in Palestine. Argentina supports UN-funded investigations into potential human rights abuses by the state of Israel, to ensure that all people are protected and that all criminals face justice. Finally, Argentina supports a two-state solution, focusing on the preservation of religious sites and artifacts, so no member of any religion is prevented from visiting any site which they deem to be holy or sacred. Although Argentina’s support for these measures is fervent, it recognizes that the input and perspectives of all nations are necessary to come to a sensible, intelligent solution. As such, Argentina will be open to hearing the beliefs and opinions of all present nations, and is excited to work with other countries to solve this issue.

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FHCDelegates 11/24/2021 23:53:11

Country: Niger
Delegate Name: Nico Gandarias Sáez

Nicolás Gandarias Sáez
Forest Hills Central High School
Republic of Niger
Special Political Committee: Israel-Palestine

Since the beginning of Israel people starting a country in the British colony where Palestine was in 1947 multiple problems and conflicts have surged due to Israel trying to take territories from Palestine and not being recognised as a legitimate state by all the countries. Actually the conflict is still going on and due to the investing of the US, Israel is the military dominant country in the Gaza frontier conflict with much more advanced weapons than Palestine.

Niger recognises both countries as legitimate states and wants to stay neutral, however we think the situation can be unfair for the Palestines. Anyways we have embassies from both countries in our country and we don’t want to have a conflict with any of them.

We think that the UN should convene an official distribution of the territory for these countries with the objective of stopping the conflict. We also believe the UN should supervise the human right violations that any of these countries can commit during this conflict.

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ForestHillsNorthernDelegates 11/24/2021 21:59:15

Country: China
Delegate Name: Jenny Qi

United Nations General Assembly Special Political Committee
Republic of China
Jenny Qi, Forest Hills Northern High School

The Israel-Palestine conflict is one that has lasted for more than a century, stemming back to 1917 when it was stated that the British colony of Palestine needed a Jewish homeland. The UN Resolution 181 later split the Palestine into the and Muslim state of Palestine making up the West Bank and Gaza strip, and the Jewish state of Israel causing conflict and many Palestinian refugees. Despite many attempts to resolve the Israel-Palestine conflict, the issue has gone through many waves of reescalation. The conflict in its more recent stages can be characterized as violent acts of protest and guerrilla warfare. Palestinians have protested against occupation of territory through two intifadas and more recently attacks from the Palestinian Islamic Jihad, a militant group opposing the Israel-Palestine peace process, in May of 2021 resulting a 250 Palestinian deaths and 13 Israeli deaths; casualties were largely Palestinians. Though fighting has lessened through a UN resolution proposal, tensions are still high and a solution to this issue is needed. Historically, peace efforts have shifted from a two-state approach to a single state approach, both of which still pose many challenges.
Since the founding of the People’s Republic of China in 1949, China has originally supported the struggle of Palestinians through aid of financial and arms supplies. The Republic of China has since recognized the state of Israel in 1992, and through bilateral ties developed a strong relationship with Israel on the basis of arms and technology transfer. Though the Republic of China still supports Palestine, China’s material and political support for Palestine has been gradually reduced. The Republic of China in recent years has been making an effort to cultivate cordial relationships with both Israel and Palestine. Thus, China’s stance on the issue has shifted to a more cooperative stance that would likely consider both states in a comprehensive solution.
As a result of the urgency of the increasingly severe Israel-Palestine situation causing a large number of casualties, China advocates for a two state solution. During the conflict in May of 2021, China proposed a four-point solution regarding the Israel-Palestine conflict. First, China emphasized the need for the cessation of violence, condemning acts against civilians. Second, China urges that Israel lifts the Gaza blockade and guarantee the rights and safety of civilians in the Palestine territory by providing humanitarian assistance, with the UN playing a coordinating role. Third, the Republic of China states that the United Nations Security Council must take action on the conflict. Finally, China emphasized the need for a two-state solution through peace talks on both sides. This solution would constitute the fully sovereign Independent state of Palestine with the Capital of East Jerusalem based on the 1967 border, realizing the harmonious coexistence of the Arab and Jew nations.
The Republic of China recognizes that a two-state solution poses certain challenges, but believes that Palestine and Israel are two distinctly different countries, and that it is necessary in preventing future violence. China looks forward to working with other nations to resolving this issue.

Works Cited
Alhamdan, Nooran, et al. “China, Jerusalem and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict.” Middle East Institute, 25 Oct. 2021,
Aluf, Dale. “How China Views the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict.” Asia Times, 23 May 2021,
“China Puts Forward Four-Point Proposal Regarding Palestine-Israel Conflict.” Xinhua,
Figueroa, William. “Can China’s Israel-Palestine Peace Plan Work?” – The Diplomat, For The Diplomat, 1 June 2021,
Sağır, Abdurrahim. “China’s Mediation Role between Israel and Palestine: Opinion.” Daily Sabah, Daily Sabah, 8 June 2021,

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FHEDelegates 11/24/2021 23:47:48

Country: United States of America
Delegate Name: Jesse Yang

The conflict between Israel and Palestine has been a constant since the inception of Israel. The creation of the Jewish state was facilitated by Resolution 181(II), which was adopted by the General Assembly of the United Nations in 1947. The resolution proposed the partition of Palestine into an Arab state, a Jewish state, and an independent city of Jerusalem. Since then, Israel and Palestine have been locked in a tumultuous time of war. The immediate backlash launched the region into the 1947-1949 Palestine War. Conflict followed conflict, as the 1967 Six-Day War clashed the two states yet again. The constant strife has strained Israel, Palestine, and the global community, as countless peace talks such as the Camp David Accords and Oslo Peace Accords have been attempted in order to stop the conflict. Unfortunately, all have failed, and the fighting between Israel and Palestine has seen outbursts of violence recently, with rocket attacks killing hundreds and wounding thousands in the spring of 2021. The Special Political Committee is tasked with ending the conflict between Israel and Palestine, ensuring a peaceful environment for citizens and a fair distribution of land and resources.
The United States has been a central force in the Israel-Palestine conflict for over half a century, initially joining the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland in their efforts to establish the Jewish state of Israel. After the three Arab-Israeli wars, the United States pushed for peace talks between the two states, such as the Camp David Accords championed by President Jimmy Carter and the Oslo Peace Accords, which were signed at the White House with President Bill Clinton. Since then, the USA has been the largest provider of assistance to Palestine, providing more than $7.6 billion in aid. The United States has championed for a two-state solution, with Israel and Palestine sharing the capital of Jerusalem, split into ‘West Jerusalem’ and ‘East Jerusalem’.
The USA urges the creation of a United Nations peacekeeping force by the UN Security Council in order to have a neutral body to prevent further conflict between Israel and Palestine. It urges the creation of two internationally recognized states with a Palestine controlled Gaza Strip and West Bank, as well as a shared capital of Jerusalem. Initially, UN peacekeepers will be stationed in Jerusalem, to prevent a repeat of the 1947-1949 Palestine War. The United States will continue to provide aid to Palestine and recommends the Arab League and its member states follow suit, in order to help the newly formed country rebuild, develop economically, and tackle its humanitarian crisis. With this two-state solution, the United States hopes to see an end to this everlasting conflict, and a new age of prosperity.

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SASADelegates 11/24/2021 23:33:06

Country: India
Delegate Name: Arjun Singh

Country: India
Committee: SPECPOL
Topic: Central African Republic
Delegate: Arjun Singh
School: Saginaw Arts and Sciences Academy

In 1947 the United Nations passed Resolution 181, setting a plan to divide the British Mandate of Palestine into two nations Israel and Palestine. A year later, the State of Israel was created, and within days, the neighboring Arab nations declared war on them. Despite being heavily outnumbered, the Israelis managed to defeat the Arab coalition. After the war, nearly one million Palestinians were displaced. Through the 50s and 60s, the Israelis fought three separate wars with their neighbor achieving victory in all of them. Through all of this, Palestinian territory granted by UN Resolution 181 was slowly settled by Israelis, and Palestinian families were removed from their homes. Starting in the 80s Palestinian Jihadist groups started attacking Israeli civilians as retaliation for their mistreatment. Finally, increasing Palestinian terrorism and economic issues led Jordan, the United Arab Emirates, and Bahrain to normalize relations with Israel.

India recognized both Israel and Palestine and was one of three non-Arab countries to vote against Resolution 181. India has always done its best to represent its large Muslim population by supporting the heavily oppressed Palestinian population in the region. Israel and India are trading partners in military equipment and have a mutual ally in the United States. However, India prefers to view its Israeli relations and its Palestinian relations separately. India encourages other countries to view the issue in the same light as the all-or-nothing approach most countries have had for the last 70 years has not worked.

India would like to push for broader recognition of Israel and Palestine. It is crucial that we can at least agree that both countries exist before we argue about borders or whose fault the current situation is. Much of the suffering caused by this conflict is the fault of the international community’s lack of proactive solutions in the region. The delegation of India believes that the best solution is a two-State solution, a state for Israelis and a state for Palestinians. The issue of Hamas in Gaza must be addressed by the committee and the Jewish settlements in the West Bank, but for those issues to be addressed, the committee must accept the fact that Israel and Palestine are, in fact, separate states.

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FHEDelegates 11/24/2021 23:11:45

Country: Hungary
Delegate Name: Kendra Rhein

The humanitarian crisis of Israel and Palestine has pulled most countries into involvement with conflict resulting in massive loss of life. With over 2,324 deaths, a 43 percent unemployment rate in the Gaza strip, and billions in support and damage to infrastructure. It’s imperative that our committee comes to a fast, effective, and diplomatic solution to this very real and pervasive issue to stop the loss of resources and more importantly lives.

Previously the Republic of Haiti has introduced the initiative to relocate the capital. Therefore, indicating their position on such matters. These opinions and stances are based on the economic support received from both Israel and the United States of America. Also, the same sentiments are supported for the belief that it will lead to both decreased conflict, loss of life, and also increased gdps and profits for all involved countries and nations.

The Republic of Haiti supports the solution of a bilateral agreement between the Israelis and Palestinians. Through this agreement, The Republic of Haiti hopes to bring forth a unified single-state with non-biased citizenship and equal rights despite differences in religion or ethnicity. The Republic of Haiti is prepared to assist the UN in creating such a resolution to restore peace and end the conflict at hand.

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KalamazooCentralDelegates 11/24/2021 22:42:46

Country: Pakistan
Delegate Name: Andrew Stoll

Committee: SPECPOL
Topic: Israel-Palestine
Country: Pakistan
Delegate: Andrew Stoll
The Israel-Palestine conflict has been raging for one hundred years now and despite both the Camp David accords in 1978 and the Oslo Peace accords in 1993 it still remains a major geopolitical issue having been going on longer than the United Nations has existed. Even though many more agreements and solutions have been put forward since the conflict began none have stopped the violence thus far.
The country of Pakistan is deeply affected by the conflict because of its geographical and religious ties to the area in particular Palestine’s Muslim population. The country of Pakistan has always supported Palestine and its interests in the area will continue to do so in the future.
The country of Pakistan supports a single independent Palestine state but it is willing to pursue any solution that will bring an end to the conflict and an independent Palestine. The country of Pakistan is also willing to accept the sovereignty of Israel if an independent Palestine is recognized and Israel Defense Forces are removed from Palestine’s territory. The country of Pakistan would also like to see an end to IDF and western control of the region and a de escalation of violence while a solution is being worked out.
The country of Pakistan would like to work primarily with other Muslim nations in the area in order to create a fully independent Palestine but it is also interested in working with western nations if an acceptable two state solution is put forward.

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WilliamstonDelegates 11/24/2021 22:09:15

Country: Viet Nam
Delegate Name: Isaac Webb

Country: Vietnam
Committee: SPECPOL
Topic: Israel Palestine
Delegate: Isaac Webb
School: Williamston High School

There are many issues regarding this topic but the most pressing issue is the evermore rising tensions in Israel and Palestine from the century-old war that has claimed many lives of not only soldiers but innocent citizens. Like the 26-year-old man from Palestine that was shot by Israeli forces in a bank after there was a scuffle in the town and when Israeli soldiers tried to break it up one of the men shot and it struck Saddam in the shoulder and heart killing him. In the future, nothing like this should happen. This is one of the many reasons we need to solve this as fast as possible. As well as 13,969 lives 87% of those deaths have been Palestinian which is devastating to the Palestinian government and people.

Vietnam is currently in full support of the two-state solution to the current problem regarding this topic. Vietnam is willing to support Palestine in this conflict and would be open to considering Israel’s suggestions. Vietnam has been binding their relations in this region of the world as well as gaining closer relations with both Israel and Palestine even more so in recent years. Vietnam does not have any ideas or objections to what is currently happening.

Vietnam would poteshaly be interested in resolving or helping fix some of the issues in Israel and Palestine. There are some countries that we would look more favorably upon working with and resolving these issues. Vietnam would be open to working with Russia, Cuba, India, and Laos. Vietnam would also be interested in working with Japan South Korea the United States of America as well as China

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SASADelegates 11/24/2021 19:43:07

Country: Brazil
Delegate Name: Peter Schrier

Delegate Name: Peter Schrier
Country: Brazil
Committee: Special Political Committee
Topic: Israel-Palestine
School: Saginaw Arts and Sciences Academy

With the signing of the Treaty of Versailles and the collapse of the Ottoman Empire at the end of World War One, England was granted the area now known as Palestine. While this area’s population was heavily Jewish, there was also a significant Arab minority. Due to attempted interference from the British, disagreement on whose holy land Palestine was, and the new arrival of Jews escaping persecution during the Holocaust, major conflict was sparked between the area’s Jews and Arabs. After a failed attempt at a U.N. peace deal in 1947, the British gave up and left, causing the creation of the Jewish state of Israel in 1948. (“Israel-Gaza Violence”) After many Palestinians objected, they were forced to flee the area, in an event known as Al Nakba, or “The Catastrophe.” There has only been more violence and simmering tension in this area since this event. In May of 2021, the tension boiled over, with Israel and Palestine sending numerous airstrikes at one another, harming Palestine more thoroughly, with an Associated Press news building notably being bombed.

Since the inauguration of Brazilian president Jair Bolsonaro in 2019, (to which Israeli Israeli Prime Minster, Benjamin Netanyahu attended) the Brazilian government seems to have swayed more to Israel’s side. This contrasts previous Brazilian governments which often criticized Israel’s handlings of the Gaza Strip, and recognized Palestine as a state in 2010 (“Brazil Recognizes Palestine”). Soon after becoming president, Bolsonaro visited Israel to meet with Netanyahu, even telling Netanyahu “I love Israel,” in Hebrew (Sabino, Igor). In 2020, Brazil voted against a W.H.O. proposal which would guarantee healthcare services to Palestinian individuals in occupied areas (Abusidu, Eman 1).

In order to help Brazil’s position in the Israel-Palestine conflict, firstly Jair Bolsonaro should probably be more measured and careful in what he says and how he behaves. Saying “I love Israel” to Benjamin Netanyahu is a bit unprofessional, absolutely unnecessary, and frankly just not a smart thing to do regarding a topic which is as viciously divisive as this one. The other thing is to possibly sway back more to being less pro-Israel. There were many “Free Palestine” protests in Brazil after the events on May, 2021 (Abudidu, Eman 2), which show the opinion of much of the Brazil populace. While there is some government support of Palestine such as with Congressman, Nilto Tatto, there should likely be more even to just be a neutral government on the issue.

Abudisu, Eman. (1) “Brazil votes against Palestine at WHO assembly, Palestinian ambassador to Brazil: ‘This is contrary to what Brazil believes’.” Middle East Monitor. 14 November, 2020. ( Accessed November 24, 2021.

Abusidu, Eman. (2) “‘We are the free voice of Palestine’: Brazil and Argentina continue their support of Palestine” Middle East Monitor. 31 May, 2021. ( Accessed November 24, 2021.

“Brazil recognises Palestine.” AlJazeera. 5 December, 2010. ( Accessed 24 November, 2021.

“Israel-Gaza violence: The conflict explained.” BBC. 16 June, 2021. ( Accessed 23 November, 2021.

Sabino, Igor. “The Improving Relations between Brazil and Israel and Its Impact on US Foreign Policy.” Providence. 20 May, 2019. ( Accessed 23 November, 2021.

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FHEDelegates 11/24/2021 21:33:33

Country: Germany
Delegate Name: Aastha Patel

The tensions between Israel and Palestine have created one of the most prolonged conflicts, reaching 73 years of conflict after the establishment of the State of Israel in 1948 with UN resolution 181. The Israeli-Palestinian relations continue to escalate due to the violent and hostile actions from both sides. The state of Palestine advocates for a two-state solution, while the State of Israel does not. The State of Palestine wants to reclaim all of historic Palestine, which includes: West Bank, Gaza, and East Jerusalem. East Jerusalem is currently occupied by Israel. The West Bank is occupied by both Palestine and Israel, however, Israel supervises most of it. Gaza is under the control of Hamas, a Palestinian terrorist organization. The solution to this conflict can only be attained through peace. The fighting between the two states has gone in vain and no previous negotiation has succeeded. The Federal Republic of Germany urges the committee to find a mutually acceptable, negotiated solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict that addresses the concerns of both sides.

Germany recognizes the State of Israel and has established diplomatic relations with them since 1965. Germany does not recognize the State of Palestine; however, Germany supports the right of Palestine to self-determination, sovereignty, and statehood. Germany firmly believes that the aim of an independent, democratic, and viable Palestinian state – existing side by side with lasting peace between Israel and Palestine – can only be achieved through the two-state solution. The two-state solution would establish an independent State of Palestine alongside the State of Israel. The boundary between the two states is subject to negotiation. Germany, along with the rest of the European Union, has aided Palestine by providing millions of euros in aid to Palestine every year. Recently, Germany has spent 40 million euros to increase humanitarian aid for civilians in Gaza. In 2018, Germany provided 81 million euros for the United Nations Relief and Works Agency, which supported Palestine, and increased their funds, after the U.S cut funding after being the biggest donor. This year, Germany has donated 25 million euros to the Palestine education sector. Germany will also continue to support economic development projects in the Palestinian territories.

Germany acknowledges Israel’s building of settlements on occupied Palestinian land as illegal and the settlements of part of the Israeli population in the occupied territory as an unlawful act as it violates the international law and strongly urges Palestinians to reclaim West Bank. Germany also encourages the State of Palestine, after providing statehood, to become a democratic political structure. Germany can provide aid through money and any other help needed.

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FHEDelegates 11/24/2021 21:30:04

Country: Nigeria
Delegate Name: Sara Plante

In 1947, UN resolution 181 split Palestine and Israel into two separate states based on the premise of creating an independent Jewish state and releasing both from British rule. Despite the resolution dividing the land between the two newly independent states, lasting conflict was sparked over territory and led to the eventual military encroachment of Israeli forces into Palestinian land in 1967. The West Bank and Gaza Strip, while originally delegated to Arab control, currently reside partially under Israeli government and military rule. Currently, tensions run high and violence persists in the form of guerrilla warfare and political protests. After the bombings in early 2021, the UN has been tasked with writing new resolutions with the purpose of reinforcing peace between Israel and Palestine in order to decrease political unrest and humanitarian struggles.

Nigeria has remained neutral on the Israel-Palestine conflict to avoid negatively impacting relations, especially in the economic sector. Nigeria would like to uphold established trade with Israel and has never previously supplied weapons or military aid to either Israel or Palestine. Despite neutrality, Nigeria supports the human rights of the Arabs in Palestine and has, during the UN sessions, voted in support of Palestine. For example, Nigeria has voted in support of the Palestinian right to self-determination, the cease of Jewish settlement construction in Arab land, and the condemnation of Israeli atrocities in occupied territories and involvement in South Africa’s apartheid. One decision of special note was voting in favor of the complete withdrawal of Israel from Arab territory that was occupied since 1967. Nigeria’s neutral stance stems from the population consisting of about 53.5% Muslim and 45.9% Christain. In order to support the citizens of both religious groups, Nigeria remains neutral but simultaneously upholds the values decreed by the UN that protect universal human rights and political rights. These political rights include the peaceful settlement of disputes, sovereign equality of nations, and respect for territorial integrity of nations.

Nigeria supports the establishment of another cease-fire between Israel and Palestine. Furthermore, Nigeria urges the committee to reinstate the border outlined in UN resolution 181, before the 6-Day War in 1967, and re-create two defined states. Alongside these previously outlined borders, Nigeria supports the delegation of Jerusalem as the capital of Palestine. Nigeria would also support the recognition of Palestine as an independent, voting state.

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FHEDelegates 11/24/2021 20:47:36

Country: Democratic People’s Republic of Korea
Delegate Name: Sarah Dixon

The Israel Palestine conflict in the Middle East is an issue that must be addressed. The hostilities that began in that region during 1920 have lasted for over a century, resulting in the injuries and deaths of thousands of oppressed Palestinian people. While Israeli leaders have signed numerous peace agreements with Palestinian leaders, such agreements have been continuously betrayed by Israel. Mere words of the Israeli government carry little weight and have yet to result in serious actions or escalations. The Israel Palestine conflict has been primarily a massacre of innocent Palestinians, and it must end. The United Nations must assume a more active role in the protection of Palestinian rights and freedom. The recent air attacks of Israel on Palestinians in the Gaza strip killed dozens of civilians including children and women, annihilated buildings, left countless people homeless, and devastated a large number of civilian businesses without any evident military targets. Such Israeli attacks will only result in the continuation of war crimes and the slaughter of Palestinian people should the United Nations continue failing to take adamant action. The United Nations Special Political Committee must take immediate action to pass a resolution that will protect Palestinian rights and freedom.

The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea regards the Israel Palestine conflict to be one of an oppressor—the Israeli imperialist reign—abusing the oppressed—the persecuted Palestinians. The Israeli oppression must be terminated. The DPRK condemns Israel for its terrorism and adamantly supports the Palestinian liberation movement and anti-Zionism. The DPRK does not recognize Israel and continues to acknowledge Palestine as the legitimate authority of all Israeli land, excluding the Golan Heights. The DPRK also criticizes the United States of America for its double standard of supporting Israel, a country possessing nuclear weapons that is not a nuclear-weapon state under the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty. The DPRK denounces Israeli occupation, citing the war crimes committed by the Israeli power. The DPRK’s main mission is to protect the rights of the Palestinian people, and the DPRK will continue to work as an unwavering proponent for the Palestinian rights to freedom and self-determination.

The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea stands in solidarity with the Palestinian struggle to end Israeli occupation, advocating to establish an independent Palestinian state with the capital of East Jerusalem. The DPRK cites the resolution of the 1974 UN General Assembly by which the Palestinian people are entitled to national independence, and recognizes Palestine’s rights to the creation of an independent state upon its authorized territory. The DPRK also commands the immediate and unconditional withdrawal of Israel from Palestinian and other Arab territories of the West Bank, Gaza Strip, Golan Heights, and South Lebanon, calling for the prevention of new developments of Israeli settlements and the dismantlement of currently existing settlements in the listed territories. The DPRK also urges that the Special Political Committee recommend further investigation of the war crimes committed by the Israeli occupation to the Security Council. Finally, the DPRK is willing to contribute any funding or military arms and aid necessary to the establishment and protection of the state of Palestine.

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FHEDelegates 11/24/2021 18:33:28

Country: Tunisia
Delegate Name: Braxton Orban

After over 100 years of conflict, the Israeli-Palestine conflict in the Middle East continues. The conflict began in 1917 with the Balfour Declaration, which proclaimed the need for a Jewish state in the British-occupied territory of Palestine. In 1947, UN Resolution 181 realized this aim by partitioning the territory into the Arab, predominantly Muslim state of Palestine, separated between the Gaza Strip and West Bank and the Jewish state of Israel, with the city of Jerusalem initially being declared as an international city. Since this partition, violence has become commonplace in the region. Warfare in the late 1940s partitioned Jerusalem. The borders set by the 6-Day War of 1967 between Israel and Palestine have mostly remained until today, despite continual encroaches by the Israeli government and military. In 2005, Israel left the Gaza Strip to the Hamas Palestinian government, while maintaining control over its borders, airspace, and coastline. The IDF has continued to advance into the West Bank; currently, this region is divided between three areas with varying degrees of Israeli control. Throughout the duration of the conflict, more than 7 million Palestinian refugees have fled the country and numerous human rights violations have occurred. In its solution to this century-long conflict, the Special Political Committee must alleviate tensions between the ethnic, political, and religious groups of the region as well as ensure the security of the civilians made vulnerable by the conflict.

The Republic of Tunisia is a key member to the Arab League and Organization of Islamic Cooperation, and 99% of the population is Muslim. As such, Tunisia has been a supporter of Palestine since its independence from France in 1956. After being driven out of Lebanon by Israel in 1982, the Palestine Liberation Front (PLO) moved its headquarters to Tunisia. In 1985, in Operation Wooden Leg, the PLO headquarters were bombed by the Israeli Air Force, killing more than 60 people. After the PLO left Tunisia, Israel-Tunisia relations began to improve; however, all progress was quickly destroyed after the Second Intifada in 2000, which caused Tunisia to break all diplomatic ties with Israel. Tunisia officially does not recognize the state of Israel, and has officially recognized Palestine since 1988. Additionally, Tunisia has supported Palestine in its campaigns for international recognition in organizations such as UNESCO and non-member observer status in the UN.

The Republic of Tunisia would like to encourage the Special Political Committee to end the Israel-Palestine conflict by returning all disputed lands to Palestine. Recognizing that the Palestinian people are autochthonous to the currently divided lands, Tunisia believes that uniting the area solely under the Palestinian flag is the most just way to end the conflict. Additionally, the Republic of Tunisia advocates for strong protection of the human rights and well-being of all people involved in the conflict, including the accepting of refugees into other nations and rebuilding the destruction caused by the fighting. After decades of conflict and turmoil, Tunisia hopes that this solution will provide a firm solution to the conflict and restore peace in this region.

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WilliamstonDelegates 11/24/2021 14:33:54

Country: United Kingdom
Delegate Name: Kayla Turner

Country: United Kingdom
Committee: SPECPOL
Topic: Israel-Palestine
Delegate: Kayla Turner
School: Williamston High School

Conflict between the states of Israel and Palestine has lasted for over a century, resulting in bloodshed and loss of life. This May we were reminded of the urgency of this situation when missiles were fired on the Gaza Strip and Tel Aviv, killing an estimated 13 Israelis and at least 119 Palestinians. Among countless others have been injured, and schools, hospitals and housing were destroyed, worsening the already dire humanitarian crisis. The UK condemns this use of violence by Hamas, PIJ and the Israeli government but also understands both parties believed they were justified in providing for protection of their citizens. This event marked the escalation of tensions between the groups after a chain of successively more aggressive retaliatory actions were taken by the groups following the Sheik Jarrah incident. This event, whereby the Israeli Supreme Court ruled the eviction of Palestinian families in East Jerusalem, served as the catalyst for May’s conflict. What is especially concerning about this is that said families were awarded this housing by UNRWA, which Israel overridden in its decision to evict. This clearly illustrates a need to resolve misunderstandings in the jurisdiction of the UN in this area. While these events certainly served as catalysts for violence, broader underlying issues are at work to create tension between Israel and Palestine, including: the historical conflicts between the two groups, the geographical separation of Palestinian territory in West Bank and Gaza, the uncertain limitations of Israeli authority, the lack of a single governing entity for Palestine and accommodation of displaced Palestinians. Violence will only continue to escalate if a permanent solution is not reached by the UN.

Possible solutions to this issue have been intensely debated for decades, but attempts to quell the violence have so far been unsuccessful. The 1978 Camp David accords failed in their failure to provide for a self-governing body for the Palestinians. At first it seemed the 1993 Oslo Peace Accords would solve the issue, with both parties signing open negotiations and starting action on those agreements, it too eventually failed. This is due mainly to the lack of support from both Palestinian and Israeli citizens, who believe they were not being fairly provided for the agreements and therefore acts of violence were taken which further degraded relations. Confidential peace talks led by the USA in 2001 under President Clinton and again in 2013 by Secretary John Kerry failed because of their self-imposed deadlines, which prematurely ended diplomatic negotiations between PM Netanyahu and President Abbas. The US and all countries of the UN must take into account a need for long-term, sustainable foreign policy when creating future agreements. It is clear that individual countries have been the primary choice for negotiations over the UN, but this does not necessarily have to continue. In regards to the humanitarian crisis in the area, the UNRWA has been created expressly for this purpose and should continue to do so in the future. The UK provided £3.2 million to the UNRWA Emergency Flash Appeal in May, and is happy to continue providing financial support.

The United Kingdom aims to create a solution which works where past resolutions have failed. Pacifying diplomatic statements alone are not enough, and real international action must be taken if we wish to come to any real agreements. A multi-tiered approach is needed to not only facilitate peace in the present but to create a stable political arrangement in the territory. Firstly, this means more decisive action must be taken by the most influential nations, including answering the question of recognizing Palestine as a sovereign nation. If it is decided that Palestine should become an independent nation, clear diplomatic messages must be sent to the international community such as the admittance of Palestine into the UN as a member state, and the authority to use international mechanisms such as the ICC. Secondly, clear legal boundaries need to be established on the limitations of the Israeli and Palestinian governments’ authorities. This includes not only geographical boundaries but military occupation and the right to occupy land, and most notably the division of Jerusalem. Enforcing these rules must also be considered: the USA, UK and other countries of notable military and economic power must examine possible sanctions which could be imposed if these restrictions are not followed. Thirdly, the rights of Arabs living within Israel territory need to be clearly defined. Let me make clear that the UK will not stand for a partial citizenship and apartheid of peoples living in the Israeli territories and if full citizenship is not granted other measures such as the relocation of populations must be taken. Prevent conflict with early warning systems. Finally, if a two state solution is to be pursued, reasonable discourse between the Palestinian Authority of Hamas and Israeli government must be established and a solid political structure set up for Palestine to function as an independent nation. The UK would be willing to provide aid in order to help a legitimate Palestinian government get underway and provide humanitarian aid for all peoples suffering in the area due to armed conflict and destruction of infrastructure.

The UK wishes to something and acknowledges that compromises must be made in order to achieve relative peace. Despite the deep history the two states have, Israel and Palestine must create a strong diplomatic relationship to facilitate negotiation if there is to be any peace. Although the UK will encourage the UN to consider the sovereignty and rights of Palestinian peoples, it will stand firmly by the sides of its allies and will not take any action which would jeopardize the future of Israel as a state or Jerusalem as a city for all peoples.

Works Cited–2

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FHEDelegates 11/24/2021 11:56:55

Country: Mexico
Delegate Name: Anika Deshpande

The animosity between the Jewish state of Israel and the Arab state of Palestine is based on land and religious disputes. In 1948, Britain evacuated their colony, Mandatory Palestine, amidst the increasing uprisings against British rule and tensions between the Jewish and Arab people. After the evacuation, Jewish leaders established the state of Israel. This upset many of the Arab peoples, causing a war and the eviction of many Palestinians from their homes. When the fighting ended, Israel controlled most of the land, and Palestine had become a minority and a subsequent target of the Israeli military’s movement. The United States’ intervention to help quell the conflict has been largely unsuccessful; recently, a ceasefire for an outbreak of violence was issued by the United Nations Security Council. Due to the increasing employment of guerilla warfare over the past few decades in the conflict, the number of internally displaced persons, refugees, and civilian casualties has skyrocketed. According to a report of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA), more than five million refugees are in need of humanitarian assistance. The Special Political Committee is tasked with resolving the political turmoil between Israel and Palestine, such as a set of governments that can mitigate religious and territorial conflict, while also providing aid to the many Palestinian refugees that are vulnerable to the clash.

In the past, Mexico has been firm on its emphasis of protecting the human rights of the people stuck in the conflict. In May of 2021, the United Mexican States voted to launch an investigation into violations in the fighting between Israel and Palestine. Mexico also emphasized its neutral stance on the conflict, but as of yet has not recognized Palestine as a sovereign power. Mexico, however, urges the two warring opponents to reduce their military operations so that humanitarian aid can be deployed. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs implored the parties involved in the Israel-Palestine conflict to “reject violence and provocation”, and articulated their disappointment in the eviction of Palestinian civilians as ruled by the Israeli Supreme Court.

The United Mexican States calls on the United Nations to work towards a strong humanitarian effort in the Israel-Palestine conflict, and asks that available resources should be directed to the reconstruction of infrastructure in Palestine. Mexico also hopes that refugees will be accepted into all countries. Although Mexico encourages the coexistence of Judaism and Islam, Mexico understands the need for two states to moderate the needs of the citizens. Ultimately, a resolution that allocates resources for the refugee crisis and establishes a strong two-state solution will be the most effective in resolving the hundred-year-long conflict between Israel and Palestine.

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RoyalOakDelegate 11/24/2021 11:20:15

Country: Central African Republic
Delegate Name: Haley Berry

The Israel-Palestine conflict is a well established point of discussion within the international community. Nations have become split between the concepts of the legitimacy of Palestine and the entitlement of Israel. Although the issue at hand has no foreseeable compromise, certain propositions serve as plausible answers to the issue, which include a two or single state solution.

The Central African Republic makes its stance on the situation very clear. In an excerpt of a press release of the General Assembly General Debate in 2019, it is clearly stated, “FAUSTIN ARCHANGE TOUADERA, Head of State of Central African Republic, said…In the Middle East, he advocated a two-State solution to the Palestinian-Israel conflict…” Developing two states, one for Israel and one for Palestine, could reasonably bring mutual peace as the solution was originally intended in the Oslo Accords. Although the Accords came to a halt in 2008, rebuilding trust and satisfaction could prove fruitful in developing a compromise.

As a country who gained independence only a few decades ago, the Central African Republic sympathizes with the Palestinian struggle, and recognizes that the two state solution would produce more peaceable conditions than it would to combine the two nations into one. The integration of the two nations would inevitably initiate more bloodshed, as any civil war in history has done. Both the Israelis and Palestinians have fought mercilessly to preserve their own identities and only disaster could come from a single state with no shared language, religion, or culture. Surely nations in support of such a deleterious relationship between Israel and Palestine can find it amongst themselves to consider the dire circumstances that would develop from a supposed ‘unity’.

There is also an ever-present obstacle to obtaining peace because there is no simple way to separate lands between Gaza and the West Bank. We the Central African Republic acknowledges that the concerns behind this issue are valid and legitimate, and that the division of land must be addressed if the international community is to take the two-state solution into account. However, the Central African Republic holds no concrete opinion in regards to how this situation should be handled, and therefore leaves room for suggestions and opinions on the matter.

The Central African Republic has voiced support for the two-state solution, and acknowledges Palestine as a country. Implementing the two-state solution could ensure that citizens of both Israel and Palestine have representation in their own nations, and could potentially end the fighting over Jerusalem. Any decision in regards to Israel and Palestine is of utter importance in either prolonging or concluding this nearly century long ordeal. The Central African Republic is eager to collaborate with delegates to produce effective solutions to the Israel-Palestine conflict and hopes to bring innovative and practical ideas to the committee.


Heaney, Christopher. “General Assembly General Debate (5Th And 6Th Meetings) – Press Release (GA/12187) (Excerpts) – Question Of Palestine”. Question Of Palestine, 2021, Accessed 22 Nov 2021.

“Israeli-Palestinian Conflict | Global Conflict Tracker”. Global Conflict Tracker, 2021, Accessed 22 Nov 2021.

“Two-State Solution | Definition, Facts, History, & Map”. Encyclopedia Britannica, 2021, Accessed 23 Nov 2021.

“A One-State Solution Is Unworkable”. The Washington Institute, 2021, Accessed 23 Nov 2021.

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KalamazooCentralDelegates 11/23/2021 20:11:14

Country: France
Delegate Name: Anna Crum

The Israel-Palestine conflict has been taking place for over a hundred years but the history between the places goes back to before the current era. After the fall of the Ottoman Empire after World War One, the British Mandate period started. Britain took control of its Palestinian territories in this period. The British created Muslim, Christian, and Jewish institutions, this divided the groups more than they had been. The British later facilitated the immigration of European Jewish people to Palestine as laid out in the Balfour Declaration. This caused a large change in relations between these two groups. Between 1920-1939 the Jewish population increased by over 320,000. In 1967 after the 6-Day War the Israeli government and military began their occupation of the Palestinian Territories. This became a status quo in the region. Currently the West Bank is divided into three sections varying in degree of Israeli occupation. Some areas are under full control of Palestinian Authority and areas fully under Israeli control and Israeli residents. The internal governing was left to Hamas after 2005 but all borders, airspace, and courses are controlled and monitored by Israel. Two intifadas which were popular anti-occupation movements by Palestinians in the territories took place in the 1990s and early 2000s. Spring of 2021 is the most recent burst of violence but there is a lack of stability between these countries. The violence started after the Israeli Supreme Court ruled on the eviction of six Palestinian families from their homes in the historically Arab East Jerusalem. The situation escalated with rocket attacks from Hamas, Palestinian Islamic Jihad, and IDF. After the UN Security Council resolution proposal took place a ceasefire came into effect on May 21. The escalation resulted in over 250 Palestinian deaths and 13 Israeli deaths along with roughly two thousand casualties, mostly among Palestinians. In June violence broke out again after Hamas launched incendiary balloons into Israel from the Gaza Strip which the IDF responded to with airstrikes on Gaza. France’s goal is peace. France proposed a draft UN security Council resolution to end hostilities between Israel and Palestinians. France also wants more humanitarian access to the Gaza Strip. France is focused on the safety of all people in the area and focuses on the end of conflict.

As previously stated, France proposed a draft UN security Council resolution. France wishes to end hostels with this and wants to increase Humanitarian access to the Gaza Strip. The UN Security Council made a resolution proposal that caused a ceasefire. France was not necessarily directly affected by this but supported the actions of the Security Council, and approved of the ceasefire. Activist Ghada Karmi summed up the rising tensions between the new Jewish people who moved to Israel and the Muslim people there with this quote “We knew they were different from ‘our Jews’… We saw them as foreigners who came from Europe more than as Jews.”

France is open to negotiation and discussion. We have heard a lot of thoughts about one-state and two-state plans and although some of these have much potential, France would like to propose another solution, a three-state solution. The solution would involve Israel, Palestine, and the Old City of Jerusalem. the Old City of Jerusalem would become an independent city-state. France would be open to different ideas on how to split the land of Palestine so that it was not a split country, which France thinks would be better for all countries. Land could be arranged so that Israel could give up a strip of land to connect the Gaza strip and the West Bank or the West Bank could be made larger and the Gaza strip could be given to Israel. France would support this “land for peace” plan, finding the sacrifices of each area to be equal and fair. For this plan to work France asks that International commitment take place. France would ask that the UN commit to a peaceful transition and for the UN to hold the line. All of the Security Council, at least, would need to sign off. France understands that currently Palestine is not in a good position to become an independent country so France would ask for a pan-Arab economic guarantee. France would ask that supporters of an independent Palestine would help build and invest in the country becoming a country. The countries would include Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Kuwait, and the UAE. There should also be UN presence to make sure the transition goes as smoothly as possible. France asks that this presence does not contain US or British troops due to the history between the US, Britain, Israel, and Palestine. As for the Old City of Jerusalem becoming a city-state, it would function similarly to the Vatican. The city-state could get money from donations, making museums, etc.. France is open to discussion and would like to communicate it’s ideas for peace between Israel and Palestine.

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WilliamstonDelegates 11/23/2021 21:31:05

Country: Greece
Delegate Name: Elleah Berger

Country: Greece
Committee: General Assembly, Special Political Committee (SPECPOL)
Topic: Israel-Palestine
Delegate: Elleah Berger
School: Williamston High School

The conflict between Israel and Palestine dates back over a hundred years, but has become volatile and violent once again in 2021. The problem arose when the need for a Jewish state in the British colony of Palestine was proclaimed in 1917, and when the idea was put into effect in 1947. The land was divided between Israel and Palestine, with Palestine’s land being the Gaza Strip and West Bank. A war from 1947-1949 immediately followed and ended in the holy city of Jerusalem being divided between the Israelis and Palestinians. After the 6-Day War Israel gained more land, and Palestine lands have continually decreased since 1947, and are now only a fraction of what they used to be. Both Palestine and Israel wanting and claiming rights to the same land has been a main cause of these conflicts. More violence over the issue occured this spring when the Israeli Supreme Court evicted six Palestininan families from their homes in East Israel, which is historically Arab. This led to rocket fire between the Israel Defense Forces and Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad. A ceasefire occured on May 21, but not before 13 Israeli lives and over 250 Palestinian lives were lost. This ceasefire did not last long, as more violence occurred in June after the IDF launched airstrikes on Gaza after Hamas launched incendiary balloons into Israel. This issue has quieted down recently, but can be expected to worsen again if not properly addressed. This ongoing issue must be dealt with before more lives are lost. This issue is very dampening on both Israel and Palestine, and unnecessarily makes relations more complicated with the countries wishing to interact with them.

Greece voted — and — on the first and second Oslo accords (having trouble finding the information on UN website). (Elaborate) Greece has generally felt that the best solution to this conflict is the creation of two separate states that share the holy city of Jerusalem and both have their capitals there. The borders would be based on those in 1967. Greek foreign minister Nimos Dendias spoke on the more recent violence in the Israel-Palestine area, saying “Israel has the right to self-defense” after the “firing of thousands of rockets by Hamas against Israel.” However, he represents Greece in his beliefs that the issue is preventable with the two state approach.

Greece truly believes that the best solution would be to create two separate states where both share the holy city Jerusalem as their capital. These states would be free to control their own trade, land, and travel, contrary to the conditions of the Oslo Accords. It is not uncommon for the Palestinian people to face discrimination under Israel’s control, and Palestine having its own state would prevent this. It also would prevent Israel from being compromised as a Jewish state. The Jewish people only make up 0.2% of the earth’s population, therefore it is important that they have a safe haven in Israel. The main issue we are left with is that Palestine is generally not strong enough economically or societally to be an independent state. This is largely due to the number of influential groups that are not the actual government, and the weakness of the government itself. A poll taken by the Washington Institute shows that in 2020, 65% of West Bank Palestinians wanted Hamas to “stop calling for Israel’s destruction and instead accept a permanent two-state solution based on the 1967 borders.” A majority of West Bank and Gaza Palestinians want Hamas to give up its power and have the Palestinian Authority take leadership of the government. However, support for the government has been declining. Another poll by the same group states that 40% of Gaza Palestinians and 36% in West Bank would rather be ruled by Israel than be in lands ruled by Hamas or PA. This clearly shows that many do not like their current government, likely because the leaders of Hamas engaged in unnecessary conflict earlier this year in June, and because the PA leaders have been very passive, and have not been firm enough in their discussions with Israel. If the central government could be unified into a democratic style and the widely unpopular leaders ousted, the Palestinian people would likely regain faith in their government, which would help stablize the country economically. If Israel could be persuaded to agree the UN would not have to forcibly intervene. However, Greece does not believe that the UN should force this upon Israel, as doing so could potentially cause very severe conflicts. Greece would be interested in working with any country that also believes the two state approach is the best option, but is still open to discussion with other countries as well.

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RoyalOakDelegate 11/23/2021 20:05:52

Country: Russian Federation
Delegate Name: Nina Hall

FROM: Russian Federation
Subject: Central African Republic
Royal Oak High School
Nina Hall
The UN has warned that the long-running Israeli-Palestinian conflict has been in the midst of the worst escalations between the parties in recent years, and the situation could be exacerbated by a “massive war.” The United Nations calls for an immediate de-escalation of both countries with the attacks taking place earlier this year causing thousands of casualties.
Israel stepped up its attacks in Gaza by strengthening air operations, and Hamas reportedly launched about 3,000 rockets on Israeli territory. Both actions have killed more than 230 people, a breakdown showing the disproportionate nature of Israel’s response. At least 227 Palestinians died, compared to 12 in Israel. Israel responded to an aggressive rocket strike from Gaza, but its current escalation roots can be traced back to Tel Aviv, where police were overly brutal when confronting Palestinian protesters on May 6. The situation was exacerbated by domestic political challenges to the governing bodies of both states. In Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu was unable to re-establish a coalition government, and Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas decided to postpone parliamentary and presidential elections because he feared losing the competition to the opposition. The outlook for a solution between the two seems thin. The United Nations calls for an immediate de-escalation of both countries.
The Russian Federation, alongside China, has taken a neutral approach to the tensions. Moscow is urging both countries to “de-escalate tensions and peacefully resolve emerging issues.” China echoed Russia’s position, asking all parties to exercise caution in order to avert further bloodshed. The Russian Federation and China are renowned for holding similar views on the United Nations as a cornerstone of global political architecture, while opposing the United States’ advocated “rules-based international order.” The Russian Federation will continue to work with China and the UN in order to de-escalate the tensions between the two regions through a “two state system.” This would split Palestine and Israel into independent states.
Throughout this conflict, the Russian Federation will continue to take a timid approach while working with the UN in order to find a solution that is effective and safe. The Iranian ambassador to Russia stated “We believe that Russia can play a very important role in this historical time period since it has contacts with resistance groups in Palestine, they come here. Russia also has good relations with Israel.”
The Russian Federation would like to re-state the importance of taking every opportunity to stop violence in these regions in order to provide political stability to this region. The Russian Federation recognizes the brutal oppression being faced by Palestinians and it’s time that nations came together to provide relief to stop the conflicts in both nations.


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Country: Japan
Delegate Name: Joey Bennett

The history of the Palestine-Israel conflict stems back to the mid 20th century. Shortly after World War Two, in 1947, the United Nations passed Resolution 181 which divided the British Mandate of Palestine into an Arab and Jewish state. On May 14th, 1948, the State of Israel was created, sparking the first Arab-Israeli War, which ended in 1949 with Israel victorious. This led to the displacement of over 750,000 Palestinians and the territory being divided into three parts: the State of Israel, The West Bank, and the Gaza Strip. There have been numerous conflicts between Israel and their Arab neighbors. The most recent conflict in May 2021, ended with hundreds dead and thousands more injured. Japan stresses the importance of achieving peace in the Middle East as soon as possible.
Japan supports a two-state solution where Israel and a future independent Palestinian state living side by side in peace and security. We hope to achieve this by: Creating mutually agreed upon borders through negotiations, based on the 1967 lines, and land swaps mutually agreed upon by both parties, creating secure and recognized borders by both Israel and Palestine. In addition, this body must ensure Jerusalem as the future capital of both Israel and the Palestinian state. Japan stresses that it will not recognize any attempt which may hinder the final status of Jerusalem, including the Israeli annexation of East Jerusalem. Along with efforts to ensure the safety and security of any refugees displaced by shifting borders. Japan is also concerned that the Gaza Strip has remained under severe humanitarian conditions. Japan believes that resolution of the issue of the Gaza Strip will lead to the revival of negotiations to achieve peace in the Middle East. In order to end the reoccurrence of armed conflict including Hamas and Israel, it is essential to achieve effective governance by the Palestinian Authority in Gaza, and achieve a strong cease-fire between all parties involved. Japan also stresses the importance of assuring the prevention of the inflow of arms into the Gaza Strip by improving the humanitarian situation in the Gaza Strip by further easing the blockade. Japan believes these measures will ensure a safe and prosperous Middle East.

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